Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 457 General Embroidery

Chapter 457 General Embroidery
“First connect the blood vessels to allow blood flow and ensure the activity of the palm.

Get a basin of water over here. "

Tian Hao was not sure. After temporarily sealing the blood vessels on the woman's wrist, he used the phoenix flame to heat the water brought to him, evaporating it into water vapor, and then quickly condensed it into water with the help of Ying Ge, soaked it and wrapped it around her wrist. He used the cloth to let the coagulated blood on it melt away, and then carefully removed it.

The blood there has coagulated under the action of platelets, and the cloth is adhered to the wound. If it is removed forcibly, it will not only be painful, but may also cause secondary injuries, so be careful.

After observing the wound and cleaning it with distilled water again, Tian Hao pulled out the shrunken blood vessels and connected them with the similarly cleaned blood vessels in his palm.

The blood vessel itself is a layer of muscle tissue with strong elasticity, especially arterial blood vessels. Once broken, they will shrink back like a rubber band.

This woman's willpower was pretty good. Although her pretty face was pale in pain, she still gritted her teeth and endured it.

Tian Hao moved quickly, using his strength to pull out all the blood vessels and fit them together, and then used the power of the Phoenix to speed up the healing. After initially stabilizing, he began to connect the bones, then the broken muscles and tendons, etc.

With the power of the Phoenix, it accelerates cell division and wounds heal quickly.

Of course, it is only preliminary healing, or fitting, and it will take a while for it to truly heal.

But this is a world of martial arts with magical powers. For example, in the future, Zhang Han was stabbed and he could recover quickly under Xiaomeng's healing. Xiaoyaozi also helped Big Iron Hammer heal his injuries quickly.

There were no problems with the skeletal muscles, blood vessels, membranes, and even the connection of the meridians, but Tian Hao became tense at the final nerve connection.

"Next, I am going to help you connect a special meridian, which is the basis for our body to control the body. There will be some pain. During this period, you need to feel your palms and move according to my words to avoid making a wrong connection.

This is related to whether your palm can truly heal and return to its original state in the future, so you have to be patient. "

After confirming that there was no problem with the blood circulation in the palm, Tian Hao solemnly warned that the next nerve connection would be more difficult, and he was not too sure.

Nerves are like a bundle of communication cables, with many cables in them. If one of them is connected incorrectly, it may lead to paralysis.

Even when reconnecting severed limbs in the previous life, you had to rely on luck to reconnect the nerves. To put it simply, it means joining the bundle of nerves together and letting the countless thin nerve threads in them grow and connect on their own. As for whether they can really grow properly, it doesn't matter. The method is guaranteed, it depends on luck.

But he is different now. His spiritual power is comparable to a high-magnification microscope in the realm. Although he cannot directly observe the cell level, it is not too different. It is still possible to sense the existence of spiritual filaments.

It's just that the nerves inside all look the same, so he can't tell them apart, so he can only try them one by one.


The pretty white-faced woman gritted her teeth and responded. She had no strength to speak now. She had been enduring the pain since her hand was cut off before, especially when it was just continued. It's strong, but it's persistent.

The clothes on her body were now soaked with sweat, but she also knew that this was related to whether her palm could heal, so she endured it.

No one wanted to be disabled, and neither did she.

Not to mention that now that he has been rescued by the Ninth Young Master and regained his freedom, he does not want to live as a cripple.

Tian Hao said nothing more and started to connect her nerves, and soon the woman responded.

"Can you feel your palms?"

Tian Hao asked, understanding that the other party must have sensed the palm through nerves.


The woman nodded, with a hint of joy on her face. Can it really be cured?
Everyone around them also looked happy and breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be nice to be cured. Although I don't know what the relationship between this woman and Han Fei is, seeing her so nervous is definitely unusual.

In this case, he is their friend, and naturally he does not want him to become disabled.

Nian Duan and Duan Murong stared at the palm closely, and Duan Murong looked at the big man with a focused look from time to time.

Can you even do this kind of thing?
"Try to curl your index finger, take your time, don't use force!"

Tian Hao connected those nerves initially and then spoke.

