Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 423: The Great Disaster

Chapter 423: The Great Disaster
While Tian Hao was giving Chi Ling double-layered mental and physical treatment, Mo Crow on the other side also took action and placed two gold coins made of water and gold on the pillows of Anping Jun and Longquan Jun respectively.

Although the adults mentioned a simple plan last time, it was only the main outline of the plan, and the details had to be improved by oneself based on various circumstances.

After all, adults come here and are not familiar with all aspects of the situation, so it is impossible to make a perfect plan.

Fortunately, I am very familiar with people from all the forces in Daliang City, especially Anping Jun and Longquan Jun, who are their collaborators this time.

Anpingjun woke up early in the morning, sat up and was about to ask the maid to come in to wash and dress him, but he felt a flash of golden light. He turned around and saw that it was a gold coin, which reflected the golden light under the morning sun.

The appearance of a gold coin on his pillow made Longquan Jun very puzzled, because he never carried gold coins himself, and would not even touch that thing. Even if he went out, he would not be able to carry gold coins with him.

After all, that thing is not light. It is heavy to wear on his body, which is a big burden for him who is already relatively fat. Therefore, it is very strange for gold coins to appear in his dormitory, let alone appear on the pillow. It's as if someone put it there on purpose.

Confused, he reached out and picked up the coin, and found that one side was engraved with the word "王". When he turned it over, he saw that the other side was engraved with a sword, a single-edged sword specially used for beheading.

He didn't understand it at first, but then he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed. He quickly got up and walked quickly to the table, poured a glass of water from the teapot, and dipped the gold coin in some water. Sure enough, it made a hissing sound, and the gold coin had a strange sound. Half melted.

This scene made An Pingjun's complexion change further. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground, his mind going blank.

After a while, there were urgent footsteps outside, and then a figure pushed the door open and broke in.

The person who came was thin and was none other than Lord Anping's fourth brother, Longquanjun. However, at this moment, Lord Longquan's expression showed a hint of panic that could not be concealed.

When he saw his third brother kneeling on the ground in the room, his face pale, he immediately knew what had happened.

"You all get out, get away, anyone who dares to get close will die."

Longquan Jun shouted angrily at the palace guards who followed him and the maid standing outside the door, then closed the door with his backhand, walked forward quickly and helped his third brother Anping Jun up.

"Fourth brother, you also got this thing?"

Lord Anping, who had just calmed down, looked at the expression on his fourth brother's face and realized what had happened. He opened his palm to reveal the half of the gold coin.

It's just that the half of the gold coin at this moment has been eroded by the sweat on the palm of his hand. This shows how much the impact just had on him. Not only the palm of his hand, but also the pajamas on his body were soaked with sweat.

"When I woke up this morning, I found this gold coin made of Shuixiaojin on my pillow. One side had the word "King" written on it, and the other side was engraved with a beheading sword."

Nodding with a wry smile, Longquan Jun took out half of a gold coin made of Shuixiaojin. The other half was corroded and melted by water when he was doing verification.

Just because he was sure of this, he rushed to his brother as soon as possible.

"It must be Brother Wang's handiwork. He knew our plan, so he sent us this gold coin to warn us that if we really cooperate with Ji Wuye according to the plan, we will definitely be beheaded."

Looking at the half of Shuixiaojin gold coin in his brother's hand, Anpingjun's face became even more ugly, and he couldn't help but sweating again.

If it was just him, it could be other reasons, but both of their brothers got this, which was a real warning. The only one in Korea who could warn them like this was Brother Wang.

"Third brother, what should we do now?"

Lord Longquan was very anxious. Today was the time for them to escort the troops and set off, and the plan had already been discussed with General Ji Wuye.

But now Brother Wang sent him a gold coin to warn him that if he really followed the original plan, he would definitely die. But if he didn't follow the plan, Ji Wuye would not be a good person.

"Which is the lesser of the two evils? Send these two pieces of Shui Xiaojin to Ji Wuye. He made the plan. Now that there is something wrong with the plan and it is known to Brother Wang, we will no longer be able to execute it and let him do it himself. Find a way for us to send real military pay to the front line."

