Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 633 All parties’ calculations

Chapter 633 All parties’ calculations

Not to mention the many changes in the Mo family's organ city, Yan Dan has already started making arrangements.

They didn't use too many people. They just asked Xueyi to lead the 100,000 Black Snake Army to secretly follow the river into the sea and take a detour from the sea to the Mohist government city.

The Mohist organ city was built in the mountains not far from the sea. It could be raided directly from the sea without giving those people time to react.

He himself led 30,000 Xuanwu imperial guards to the Mohist government city. As the king of Yan, it was normal for him to travel with a large army.

He even left the capital several times in the past two years with the Xuanwu Army, just to allow the Mo family to adapt and prepare for this day.

In the final analysis, the Mohist family is just a stepping stone for him. Now that it is useless and the other party has turned against it, it is natural to get rid of it as soon as possible to avoid being attracted by the Confucian and Han people.

The Qin State is enough to give him a headache, and he must not let Confucian Han become a strong enemy again.

However, what he didn't know was that the Black Snake Army's dispatch had been detected by a strong person installed by Gan Luo, a strong person who was strong enough to avoid Xueyi's perception.

“We’ve still come this far!”

Gai Nie watched the hundred thousand mysterious snake army enter the water, and sighed in his heart.

He knew that Gan Luo's plot was involved, but Gan Luo didn't plot much. He just let Yan Dan know that some people from the Mohist family had come into contact with Confucianism.

However, the decision of some people within the Mohist family to leave the Yan Kingdom and join the Confucian-Han Dynasty was the decision of some people within the Mohist family and had little to do with Gan Luo.

After taking a look at the calm river surface, Gainie turned around and headed to Gan Luo's place. He was very fast and arrived at Gan Luo's residence on the same day.

"The Black Snake Army is dispatched?"

Gan Luo, who was playing chess with him, asked. Looking at Gai Nie's expression, he understood. He had even guessed it, and even the news was sent to the Mo family in advance, so that they could prepare in advance.

What he wanted to see was a fight to the death, not a unilateral crushing. It would be great if the Xuanwu Army and the Black Snake Army under Yan Dan's command could be destroyed.

Only by breaking the internal balance of the four anti-Qin countries can a greater war be provoked.

Although I don't know what kind of plan that senior brother has, this situation is obviously more suitable for him to perform.

Nodding, Gai Nie knelt down and sat across from him, feeling quite complicated.

The era of various schools of thought is coming to an end, and the Guigu Sect passed down to Xiaozhuang is about to come to an end.

"Senior brother, are you willing to play a game?"

Gan Luo asked if he had lost some of the fun in playing chess with himself. He still had to find someone to play a real game with in order to enjoy it.

Gai Nie was speechless. He glanced at the chessboard, picked up a white piece and dropped it.

"The common people are confused, the world is in chaos, there are hundreds of schools of thought, but I am the only one who dominates!"

"Now it is my Guigu sect that ends the age of princes and hundreds of schools of thought!"

Then a sunspot fell, Gan Luo sighed.

The former princes and hundreds of schools of thought in the world will now become pawns on this chessboard, and will eventually be wiped out.

And he is the chess player.

Of course, the main reason is that today's various schools of thought and the four anti-Qin countries are no longer qualified to be Qin's enemies, at least not qualified to be its main enemies. They are just a buffer zone between Qin and Destiny.

At the same time, it is also a bait, allowing the Sky Eye to deliver more good things.

For example, they are very satisfied with the four major divine systems that have been restarted by Sky Eye, which can make them progress faster and shorten the gap with Tianming.

"Xiaozhuang may want to open up another path."

Gai Nie said something for his junior brother, but he was also worried about Wei Zhuang in his heart.

"It's just incidental at most. Senior Brother Wei Zhuang's obsession lies with you, Senior Brother."

Gan Luo agreed with this point. Although Senior Brother Wei Zhuang took a somewhat eccentric path, he was indeed a descendant of Guigu and worthy of being called the contemporary Guiguzi.

It's just that the senior brother's obsession is a bit deep, mainly on the senior brother in front of him.

And these words made Gai Nie couldn't help but his eyelids twitching, the skin on his back seemed a little itchy, and his heart was full of resentment towards a certain cheating junior brother.

His initial relationship with Xiaozhuang was normal, but it changed after that night, and it was all because of the cheater.

