Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 643 The underworld starts

Chapter 643 The underworld starts

Tian Hao devoted himself to deducing the world cauldron formation suitable for this world, and at the same time, he used the world-destroying battle gun to shape world cauldrons one by one in the outer core of the earth.

The world-destroying war gun originated from the fallen stars, which is the center of the underworld planet. It is in line with the rules of this world. Coupled with the assistance of the captured Sky Eye, Tian Hao can use it as the basis to mobilize the rules of this world. Rule power.

While Tian Hao was building the New World Cauldron Formation, everyone in the Qin State was not idle. In addition to constantly mobilizing expeditionary forces to fight and destroy ghosts, they also relied on the Earth Star's World Cauldron Formation to continuously devour the energy of the universe.

Although the universe outside the Earth's star is very empty, without much matter, and the planets are all very far away, there is a lot of energy, which is completely endless.

This energy is absorbed, part of it is injected into the underworld through the space channel, and part of it is used to activate the world cauldron formation of the earth star, so that the central world cauldron formed by the inner core of the earth accelerates the rotation speed.

Although efforts are made to resolve the impact of the rotational force on the surface, the planet's autorotation speed is still increased, and the day and night alternate faster and faster.

In less than fifty years, the rate of rotation has doubled, meaning that there are only six hours in a day.

This is still trying to weaken the impact of the accelerated rotation of the central world tripod on the surface. The rotation speed of the inner central world tripod has increased ten times, the flow speed of the outer core has increased seven times, and the magma flow speed of the mantle has increased five times.

These are powerful potential energies, a less intuitive way of storing power.

Tian Hao regarded the rotation of the earth star as the flywheel of a horizontal-bar engine, constantly storing power in it to prepare for turning the underworld planet to rotate.

And after fifty years, it finally came to the last moment.

When Tian Hao controlled the world-destroying war gun and wiped out the last rules of heaven and earth in the underworld, it was announced that the plan to restart the underworld had truly begun.

Countless strong men who have been refined through the war have gathered around the world cauldrons on the surface, integrating their own strength with the world cauldrons to assist in blessing the world cauldron formation.

Even Jiutian Xuannv came over, and the space channel was expanded to a hundred miles in diameter.

It is indeed difficult to expand the space channel with human power, but Tian Hao introduced the rules of the earth star to erode this world, further integrating the power of the two worlds, almost becoming a whole, and many things will naturally be changed.

As the Jiuzhou Cauldron formations on both sides operate simultaneously, first the gravity of the earth star acts through the space channel, establishing a connection with the core of the underworld, and forming an inclination angle with the sun on the back of the underworld.

Under the gravitational pull of the earth and stars, the inner core of the underworld begins to deflect and move.

Then the electromagnetic power of the earth and star is transmitted, and at the same time, a huge amount of lightning is injected into the core of the underworld, stimulating the formation of an electromagnetic field, which is better connected with the electromagnetic force field of the terrain.

Both stars shook. The nearly stagnant speed of the inner core of the underworld began to accelerate, and the speed of the central world tripod on the earth star began to decrease, transferring potential energy to the underworld.

Fortunately, Tian Hao's initial link strength was not too strong, and he was protected by the Nine Provinces Cauldron Formation. Otherwise, that kind of power would definitely tear apart the continent on the surface.

After the connection was stable, Tian Hao slowly adjusted the connection strength of the gravity and electromagnetic force fields of both parties, causing the underworld's rotation to slowly increase.

After reaching a certain level, Tian Hao and others controlled the many world tripods arranged on the surface of the underworld, burning the huge amount of heaven and earth energy accumulated in them, turning them into pure power and spraying them out, further promoting the rotation of the underworld stars.

This jet did not last long, but it greatly accelerated the rotation of the underworld.

At the same time, the planet's magnetic field also slowly expanded, intercepting the power of the sun to a great extent.

At this moment, the underworld restart plan is basically on the right track. The most difficult start-up process is completed. Next, it only needs to be slowly adjusted with the help of the power of the Earth Star and the Nine Provinces Cauldron Formation.

At least Tian Hao's work is finished and he can start the next one.