The index finger is the most flexible finger in the human hand, and its response is more sensitive, so Tian Hao let it move the finger first. As long as the index finger can move, then the next experiment can be carried out with confidence.

The woman moved her index finger according to Tian Hao's instructions, but her index finger did not move but her ring finger moved. Apparently the nerves along the way were wrongly connected.

"Thumbs up!"

Tian Hao continued to give instructions, and the woman followed suit. As a result, only the nerves in the little finger were connected correctly, and the rest were all messed up.

However, no one was discouraged, because everyone just said that they needed to try according to the instructions, but now they just connected it wrong, and they will fix it later.

After trying one round, Tian Hao reconnected some nerves based on the situation just now, and then asked the woman to try again. After several rounds, all the nerves were connected.

"Girl Zi Nv, please take her down to rest."

After confirming that there was no problem, Tian Hao just said something to Zi Nu.

"Give it to me!"

Zi Nu stepped forward to help the girl up, and Nian Duan also stood up to help her up, preparing to follow and check the girl's palms.

She is very surprised and curious about this method. If she can study it clearly, her own medical skills will definitely be further improved, and even promote the progress of the entire medical family.

Of course, it would be more direct to ask that person, but she could tell that he had something to talk about now, such as the origin of this girl and why she was injured.

It's not easy for her to get involved in this kind of thing, so I'll ask that person for advice next time.

Everyone retreated, and Tian Hao also got up and went to Wei Zhuang's room with Han Fei.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Tian Hao asked, having some guesses about the woman's origin. She should have come from Jade Villa. Did that incident still happen?

Han Fei did not hide anything and said: "Last time I vaguely discovered some abnormalities in the Emerald Tiger. During this period of secret investigation, I found that the Emerald Tiger secretly communicated with the land on the north bank of the Yellow River, transporting a large amount of food and The soldiers passed by.

My initial guess was that Ye Mu secretly trained a large number of troops there in preparation for rebellion, but after investigation, I found that it seemed that the Emerald Tiger did it behind Ye Mu's back.

The Emerald Tiger itself does not have the guts to be independent, so I guess Lord Xinling should be hiding there. This time, I wanted to scare the snake away and let the fat tiger take the initiative to show off. Who would have thought that he would do this to me. "

At the end, Han Fei was a little depressed and a little guilty.

The girl was partly responsible for this disaster. If he hadn't praised the girl's beautiful palms, the Emerald Tiger would not have chopped them off in a demonstrative manner.

Now he only took the woman out temporarily on the pretext of handling the case, and the contract of sale was still held in the Jade Tiger's hand.

Although he hated human trafficking, it was legal under the law, and he couldn't say anything. He could only convict the Emerald Tiger of his crime as soon as possible, and then confiscate everything he owned according to law.

"Then you have to hurry up. That fat tiger must know a lot of things, even things outside the night. It may make you fatter."

Tian Hao understood and immediately reminded him.

Although the night curtain has been perfectly hidden under Li Si's guidance, and it is very clean on the surface, there are still many things in the secret, let alone outside the night curtain.

"You must let your father see enough benefits, otherwise he will not help you."

Wei Zhuang, who maintained his aloof male god style, said that it would be difficult for Han Fei to complete this matter alone. Even with Kai Di's team, it would be far behind, and Han An had to nod.

"This is natural. Since we have decided to take action against Ye Mo, we must completely cut off their financial resources. It is also time to take back some things."

Han Fei believed that this matter must show sufficient benefits, such as the commercial roads and salt transportation controlled by Jade Tiger and a group of merchants.

That kind of business had to be nationalized, it was too dangerous in private hands, especially Emerald Tiger and Nightfall.

In recent years, the price of salt in the country has remained high, making it a problem for people to eat salt. The prices of many items are also too high, which is not conducive to the overall development of the country.

It must be taken back, and it can also completely cut off Ye Mu's financial path.

"The four evil generals in the night have respectively mastered the four major directions of finance, military espionage, and as long as any one is cut off, the perfect internal circulation system will be broken, thus revealing more flaws."

Han Fei's mood improved a lot. During this period, he had been worrying about Ye Mu. Although there were many external forces, the biggest threat to South Korea was Ye Mu.

He knew this distinction very well, so he never gave up. This time he finally had a clue.