"Do you think Senior Brother Wei Zhuang and that Ye Ji are in spiritual love now?"

Asked about one thing, Gan Luo was very curious about it.

"Don't learn from him!"

Gai Nie stared blankly, feeling that this junior brother was also broken.

The word "spiritual love" was coined by that cheater, and he said it in front of Xiaozhuang. When he saw Xiaozhuang during the Battle of Xianyang, the look in his eyes was still fresh in his memory and made his hair stand on end.

"Just asking, just asking."

Gan Luo really wanted to know this. He knew very well about the origin of that Ye Ji. She was Ji Wuye back then. He had even seen Ji Wuye's original portrait. He was completely different from the current one. The gender is about to change.

"Isn't he going to interfere in the Mo family's affairs?"

Gai Nie changed the subject. The scammer should have come here too, but he didn't know where he was for the time being.

But if such a big thing happens to the Mo family, the scammers will probably come over.

"Senior brother has no intention of intervening in the Mo family's affairs. At best, he can go over there and take a look at the child. Maybe he can be kind and try to persuade him.

After all, he was still his nephew. "

Gan Luo didn't think that senior brother was interested in intervening in the Mo family's affairs. In the eyes of that senior brother, the Mo family was just a child's game of playing house.

"I hope that child will have a good outcome!"

Now Gai Nie can only pray and give blessings.

"Isn't that girl Gongsun Li here?"

After asking, Gan Luo was well prepared to deal with that person, but he still hasn't come yet.

"She is not from the Mo family and has no feelings for the Mo family, and she also knows that her arrival will only make things worse."

Gai Nie shook his head slightly. Before coming, he went to see Gongsun Li and persuaded her before giving up the idea of ​​coming.

Of course, Gongsun Li also asked her to take care of the child.

"It makes sense that teachers are inherently evil. The human heart is really terrible."

After sighing with emotion, Gan Luo became more and more convinced of the idea that human nature is inherently evil.

The dark side of the human heart is truly terrifying and has no limits.

"When you are full and warm, you will think about lust, and when you are hungry and cold, you will want to steal. This has been the case since ancient times!"

Gai Nie looked very indifferent. He had long been used to seeing this and looked away.

The dark side of human nature itself is greater than the good side. It is easy to be a bad person, but difficult to be a good person, and it is even harder to be a good person all the time.

Most of the tragedies originate from the dark side of human nature. Fortunately, the cheating junior brother has made reforms within the Qin State in response to this, starting directly from education and running through everyone's life.

The current atmosphere of Qin State is becoming more and more righteous. As long as a general trend is formed, it can be stabilized. In the future, it only needs to be maintained.

"The oldest generation has almost left. In 40 to 50 years, when the first generation has also left, the rest will be the educated new generation. By then, things will be almost stable."

After a sunspot fell, Gan Luo talked about the current situation within Qin.

Although the threshold for practicing Qi and Blood Martial Arts has been deduced to be very low in order to maximize the population, it is not a panacea.

Many people were hungry, cold and overworked, especially from the overloaded corvee work of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong, and their bodies had long been overdrawn.

In the past, those who lived over thirty were considered old men, and those who lived over forty were considered old. This was generally the case.

Unless these people who have been overdrawn use a large amount of medicinal materials to recuperate and nourish themselves, it will be difficult for them to survive past sixty even if they have practiced Qi, Blood and Martial Arts.

But the cultivation of medicinal materials takes a long time, and there are not so many medicinal materials for conditioning, so the older group of people have left. The current older generation was still young at the time of reunification, so the overdraft is not too big. He is ruthless and can live past seventy.

When all those people before reunification grow old, what is left will be the new generation who have experienced a new education. Their thinking and concepts will be better, and the previous concepts of various countries will be completely eliminated, and they will be more united and stable.

At that time, Qin State would be stable in all aspects.

"Don't be careless. The fight against the dark side of human nature will never stop. There is no room for relaxation."

When a white piece fell, Gai Nie looked serious. He couldn't relax in this aspect.

"Elder brother is right. A thousand-mile dike breaks in an ant nest. Our struggle will never stop."

Gan Luo's face also became more serious, and it really couldn't stop.

Because the dark side is a part of human nature. As long as there are people, the dark side will always exist. Now it is just suppressed by the general trend created by that senior brother, and it is always thinking about corrosion and counterattack.

