Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 627 I can’t help myself

Chapter 627 I can’t help myself

"Why do you want to fight me?"

Putting Wei Xianxian, who was lying on his body and entering the Western Paradise to worship Buddha and seek scriptures, gently aside, Tian Hao stood up and looked at the goblins lying around, and chuckled disdainfully.

His fighting power is unrivaled in the world. Although he is not as good as his ancestor, Xuanyuan Huangdi, who could fight three thousand at a time, it is not a problem to fight dozens of them at a time.

Then he stood up and floated to the hot spring pool not far away, and washed himself. Just looking at the listless twin brothers, Tian Hao couldn't help but feel a little frightened. At the same time, he was glad that he had persisted in training, otherwise he would have been drained.

The combat power of those female goblins is still very terrifying, mainly because women have an innate advantage in this aspect.

As the saying goes, there are only exhausted cows and no damaged fields.

Moreover, the group of goblins not only fought in groups, but also fought on wheels, which was so disrespectful of martial ethics.

I still need to continue to improve my body, so as not to be drained dry by those fairies one day.

Putting on the clothes that had been prepared long ago, he walked out of the hall and flew to the central building.

There is no so-called palace here in Qincheng. There is only such a central building, which handles some important matters at the national level. Many institutions are located in it, connected by some elevators, making communication much more convenient.

As for Ying Zheng's residence, it was very ordinary, at least compared to the previous palaces.

Because the royal power has been greatly restricted, and Ying Zheng can live for at least a few hundred years now, the possible turmoil caused by the passing of the throne can be minimized, and there is no need to seal it so tightly.

Of course, the most important thing is that the national system has been continuously improved, the rule of law and the rule of morality have reached a very high level, and some dark things can be basically eliminated. With this kind of general environment as the basis, some things will naturally become Simple.

Of course, it's not perfect now. The main reason is that the current generation originated from the previous era, and its understanding of some things cannot be completely changed. It can only be slowly changed through upgrading and upgrading, and finally reaches the level of complete change.

Ying Zheng and others had been waiting for a long time, and Lian Po asked as soon as he saw someone coming in, looking very expectant.

"Got it?"

He had personally escorted his daughter in before, and even forced her to drink a large jar of medicinal wine. She must be pregnant now.

"Have you ever cheated on your own daughter like this?"

Looking at the old guy in front of him, Tian Hao regretted rescuing this old guy back then.

The previous Lian Zhen was so cruel and brought a dagger. If he hadn't been indestructible, he would have had to practice the Sunflower Book.

"Do you have the nerve to accuse me? If you hadn't hacked Zhen'er's fiancé to death, my daughter would have been a widow for so many years? If you hadn't given her a chance to take revenge, how would you have always remembered you in your heart? "

Lian Po also felt resentful in his heart, because it was this boy who had tricked his Zhen'er.

Over the years, he had become extremely anxious. He talked about many young talents, but that girl was not interested and even beat them away.

Seeing his daughter growing older and turning into an old girl, he felt anxious in his heart.

Otherwise, why would you make such a decision?

"Tell me, are you pregnant?"

Asked again, Lian Po was very concerned about this. Regardless of whether his daughter could fall in love with this boy, he cooked the uncooked rice first.

Having kids makes other things easier to do.

At least it can help that girl overcome the hurdle in her heart.

"A pair of twins!"

After saying angrily, Tian Hao continued to move forward and sat in his empty seat.

Everyone looked at that person and then at the silly Lian Po, but they were all too wise to mention what happened before.

In fact, this person came to Qincheng a month ago, but was captured immediately.

It's hard for them to talk about this kind of thing. Even Ying Zheng couldn't say anything. After all, his mother and queen were involved.

"Is there any movement from the anti-Qin forces?"

Tian Hao asked. There was no need to talk about things in the inner earth world, mainly to keep them confidential.

Moreover, the level of what I learned from Xuannv was too high, so telling these people would not be of much help.

His position on this side is that as long as the Qin State is well developed, it will be successful. In the past, increasing the population was to improve the national destiny, but now it has an additional goal, which is to improve the will of heaven and earth.

