Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 610 Qin Shi Upgrade

Chapter 610 Qin Shi Upgrade

After sending those children away with custom-made exclusive magic weapon souls as gifts, Tian Hao continued to lie down and chat with Han Fei, who also asked for advice on some situations.

Although this junior fellow student didn't know much about the details of the law, he was extremely clear about the general direction. Many of his ideas were refreshing and he benefited a lot.

"Lu Xiangguo is your father-in-law, why do you reject businessmen so much? Did Lu Xiangguo trick you and fall into the hatred of others?"

Han Fei was very curious. He could feel that this junior brother was repelling many existences, especially businessmen.

"I'm not that stingy!"

“It’s not about rejecting businessmen themselves, but about rejecting those businessmen who are greedy and have no bottom line. They will do anything for profit and money, even if it is to harm others, or even the people as a whole and the country.

Therefore, businessmen and commerce must be strictly restricted. Even if there are some side effects, it is still better than a complete collapse of this area. The impact is on all aspects. "

Tian Hao has been cheated on this point countless times in his previous life. Those businessmen really use their capital to do anything, and those who are more conscientious only cheat money. For example, those luxury goods basically do not cheat the poor.

Those who have no conscience are cheating their lives. For example, in the past life, the Big Head Baby milk powder incident was done just to reduce the cost.

I have already earned enough, but I am still greedy and want to earn more.

This is just cheating people, and it is also cheating the country. For example, those Shanxi merchants in the late Ming Dynasty were really betraying the country.

Therefore, among the four key points of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, the ones that should be controlled most are officials and merchants, because these two can easily get out of control and can easily cause irreversible consequences.

"It should be controlled."

Han Fei nodded and thought of the Emerald Tiger in South Korea. He was both deceptive and traitorous.

"It's still the same truth, everything has to have a degree. If you grasp that degree well, it's a good thing. Once it exceeds the limit, it's a bad thing.

Human nature is inherently evil and cannot be given a chance to grow vicious, otherwise it will really get out of hand, and the human heart is the least able to withstand the test. "

Tian Hao has always believed in the concept of limits. Different industries will have different limits at different times. This limit should be adapted to local conditions and time. However, this limit must be accurately formulated and strictly implemented, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Rather than being inherently good, he believes that nature is inherently evil. This has been shown in too many places in previous lives, and the higher the level, the darker the heart.

In other words, the darker the heart, the higher the level will rise.

Not to mention anything else, the real estate industry in the previous life has deceived countless people, created countless social beasts with a single mortgage, and crushed the backbones of many people. It was a miserable life.

Selling at a high price is considered conscientious, but those unfinished buildings can really deceive people.

That is the result of having a system but no one following it.

Of course, not everyone takes the initiative to dig holes like that. The main reason is that the environment in those circles gradually becomes like that, and they have to adapt to it, and then a vicious circle is formed, and the middle and upper classes gradually fall into the trap. In the end, most people were fooled.

He does not want the imperial dynasty he created to have such deceitful behavior, so legislation must be perfected and law enforcement must be strict, especially for those groups who have the ability to take advantage of loopholes.

Otherwise, he would rather destroy the empire he created because of such people and things.

"As the saying goes, life is a sea of ​​misery. It's because a small number of people are too greedy and base their happiness on others. For example, that's what your father did back then. He cheated countless people."

In his previous life, Tian Hao often heard the saying that all three worlds are suffering and all living beings are suffering in online cartoons. In fact, to put it bluntly, there were too many scenes of people cheating others.

"Can you please stop mentioning those past events?"

Han Fei lying on the gun is a grievance. My father is dead and you still have to complain.

And that’s your father-in-law!

However, Han Fei felt a bit toothache when he thought of this. The father-in-law who was tricked by this thing was not only his father-in-law, but also his father, Wei Yong, the chief minister of the Wei Kingdom next door, and Lu Buwei.

This guy's attacks are really dark and cold, he can be called a father-in-law killer.