Without any delay, after being squeezed by those women again, Tian Hao came to the territory of the Western Chu Kingdom to meet Tian Yan, who was transformed into the goddess of wisdom.

"What's going on here?"

Tian Hao asked directly.

Tian Yan was not surprised by Tian Hao's sudden arrival, and said calmly: "Gan Luo and I interfered internally and externally to slow down the progress of the civil war against the Qin Dynasty, and proposed that they first integrate the divine power they had accumulated. The improvement is huge, but it has almost reached its limit.

This might interest you! "

She has planned a lot over the years and has a basic understanding of the four anti-Qin countries.

At the end, Tian Yan used his divine power to create a list and presented it to Tian Hao.

"what is this?"

After seeing the list, Tian Hao was confused.

"That Zhang Liang is very good at planning. Coupled with the influence of fate, Yan State, Chu State and Wang Jian's side were all infiltrated."

Tian Yan poured a glass of red wine and handed it over. This list was her biggest gain here.

"Tsk, tsk, you're really capable!"

Taking the wine glass, Tian Hao looked at the list of hundreds of names, many of which were acquaintances.

"Now Gan Luo and I are waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to expose all these people, and lead the Three Kingdoms to besiege the Confucian and Han people, not to mention destroy them, at least eliminate them.

However, this is likely to be a direct confrontation with the Eye of Heaven, and it will be up to you to take the helm. "

This list is very important. Once Lord Changping and others know about it, they will definitely be furious, and they will probably join forces to attack the Confucian and Han people.

When the time comes for three against one, even with the blessings of the Heavenly Eye and Destiny, the Confucian Han will still be injured even if they are not destroyed after the war.

But this is not enough. After all, there is still pressure from the Qin State, which will make those people exercise some rational restraint.

So they have to work harder. They can't do this, so they can only let this man do it.

"How well do they control the refining of divine power?"

After thinking for a while, Tian Hao asked those people about their control of the divine power of the gods.

These are all fine leeks. If they are ripe, harvest them as soon as possible.

"They have reached their ultimate level. If they want to go further, they must enter the divine realm of the divine system."

Tian Yan was not satisfied with this result. She hoped that those people could push their divine power to the extreme so that they could gain the most from harvesting in the end.

Tian Hao continued to ask some questions, and then left.

"It's finally starting!"

Tian Yan was looking forward to it as he swung the wine in the glass wine glass.

Delaying the unification of the four civil wars is only secondary, and is used to block the evolution of destiny.

Tianyan wants to skip the Qin State first and unify the four anti-Qin countries, leaving only Confucian and Han Dynasties, and finally compete for hegemony between Qin and Han Dynasty, in order to complete the next destiny.

But they won't let it go as they wish, at least this time has to be postponed.

At the same time, Great Qin used the expedition to the underworld to train many legions and strong men in order to prepare for the expedition to the world behind the four major gods.

And her own goal is the four major gods, just like their farmers look at the seedlings in the ground. After working hard for so long, it is time for a good harvest.

Not to mention Tian Yan's thoughts, Tian Hao on the other side came to the deep mountain and found a huge broken stone tablet at the foot of the mountain.

This mountain is not simple, because there is a temple on the top of the mountain with statues and murals of Greek gods dedicated to worshiping the gods.

The entrance to Mount Aspirin is inside the temple, and this stone tablet was built in the same period as the temple. Unfortunately, it has broken, and the upper half has gone to unknown places. It has also been damaged by wind and sun, making it difficult to Read the text above clearly.

However, Tian Hao ignored the words above, integrated into a space that had been opened long ago, and walked into it himself.

This space is not large, only ten meters long and wide, and it is not very stable.

There is an altar inside, and there are five statues around the altar, namely Zeus, the god king of the Greek pantheon, Ra in the Egyptian pantheon, Odin in the Nordic pantheon, Brahma in the pantheon of the Peacock Kingdom, and the Central Plains god. The Taiyi God in the system.

"Do you want to make it old?"

After looking at the five statues he had made by himself, Tian Hao was thinking about whether to make them old.

