Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 631 Food, clothing, housing and transportation

Chapter 631 Food, clothing, housing and transportation

"Fortunately, brother is on the ground."

Following the imprint of the oversized wheel, he came to the door of a factory building. Looking at the strange mechanism parked inside, Jing Tianming breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that this big brother lived underground.

He was already familiar with the mechanism city, and knew that most of the areas above the ground were residential areas, and there was an underground city below, which was the centerpiece of the Mohist family, and many huge mechanisms were built down there.

He had seen several entrances to the downward institutions, but unfortunately there were people guarding them, preventing them from entering.

"Sir's kind of organization is used for farming. Although it is of great significance, it is not a war organization and will not be taken seriously by the Mohists."

Xiang Shaoyu thinks this is normal. Both Gongshu and the Mohists today mainly focus on war mechanism techniques, especially the creation of giant mechanisms.

"Big brother!"

Seeing someone knocking on the other side of the mechanism, Jing Tianming hurried over to say hello and watched the other person dismantle and modify the mechanism.

Xiang Shaoyu also walked over to take a look. Although he had seen how this thing worked before, it had now been dismantled by the person and the internal structure could be seen.

Even if you don’t understand the principle, it’s still good to write it down.

"Are you interested in mechanism arts?"

Tian Hao took the time to ask. He believed that he was Jing Tianming's uncle and had the obligation to lead Jing Tianming to the right path.

This little guy has an extraordinary talent in mechanism skills and must be trained intensively.

Talent is very important to people who engage in scientific research. As the saying goes, ordinary geniuses are 99% sweat and 1% inspiration, while real geniuses are 99%. Nineteen percent of inspiration plus one percent of sweat.

The higher the level, the higher the talent requirements.

We can't let this little guy bury his talent.

"Old man Lu praised me for being very talented in mechanism skills. This is the corn crossbow I designed."

Jing Tianming nodded repeatedly, and at the end he took out a cylinder and played with it like a show off, turning it into a crossbow, and finally even put a corn in it.

"It's quite ingenious, but it's just a killing type."

Tian Hao glanced at the corn crossbow and nodded to express his recognition of the skill, then shook his head in disappointment, expressing his displeasure with the killing machine skills.

"This can't kill anyone, it's just for fun."

Jing Tianming was shocked when he heard the word killing, and quickly shook his head to express that it was just a toy.

"You can kill people by replacing corn with small arrows."

He replied indifferently, leaving Jing Tianming scratching his head for a moment, not knowing how to explain it.

"Sir, don't you like attack-type machine arts?"

Xiang Shaoyu asked, seeing that this person didn't like that kind of mechanism technique.

While Tian Hao was busy modifying the rotary cultivator, he said: "We humans are a race with a tendency to self-destruct. Many of the things we invented have been used in killing wars, and the same goes for mechanism techniques.

Now, 99% of the institutions and creations in the Mo family serve the purpose of war and killing, and they have gone astray and extreme.

The art of mechanism should be used to transform the world and help us humans live a better life, rather than war and killing. "

"That's why Sir developed this kind of mechanism for farming based on the intelligence from the Qin State."

Xiang Shaoyu suddenly understood this person's philosophy. Although he didn't agree with it, he was a great person.

"I don't know how many people in this huge government city still remember that the core philosophy of our Mohist family is to love all but not to attack?

There are countless people who practice the Mohist mental method, but there may be only a few who can practice both love and non-aggression. "

Sighing, Tian Hao was most disappointed with this. The Mohist school had completely abandoned the philosophy of Mohism. He had scanned it with the power of the empty consciousness world before and found that no one had cultivated the Mohist mental method to the state of universal love and non-attack.

Although the heaven-human system has pitfalls, it is very strong in cultivating the state of mind and has merits.


"Didn't my father succeed in cultivation back then?"

Jing Tianming suddenly asked about his father. He only knew from his uncle that his father was very strong, but he didn't tell him the specific method.

"Cultivation is not perfect because his mind is not free and cannot be controlled by himself."

Shaking his head slightly, Tian Hao knew this very clearly, not only because he had obtained Jing Ke's memory, but also about his original feelings.

When Jing Ke was assassinated, his mood was already broken.