"I heard that you are going to raise the bottom of those seas to form continents. Is that true?"

Changing the subject decisively, Han Fei had heard about this, but he didn't go there that day and didn't know the details.

Tian Hao didn't pay attention to Han Fei's change of topic. Anyway, it was just a casual chat before.

"It can be done. Our world as a whole is a sphere, very large in size. The tall mountains we see are actually just small bulges compared to the entire world.

The same is true for the seabed. There are also mountains like mountains there, and most places are in a shallow sea state. The seabed is not far from the sea surface, and some places even protrude from the sea to form islands.

These places only need to be raised a little to protrude from the sea and form land..."

He mainly focuses on those maritime territories and shallow sea areas. Although most of the world is ocean, there are actually not many deep sea areas. Most of them are shallow sea areas, at least relative to the size of the earth, they are shallow sea areas. It's only a few thousand meters, and there are some that are shallower.

For example, the Yellow Sea is only about a hundred meters deep, and it only needs to be lifted a few tens of meters to form land.

There is also the Hawaiian Island, which is also a shallow sea area. The protruding part forms the Hawaiian Islands, and there is a large shallow sea area around it.

"The landforms under the sea turned out to be the same as those on land."

After listening to Tian Hao's story, Han Fei and Xiaoyu suddenly realized that their previous concept of the sea was that it was bottomless. They did not expect that the seabed had the same low valleys, basins and mountains as the continent.

"By raising these shallow sea areas, the world's oceans can be divided into small oceans, or even inland seas. This will make it less likely to form extreme weather such as typhoons."

Tian Hao's second world tripod plan has many aspects, and changing the ocean is one of them.

The world's oceans are not only large in area, but also very concentrated. This is a bad situation. It can easily form some extreme weather, such as typhoons, and must be separated.

Han Fei condensed an earth-star model and tried to shape some continents in those ocean areas to divide the oceans. In addition, the continents were concentrated in a circle near the middle of the world. In this way, many problems would be changed.

"The Emperor has made a population plan. The first phase is tens of millions, which has been completed. The second phase is one hundred million, and 30% has been completed. The third phase is one million, and there are still the fourth and fifth phases. Your new world cauldron plan is supposed to serve this purpose."

Thinking of the population plan that the emperor once talked about, asking him to perfect the law based on that population number, it seemed crazy before, but now it seems that it is not impossible.

The food that can be grown in the Peacock Kingdom alone can feed hundreds of millions of people. If the entire world is transformed into that kind of land and climate, it will be possible to feed trillions of people.

Not to mention that today's grain varieties are constantly being improved and new crops are being found to supplement them. In today's Qin State, crops are blooming.

"There are now 300 million people?"

Tian Hao was surprised, did the population grow so fast?

"Don't you have a clear idea of ​​the plan you made?"

Looking sideways, Han Fei explained: "General Dianqing and the others have further perfected and promoted your Qi and Blood Martial Arts. Common people have practiced it and strengthened their bodies. They can generally maintain their youthful appearance. Some old women over sixty can do it." He has returned to the physical fitness and appearance of a thirty-year-old, and has begun to have children with age.

Especially in the past few years, the growth has been faster and faster, and the younger generation has almost lost control. Xiaoyu and I basically have one child every year, and it has almost become the norm. "

He felt a little numb about this plan, it was really unscrupulous.

Especially with the improvement and expansion of the medical system, conditions such as dystocia have basically disappeared, and the risk of women giving birth has almost been reduced to zero.

This topic made the pretty face of Xiaoyu who was accompanying him blush, but she was more happy and liked this kind of life very much.

"My plan must also be accelerated. The future population growth will only get faster and faster. The uplift and development of the New World must be completed as soon as possible so that it can support such a large population."

Tian Hao sighed with emotion, and then explained: "The New World Cauldron Plan and the Population Plan are complementary to each other, and there is no priority. The more population, the better.