"Forget it, this is not created by ordinary people in the script, and it is a sealed environment. If there are signs of old age, it will be a bit fake."

In the end, Tian Hao gave up the idea of ​​making things old. After checking carefully and confirming that there was no problem, he came to the altar and stood. His body shape and appearance gradually changed, turning into Kui Ye in God of War, with more in his hands. A battle axe, a very huge battle axe.

This is not the form of the Leviathan battle ax in God of War. The main reason is that the Leviathan battle ax is too small. It is just a logging ax used by ordinary people and is completely unworthy of Kui Ye's strength.

So Tian Hao borrowed the shape of the battle ax from Wu Geng Ji Xingtian next door and created this war ax.

This battle ax is very huge, six feet long, extremely thick and domineering, and it integrates the power of the five major gods. It is one of Tian Hao's achievements in the past fifty years.

He is not just tinkering with the affairs of the underworld planet, it can even be said that it is only secondary. The main thing he has done in the past fifty years is to understand the divine power and bloodline of the major gods that he has obtained. Although it is not possible to understand it based on his own cultivation level, It's easy, but not difficult. He even evolved a suitable original divine text based on those divine powers, and his own cultivation has further improved.

It's just that he has reached his limit and is infinitely close to the current state of destiny, but he can't break through. He has set his mind on the world behind the four major gods. If he can obtain the power of the rules of those four worlds, maybe he can Break through bottlenecks.

If you are really desperate, you can strengthen the power of the will of heaven and earth. After being prepared, a layer of gray rock appeared on Tian Hao's body, completely covering his body and the battle ax in his hand.

He didn't do anything, just waited quietly, and he waited for more than half a year.

I had communicated with Tian Yan a lot before, and I knew that Lord Changping and others would gather at the Temple of Gods every year and try to join forces to forcibly open Mount Aspirin.

He needs this opportunity so that he can perfectly integrate his plan and this vest identity.

Not to mention the waiting on Tian Hao's side, Yan Dan and others came to the temples again as scheduled, but they were not in a good mood and even gave up hope for the opening of their respective divine realms.

Their strength has greatly improved over the years, and their sense of the divine world has become stronger, but they just can't turn it on.

Even the Aspirin Mountain, which has the strongest induction, is difficult to open. It seems that something key is missing.

"Perhaps our divine world has been destroyed and the connection channel has been lost."

Wang Jian basically gave up, feeling that it was impossible to open the divine world. Otherwise, why hadn't they been able to open any of the divine realms for decades?

"The rotation of the sun and the moon is slowing down. The war on Qin's side may have stabilized. We don't have much time."

The Lord of the Snare sighed and had to accept this fact. They had no choice.

Now, either the stalemate continues, or the divine realm can be opened with the help of the power of destiny, such as the power of the four spirits of heaven.

"The power of heaven is not so easy to borrow!"

Yan Dan glanced at the Lord of Luowang coldly. He would never borrow the power of the Four Spirits of Heaven. The last time the Confucian and Han Dynasty pitted them against each other, they had not yet settled their accounts clearly.

You must know that in destiny, it is likely that the Confucian and Han people have the last laugh. People who borrow the power of heaven will end up becoming puppets at best, like the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty.

But they must be destroyed, and he cannot accept this outcome.

The Lord of the Snare said no more words, nor did he go tit-for-tat.

He was quite confused about the Mo family's affairs back then. At that time, it was all handled by Zhang Liang. Luo Wang didn't interfere, but it ended up like that.

He also personally interrogated several leaders who had taken refuge with the Mo family, and even searched their memories, but found nothing wrong. It seemed that everything was really just a cheating coincidence.

But no matter what, they Confucian Han people were resented by Yan Dan, and even Xi Chu was very wary of them Confucian Han people.

What a trap!

"Try again!"

Lord Changping spoke, now he can only continue to try.

Several people were silent. Chang Pingjun and Xiang Yanxiang Liu on both sides joined forces to exert their divine power. The three people's divine power merged into one and bombarded the space in front of them.

Soon ripples appeared in the space, and an extraordinary aura flashed out, as if there was something hidden deep in the space.