After pacing around the room for a long time, Anpingjun finally made a decision to remove himself from this incident as much as possible.

"I'll send someone right away."

Lord Longquan understood, took the half gold coin from his brother's hand and left quickly, and began to arrange for his confidants to deliver the two gold coins to the General's Mansion.

Mr. Longquan was also a bit of a thief, so he did not send someone to send it immediately. Instead, he waited for an hour before sending it to the general's residence. By then, he and his brother had already set off.

"I'm really looking down on Han An."

After looking at the two and a half pieces of Shuixiaojin gold coins, Ji Wuye had the same guess. It must be Han Wangan's handiwork.

"General, judging by the time, Lord Anping and Lord Longquan should have escorted the military pay out of the city, and what they escorted must be real military pay. Has the original plan been cancelled?"

Mo Crow asked.

"I remember there is a river on their route. You arrange for people to get some boats across and use the waterway to rob the military pay."

Ji Wuye didn't give up, so what if King Han knew about it?
As long as there is no tangible evidence, Han Wangan cannot do anything to him, and even if there is evidence, he will not act rashly.

His planning in South Korea over the years was not in vain.

Now since we can't steal it secretly, we can grab it openly.

"My subordinate understands."

Mo Ya bowed to accept the order, then turned around and left to deal with the matter.

At the same time, Tian was sitting on a carriage transporting military pay. Not only did he become optically invisible, he also used illusions to hypnotize everyone, including the accompanying masters.

After everyone is dealt with, use the phoenix flame to take out the gold coins and quickly melt them into heavy gold spears, and then throw them into the grass on both sides of the road.

The golden spear was already heavy, and coupled with Tian Hao's strength and spear light, it was all thrown deep into the ground.

Not long after, the gold was all gone. He looked up at the gloomy sky, then looked at the dry and hard ground, raised an evil smile on his lips, and jumped away.

He has already arranged the script. All he has to do next is wait for the rain. The rain will become the activation switch of the illusion in these people's consciousness, thus playing out the illusion that has been set long ago.

Tian Hao's prediction was correct. It started to rain before it got dark. The rain fell on the body, especially on the face. The illusion set in everyone's mind was activated, and then they saw the gold in the car. The bag is melting rapidly.

"Look, the military pay on the car is disappearing."

At this time, a soldier looked at the carriage and found that the raincloth on the carriage was rapidly lowering, as if the military pay inside was disappearing.

This shout shocked everyone, especially Longquan Jun and Anping Jun who were riding in the carriage in front. They were so startled that they almost jumped up.

They quickly got off the carriage and looked at the gold that was rapidly melting under the rain. Their minds went blank.

what happened?

What they transported was obviously gold, so why did it turn into gold?

You must know that they personally inspected it at that time and confirmed that it was gold.

what is the problem?

While the two were confused, the bag containing gold on the carriage quickly shriveled up and turned into an empty bag.

At the same time, the rain fell on the dry and hard ground, destroying most of the marks made by the wheels on the road. It was difficult to tell the weight of the car from the depth of the wheels.

You must know that it has not rained in this area of ​​Xinzheng for more than half a month. In addition, this is an official road. Many pedestrians and carriages pass by every day. The road surface is so solid that even the carriage containing gold cannot be pressed out. Traces that are too deep.

In addition, there were five hundred soldiers following the convoy, and many traces of their footsteps were destroyed.

Now that it has been washed away by rain, the traces are even more blurry and difficult to distinguish.

"The entire army will obey the order and be stationed on the spot, waiting for the king to send someone to investigate. No one is allowed to leave without permission. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed."

After forcing himself to calm down, Lord Anping gave the order, and then sent his confidants to rush to Xinzheng to report the matter.

After speaking, he also made eye contact with his fourth brother Long Quanjun to confirm his confession.

Although there was a plan with General Ji Wuye before, they have given up. If this kind of thing still happens now, it can only be because Ji Wuye is acting forcefully.

In this case, it has nothing to do with the two of them. At most, it is just a scolding from Brother Wang for not doing things well.

Therefore, we must firmly insist on this matter and never admit that we know about it, let alone have participated in it.

