Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 500 Nightless Clothes

Chapter 500 Nightless Clothes
Tian Hao had been melting the ice and diving for an unknown amount of time. Finally, he reached the bottom. It was no longer ice, but a rock formation.

However, there is an underground river on the side, which is also frozen. I think that is the source of the ice pool. This may have been a spring originally, but it was frozen because of an external object falling into it.

"Nine-tailed fox?"

Illuminating the surroundings with a ball of golden crow's divine power, Tian Hao could see a huge frozen monster through the ice. It was a fox, but it had nine long tails and a spear nailed to its head, which penetrated into his brain. .

The nine-tailed fox is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but it is not the derogatory vixen, but an auspicious beast, and is even related to Tushan, the wife of Dayu.

After using the divine power of the Space Consciousness Realm to confirm that the nine-tailed fox was completely dead, Tian Hao used the Black Turtle Sword Spirit to further swallow the surrounding cold air.

This cold air does not belong to the nine-tailed fox, but to the spear on its head.

The spear itself was in the state of ice crystal, blending into the surrounding ice. If he hadn't used the divine power of the Space Consciousness Realm to scan it, it would have been invisible to the naked eye.

Swallowed so quickly, the surrounding ice quickly melted into water due to the loss of the blessing of cold air, freeing the nine-tailed fox frozen inside.

Tian Hao came under the nine-tailed fox, used the golden crow's divine power to evaporate part of the water to form water vapor, and used the divine power to bind it into a big bubble.

With the help of the buoyancy of the large bubbles, the nine-tailed fox's body floated upwards, and soon reached the top, and then used sword energy to chop up the rock floor of the Snow Clothes Castle above and rush out.

"Nine-tailed fox!"

Everyone waiting above was surprised when they saw the huge thing being lifted up. The size was only secondary, the key was the image.

The nine-tailed fox is the top legendary beast, and it is also an auspicious beast with extraordinary significance.

Tian Hao shook away the water droplets on his body, stepped forward and pulled out the ice spear from the nine-tailed fox's head. There were some words engraved on it, which might be clues.

After pulling it out, he saw clearly that it was not a spear, but a long-handled sword with three branches, somewhat similar to a three-pointed two-edged sword.


After seeing the four Zhou Wentian above, Tian Hao was a little confused. The name Zhenjun Erlang was not unfamiliar to him. He was the well-known Erlang Zhenjun in his previous life.

Moreover, these four characters are still from the early Zhou Dynasty, and they are dated correctly. Could it be that there was also a battle for the apotheosis of gods during the Shang and Zhou dynasties in this world?
"Brother Haoran, have you heard of this name?"

Seeing someone's strange expression, Han Fei came over to ask, and also looked at the weird broadsword that looked like ice crystals.

"I saw a similar name in an ancient book. It seemed to be a general during the Zhou Dynasty's war against Zhou."

Tian Hao gave a brief explanation and then continued to look at the three-pointed, two-edged sword.

There is no doubt that this is a magic weapon, but it is a pity that the weapon spirit inside has died, leaving only the carrier.

"My concubine!"

Zhang Liang went to see the nine-tailed fox, mainly to see the crown.

It's very strange. The nine-tailed fox is a strange beast, but it wears an exquisite silver crown. There are two ancient characters on it. Zhang Liang can barely recognize it. It is Shangwen, which means concubine. It seems to be a concubine. .

But how could a nine-tailed fox become a concubine?

"Concubine Ji? Daji?"

Tian Hao also turned his head to look, and his face couldn't help but twitch. Could it be the legendary one?

Is he really a vixen?
"Is she the conquered concubine of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty?"

Han Fei also looked over and recalled a record.

According to records, King Zhou of Shang had a concubine who tempted King Zhou of Shang to do many wrong things, which eventually led to the destruction of the Shang Dynasty. She was also called the concubine of the country.

"It should be."

Nodding, although Tian Hao felt strange, it was not unacceptable.

"But how can a nine-tailed fox become the beloved concubine of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty?"

Zhang Liang found it difficult to understand. The difference was too great. The species were all different.

"Have you never heard of spiritual love?"

Tian Hao asked back, and seeing everyone's curious glances, he explained: "Spiritual love is love on a purely spiritual level, which can transcend gender and race.

The nine-tailed fox itself is a strange beast that is good at spiritual power. It is not difficult to transform into the image of a human woman, so there is a foundation for spiritual love.