Next, let’s watch the performance of the Emerald Tiger.

"But this will also anger Ji Wuye and Ye Mu, and the next step will be very dangerous." Wei Zhuang reminded that it was Ji Wuye who wanted to subdue them in the past, so except for the initial meeting gift of the military salary being robbed, he never took the initiative. Take action against them.

But this has a limit. Once the Emerald Tiger is captured, the entire night will be touched, and a fierce battle will follow.

"It's very dangerous, but isn't this exactly what Brother Wei Zhuang wants?"

Han Fei didn't care. Although Brother Haoran himself was a huge trap to South Korea, it still had some effect. As long as Brother Haoran was in Xinzheng City, Ye Mu would not dare to do too much.

This alone is enough!

As for Wei Zhuang, are people afraid?

I’m afraid it’s too late to be happy!
"Since it is related to Lord Xinling and is still in that country, the Empress Dowager Wei should be informed about this matter and a two-pronged approach should be taken to kill him."

Tian Hao suggested that he wanted to see how much strength Lord Xinling had accumulated in the past few years, and then take this opportunity to stimulate him and see how high he could jump.

This suggestion made Han Fei hesitate, although he could indeed write a letter to the great-aunt and ask her to cooperate in attacking Ye Mu and Lord Xinling, which would be beneficial to both parties.

But it was too sensitive to do it in his capacity, and it would inevitably make the father think too much, and it was really unpredictable what the consequences would be.

"Hesitation is not a good habit. It will allow the prey to find the opportunity to rush out and even kill the hunter."

Seeing Han Fei's hesitation, Wei Zhuang reminded him coldly.

He agreed with this proposal. Even if it would bring side effects, it was a good thing. At least he could force Han Fei to do it.

Although Han Fei had been very resolute before and had no interest in the throne, he still wanted to give him a chance. Maybe if he was forced, Han Fei could change his mind when he was in a desperate situation.

Now it depends on how determined Han Fei is to change and save South Korea, and whether he can surpass his own bottom line.

"I'm going to write a letter."

After hesitating for a while, Han Fei finally agreed depressedly.

After saying that, he got up and returned to his room and started writing a letter to his great-aunt.

Although there are some hidden dangers, this is indeed a rare opportunity.

He also guessed that Lord Xinling chose Ye Mu and would probably intervene in this incident in South Korea to assist Ye Mu in seeking power and usurping the throne.

Therefore, Lord Xinling was also their enemy. Instead of waiting until Lord Xinling was ready and led the army to invade South Korea, it was better to strike first.

As for those side effects, they are not important compared to the benefits to South Korea as a whole. At least I can bear them.

Anyway, it is impossible for him to escape from the clutches of Brother Haoran and Li Si. It is better to make the situation in South Korea as good as possible before leaving, so that he can rest assured.

As for whether South Korea will become stronger in the future, he can't control it. Now, let alone fulfill a wish, let himself have a clear conscience.

Moreover, it is not impossible to do things for South Korea by going to Qin State. At least it can prevent those from Qin State from targeting South Korea again and buy more time for South Korea.

It was the last he could do!
"What if he doesn't change his mind in the end?"

After Han Fei left, Tian Hao asked Wei Zhuang.

Compared with Han Fei, Wei Zhuang is actually more difficult to conquer, because his relationship with South Korea is too deep and complicated, and coupled with his love and murder with Gai Nie, it is difficult to conquer him.

Unless teachers Gui Guzi and Gai Nie can come forward at the same time, the teacher values ​​​​the inheritance of the rules of the Guigu sect and will strictly abide by them and will not interfere in the choices of the next generation of Guigu Zongheng.

Not to mention Gai Nie, who is also a stickler for rules.

"Ji Wuye is also a choice, and it may even be better."

Wei Zhuang didn't hide his feelings, and there was no point hiding it in front of this person. He must have seen through it long ago.

"I'm very curious, what's the point of your two Guigu Zongheng lines continuing to love and kill each other? What does it mean to you?"

Tian Hao asked curiously, wanting to see this person's inner thoughts.

Wei Zhuang was silent about this, and he couldn't help but think of that senior brother. Was he handsome or not in the picture on his back?
I really want to take a look!