The will of heaven and earth is somewhat like the willpower Gaia Alaya in the moon, which is the aggregate of the will of all living things. The more living creatures, the stronger the individual strength, and the stronger the will of heaven and earth.

In the Age of Mythology, it was because of the introduction of the gods of the four major gods that the will of heaven and earth was greatly improved and transformed.

Now he cannot find other world gods to improve the will of heaven and earth, he can only improve it from within.

Moreover, it is always unsafe to find it from outside. People who are not from my race must have different hearts. It can not only be used on humans, but also on gods. The war between gods that broke out that year is the most powerful proof.

"There are no big moves, but our plan to change the situation is complete, and they should do something next.

Also, judging from some traces, Xi Chu seems to be planning something. "

Gan Luo replied that he was mainly responsible for this aspect. During the old man Lu incident, he had a small fight with the senior brother Zifang, and he has been paying attention to the four countries since then.

There are some specious clues, but I'm not sure.

"Xi Chu, is it a Greek god?"

Tian Hao thought thoughtfully, and it should be the issue of the divine system that can make Xi Chu have a plan.

When the Three Kingdoms and Wang Jian left the Central Plains and went to the West, they mainly occupied and settled places based on myths and legends, so as to intercept the inheritance of those gods.

The Luowang Qi State occupied the Egyptian area, the Yan State occupied Northern Europe, and the Chu State occupied the Greek area.

Wang Jian took the divine power collected from the Peacock Kingdom to the Arabian Peninsula. As for the wolf tribes Peacock Kingdom and Yueshi Qiang Di who had been in the Western Regions, they had long been divided up by the four kingdoms.

Compared with the Central Plains area that he led onto the wild road, the Western area has basically not changed much. In the past, Wang Jian and others were completely like tigers among sheep, and there was no doubt about the outcome.

Now that the Chu State occupies the part of Greece, it also obtains the inheritance of the Greek pantheon. The Chu State has a plan that must be related to the pantheon.

"One thing is very serious. The concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth has dropped by 30%, and the rate of decline is getting faster and faster. It will last for another ten years at most."

Ying Zheng talked about a big thing, which was the issue of the vitality of heaven and earth.

The vitality of heaven and earth is a renewable force and will generally be maintained at a balance point. However, the problem is that Qin's population and strength have increased too quickly.

The most important thing is that the previous world cauldrons required a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality to nourish, and they were constantly sucked in.

The total of these has far exceeded the regeneration speed of the heaven and earth's vitality. If this continues, the heaven and earth's vitality will inevitably dry up quickly.

When the vitality of heaven and earth is gone, the cultivation civilization they have created will be almost useless.

"The Nine Cauldron Formation has been promoted by me to a further level. It can directly absorb the energy from outside the world and transform it to replenish the vitality of the world and increase the concentration of the vitality of the world. I will be able to practice better in the future."

Tian Hao said that it has been solved, and he has even been eyeing the energy in the universe for a long time.

Compared with the vitality of heaven and earth inside the earth star, the energy in the universe is vaster. It is not only the energy of the universe itself, but also the energy released by countless stars.

Compared to that kind of energy, the Earth Star is as small as a grain of dust. Just absorbing a little bit is enough for cultivation.

He is even planning to conquer other planets in the solar system. Anyway, those planets also exist in this world, such as Yinghuo, which is Mars. It may be difficult to transform it so that ordinary people can live, but it should not be a big problem for warriors to survive. of.

"Is there anything else?"

Seeing that no one said anything, Tian Hao asked.

"Everything else is just minor stuff that we can handle."

Ying Zheng looked at everyone and said that it was okay, at least it was no big deal.

They and Qin have been growing up. Although they encountered many problems during the period, they all have the wisdom and ability to solve them. It is impossible to really pile up a lot of things waiting for the teacher to return and solve them. What is the difference between them and waste? the difference?

The teacher has emphasized before that a country or a nation should not rely on an individual, even the teacher himself, but must have the ability and awareness to solve all problems on its own.