"But as far as I know, the Mohist machine arts are inherited from the founder of the Mohist family, Mozi. Mozi also created the four famous machine beasts of the Mohist family."

Xiang Shaoyu changed the topic and talked about the four major machine beasts of the Mo family, which were existences that even Gong Shuqiu was amazed by.

"There are four major mechanism beasts, but they are used for defense. Unfortunately, they have been used for offensive killing, which violates the concept of non-offensive mechanism techniques and evolved into overbearing mechanism techniques."

After explaining, Tian Hao picked up the wheel axle, cut it with sword energy, and polished it manually.

The previous rotary tillers and seeders were generally OK, but some details needed to be adjusted.

"Actually, the transformation and degeneration of the Mohist family was mainly due to those Mo Xia. They had interests and disputes outside, and they involved the Mohist family, which in turn caused the Mohist family to have interest disputes. In the end, they got deeper and deeper, which was inconsistent with universal love. The concept of attack is naturally getting further and further away.

Such a Mohist family will inevitably be destroyed in the future. No matter which country controls the world in the future, it will not be able to tolerate the existence of the Mohist family. "

Tian Hao was talking about a heavy topic, and Han Fei's saying that a chivalrous man used force to break the ban was quite reasonable.

Jing Tianming was okay, after all, he himself was slow to respond to this aspect of things, but Xiang Shaoyu couldn't help but look at the people busy around him.

After discovering that those people didn't pay much attention to the topic here, or were not surprised, I was relieved.

It's really exciting to talk about this kind of topic in the Mo family.

"Nowadays, all countries attach great importance to the art of mechanism, and they even say that the future will be an era of mechanism art. Sir, this statement is too strong."

Looking left and right again, Xiang Shaoyu whispered, feeling that what he said was too serious.

Tian Hao smiled and said amusingly: "You also said that the art of mechanism is the future. The kings of other countries naturally want to hold the future firmly in their own hands. How can they allow other forces to hold the future of their own countries?

Just look at the Qin State. Although there are also mechanisms, they have not formed a force like the Mohists and Gongshujia. That is the correct development form of a country. It is impossible to allow uncontrollable evil to appear in the country. independent force.

One thing you need to understand is that the art of machine learning is the art of machine learning, and the Mohist school is the Mohist school. The two cannot be confused.

And not only our Mohist family, but also the Guigu sect will not be tolerated in the unified world in the future. "

"It's so complicated!"

Xiang Shaoyu fell into silence, and Jing Tianming scratched his head, unable to understand this sentence.

Why must we fight and kill everyone, even to the point of killing them all?

After stroking Lu Saonian's head, Tian Hao explained: "This is a mistake of the previous era. In that era, there were many countries, and only hundreds of schools of thought had room to survive and develop a form suitable for that era.

But the era of numerous countries is coming to an end. No matter which country wins the last prize in the future, it will definitely dominate the world.

The overall environment will be changed, and it will be difficult for hundreds of schools of thought to continue to survive.

Either make changes to adapt to the new environment, or be eliminated by the environment.

Just like fish in the water cannot survive on land, it is a pity that some people just can't let go, and then create so many tragedies, and your father is one of them. "

"Although I don't understand much, it feels different from what uncle said."

Scratching his head again, Jing Tianming felt that what the elder brother said was very different from what the uncle said.

"Uncle? Who is it?"

Tian Hao asked pretending to be curious.

"My master! I always call him uncle. He is very kind to me, but he is usually a bit strict."

Speaking of that uncle and master, Jing Tianming couldn't help but shudder. In the past few years of cultivation, he had been beaten by that uncle frequently, and there was a shadow in his heart.

"You mean Wei Zhuang."

Tian Hao understood, thought for a while and asked, "He should have set a goal for you to deal with Gai Nie."

"Uncle Gai Nie is a target, but more importantly, Huang Tianhou of Qin."

Xiang Shaoyu answered on his behalf. He somewhat understood the master's thoughts.

"He has really high expectations for you."

Damn it, Tian Hao didn't expect that he would become the imaginary enemy of Erzhuang. It seemed that Erzhuang had already guessed the relationship between his identity as Huang Tianhou and Teacher Guiguzi.