Of course, this is just my guess. As for the truth, I don’t know. History is always written by the victor. We don’t know what happened between King Zhou of Shang and this concubine. "

He is quite tolerant of interracial and cross-gender love. It has happened many times in the past life. There are countless gay friends like Lily. There is even a dragon knight sister-in-law appearing next door to the third brother, which is terrifying. So.

This concept made several people feel disgusted. On the contrary, Wei Zhuang fell into deep thought and didn't know what he thought of.

"Are the records of King Zhou of Shang incorrect?"

Honglian asked in confusion. Although she did not read as many books as her brother, she also knew about the existence of King Zhou of Shang. He was the last king of the Shang Dynasty and a great tyrant.

"History is recorded by people, and people will have selfish motives. It is impossible to be absolutely objective and fair. The name King Zhou was given to others by the Zhou Dynasty later. Their own name was Emperor Xin, and it was also Not so dissolute and immoral.

If he was really debauched and immoral, would only his two sons be recorded in the annals of history?
On the contrary, the so-called sage King Wen of Zhou had many sons.

Moreover, the main reason for the collapse of the Shang Dynasty was that the troops were sent to the surrounding areas to conquer the foreign barbarians, leaving the internal emptiness. Only then did the Zhou Dynasty see the opportunity, attack Chaoge in a surprise attack, and destroy the Shang royal family.

Then the Zhou Dynasty learned the reasons for the demise of the Shang Dynasty and implemented the feudal system to the end, allowing the vassal states to deal with the surrounding foreign barbarians on their own, the most typical one being the Qin state.

The Zhou Dynasty belittled the King of Shang just to highlight its own correctness, occupy the position of righteousness, and show that it was a righteous country. "

Tian Hao did not think that King Zhou of Shang was a foolish king, because the demise of the Shang Dynasty was somewhat similar to that of the Ming Dynasty. In both cases, the capital was destroyed by internal attacks while fighting against foreign enemies.

Of course, there must be many problems within the Shang Dynasty. After all, there must be a lot of corruption within the dynasty that has existed for hundreds of years.

Honglian suddenly realized that what the teacher said was very straightforward and she could understand it. The truth behind it was actually quite simple.

"How to deal with the body of this nine-tailed fox?"

Han Fei asked, this is a top-notch beast and an auspicious beast, so it is difficult to handle.

"I'll see if I can extract some blood essence."

Tian Hao pressed his palm on the wound on the nine-tailed fox's head, extending the divine power of the Space Consciousness Realm into it, trying to extract the essence and blood.

As long as there is blood essence, it can be refined to form blood vessels.

As luck would have it, although the nine-tailed fox is not a divine beast and does not have the immortality of the Phoenix and Golden Crow, due to the fact that it was frozen and only a few hundred years old, it has been well preserved, with the essence and blood remaining in the bone marrow.

Without hesitation, Tian Hao extracted a drop of blood essence and carefully sensed it with the divine power of the Space Consciousness Realm. After making sure that there was no problem, he looked at everyone.

"Which of you is interested in refining the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox to form a bloodline?"

Since we have such an opportunity, we naturally have to share it.

Anyway, he is only interested in the bloodline of the mythical beast level. This kind of exotic beast level is suitable for cultivating Ma Zai.

"How to refine it?"

Murasaki was interested, and so were the others.

After all, this is the bloodline of a strange beast, and it is an auspicious beast. Refining it will definitely bring great benefits.

"Give me a drop of your blood first to see how it fits."

Tian Hao explained that he was not unfamiliar with refining essence and blood, and was even familiar with it. He had previously refined the essence and blood of the Divine Dragon Phoenix and the Golden Crow Jade Toad together, and formed a situation of opposition and balance in the body.

Of course, refining blood essence is not that simple, it depends on the compatibility.

Several people gave a drop of blood when they heard this, even Wei Zhuang, who had always maintained the aloof male demeanor, forced out a drop of blood.

Tian Hao used his skills to fuse the blood of several people with the blood of the nine-tailed fox essence. The result was not satisfactory. The compatibility was not high and even a little repulsive. Only the blood of Zi Nu had a high compatibility and even fused with it on its own initiative.

"I never thought that the purple girl would still be auspicious."

Tian Hao was surprised when he saw the two drops of blood blending together. According to his idea, Zi Nu was the least compatible.