Previously, the issue of the vitality of heaven and earth was beyond their current capabilities, otherwise they would not have revealed it.

After seeing that there was no problem, Tian Hao said: "There will be a relatively stable period in the future. Tianyan will focus on cultivating those chess pieces, and will not take action before it is confident enough. Where is Yu Yuan's request? Keep an eye on me, except for Yu Yuan’s matter, I will not stand up to the public again, you must pay attention to the cultivation of the new generation..."

He doesn't like seeing these people every time he comes back. He wants to see the rise of the new generation. Only in this way can the country be full of vitality, otherwise it will inevitably become a fetter to the country's development.

He believed that the educational system established under his guidance could cultivate better talents, and civilization would continue to progress as a result.

Everyone listened carefully and understood what this person meant, and they really needed to retreat behind the scenes and focus more on improving their own cultivation strength to prepare for the final battle.

After communicating with everyone here for a whole day, Tian Hao left quietly. No one knew where he went. Although many people were curious about this, they were too ignorant to ask.

There are some things that they are not capable of knowing, and they are still too weak.

"You bad guy, you don't even know how to come and see me."

Duan Murong muttered and was very dissatisfied when she learned that someone disappeared again.

"Some things have to be fought for by yourself. Don't regret it after you miss it."

Nian Duan on the side said something meaningful, hoping that this disciple could face his heart.

She had deliberately brought this couple together in the early years, and she also knew that the shadow of that man had been imprinted on this disciple's heart, and it was impossible to accommodate other men.

There is no way, that guy is too good and has a fatal attraction to women.

Just like how she fell in love with the Six-Fingered Black Man back then, the Six-Fingered Black Man was the leader of his generation, but it was a pity that she misjudged the heartless man.

Although that guy is sometimes a jerk, he still has a sense of responsibility when it comes to treating women. Anyone who breaks through that step will be taken care of.

Even though the boy and the girls spent less time together and more apart, it was mainly because he was burdened with too much. If there were no external threats, it is estimated that the boy would not even leave the house.

So it's not bad to let Ronger follow. If he can win in the future, his life will be stable.

Even if they lose and all of them die, they will have no regrets.

Duan Murong unexpectedly did not refute this time. She had a strange feeling towards the big bad guy. She couldn't explain it clearly, but she could not help but think of the big bad guy.

"Is he plotting against the child?"

Gongsun Li suddenly said something, feeling that the disappearance of that thing must be another plot against someone.

She has learned about the past of that thing. It is all a trap. It has cheated countless people. It is either cheating people or on the way to cheat them.

She has never seen such a despicable and shameless person before, no wonder he can trick so many people.

"Don't have such deep prejudices. That kid Hao'er usually only plots against bad people."

The six-fingered black man defended his disciple. He also knew that the boy was very despicable and shameless, but he used it in the right direction. At least he did not harm innocent people, and his thoughts were still very upright.

"Brother Jing Ke is a good person!"

Gongsun Li retorted, always believing that that thing was responsible for the death of brother Jing Ke.

"Is he really a good person?"

Nian Duan said something meaningful again, which was also a reminder. He hoped that this girl could come out as soon as possible and welcome a new life.

One cannot live in the past and sorrow.

This girl is over forty!

Gongsun Li wanted to refute, but when she met Nianduan's eyes, she didn't know what to say.

Yes, is Brother Jingke really a good person?

If you think about it carefully, brother Jing Ke has done a lot of wrong things for the Mo family in the past. The biggest one was to assassinate Ying Zheng. He wanted to plunge Qin into chaos by killing Ying Zheng, and then create opportunities for Tianming and the four anti-Qin countries to bring Qin into chaos. The country is weakened or even destroyed.

At that time, I didn’t know how many innocent people would suffer from the war. Although it was impossible for Brother Jingke to do this alone, and the current political system of Qin State would not collapse because of the loss of an emperor, that was Brother Jingke’s. Purpose.