I will even use the power of the formation to concentrate the world's cold air on the North and South Poles, create a huge glacier continent there, and send all the people who practice ice-type skills to live there, and at the same time sit there. "

Population is very important. It can not only improve the destiny of the country, but also enhance the power of the will of heaven and earth. If a population of trillions is really created and all of them are guided to become cultivators, the improvement of the destiny of the country and the will of heaven and earth will inevitably be quite exaggerated.

This is a great confidence for him to fight against the destiny, and it can truly embody the meaning of strength in numbers. “Don’t you still want to dig an underground city into the glacier for them to live in?”

Han Fei squinted his eyes, feeling that this guy was getting more and more crazy.

"That's for sure. We need to increase the population as much as possible. In the future, we may be able to go out and see the outside world."

Tian Hao has already thought about interstellar immigration. At least there are other planets in the solar system, such as Mars.

At that time, we will get a set of super giant world tripods to transform Mars and make it habitable.

That's a bit far away. He plans to freeze the Arctic and Antarctic circles inside the Earth Star into glaciers, and then transform them into underground cities for people to live inside. It will definitely be able to accommodate a lot of people.

In addition, there are even more exaggerated ideas, the kind found in Wandering Planet, where underground cities are opened directly deep underground. The earth uses this to have billions of people living underground, which is quite exaggerated.

"What should I do if I reach my limit? Is it forbidden to have children?"

Han Fei was a little worried. The population was not easy to control, and one careless move could cause some tragedy.

"All it takes is guidance. Moreover, although the training system I developed has a low threshold and everyone can practice it, the qualifications determine the upper limit of what can be achieved, which is useless for improving lifespan. People with more than 99% of lifespans will find it difficult to break through. One hundred, in this way, the cycle of reincarnation can be formed and it can be stabilized."

Tian Hao has also thought about this aspect. It is not a big problem in itself. Although he wants everyone to be like a dragon, practicing this kind of thing requires high qualifications and opportunities. Even if he can create a perfect technique, it will still be a big problem. It is impossible for an unqualified person to cultivate to the peak level.

Therefore, the lifespan of ordinary people will still be stuck, which is probably only one hundred years. This is because the body maintains a youthful state and allows people to live to the limit of their own lifespan. It does not increase the lifespan.

In fact, most of the deaths of the human body are caused by diseases, and the lifespan is not exhausted much.

If people can maintain their youthful state and keep their body functions at their peak, they can theoretically live to the limit of cell division.

Therefore, there will still be a replacement of the old and the new, and it is the mainstream. More than 99% of the people, the remaining 1% are the talents who really have good qualifications and can break the life span limit, and can live longer.

Such huge proportions allow for great control of balance.

"What about time?"

Han Fei asked again, but his eyes were looking at the sky, and he was even more worried.

"Destiny evolves based on luck, especially the key points within it.

According to the destiny, the Qin Kingdom will die in the second generation, but now with Zheng'er's cultivation level, he dare not say that he will survive for a thousand years, but it will not be a problem to live for a few hundred years.

Those chess pieces with destiny are also guided by the Eye of Heaven to obtain the legacy of the mythical age. Their strength and lifespan have been greatly improved. We have plenty of time to play slowly. "

Grinning, Tian Hao has not relaxed his research on destiny over the years, especially after obtaining the Sky Eye, he has made many breakthroughs.

Fate is not time, at least time is not important. The key point lies in the evolution of fate itself, and the essence of fate is some specific people and events, which in turn triggers the historical process of the entire human race.

Then there will be a loophole to exploit.

This is what he has always planned, to enhance the power system of the entire Qin Shi world, thereby increasing lifespan and extending many things.

For example, Ying Zheng can live for at least five hundred years now. If you want the second generation of Qin to die, you must wait until Ying Zheng dies and the second generation of Qin appears.

However, with Ying Zheng's current cultivation strength, especially his explosive defense, it would be difficult to kill him even with the Sky Eye.

In this current situation, the Eye of Heaven will either wake up the sleeping destiny and forcefully solve everything, or continue to cultivate and strengthen those people, guide them to confront Qin, or create other disasters.