After all, the color of his hair and the surname Ji are enough to prove that his bloodline is extraordinary, but who would have thought that it would be the most compatible with the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox.

"Maybe it's my grandmother."

Looking at that drop of fused essence and blood, Zi Goddess' emotions were a little more complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

"My grandmother is..."

Everyone is curious, the origin of Zi Nu is very mysterious, they have never heard of her, they only know that her origin is extraordinary.Now he can actively fuse with the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox. Could it be that his ancestors are from the lineage of wizards and he happens to have the blood of the nine-tailed fox?
"My grandmother's surname is Tu, and she is considered a native of South Korea."

Zi Nu didn't hide anything, she said a little bit, but they were all key points.

"The surname is Tu? She is from South Korea. Could it be Tushan, the wife of Emperor Yu?"

Tian Hao was the first to react. He must be the one who reads the most here, and he has read the most ancient books.

He knew that Emperor Yu's wife was the Tushan family, with Tu as her surname, and that Tushan was located in South Korea. Was it passed down from that lineage?
How ancient!

"Since Zi Nu has the blood of the nine-tailed fox, please Zi Nu, please combine the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox and let all the girls in Zi Lanxuan refine it."

After sighing, Tian Hao made a request.

Although such a big nine-tailed fox doesn't have much blood, it does have a lot of ordinary blood. When mixed with the essence and blood, the amount of refined blood will be quite considerable, at least enough for the one hundred thousand girls in Zilanxuan today.

As long as the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox are refined, one can better cultivate spiritual power. With the cooperation of spiritual power, one can better deceive people and guide the healthy development of spiritual civilization.

"As long as you can bear it!"

Looking deeply at someone, Zi Nu did not refuse.

Anyway, this nine-tailed fox is not hers. She can do whatever she wants. Moreover, those girls have refined the essence and blood of the nine-tailed fox and will be able to achieve higher achievements in the future. This is a good thing for them, Zilanxuan. Good thing.

"You guys watch here, I'll drive the Kyushu Cauldron over and carry it away."

After Tian Hao said something, he turned around and walked quickly towards Xinzheng City.

Although there was a delay due to the matter with the Xueyi Hou, it does not affect the rest of the trip and we will set off as usual today.

"I also have to go back and arrange some things."

Zi Nu jumped up to follow her. She had many things to do because Nongyu Honglian was robbed before.

"I'll go back and get the piano!"

Nongyu didn't know what he thought of, so he also used Qinggong to keep up.

Hu Ya was about to speak, but Hu Mei held her shoulders and shook her head slightly, with a smile in her eyes.

She had already seen the niece's thoughts. After all, what girl wouldn't be pregnant, let alone meet a man as outstanding as her benefactor. In addition, this heroic rescue of a beauty, her heart would naturally be tied to her benefactor. , looking for opportunities to get along with Duoduo.

Hu Ya didn't speak again, but she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her daughter and her benefactor walking away.

Not to mention Hu Ya's thoughts, Tian Hao on the other side returned to Xinzheng City. After Zi Nu arranged everything, he activated the four Kyushu Cauldrons to fly up, carrying everyone out of the city.

However, when they arrived at the city tower, they saw Ji Wuye standing on the roof waiting.

"Mr. Haoran, Ji has prepared several sets of Confucian uniforms for Mr. Han Fei and Mr. Li Si. I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Ji Wuye used his skills to hold three brocade boxes and flew in front of Tian Hao. His eyes were incomprehensible, making Tian Hao shudder and almost throw away the three brocade boxes that fell in his hands.

"Thank you, General Ji, for your kindness!"

Holding back the feeling, Tian Hao accepted the gift, and then controlled the four Kyushu Cauldrons to speed up and rush towards the Snow Clothes Castle.

And Ji Wuye stood quietly on the top of the city tower like a stone watching a husband, watching someone leave.

"General Ji gave you a gift, and you didn't even give a gift in return. It's so heartless."

The purple girl next to her smiled teasingly. If she couldn't see it before, she wouldn't be able to understand it, but after hearing about spiritual love that can transcend race and gender, she somewhat understood Ji Wuye's changes.

Tian Hao didn't say anything, he just stared at him and almost slapped him out of habit.

This bitch needs to be cleaned up too.

"Let me see!"

