Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 425: Planning for the Cold Palace

Chapter 425: Planning for the Cold Palace
"Senior sister's technique has improved again. It is much more powerful than before. It's exciting to watch."

In the carriage, Tian Hao unfolded a piece of calligraphy written by his senior sister during the day and was very satisfied. The writing style was much more powerful than before, and it did not look like it was written by a woman at all.

"Can you not be strong? My pen has become bald from writing."

Zinu, who was also sitting in the carriage, complained. She had gone over to take a look out of curiosity, and then she knew someone's inhuman operation. She also saw the ferocity with which Xun Wencai wrote, and she wanted to kill Bai. The paper was penetrated.

The ink marks penetrated the back of the paper, showing the murderous resentment in the girl's heart.

"My words are my decision."

She said coldly, although Xun Wencai still didn't guess what this thing was going to do, she didn't want the other party to use her own words to make transactions. She could only write the words herself.

"The words are yours, but the sentences inside are mine. We should each take half!"

Tian Hao disagreed. Although this girl wrote the words, the content she used belonged to someone else, Tian Hao.

"is yours?"

Xun Wencai was stunned. She saw those ten sentences in her father's study. She was fascinated by them at the time and was about to ask. However, her father started to urge the marriage and she was not in the mood to ask.

At that time, I thought it was written by my father, but I didn't expect it to be written by such a bastard.

How can this be?

"is yours?"

Zi Nu was also surprised. Those ten sentences were very straightforward and she could understand the meaning. She thought it was summed up by Master Xun, but who would have thought it was this person.

"Otherwise, who do you think it belongs to?"

Tian Hao seemed very proud. Although this theory included four sentences from Hengqu, he felt that the four sentences from Hengqu were not comprehensive enough, so he added six more sentences, reaching a share of 60.00%. Therefore, it must be the knowledge of someone in his field, Tian. property.

"It's hard to believe!"

With a sneer, Xun Wencai knew that this guy couldn't lie, but he didn't want to believe it.

"It's unbelievable."

Zi Nu deeply agreed. In Xun Wencai and Chi Ling, she saw someone's inhuman side. It was really not like someone who could say such words. It felt like it should be summed up by their ancestors.

"Well, this is not what I said, but what the ancestors and forefathers summed up."

Seeing that both women didn't believe it, Tian Hao didn't want to argue, saying that it belonged to his ancestors, so that the intellectual property rights could be determined.

However, the fourth daughter of Zhao Ji, who knew him well, knew that someone's setting of being a descendant of Meng Sheng was all fake. This guy was from a pure grassroots background and achieved his current achievements solely through his own efforts.

In particular, Zhao Ji was the first to know him and had spent the longest time with him. She was very aware of the young man's talents and what he had done in Longxi.

These ten sentences are a true portrayal of the little man, without any falsehood.

This is also a major reason why they are obsessed with them. Talented men are always full of charm, and they can hold them up even if they are not good-looking.

Besides, appearance really doesn’t matter. Although men’s peak period of appearance is longer in comparison, they will still become old people when they get old. For example, that old guy Lu Buwei is not an old person yet. ?
So when looking at a man, you have to look at the inside, that is the focus and core.

"Sir, you lied."

Chi Ling, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said something, her eyes like autumn water staring at someone, looking very sure, even firm.

"Why so sure?"

Tian Hao became interested. How could this person be so sure that he had just lied?


After saying two words, Chi Ling believed in her intuition. She also knew that this man was a man of great talent. Just what Chi Ling did for her at the beginning could explain some problems.

"What an unexplainable explanation."

Damn it, Tian Hao can't say anything to this answer, because the thing itself is unsolvable.

"It really doesn't look like it."

Zi Nu glanced at Chi Ling unexpectedly, and then her wonderful eyes wandered back to someone. After careful inspection, she still felt that it didn't look like him.

Xun Wencai and Su Fei were also looking at it, but they also felt that it didn't look like it.

"Girl Zi Nv, don't judge a book by its appearance. These ten sentences of Haoran were written by Brother Haoran, and I was also present that day."