Wang Jian and the other three skillfully took action, injecting their own divine power to assist in bombarding that space, where the reaction was strongest.

This bombardment still failed to blast away the space and open the Aspirin Mountain, but it also had unexpected gains.

Changping Jun seemed to sense something and looked down the mountain in confusion.

This unusual move caught the attention of several people, and they all looked over with questioning expressions on their faces.

Lord Changping didn't say anything and continued to bombard with the output of his divine power. After confirming that it still couldn't be broken, he remained silent for a while and walked towards the outside of the temple.

He didn't know what that feeling was. It just passed by in a flash. If he hadn't refined Zeus's divine power to its current level, he might not have been able to feel it.

Seeing Lord Changping like this, several people followed him curiously, and finally came to a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain.

He looked at the seemingly ordinary stone tablet with confusion, and even Lord Changping used his divine power to penetrate it and sense it, but found nothing.


Xiang Yan couldn't help but ask, what exactly did he find?

"I just had a strange feeling here, it seems to be an illusion."

Mr. Changping was a little unsure, because the previous feeling was too weak, and even passed away in a flash, and he couldn't tell the details.

"Could the real entrance to the sacred mountain be here?"

Yan Dan and others' eyes lit up, wondering whether they had gone in the wrong direction before. Although they had the strongest sense of the Aspirin Mountain among the temples, it was not necessarily the entrance.

But this stone tablet is different. Not only the stone tablet itself, but also some broken boulders around it, it can be clearly seen that it is a huge stone mountain gate, followed by rock stairs, all the way to the temple.

Since this means a door, could it be the entrance to the sacred mountain?

"Just try and you will find out!"

Lord Changping was also very moved and signaled to Xiang Yan and Xiang Liu beside him.

The two of them understood and exploded their divine power to join forces with Lord Changping to bombard the stone tablet again.

The result made everyone excited. They saw that the stone tablet was not shattered by the three people's power, but caused ripples in the space, which was very similar to the one bombarded in the temple before.

Yan Dan and the others did not dare to delay, and hurriedly unleashed their divine power to join in.

As if the power had reached a certain level, the ripples in the space became more intense, and finally formed a vortex that sucked several people in.

Several people who came to the inner space immediately became vigilant and began to look at the space after finding that there was no danger.

This space is very strange. There are no walls around it and it is pitch black. There is only an altar and five statues in the middle. They are on the altar at the moment, and there is a much smaller stone statue to reduce damage.





"Taiyi God!"

"Why are the statues of the five of them here?"

Looking at the five huge statues, several people were confused and didn't understand why the statues representing the five most powerful gods were gathered together.

Mr. Changping finally looked at the small stone statue on the middle altar, and that feeling reappeared. The statue in the middle was resonating with the divine power of Zeus in his body.


The arrival of several people seemed to trigger some kind of mechanism, and the five surrounding statues suddenly seemed to come to life, and at the same time they lowered their heads and looked down at the several people on the altar.

"A variable other than fate finally appears!"

The statue of Taiyi God spoke first, using the divine language from the Central Plains mythology era.

Tian Hao learned this from Jiutian Xuannv. Each pantheon has its own set of divine languages. Jiutian Xuannv has also communicated with the gods of other pantheons and knows the divine languages ​​of all pantheons.

The divine language is very special and resonates with the rules of heaven and earth. Even if you cannot understand the words, you can still understand the meaning.

Although I am acting now, I still have to perform a complete performance.

"Are you the Supreme God?"

Xiang Liu looked at it, and the familiar aura of divine power made him roughly sure that this should be the handwriting left by God Taiyi.

"Have you seen me? Are they the other back-up men I left behind?"

The statue of Taiyi God looked at Xiang Liu, and started to fool around according to the script set by the main body.

"It's your remnant soul!"

Xiang Liu replied, his attitude became more and more respectful, and at the same time he stared longingly at a clay tablet held in the hands of the statue of God Taiyi.

He just took a look and found that these five statues all had artifacts in their hands that were not made of stone. They exuded a powerful aura. They must be some kind of artifacts and treasures. If they could get them, they would definitely improve themselves greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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