It’s better if you touch it!
Seeing that Wei Zhuang didn't want to talk, Tian Hao wisely didn't ask any more questions, got up and left the revolving room to grab the goblin's grapes.

Hetian is a good man who has a beginning and an end. As long as he fights, he must finish it. In the first half, the goblin was the main attacker, and in the second half, it was his turn to attack.

It's a pity that there is no grape scene in Journey to the West. There is a bunch of grapes in Journey to the West, but it's a pity that the image is not very good and there is no way to bring it in.

Not to mention Zilanxuan, on the other side of the General's Mansion, Ji Wuye, who was practicing embroidery and needlework, also received news that Han Fei had gone to Jade Villa again, and when he came out, he brought a woman with a severed hand.

"Have you given up yet?"

Ji Wuye understood that the Ninth Young Master must not have given up yet, he was so persistent!
"That's right. After all, he is a member of the royal family, and he is a mortal enemy of a foreign minister like me who wants to rebel. He will not give up so easily.

It's a pity that you are destined to be disappointed. There is no loophole for you to catch in our night scene. "

A smile appeared on his face, he thought for a moment and said, "Let Mo Crow come over!"

The Bird Killer who was guarding outside the study immediately went to notify Mo Ya, who was still on vacation... no, it was Mo Ya who was recovering from his injuries.


Mo Crow walked into the study and knelt down on one knee to obey the order.

"Go to Jade Villa and see if the tiger did anything behind our back."

He didn't believe that Han Fei would target the Emerald Tiger for no reason. He must have discovered something.

If Mr. Li Si's arrangement was followed, there would be no loopholes on the Jade Tiger's side, but since he was targeted, he must have done something behind their back in private, which was in line with the greedy nature of the fat tiger.

"Do I need to inform the coiclothes guest and use his power to investigate?"

Mo Ya asked, after all, Bai Niao is a killer organization, not a spy. They are better at killing people and not good at investigating this kind of thing. The coir raincoat is the professional one.

"No, you go and investigate it yourself. If the matter is urgent, you can make your own decision."

Ji Wuye vetoed it and even gave Mo Ya the power to make his own decision.

Although he is the master of Night, the four evil generals of Night under his command all have their own ideas.

Needless to say, the Bloody Marquis is very ambitious. The trendy banshee has a close relationship with the Bloody Marquis, and so does the Capricorn Man.

Now even the Jade Tiger has some careful thoughts. It stands to reason that the whole of South Korea is under the surveillance of the coir raincoat, and the Jade Tiger will naturally be no exception.

If there was a problem with Jade Tiger, there was no reason for Coinclothes Guest not to know about it, but since he didn't tell him, he could have guessed what he was thinking.

Is it the benefit of receiving the Emerald Tiger?
Or do you have other thoughts?
"Including getting rid of the tiger!"

Finally, I added that if things are really bad, it is best to silence them as soon as possible to avoid falling into a passive situation and ruining the plan.

"My subordinates understand!"

Mo Ya accepted the order, stood up and left neatly to carry out this mission.

He was not good at investigating intelligence, but he was no problem when it came to assassination.

However, the speed inside must be grasped well. Han Fei will definitely know it when he investigates the Emerald Tiger, and Han Fei cannot be allowed to return empty-handed. This will be difficult to handle, and he must think about it carefully.

"Han Fei, if you can win the Emerald Tiger, then you will be the new Emerald Tiger. We need talents like you in the night."

Holding the orchid and flicking it, an embroidery needle with red silk thread flew out the next moment, accurately nailing a fly to the wall. Ji Wuye was looking forward to what would happen next.

Since his mentality changed, his views on many things have changed a lot, especially after reading the works of Han Fei and Li Si, and truly looking at issues from a king's perspective.

If the Emerald Tiger really had some tricks up its sleeve, it would be gone if it were gone.

He, Ji Wuye, doesn't need that kind of trash. Han Fei would be a good substitute. If that doesn't work, there's the grandson from Kaifangdi.

South Korea still has a lot of talents, and the Emerald Tiger is not irreplaceable.

In short, it all depends on Han Fei's performance!
(End of this chapter)

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