From an overall perspective, this is wrong. Can brother Jingke who made such a decision really be considered a good person?

"Actually, Hao'er has already held back. If he hadn't taken care of me, Jing Ke and Yan Dan would have had no chance to grow up, and the Mo family wouldn't have been able to escape from the Central Plains.

The same goes for Confucians, who were merciful because of Master Xun's face.

He considers many things from the perspective of the human race as a whole, and he thinks more about the future.

It is impossible to do many things perfectly, nor to satisfy everyone. He has done a good enough job, but you just can't let it go and can't think about it! "

After some explanation and persuasion, the Six-fingered Black Man was glad that he had accepted that boy as his disciple many times over the years. Otherwise, without this master-disciple relationship, the Mo family would have been wiped out long ago, and the inheritance would have been cut off.

"But should so many people be driven out and killed?"

Gongsun Li did have a lot of things that he couldn't figure out. Why did he have to kill them all?

"That's their own choice. Like you, they can't let go and can't figure it out. Now that they've made a choice, they have to bear the consequences.

And those people are not innocent. They used to base their own happiness on the pain of others, including our Mohists.

There are no innocent people. "

There was helplessness and coldness in his words. The Six-Fingered Black Man has been thinking about the Mo family's past these years and has figured out many things. In the end, everything is just human selfishness.

"Girl Li, although you were aware of that boy's past before, you only had a superficial understanding, and you didn't really understand him. When you truly step out of your inner shackles and face his past, you will understand everything. "

He poured a cup of tea and held it in front of Gongsun Li with his divine power. Nian Duan was quite optimistic about this girl and that boy.

At least the boy's impression in this girl's heart is getting deeper and deeper. When a man walks into the heart of a woman, it doesn't matter whether it is love or hate. The boundary between the two will be blurred or even disappear.

"Master, when brother Jing Ke assassinated Qin, did you ever want to stop him?"

After hesitating for a long time after taking the tea cup, Gongsun Li asked a question that was pressing in her heart.

She wanted to know what the Six-Fingered Black Man thought of brother Jingke’s final choice.

"The core concept of Mohism is always universal love and non-aggression."

After a long silence, the Six-Fingered Black Man answered.

He would choose to stop it because Jing Ke made a wrong decision. Even if Jing Ke himself thought it was correct, this right was far less correct than Qin's.

Jing Ke's rightness was limited to the Mohist family and Yan State, while Qin's rightness covered the entire human race and the future. If he had to make a choice, he would definitely choose Qin.

Of course, that's just his choice, and he won't actually show up to stop it, because it's not his turn to take action.

"Can it only be destroyed?"

Gongsun Li was very disappointed. Why did it become like this?

"Jing Ke's tragedy does not lie in himself, it is the mission he has set since he was born. He is unable to make a truly satisfactory decision. He is always pushed forward by others. He cannot have freedom in his heart and cannot help himself. My heart can’t help myself.”

With a sigh, the Six-fingered Black Man felt sorry for Jing Ke's disciple, but there were some things that he couldn't change, so he never interfered with Jing Ke's own choices before, because that would only add a layer of burden to Jing Ke and make his heart even more difficult. The tangled pain.

Life is so helpless, just like when he gave up on his relationship with Nian Duan, he was suffering in his heart.

"Maybe you should go out for a walk and take a good look at the world today and the Qin State today. Everything today was led by him. Such achievements are hard-won. That is a miracle!"

Nianduan suggested that the two of them go out for a walk. They would not get the answer if they stayed here.

She was deeply touched by the changes in Qin over the years. She had experienced the old era and understood the cruelty and darkness of that era. Even the so-called prosperous age in that era was only a prosperous age for a small number of people. The prosperous age created by the Qin State today is completely incomparable.

To this day, she feels as if she is living in a dream, and there are many things that she could not even imagine in her dreams before.

"It just so happens that changing the world has ended, and the large-scale development plan has officially begun. The world of Qin will be very lively."

The Six-Fingered Black Man also agreed to let the two women go out for a walk, see the new world today, and understand it. I believe they will find the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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