Turning his eyes to Jing Tianming, Tian Hao continued to deceive, "So Wei Zhuang's love for you is impure. In addition to having some friendship with your father, the more important thing is that he wants you to defeat Gai Nie and Huang Tianhou on his behalf.

You have to see it clearly from now on. If I am not good to you, I am really good for you, and I am not a good person. For example, if I give you a steamed bun to eat now, and then ask you to kill someone, do you think I am real? Are you doing well for you? " What he likes to deceive most is this kind of innocent and coquettish young man.

Of course, this does not mean that this kind of innocent, stupid and young person is easy to fool. On the contrary, this kind of person is sometimes the most difficult to fool.

Because this kind of people are the easiest to accept death. No matter how much you say, what can you do if people don't listen?

"Sir, please don't speak of our master like that."

Xiang Shaoyu reminded dissatisfiedly that Wei Zhuang was their master after all, and the other party was obviously trying to sow discord.

"You are not allowed to talk about uncle like that!"

Jing Tianming also expressed dissatisfaction.

"You should think that I am willing to say these words. This stupid boy is too stupid. He is just like his father. If he really gets into this, he will definitely be tricked to death in the future.

His father didn't want him to come to the Mo family, and his mother didn't want him to come to the Mo family, but Wei Zhuang brought him to the Mo family.

Is it possible that Wei Zhuang's care for him can surpass the care of that boy's parents?

Moreover, what Wei Zhuang has prepared for you is a dead end. Facing Gai Nie is okay, but facing Huang Tianhou, you will only have a dead end.

If Jing Ke and his wife were still alive, they would definitely fight for Wei Zhuang. "

After rolling his eyes, Tian Hao once again wielded the iron fist of love and hit Jing Tianming on the head.

This kid is so lazy that he can't hear what he's saying!

Xiang Shaoyu looked at Jing Tianming, who was in pain and about to burst into tears, and wanted to refute, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, this stupid and cute junior brother is really stupid. Sometimes even the master is so angry that his forehead veins are beating.

And what they said makes sense, the master did have some selfish motives for bringing his junior here.

"Why do you keep hitting me on the head?"

Jing Tianming, who had just calmed down after a while, expressed his dissatisfaction. It was too violent.

"Because you are too stupid, let me see if I can beat your little head into a little more enlightenment!"

Tian Hao looked like he was doing his best for you. He liked the feeling of bullying children and felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Violent maniac!"

He muttered, then his eyes fell on the rotary cultivator that had been dismantled into parts. He blinked and asked, "Uncle, can you teach me the art of mechanism?"

One of the purposes of his coming to the Mo family was to learn the art of mechanism, and since the eldest brother in front of him could independently design and manufacture such a mechanism for farming, he must be a big shot in this regard.

"The only non-attack mechanism techniques I can teach you are limited to the types of mechanisms I developed myself. The ones that the Mohist family has today are restricted by the sect rules. I can't teach you externally, and I don't want you to join the Mohist family. At the same time, this is also The will of your father and your mother."

Tian Hao didn't refuse, he just waited for this little guy to take the initiative.

"I want to learn your non-attack skills."

Nodding repeatedly, Jing Tianming was interested in this kind of non-attack machine technique. He felt that it was much better than the ones he had learned before, and he even felt as if he had found some kind of meaning in life.

If everyone in the future uses the mechanical creations developed and manufactured by Jing Tianming, he may have to be sacrificed by countless people.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

"Don't call me uncle, call me third uncle!"

Tian Hao corrected himself. According to the ranking of Master Six Finger Black Man, Jing Ke is the senior brother, Yan Dan is the second senior brother, and he ranks third. This boy should call himself the third senior uncle.

"Uncle Three!"

Jing Tianming changed his mind without any hesitation, no matter what the name is, as long as he can learn the non-attack machine skills.

"Come on, let's reassemble this rotary tillage and seeding machine first, and I'll explain to you the working principle inside."

Tian Hao gestured and directed the two teenagers to reassemble the parts one by one. During the process, he explained the function of each part in great detail.

Even Xiang Shaoyu was listening carefully and had a basic understanding of the principles inside.