Next is the battle between Brother Wang and General Ji Wuye. It would be better for them not to get involved.

When the escort team stopped, on a bridge ten miles ahead, Mo Ya stood there waiting quietly. Then he calculated the time and ordered: "Go and take a look ahead to see if the team escorting the military pay is because of Stopped and stationed when it rained.”

The plan has been discussed with the adults. I don't need to do any extra things. I only need to act according to Ji Wuye's instructions. This way I can shift all the responsibilities away and avoid being suspected by Ji Wuye.

One person took the order and used Qing Kung to quickly shuttle between the woods. He returned an hour later, a little flustered and out of breath, obviously in a hurry.

"Reporting to the leader, the team escorting the military pay stopped more than ten miles away. There was no military pay on the car. It seems that something happened."

"No military pay?" Holding back his smile, Mo Ya's face turned serious. After thinking for a while, he said: "We all go over and search outwards from the center of the escort team, looking for any suspicious traces or people. Be careful not to be discovered."

After saying that, Mo Ya took the lead and rushed there.

Hundreds of Bird members followed closely behind, spreading out and spreading around, searching for any suspicious traces or people.

Naturally, such a search would be fruitless, because the man behind the scenes had returned to Zilanxuan and started the concert as usual, without anyone noticing that he had left.

This is the benefit of advanced cultivation.

When Han Wangan received the reward, he immediately sent people to investigate. Unfortunately, these people not only failed to achieve any results, but also further destroyed the traces on the road, making it more difficult to investigate.

After the people sent by Han Wangan came over, Mo Ya ordered all the members of Bainiao to return to avoid being targeted by those people, so he took the blame and returned to the General's Mansion as soon as possible to report the matter.

"Someone stole that batch of military pay before us, and also used water to eliminate money?"

After listening to Mo Ya's report, Ji Wuye thought with a gloomy face, feeling that he might have been targeted.

He wanted to use ghost soldiers to rob the soldiers of their pay, but who wanted to be seen through? Then he tried to rob him by force, but was beaten to the punch.

This was so obviously targeted, and it was all aimed at myself.

So who is targeting yourself?
"Mo Crow, go keep an eye on Lord Anping and Lord Longquan, find an opportunity to communicate with them and confirm, and ask them to keep their mouths shut. If they can't keep their mouths shut, help them keep their mouths shut.

In addition, go and inform Lin Yi Ke and ask him to investigate the matter and find out who is plotting against this general. "

Making a decision quickly, Ji Wuye couldn't guess who was plotting against him. It was just one link after another. He changed his plan but fell into the other party's trap, and might even have to take the blame.

Previously, Lord Longquan sent someone to deliver the two and a half gold coins of Shuixiaojin. He originally thought it was Han An's warning, but judging from the current situation of military pay being robbed, it should not be King Han, but someone else.

Who on earth is it?
Fourth Young Master Han Yu?
Ninth Young Master Han Fei?
Or that old thing from Zhangkaidi?
Or is it another force?

There were too many targets for suspicion, and without enough intelligence, it was difficult for him to judge for a while.

Now we can only look at the coir raincoat guest side.

"My subordinate understands."

Mo Ya took the order and turned around to carry out the order as neatly as usual.

Ji Wuye looked at Mo Ya's leaving figure and instinctively doubted him for a moment, but soon gave up his doubts about Mo Ya.

After all, Mo Crow was mainly monitoring Zi Lanxuan during this period. After receiving his order, he decisively went there to prepare. He had no time or opportunity to inform others, so it was impossible for Mo Crow to betray him.

"Those two losers should have leaked the plan."

He quickly thought of Anping Jun and Longquan Jun. There were only a few people who knew the plan. It was impossible for him to leak the secret, so there could only be problems with Anping Jun and Longquan Jun.

Total rubbish!
Tian Hao ignored General Ji's side. It was already late at night after tonight's concert, and then he went to see the senior sister who had been placed on the torture rack.

At this time, Xun Wencai was even more embarrassed, with tears and nose running down his face, and his body was twitching crazily, like an epileptic patient.

But even so, she was still suppressing the three urgent problems in her body.

