Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 449 Night Reading 5

Chapter 449: Reading at Night
"Haoran, I'll leave my literary talent to you. You can go as a teacher right away. No need to send it away!"

Tian Hao returned to the room and didn't wait long before the teacher came. He left someone who was not in a good state, said something in a hurry and ran away.

"let me go!"

Xun Wencai wanted to break free from someone's embrace, but it was a pity that her little strength could not shake someone Tian.

"You definitely can't let it go, otherwise if you go out in this state, what will you do if you put a hat on your head?
But don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I will let you go as long as the medicine wears off. "

Naturally, Tian Hao would not let go. After explaining, he continued to deduce the treasure book prepared for General Ji.

Seeing that someone did not take any further action, Xun Wencai breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of ways to mobilize his skills.

It's just that several of her big holes were blocked by talent and couldn't function at all.

"If you dare to rebel against me in the future, I will kill you!"

After trying for a while and still being unable to break it open, Xun Wencai finally resigned and gave a bitter warning.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, this bastard is still okay. My dissatisfaction and resentment towards him are more because his achievements in calligraphy are easily surpassed by him, and I can't bear the blow.

Xiao Fu Nian's incident cannot be blamed on this thing. It is the calculation of those old guys. Even if there is no such thing, those old guys will still find opportunities to plot. In the final analysis, it is still their own problem. In the past, they were too strong-tempered and did not take care of Xiao Fu Nian. Fu Nian’s feelings.

As for the things they were bullied about before, now that they are husband and wife, there is no point in talking about them.

So be it!

"You will be me for the rest of your life!"

Tian Hao smiled and couldn't help but sigh shamelessly, he still hadn't escaped the clutches of his senior sister!

Immediately, he divided his mind between two things, dealing with the offensive of the senior sister while continuing to deduce the book.

In fact, it is not a copycat of other people's manuals, but a further sublimation of the Blue Phoenix Breathing Technique, with special modifications.

Focusing on strengthening the changes in the body, he has an extremely good understanding of the human body.

In the past, when people practiced shield armor to make their bodies stronger, there was research on body shape changes.

This aspect is more a function of the two qi of yin and yang. The two are more closely integrated with the body. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the foundation of the body.

It is precisely because of the different proportions of yin and yang that there are obvious differences in the body shapes of men and women. There are even some boys who have a female look, and the special existence of a girl's male look is also because the ratio of yin and yang is reversed, and that kind of change occurs. Therefore, the book was created. The key lies in the cultivation of Yin and Yang.

It happened that General Ji had changes in the yin and yang energy in his body due to his own reasons. He only needed further cultivation and adjustment on this basis.

Of course, the change in body shape is only secondary. The key lies in the improvement of strength. After all, it is a broken body. It will not be a problem for a short period of time, but once it reaches a high level, it will become a further obstacle.

Compared with South Korea's current situation and future situation, General Ji's strength is still a bit weak and unstable.

Otherwise, not to mention helping him kill Han Wangan, it would disrupt the fate of the entire Tianxing Jiuge plot and generate income, and even self-protection would be a problem.

As for some side effects, I believe General Ji will not care.

After all, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. I believe that General Ji will definitely make the right choice.


"Why are you so crazy?"

After an unknown amount of time, the medicine in Xun Wencai's body was finally exhausted. Tian Hao took pity on him and used the power of the Phoenix to heal his injuries.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to convince this senior sister that this incident is not over yet.

The senior sister had a lot of resentment before, and now that she was being plotted like this, she would definitely feel angry afterwards. It would be uncomfortable if she got into a fuss, so she had to think of a way to stabilize her mentality and at least get through the peak period of the next outbreak.

"Maybe we can start with calligraphy."

After thinking for a while, I came up with calligraphy.

Calligraphy is senior sister's biggest hobby and achievement, and she has always been proud of it. If you want to stabilize your mentality, it is most appropriate and effective to start from this aspect.

Thinking of this, Tian Hao remembered a tea cup he bought online in his previous life. Maybe he could try that one.

Once he had an idea, he felt relieved and did not get up. While accompanying him, he continued to deduce the manual to General Ji.


After sleeping like this from morning to afternoon, Xun Wencai just woke up, but to Tian Hao's surprise, this senior sister who used to be deeply resentful did not go crazy and revolted, and even remained calm.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to my father in Qin."