Han Fei, who was walking outside, said that he did not think that Haoran's ten sentences were borrowed from the ideas of his ancestors, because with Brother Haoran's talent, there was no need to do that.

He had been with Brother Haoran for several years and had communicated with him many times. He was very surprised and recognized his talents and whimsical ideas. Only a genius like this could come up with this set of Haoran's ten sentences.

"What are Haoran's ten sentences?"

Honglian, who was sitting on her brother's shoulder, asked curiously. She was following her brother out to play this time. It was not easy for her to travel to Xinzheng.

As for those ten Haoran sentences, she didn't know, and she even heard her brother mention them just now.

"Brother Haoran!"

Han Fei greeted Tian Hao and threw the calligraphy written by Xun Wencai out, but Han Fei caught it.

"You can see for yourself."

Handing the words to his sister, Han Fei felt that it would be more shocking to see the words directly with his eyes.

If you really want to use words to say it, you have to choose the early morning time, and then find a good angle like Brother Haoran did before, and use the light to increase the intensity, so that it will be more shocking to listen to.

Now the sun has set, and the weather is still cloudy there and the light is not strong.

"Establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living people, establish an intention for all things, establish virtue for the people, enlighten all peoples, legislate for the family and the country, inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, develop new ideas for today's people, create thousands of ways for future generations, and Peace for all eternity!"

Unrolling the scroll and looking at the Chinese text in the dim light, Honglian read it in a low voice.

"Is this what the big guy came up with?"

After reading the ten sentences of Haoran in it, Honglian was very surprised.

She has received a good education, and although she is not a talented woman, the set of ten Haoran sentences is very straightforward, at least most of them can be understood by her.

Just understanding this part gave her a feeling of majesty and uprightness, and even made her feel small in comparison.

Can that big man say such words?
"You can't judge a person by his appearance. Look, brother, I'm very talented now."

Han Fei solemnly emphasized, which was considered a correction. His chest muscles jumped subconsciously as he spoke.

"I feel like brother, you must have spent most of your time in Little Saint Xian Manor practicing your strength."

Guren kicked her brother's chest muscles with her heels. She really didn't like this inhuman figure. She had to raise her head to speak, which was very tiring.

"You are still young and don't understand. My father protected you too well before and you don't understand the dangers in the world.

This world is divided into black and white, but now the black part has taken up most of it. If you don't have enough strength to go out, you will only become a dead soul under the sword of others.

Only strength is the basis for survival and striving for one's ideals. "

Stretching out his fingers and tapping his sister's fair knees, Han Fei said something serious.

This is Brother Haoran’s philosophy, and he deeply agrees with it.

Especially after experiencing the changes in the Wei Palace that year, I recognized it even more.

If Shang Jun could have had his body and strength back then, he would certainly not have ended up like that. Not only would he have died, but his whole family would have been wiped out as well.

Therefore, strength is the foundation of everything. If you don't have enough strength, no matter how much you do, it will be difficult to stabilize. In the end, it will only be in vain.

"I don't understand, but it's good that you understand, brother."

Honglian didn't care and didn't want to think about those complicated and troublesome things and problems.

She has a father and a brother, so she doesn't need to think about those things in the future.

"Brother can't stay with you for the rest of your life. You have to find a suitable husband for you, so that you can rest assured."

Han Fei took the opportunity to mention the marriage to his sister to see what the silly sister thought about it.

"I don't want your chosen husband, I want my chosen husband."

Lifting her delicate chin, Honglian swung her legs. She was very demanding and not just anyone could catch her eye.

"Then what kind of husband does my little Honglian want?"

Han Fei asked with a smile, as long as his sister doesn't object to this topic.

But that's right, as the saying goes, which girl doesn't have a child, Honglian has also reached this age.

Honglian did not shy away from being shy, counting on her fingers while saying: "I am more talented than you, my brother, stronger than you, I am more handsome than you, and I must be a powerful swordsman. The best man in the world." The best man she has ever seen is undoubtedly her brother, so she naturally uses him as a standard.