For example, Yu Yuan's seal!

In this way, they will have time to continue their obscene development. During this period, as long as they behave more passively and strenuously outside, so that the eyes of the sky can see that there is a chance of winning, they can keep delaying it.

Those telecommunications frauds in the past life were like this at the gambling table. Although it is old-fashioned, it is very practical. The key point is to grasp the internal scale.

However, there are many smart people and even wise men on his side, and I believe they will do well.

"Good for you!"

Han Fei could only praise him for smashing his mouth.

"My main battle plan is just a procrastination. The longer it is procrastinated, the better it will be for us. Later, there will be a plan to hide troops, which is to dig out underground cities deep underground and gather all those who have achieved success in cultivation. Move it in and hide it from the eyes of the sky. There also needs a set of laws and corresponding measures. You can figure it out."

Tian Hao revealed a plan to hide soldiers, which was inspired by the dungeons on the wandering earth to open up a world of dungeons.

Although he cannot develop as many black technologies as those on the wandering earth, this world also has things that the technological world does not have. For example, those machine arts and cultivation civilization can do many things that cannot be achieved by technology.

"That requires a very hard and stable ground. Don't let any accidents happen."

Han Fei took the job and also reminded him that the dungeon would collapse unexpectedly after it was built.

"The new Jiuzhou Cauldron formation is actually not finished yet. According to my plan, I need to arrange a circle of smaller secondary world cauldrons around the eight world cauldrons, and then build another smaller circle around those secondary world cauldrons. The second-level world cauldron has continued to evolve in this way, and together with the current eight world cauldrons, there are ten levels in total.

That is the truly complete world tripod formation. I will use the power of the formation to further adjust the continental plates, connect all the continental plates into a whole, thicken and solidify them, and eliminate all cracks and volcanic channels. "

He further explained the World Cauldron plan. He was tinkering with not only the eight hundred-mile-sized World Cauldrons, but also the other nine layers, which were expanded layer by layer to cover the entire world continent.

"You always think so boldly!"

His face twitched, and Han Fei could only lament his madness.

"How long will you stay this time?"

Turning to ask, Han Fei felt that this guy shouldn't stay long. He had too many things to do, and he had to seize the time to give Honglian a chance.

Otherwise, if we miss this time, the next time we see each other may be more than ten years later.

At that time, Honglian will not be running for four, but running for five, or even six.

"I'm not sure. It depends on what arrangements are made by Tianyan. If something happens, you have to go there immediately."

Tian Hao couldn't say for sure. There were too many uncertainties. When the Loulan dungeon would be opened depends on others.

There is also the Yu Yuan Seal. There are not only fusang trees there, but also the Yu Yuan Seal itself. He feels that the Sky Eye is likely to open the Yu Yuan Seal again.

"Stay here for a few days. I have something to ask you for advice. You must also participate. And your children, don't run away before meeting me."

Han Fei had to persuade him to stay, at least for a few days, to sort out Honglian's affairs.

"Sure, let's inform senior brother and the others and come over to get together after get off work. We senior brothers haven't gotten together for a long time!"

Tian Hao did not refuse. He also wanted to get together with some of his fellow apprentices and have a chat.

"Eldest Brother, how many children do they have now?"

Thinking of that senior brother, Tian Hao couldn't help but think of the senior sister-in-law who had an extremely good pregnancy. She was so fertile that she didn't know how many children she had now.

"I just finished drinking the full moon wine of his thirty-fifth son and thirty-first daughter a few months ago."

Han Fei complained about this, saying that compared to himself and Xiaoyu, the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law were really fierce. Even the elder elder brother and the elder sister-in-law met the standard and were awarded the title of heroine by the emperor himself.

"The senior brother and the senior sister-in-law are really a perfect couple."

Tian Hao lamented that the pair were really on the right track. Unlike Senior Sister Wencai, they were still so domineering and strong. If he hadn't been domineering and strong enough, he wouldn't have been able to suppress them.

(End of this chapter)

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