After feeling that there was no pain as imagined, Xun Wencai felt better and started talking about his father.

She is no longer the kind of girl who doesn't understand anything. She is already in her thirties and has reached the fourth grade, so she still has some receptivity.

Now that that step has been taken, there is no point in making trouble anymore. The key now is how to ensure the safety of his father.

"I have made arrangements, the teacher will be fine."

Tian Hao promised that since this senior sister seemed to be more sensible, he would naturally speak well.

And arrangements have indeed been made over there, so the teacher will never be in the slightest danger, and will even be full of opportunities.

"You have some snacks!"

Heaving a sigh of relief, Xun Wencai recognized this man a little more, at least he was reliable enough.

"Senior sister, junior brother here has a classic that has been passed down from generation to generation. You will definitely like it!"

Tian Hao suddenly said something, and then began to tell his senior sister about the classic handed down from ancient times, starting from the time when Sun Wukong was made the titular Monkey King by the Jade Emperor at the suggestion of Taibai Venus, and asked him to guard the Pantaoyuan.

To say that this flat peach garden is incredible, it is a great treasure of heaven. The flat peaches in it are very different from the peaches in the world. Not only do they grow very big and are delicious, but eating them can also extend your life and improve your cultivation. , is a sacred item in heaven. Every year, the Queen Mother holds a grand peach party in heaven, inviting gods and powers from all over the world to wish her birthday.

The flat peaches in the flat peach orchard are also divided into grades. There are a total of 18 peach trees. The first [-] trees have tiny flowers and small fruits. They mature in [-] years. People who eat them can understand the spiritual state of Adou back then.

There are 24 trees in the middle, with layers of sweet and fruity flowers. It takes [-] years to mature. If a person eats them, he will fall into the world of mortals and will never be reincarnated.

There are 36 trees at the back, with big flowers and fruits. It takes [-] years to achieve the true fruit. People who eat them will also fall into the world of mortals, but they can achieve great enlightenment and transcend the limitations of heaven and earth. They have always wanted to be reborn...

Tian Hao explained in great detail. After talking about the Flat Peach Garden, Sun Wukong learned from the fairy that the Flat Peach Club had not invited him. He was so angry that he secretly ate the flat peaches, disrupted the Flat Peach Club, and even went to Taishang Laojun's Tushita Palace to eat secretly. elixir.

After he sobered up, he fled back to Huaguo Mountain, and then there was the second siege in Heaven. This time, he was hit in the head by Tai Shao Laojun with a diamond bracelet. Erlang Shen led the Six Saints of Meishan to seize the opportunity to capture him, and took him to Heaven to kill him.

It's a pity that Sun Wukong has so many magical powers that these methods are difficult to work.

In the end, Taishang Laojun took him back to Tushita Palace and used the Bagua furnace to sacrifice him. In the end, he developed a pair of blazing eyes and made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, forcing the Jade Emperor to ask Tathagata Buddha to suppress him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. But Heaven also suffered backlash, and they were collectively sent to the Western Paradise to cry to Tathagata Buddha.

At this point, Tian Hao had to stop, because the senior sister had already fallen asleep listening to it as a bedtime story. She was like a dead pig and couldn't wake up even if she screamed. There was no point in telling it anymore.

After walking out of the inner room and into the hall outside, Tian Hao started writing the book he had deduced before.

Some of the rooms in Zilanxuan are of good specifications, similar to hotel suites in previous lives. There is a hall outside for guests to have fun, and there is an inner room that serves as a bedroom to facilitate some guests to discuss and study.

At the same time, this is also convenient for some special guests to stay permanently, or for the young ladies in Zilanxuan to live there themselves. This is the structure of Tian Hao's room.

Open the window and wait for the arrival of the ink crow.

Mo Ya, who had been squatting and watching not far away, understood and used his sword to hide his figure, turning into an undetectable black shadow and blending into the night, and quietly slipped in through the window.

"You should find a way for Ji Wuye to get this book."

Tian Hao handed over the thick stack of papers and motioned for him to make arrangements on his own.

He didn't know much about Ji Wuye's side. If he wanted to make a perfect layout without making Ji Wuye suspicious, Mo Crow would have to do it.