"Do I have to be more handsome than my brother? I'm not bragging. Your brother, I have the most handsome face in the world. It's hard to find someone more handsome than me. I'm afraid Honglian will have to be single for the rest of his life. People want it.”

Han Fei secretly tried to induce his sister to lower her standard of appearance.

"No one wants you for the rest of your life!"

Angrily tugging on her brother's cheek, Honglian thought for a while and said, "Even if I'm not as handsome as your brother, I can't be any worse than you."

She had actually fantasized about her future husband, and she didn't feel like there was anything to avoid. She even felt that she was looking forward to it.

It's a pity that she also understands that as a woman from the imperial family, while enjoying countless favors, she also has to bear some things.

Her sisters were assigned to get married by her father. She even saw several sisters crying secretly before getting married. It was obvious that the person they married was not what she liked.

I hope my future husband can satisfy me.

Thinking of this, the expectation in my heart gradually turned into worry.

Not to mention the exchanges between the brother and sister outside, the girls in the carriage couldn't help but look at someone, even Zi Nu and Xun Wencai looked at him.

Tian Hao ignored this decisively and did not want to discuss this topic.

Tian Haoran's appearance is actually quite good. Although he can't be said to be handsome, he is definitely not ugly either.

"How afraid of death are you? You have become immortal even if you become a copper pimple. Are you worried about retribution because you have done too many bad things?"

Xun Wencai suddenly said something, with a blunt sarcasm on his face, still very unhappy with someone.

This thing is so tricky that anyone who plays against it will have a headache.

His immortal golden body is so hard that it hurts his hands. As a result, he has developed his talents and speech skills to become so strong, and now he has acquired the power of the Phoenix.

The treatment effect on others is so good, and the effect on oneself will definitely be even stronger. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is immortal.

How does this make people fight?
There is nowhere to start!
"There are too many bad people out there, so you have to prepare some means to save your life."

Tian Hao doesn't think it's shameful to be afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. It's a human instinct.

If possible, you have to maximize the defense recovery buffs, etc., so that you can become a spherical warrior and have the last laugh.

"Brother Wei Zhuang is left alone in Zilanxuan, can he bear it?"

Tian Hao talked about Wei Zhuang. Almost all of them came out this time, leaving Wei Zhuang alone in Zilanxuan. He was worried that some people would not be able to help but make trouble, or test.

"After seeing your Phoenix power, he became more open-minded, hoping that a strong person would come to his door."

Zi Nu said and glanced at someone with resentment. It was the powerful medical skills displayed by someone that made that person open up more. At the same time, it was also this person who had hit Wei Zhuang in the last brief encounter, making him more and more interested in fighting and strength. desire.

I hope that Zilanxuan, which I have worked so hard to build, will not be destroyed.

"The location of Zilanxuan is not very good, so I have to choose another one."

After saying this, Tian Hao walked out and sat on the carriage shaft, looking at Han Fei who was chatting with Hong Lian.

"Brother, I remember seeing a large area of ​​ruins near the palace last time, the area between the Prince's Palace and the palace. I want to transform it into a large concert venue."

Although South Korea is small, Xinzheng is the capital of the country after all, and every inch of land is at a premium. It is difficult to find a piece of land in the city that is enough to fight.

Now the only thing that meets his requirements is the cold palace.

"That cold palace?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "That cold palace is very special, it is the remnant of the former Zheng Palace. If you want to take over that land, you must obtain the consent of the father.

Although my father admires Brother Haoran's talent very much, he has not yet reached a high enough level.

Moreover, the other side of Leng Palace is the Prince's Mansion. If you want to take that piece of land, you must obtain the Prince's consent. "

Speaking of two difficulties, Han Fei knew the special nature of the cold palace and it was difficult to get it.

And it's not just the cold palace itself, but also the fact that it's right next to the royal palace, which is considered a taboo place and no one is allowed to get close to it.

But that is also a big advantage. If Zilanxuan is really moved there, it will be partially protected by the palace guards. Some people have to think carefully if they want to cause trouble.

Because the palace guards can theoretically kill any suspicious person, whether it is a dignitary or a member of the royal family, they have the right to kill first and report later.