If the dark side really turns over, the Qin State will decay and collapse.

"It's no wonder that senior brother was the first to develop agricultural institutions and improve the reform of the farming system. Otherwise, the reform of human nature will inevitably be rootless." He admired the vision of that senior brother. He worked step by step and calculated everything. Inside.

Only when the people have enough food and clothing can we carry out spiritual reforms. Otherwise, if people don't have enough food and clothing, then the devil will be willing to listen to your nonsense.

“In his words, productivity drives the progress of spiritual civilization.”

Although Gai Nie wanted to kill the cheater, he had to admit that the cheater was really talented and had single-handedly created the great Qin Dynasty today.

"Material civilization is the foundation of spiritual civilization. It is a pity that some of those who opposed the Qin and the Four Kingdoms did not understand it, and some understood it but did not know how to do it. The foundation is not stable, and they even want to establish a theocratic system."

Gan Luo sneered, these things need to be progressed step by step, but the four countries of Qin have been preparing to establish the so-called theocratic system in recent years, and they really regard themselves as gods.

"Part of it is that they can't give up, and part of it is that they are forced to have no choice."

Gai Nie felt very sorry for the people of the four kingdoms who rebelled against Qin.

Of course, it's just a pity.

He could use his toes to figure out who could follow him out of the Central Plains back then. Those people were not worthy of what he had to do.

"The Cold War plan proposed by senior brother is really vicious and will cause endless disasters. Even if the four anti-Qin countries fled the Central Plains, they still cannot get rid of the influence of the Cold War plan."

Gan Luo laughed when he talked about this, and he admired that senior brother even more for being able to come up with such a cruel and decisive plan, which put the four anti-Qin countries on a path of no return without even using a single soldier.

"Perhaps the outcome was already decided when he chose His Majesty."

Looking up in the direction of the Mohist government city, Gai Nie recalled the development history of Qin State over the years. It was like a dream, very unreal because it was too perfect.

In comparison, the so-called Hundred Schools of Thoughts and the Six Countries of Shandong are far too different and are not on the same level at all.

If they didn't want to over-stimulate Tianyan's destiny, the four anti-Qin countries had no chance to escape from the Central Plains and would have been wiped out long ago.

"How will Senior Brother prepare to break through and become an innate immortal?"

Gan Luo turned the topic to training. This senior brother's talent in swordsmanship was rare in the world. His current swordsmanship surpassed that of his teacher Gui Guzi's generation. Even senior brother Tian Hao was inferior in simple swordsmanship. some.

Senior Brother Tian Hao is powerful in all aspects, and swordsmanship is not his major, so it is not surprising that he will be surpassed.

This senior brother has already reached the limit of land immortality, and is only one step away from the realm of immortality.

"I have accumulated enough foundation. All I need is the recognition of the will of heaven and earth. Yu Yuan will help me make a breakthrough."

Gai Nie's goal is Yu Yuan, which is always a hidden danger. It is only a matter of time before a war begins. As a member of the human race, he must fight there.

Not only him, but also many top experts in Qin State have set their sights there. It is both a big crisis and a big opportunity.

"Tianyan is going to make a big move against the Four Kingdoms of Qin next. In order to prevent us from interfering, Yu Yuan will definitely activate the main force to contain us, and it will be soon."

Gan Luo knew that Yu Yuan's seal would be broken soon, and Senior Brother Tian Hao had warned him before.

Gai Nie was speechless, but his palm rested on the hilt of the sword, the fighting spirit rising in his heart.

"They probably won't let me down."

Suddenly turning his head and looking in the direction of the Mo family's prison city, Gan Luo planned to return to Qin to make greater preparations and adjustments after the matters on the Mo family's side were completed.


Gai Nie looked in the direction of the Mo family's organ city again, feeling sorry for this.

At the same time, several leaders of the Mo family also received information from their own families.

"The Black Snake Army secretly sneaked into the river and went out to sea."

After reading the piece of information, several people's expressions changed slightly, and they had a bad feeling.

"Where's the map?"

One person yelled, making a bold guess.

One person hurried out and returned soon, holding an animal skin map in his hand.

Several people gathered around to look at the map, followed the river to the sea, and after going around the sea, they saw the sign of their Mohist government city.

"The news must have leaked."

One person said with a gloomy expression, understanding that the news from their side was leaked and that Yan Dan was aware of it, otherwise it would be impossible to make such an arrangement.