He believed that General Ji's confidant would be able to do a good job in this matter, and he also believed in Mo Ya's ability.


Mo Ya was puzzled. After taking it, he opened it and looked at it. He found that it was a very profound skill, which made him even more puzzled.

"You can take a look, but don't practice. If a man practices, the side effects will be serious."

Tian Hao reminded that the effect of this technique is quite powerful and can be called good news for women.

"side effect?"

Mo Crow was curious, is Sir trying to trick Ji Wuye?
"It will make the body slimmer and even change the bones..."

Tian Hao was worried that Mo Ya would be tempted to practice, so he explained in detail and added a sentence at the end. "Also, the roots of uncut ones will break off on their own, just like the leaves fall off the branches automatically in autumn."

Tian Hao gave a simple explanation, which made Mo Ya dumbfounded. He couldn't help but shuddered and almost threw the manuscript in his hand.

"Isn't it too harsh?"

Swallowing, Mo Ya felt it was too harsh.

Killing someone with no more than a nod is a hundred times more cruel than killing someone.

"There will be many forces entering the game next. If General Ji is not strong enough to control the situation, it will easily collapse.

He is my biggest chess piece in Korea and cannot be lost, at least before he can play his role. "

Tian Hao has high hopes for General Ji. Whether South Korea can play this game to the end depends on General Ji.

"This subordinate will do it."

Taking a deep breath, Mo Ya accepted the order and once again turned into a black shadow and rushed out of the window to start planning this matter.

"But don't let me down."

Staring at the dark night outside the window, Tian Hao murmured to himself.

He can give him support, but the key to whether he can play this game well lies in Ji Wuye himself.

He couldn't interfere too much, especially not openly, lest Han Fei would find out in the future.

Although with Han Fei's character, he would be resentful at most, it would be nice to have less of this kind of thing, not to mention the little daughter-in-law Honglian.

Han Wangan is afraid of Han Fei and may take action in the future, but he has always loved Honglian, and Honglian is also very attached to Han Wangan.

Therefore, he must not take any action in killing Han Wangan, and must let General Ji make arrangements on his own.

At the same time, in the general's mansion, Ji Wuye, who didn't know that he had been plotted, was reading a book called "Five Worms" written by Han Fei.

He has all the works written by Han Fei, as well as Li Si's works. There is also a handwritten ten-sentence poem hanging on the wall of the study.

It may be that his mentality has changed in recent times, or it may be the shock caused by Mr. Haoran's two attacks. His mood has stabilized a lot, and he can gain more insights after reading these books. Every time he reads them, he will feel a sense of wonder. A sense of fulfillment.

And if he aspires to become the king of South Korea, he must have sufficient knowledge reserves, otherwise he will not be able to control a country well.

If nothing else, the Bloody Marquis is not a good person, let alone that person standing behind him.

"Are you sure you can conquer Han Fei?"

A figure appeared in the study, and the lights in the study were extinguished, and a sense of coldness emerged. It was none other than Marquis Xueyi.

It's just that the Bloody Marquis felt a little weird looking at Ji Wuye's current appearance. In the past, he usually came to Ji Wuye in that hall, holding either a sword or wine in his hand, but now it was replaced by a book, which belonged to Han Fei. A work.

Is this the one who values ​​Han Fei so much?
"I'm not sure, but the Guigu heir seems to be moved."

As he spoke, Ji Wuye turned around and continued reading with the help of the faint moonlight projected from the window.

"It would be nice to get a successor from Guigu."

The Xueyi Hou recognized this harvest and did not mind that the descendant of Guigu joined in.

There is no way, the enemy they have to face is too strong. They can't fight it alone. They can only strengthen themselves. Leading capable people to join the team is the best choice.

"But it still requires a talented prime minister. Han Fei's attitude is relatively resolute. It will be very difficult to conquer and may not succeed. You have to make backup preparations."

Thinking back to Han Fei's resolute attitude last time, Ji Wuye felt very regretful and understood that it would be difficult to subdue the Ninth Young Master.

"The changes in South Korea have just begun, and there may be new talents entering the game."

The Bloody Marquis also believed that Han Fei could not be hanged on the tree with a crooked neck, so he would be right to make more preparations.