Both of them had great cultivation skills, especially Xiang Shaoyu, who was born with supernatural power, comparable to a humanoid crane. It was very easy to build, and it didn't take long to assemble the rotary tillage and seeding machine.

"This kind of agricultural mechanism doesn't seem to be difficult, so why not make it and popularize it?"

Looking at the big guy assembled by himself and his junior brother, Xiang Shaoyu thought it was quite simple.

Not only this kind of rotary tillage seeder, but the mechanical tractor in front is also quite simple. At least it doesn't look as complicated as those mechanical beasts. To put it simply, it just moves forward with a few wheels rotating.

Such a simple mechanism would not be difficult for Mohists or public losers, so why not create and promote it?

Tian Hao started the machine tractor and used the rotating shaft to drive the rotary tillage seeder behind it to run without load. He replied: "That's because if you want this kind of agricultural machine to be truly effective, you have to expand it to a sufficient scale, which requires a huge amount of money." Amount of steel and bronze.

Nowadays, for some people, copper and iron are not enough to cast killing mechanisms. How can they be used to manufacture agricultural mechanisms on a large scale?

And for some people, the lives of civilians have little to do with them. On the contrary, they are worried that if this kind of agricultural machinery falls into the hands of those people, it will be used for rebellion.

Coupled with other reasons, we have banned it and even blocked news in this area. "

"It's so complicated!"

Scratching his head again, Jing Tianming couldn't understand. It was obviously a great thing, so why were some people not willing to do it?

Xiang Shaoyu, on the other hand, was thoughtful and understood this point.

"Brother Li, help me get a loom. I want it to be smaller."

Tian Hao greeted one person, and the big man nodded and went out. It didn't take long for him to come back carrying a small loom.

The Mohists are very particular about doing things by themselves, so that they can have enough food and clothing, and the weaving of clothes is naturally one of them, so many people in the city have looms.

"Which one of you can weave?"

Walking to the loom, Tian Hao asked Xiang Shaoyu and Jing Tianming who were following them.

"This is the first time I've seen this thing."

Xiang Shaoyu spread his hands. He had only heard of this thing the other day, but today was the first time he saw it. He didn't know much about it.

Jing Tianming, on the other hand, said with a hint of sadness: "I saw my mother using it when I was a child."

"Then you put this into operation, and I will tell you later how to operate a hundred looms by one person."

After stroking Saonian's head again, Tian Hao motioned to go up and operate the loom.

"how is this possible?"

Jing Tianming didn't believe how one person could operate a hundred looms at the same time.

Xiang Shaoyu also felt incredible, knowing that there were a hundred.

"That rotary seeder can be worth a hundred dollars."

Tian Hao pointed to the rotary tillage seeder parked aside and said that it was an example of how one can be worth a hundred.

The two turned to look at each other, speechless for a moment.

This seems to be the reason, but they can't figure out how to make the loom become a hundred.

Patting the loom, Tian Hao said: "Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the four basic needs in human life. The previous rotary seeder was about food, but now this loom is about clothes.

We humans are different from wild beasts. Beasts have thick fur to cover themselves and keep warm. We humans can only use clothes to hide and keep warm, especially to keep warm.

I don’t know how many people will freeze to death and suffer frostbite when winter comes. If there is enough cloth to make thick clothes, the thermal insulation performance can be greatly improved.

Today's looms are too inefficient and cannot meet demand, so they need to be improved to increase their efficiency.

If it is difficult to improve the manpower aspect, we can only think of ways to work on the textile machine. This is exactly the meaning of our non-attack machine skills.

You first study the operating principle of the loom and think about how one person can control hundreds of looms at the same time. I will build the parts and then help you assemble the new loom. "

After speaking, he walked towards the organs of the factory and started making parts.

That's right, what he wants to do is the Jenny Machine that he saw in the textbook before.

He didn't know much about that stuff, and the key point was to stand the spinning machine up.

I told Ban Mo about this idea before, and he finally worked it out, and even improved the loom. He had seen it before, and now it is not difficult to fiddle with something similar.

Of course, it is impossible to directly achieve a hundred times efficiency. The main reason is that the factory is not big enough to accommodate a big guy of that level.

(End of this chapter)

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