After all, there were so many people watching, especially that bastard Haoran, and she would never lose her composure to that extent in front of him.

"Senior sister, as the saying goes, it's better to resolve enemies than to end them. I think we had a little misunderstanding before. I guess you have thought about it now and don't care about it anymore, right?"

Looking at Xun Wencai who looked like he was about to be ruined, Tian Hao didn't want to get into trouble with him, especially because of such nonsense.

It's better to resolve this misunderstanding as soon as possible. If there is no problem on my side, it's up to my senior sister.

Xun Wencai had no words, but stared at someone with stern little eyes, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

"It doesn't make sense."

Tian Hao sighed, quickly replaced the bald feather wheel with a new one, and continued scratching.

By the way, I used the power of the Phoenix to restore the somewhat red and swollen soles of his feet, so that he could continue to experience this joy.

Senior sister has been through too much hardship in the past few years. She has always been bitter and resentful, so she should smile more.

Looking at the new feather wheel that was replaced, Xun Wencai almost couldn't help but cry out, and his face was a little distorted.

You are still not a man!
"Go and take her to relieve herself, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with her after a while."

Zhao Ji came over and said with a smile. She could see that Xun Wencai was enduring it very hard and almost couldn't bear it anymore.

"Do you still need someone to take care of this?"

Tian Hao casually released the immobilization technique, allowing Xun Wencai to move on his own.

After the physical problems are resolved, just continue to receive treatment.

However, as the restraining technique was lifted, Xun Wencai immediately collapsed, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he was breathing heavily.

After being tortured like this for a long time, her body had already reached its limit, and her muscles had twitched countless times.

Especially holding it in was too uncomfortable and consumed too much of her energy. Now it was a luxury to even move her fingers.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Looking at the senior sister who seemed to have lost the support of her bones, Tian Hao agreed with Zhao Ji's view. This senior sister had indeed lost the ability to take care of herself in a short period of time.

"Take her there."

Tian Hao looked at Zhao Ji. After all, he was a man. He had to pay attention to whether men and women were close to each other.

"I just came back to pick up the flute, but I also have to go to Sister Nongyu to arrange songs for tomorrow's singing concert."

Zhao Ji smiled and shook the flute in her hand, indicating that she had no time.

"Why did you become a sister?"

Listening to the sound of Nongyu Sister, Tian Hao felt strange.

You are a generation older than Nongyu in terms of seniority and age. Are you embarrassed to be like sisters?

"We would love to!"

Raising her delicate chin proudly, Zhao Ji twisted her waist and left, even with a bit of jumping joy in her steps.

She has always paid attention to the maintenance of her body, especially her face. Her appearance has not changed much from when she first met the little man. Now her face is even younger after the disguise, and she looks similar to the purple girl. .

Nong Yu calls Zi Nu her elder sister, and there is no problem in calling me my elder sister.

"Hehe, woman!"

With a sneer, Tian Hao turned his eyes to Xun Wencai, who was still limp and unable to take care of himself. He felt that it was really not good to let him live here so uncontrollably.

He stepped forward and lifted it up and walked into the back bathroom, where there was a large bathtub and a clean toilet. He put it on and ignored the shameful and angry eyes of the senior sister, and started to help take off the silk stockings and Those leggings.

"Okay, let's release the water. I'll get you over there later and let's continue."

Tian Hao signaled to let go. In his opinion, the senior sister in front of him was a severe mental patient, while he, Tian Haoran, was now a doctor, both physical and psychological.

In the eyes of a real doctor, patients are regardless of gender, so it is normal for a doctor to work part-time as a medical staff to help patients solve physiological problems, and there is no need to avoid it.

Of course, out of respect for his senior sister, he turned around deliberately.

But this was still not something Xun Wencai could accept. He could only stare at someone with hatred, wishing to cut him into pieces.

However, Tian Hao misunderstood this reserve.

After waiting for a while, there was still no sound. He turned around and stared at his senior sister, making some guesses.

"Are the muscles there also twitching out of control?"

With this guess, Tian Hao hesitated for a moment, then squatted down and stretched out his hand to help the senior sister release the water.

(End of this chapter)

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