It is true that they are very short of this type of talent. Next, if Yemu wants to transform and replace the Korean court, they must have a prime minister who can handle all aspects of affairs.

Otherwise, even if they succeed in seeking power and usurping the throne, it will be difficult for them to stabilize South Korea, and even if they do not do well, it may collapse.

"The grandson of Kaifangdi has some talent, but he is too young to be able to stabilize the situation in the future."

Ji Wuye talked about Zhang Liang. According to his observations over the past few days, the boy was quick in thinking, knowledgeable and had a strong memory. He was a potential talent, but he was too young and lacked experience.

"Youth is a kind of capital. No matter which side of Qin wins next, it will be severely damaged. It is impossible to start a unification war in a short time. We still have some time."

The Bloody Marquis is more optimistic about Zhang Liang. He has some talent and potential, and he is also the grandson of Kaifangdi. With the help of Kaifangdi and Zhang Ping, he will not be bad.

As for their previous conflicts with the Kaifangdi faction, that's nothing.

When Ye Mu's transformation is successful in the future, his level will also increase, and his horizons will naturally open up. He can't just remember the grudges and grudges from the past, not to mention that they were instructed by Han Wangan. knife.

As long as Zhang Kaidi is willing to surrender to them, it doesn't matter if the Zhang family continues to exist in South Korea.

"Didn't Han Fei find out about the existence of third-party forces?"

When asked about the investigation results of the person who robbed the military pay, the Bloody Marquis took this matter very seriously and was also very afraid.

The other party was really hiding too deeply. They stole the military pay they were targeting on their territory at night without leaving any clues, and perfectly let them take the blame at night.

This method is really shocking. If you don't catch the other party, you will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"The other party did it so perfectly. Everyone thought it was us who stole the soldiers' salary."

Speaking of this matter, Ji Wuye put down the book in his hand depressedly. He was very aggrieved by this.

In the past, it was him, Ji Wuye, who plotted against others, but now he was tricked by others, and he couldn't find anyone to fight back.

"The variables are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more. I hope they won't affect our plans."

The Xueyi Hou was very solemn. The change was much bigger than he expected, and the change meant variables.

"You came here suddenly, what happened?"

Ji Wuye asked the Xueyi Hou why he was here. When he came here before, he would ask someone to come over and say hello in advance. But if he came without saying hello this time, something must have happened.

"An old friend is coming to Korea to help."

The Xueyi Hou said solemnly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.


Ji Wuye also became solemn, and at the same time thought about who could make the Blood-clothed Marquis behave like this.

"The deposed prince of Baiyue, now the Baiyue Marquis of Qin State - Tianze, disappeared after he returned from transporting Xiang Liu's body."

Speaking of that name, the Bloody Marquis did not want to face this person, because this person represented the Huang Tianhou of Qin to a certain extent.

If Huang Tianhou wanted to have a hand in this incident in South Korea, he would be in big trouble.

Although there is currently no concrete evidence that the other party secretly came to South Korea, there are some things that just need to be suspected, and Tianze also has enough reasons to come to South Korea.

Not to mention that Xiang Liu’s incident last time made him come to South Korea once. He would definitely know the situation in South Korea. How could he not be tempted?
"He's here for revenge!"

Standing up, Ji Wuye paced back and forth, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. At the same time, this was something they had expected before, but it was just the worst case scenario. Now they were in trouble.

"He's an Avenger, but if it works, maybe we can borrow his power."

After thinking for a long time, Ji Wuye thought of a way.

It is unrealistic to confront Tianze. After all, the other party represents the factions of Qin Wangzheng and Huang Tianhou. If Tianze is killed in South Korea, those two will definitely get revenge, and they can't bear it.

Therefore, it is best to cooperate with the Baiyue Marquis. After all, the other party's main enemy must be Han An. They may be able to cooperate in this regard.

In addition, he also had to find ways to improve his strength to avoid being killed by Tianze.

"It's not easy to borrow the power of that kind of person!"

After looking deeply at Ji Wuye, the Xueyi Hou ducked away.

I came here just to give Ji Wuye a heads up and ask about the recruitment situation for Han Fei and Wei Zhuang. I have to go back later.

It's indeed a bit troublesome. I have to find an opportunity to come to Xinzheng openly.

(End of this chapter)

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