This is what my father has said many times, and it is the power directly granted by my father.

Although that sentence cannot be absolute, the palace guards are still not shy when dealing with ordinary dignitaries, especially when they encounter those stupid young people who really dare to shoot machine crossbow arrows at anyone.

"I'll try to convince them."

Nodding, Tian Hao also understood that this matter was not easy to do. The prince's side was easy to handle, but Han Wangan's side had to plan carefully.

Seeing that Brother Haoran was obsessed with that piece of land, Han Fei didn't pay much attention to it. Although it was very difficult to get the land, it was not difficult with Brother Haoran's intelligence.

Moreover, having Brother Haoran sit close to the palace can further intimidate Ji Wuye and prevent the other party from jumping over the wall and entering the palace to commit treasonous acts.

Honglian looked at someone curiously. She had heard her brother talk about this person many times before. Li Si, who came to Korea at the time, also mentioned this person many times and praised him highly. She was very curious. Today, she finally See real people.

Sensing the gaze of a certain girl, Tian Hao raised his eyes and responded with a kind smile.

He attaches great importance to this future wife. Whether he can fool his uncle depends on whether he can fool this girl.

And I can also take this opportunity in the future to see if I can legitimately accept the legacy of my old father-in-law.

Honglian was not shy at all, and continued to look boldly, and finally her eyes fell on the Haoran sword lying horizontally on the carriage.

"I heard from my brother that you are a powerful swordsman, but you have never actually used your sword?"

Her brother told her a lot about this person and the sword he owned. Even her brother's Confucian sword was modeled after this sword.

"The main reason is that I haven't met an opponent worthy of drawing my sword."

Tian Hao did not shy away from telling the real reason why Haoran's sword was not used.

This Haoran sword is the sword of enlightenment that he forged and cultivated. It is of extraordinary significance, and fighting is only secondary.

"So your swordsmanship is very strong?"

Guren rolled his eyes and had some bold ideas.

"I don't dare to say it to anyone in the world, but I can kill all the powerful people in Korea today with this sword."

Showing confidence, Tian Haoran is the well-deserved number one in this small piece of land in South Korea.

"Isn't even that big bad general your match?"

His eyes became brighter, Guren liked this kind of powerful swordsman.

Although she had no contact with the general, it seemed that both her father and brother were very afraid of him, so he must be a bad person.

If he could become stronger, he could defeat the big bad general for his father and brother.

"Ji Wuye is very strong in Korea, but in front of me it's just a matter of a sword."

Tian Hao is very confident in this. General Ji's cultivation strength has indeed improved a lot in the past ten years, but he, Tian, ​​has improved even faster.

Back then, he could chase and beat Ji Wuye, but now the gap was even greater, and he could press the opponent to the ground and rub him with one hand.

"Then can you help us kill the big bad general?"

Honglian was looking forward to it. If he could directly kill the bad guy general, his father and brother wouldn't have to worry so much.

Tian Hao did not answer this, but Han Fei pinched Honglian's cheek lovingly and said: "Things at the national level are not that simple, it can be said that one move can affect the whole body.

Even if Ji Wuye is killed, there won't be many beneficial effects. On the contrary, the bad consequences will be more and greater, and even South Korea will collapse. "

At the end, Han Fei sighed helplessly. These big events have taken root too deeply in South Korea. If they really drive those people to the point of jumping over the wall, South Korea will inevitably fall into chaos.

The consequences would be even more fatal. If Qin suddenly attacks, Korea will become history.

"what the hell!"

Honglian muttered unhappily, and then her expression changed and she looked at someone, with hope once again on her face.

"Can you teach me swordsmanship? The kind that can make me very strong."

She had been interested in swordsmanship for a long time, and her father also found several swordsmanship teachers for her. Unfortunately, their skills were average, and she had practiced for several years without achieving much results.

She has always wanted to find a truly powerful swordsman as a teacher to teach her to become stronger. Since the man in front of her can gain the recognition of her brother, he must be strong and qualified to be her swordsmanship teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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