"It's also possible that Yan Dan is ready to seize our prison city."

Another person said that there are different opinions, but they are not very good.

Now Yan Dan leads 30,000 Xuanwu Imperial Guards to come to Guancheng City in the open, and 100,000 Xuanwu Snake Army sets off secretly. No matter how you look at it, they are coming with bad intentions.

"Since he is unkind, don't blame us for being unjust. The city belongs to our Mo family and no one can take it away. The debt he set against our Zhao country should be paid back."

One person said viciously that it was not easy for them and they would never let Yan Dan have an easy time.

"eye for eye!"

Several people gritted their teeth and reached a consensus that Yan Dan must pay with blood.

They were all those Mohists who integrated into the Zhao State. After the Zhao State was framed and destroyed, they fled to Guancheng and followed Jing Ke here.

They have never forgotten the hatred of destroying the country. Although it was the Qin State that took the opportunity to annex the Zhao State, the culprit was Yan Dan. He not only colluded with Wang Jian to massacre the entire Handan City, but also colluded with the Wolf Clan to go south.

If the State of Qin hadn't been blocking the Great Wall, their Zhao State would have been in ruins.

The most important thing is that what Yan Dan did was a betrayal and an insidious and despicable sentence.

You must know that Yan Dan was able to successfully ascend the throne and become King of Yan, which was entirely due to the strong support of the Mo family and King Zhao, as well as the Prime Minister Zhao Jie. Even the Prime Minister was Yan Dan's teacher, but he was calculated by the other party.

This kind of betrayal is more hated than the enemy, and the hypocrite must pay the price.

"Let's all make arrangements. As long as Yan Dan's Xuanwu Army and Black Snake Army dare to enter the government city, they will die together."

The leader spoke and motioned for everyone to activate the self-destruct mechanisms secretly made.

The few people said nothing and left in a hurry.

After secretly establishing a connection with Confucianism and South Korea, they took precautions and secretly arranged many mechanisms for self-destruction under the mechanism city.

Once those mechanisms are turned on, the entire mechanism city will collapse and be destroyed.

Although it is a pity, it is better than falling into Yan Dan's hands.

Moreover, they had no way to take away the machine city. They could only secretly take away the backup copies of the classics and materials on machine skills and casting skills, and re-establish a Mohist machine city on the Confucian and Han side.

Several commanders ordered their absolute confidants to activate the self-destruction mechanisms. As long as they received a signal, they would immediately operate and destroy the entire city without giving Yan Dan a chance to react.

Of course, they also avoided some people, especially those close to Yan Dan, to avoid being noticed by the other party.

Since Yan Dan chose to attack them, he would definitely make careful plans and preparations to let those people keep an eye on them.

Simply avoiding this won't work, you have to do something to attract those people's attention.

At the same time, several commanders gathered together on the other side of the organ city, led by Thieves Zhi and Big Iron Hammer.

"We have obtained tangible evidence, and we only need to wait for the king to come over to judge those traitors."

After seeing the latest collected intelligence, Thief Zhi suppressed his anger and said.

The evidence that those people betrayed the Yan State and colluded with Confucianism has been conclusive, and the net can be closed.

"Move quickly and don't give those people a chance to react, otherwise they will end up in a dead end."

Sledgehammer was also filled with murderous intent, and he hated those traitors with all his heart.

"Weizhuang is a problem. Zhang Liang is also coming to Guancheng, so we need to be more careful."

Thief Zhi talked about two people who needed special attention, especially Wei Zhuang.

He had dealt with Wei Zhuang several times, especially when he was at the farmhouse and saw his swordsmanship, which was extremely terrifying and must be even stronger now.

That Zhang Liang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he has never seen the opponent show his strength, he is definitely not bad.

And the most terrifying thing about Zhang Liang is his mind. If they hadn't accidentally obtained some information, they wouldn't have known that the other party was already plotting against their Mo family.

At that time, it will not be clear that half of the Mo family was stolen.

"We can deal with these traitors, but the king's side..."

One of the commanders had a worried look on his face. He was originally from the Yan Kingdom and was naturally close to King Dan of Yan. Now that there was such a big betrayal in the Mo family, he was worried that it would affect the King of Yan's view of the Mo family.

If you feel disgusted with the Mo family because of this, I hope it won't be too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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