Yan Lingji couldn't wait to come over, picked up a brocade box, opened it and looked at the Confucian clothes inside, her eyes lit up.

The workmanship of this needlework is so wonderful, much better than Sister Hu Ya’s female needlework.

"Could it be that General Ji personally sewed it for you?"

Xun Wencai also came over and looked at it, and couldn't help but admire the workmanship of the Confucian clothes.

She is also good at sewing, and she even sewed most of her clothes in the past, but her sewing skills are far behind those of General Ji.

"There is also a scent of powder!"

Su Fei also dragged Chi Ling over to join in the fun, and had to be impressed by the workmanship of the Confucian uniform.

The fabric is of the highest quality, and the needlework is impeccable. I really can’t figure out how General Ji made it.

"General Ji just now seems to have put on makeup. Maybe she is interested in you because of her appearance. Why don't you stay and make a couple with General Ji?"

Duan Murong's little loli expressed her venomously. She just saw with her own eyes that the General Ji was different from before. He had a woman's makeup, and even his clothes were similar to long skirts, so she almost didn't recognize him.

On this occasion of separation, did General Ji no longer suppress his inner pretense?
Listening to the chattering of the women, which became more and more outrageous, Tian Hao's forehead was throbbing with veins. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and slapped each of them. Only Su Fei escaped, but Tian Hao threw her to Guo Kai.

Now he was finally clean. Although the girls were so embarrassed and angry, especially Zi Nu and Duan Murong, they gritted their teeth tightly and wanted to pounce on him and take a bite.

They just took the opportunity to vent their inner dissatisfaction with someone, which was accumulated in the past. Who would have thought that they would be treated like this? It is too stingy and shameless.

Yan Lingji, on the other hand, seemed indifferent and was even admiring the Confucian uniform.

She has long been used to being spanked, and she is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"Sir, you can consider staying. General Ji is so pitiful."

At this time, Nong Yu said softly, causing Tian Hao's anger that had just subsided to surge up instantly.


A slap in the face made Fat Yu calm down instantly. Her fair and pretty face turned red with embarrassment, but she felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

Is this the beginning?
As if she could see Nong Yu's little thoughts, Zi Nu looked at her strangely. She never saw that this girl was so risk-taking before.

"Be honest!"

Staring in warning, Tian Hao concentrated on controlling the Jiuzhou Cauldron to fly at low altitude. At the same time, he felt that not many women could worry about it. Jingyu did the best in this regard. He never caused any trouble. He was even like a little transparent, too considerate. People.

Unlike those female fairies, all of them want to make ends meet and need to be sorted out.

In this way, Tian Hao was controlling the Kyushu Cauldron to fly at low altitude, and at the same time he was studying the flying principle of this thing. It felt like he was not only relying on the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, but also controlling it similar to gravity.

It is not impossible for this thing to be placed in this world. After all, even the top mythical beasts like Shenlong have appeared, so what else is impossible.

Studying and flying like this, it didn't take long to arrive at Snow Clothes Castle.

Together with Han Fei, Li Si and Guo Kai, they brought the body of the nine-tailed fox into the Yuzhou Cauldron. Then everyone waved goodbye to Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang.

"Take care of yourself!"

Wei Zhuang, who maintained the style of a cold male god, said nothing and simply watched, while Zhang Liang said "take care".

The Qin State is not peaceful at this stage, and Xianyang is the most dangerous place. I hope everything will be safe.

"This is the Confucian uniform that General Ji personally sewn for you. The workmanship is very fine and exquisite. It is the best I have ever seen. Don't let General Ji down."

Zi Nu handed the two brocade boxes to Han Fei and Li Si respectively, indicating that they were the hard work of General Ji.

These words made Han Fei's expression change instantly, and he almost threw the brocade box in his hand.

Like Zi Nu, he wouldn't have thought much about it before, but now that he knows the concept of spiritual love, he doesn't dare to think about many things.

Ji Wuye didn't know what to give as a gift, but he wanted to give him clothes, sewn by his own hands.

What does Ji Wuye want to do?

Li Si, on the other hand, seemed very calm. He even opened the brocade box, took out the Confucian uniform and admired it, his eyes gradually becoming more satisfied.

I have to say that the workmanship is really impeccable, it is also the best he has ever seen. Even the needlework of the King's uniform of the Six Kingdoms is not so perfect and natural.

Ji Wuye is attentive!

(End of this chapter)

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