Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 668 New Xinzheng

Chapter 668 New Xinzheng

Tian Hao didn't pay attention to the small movements of Tianyan over there. He was comprehending the law system of this divine world. Xiang Shaoyu and others also uploaded all their insights over the years.

The reason why the underworld can evolve things like ghosts is because the rules of the world itself are like that, suitable for the survival of spiritual bodies, and the divine world that the underworld evolved will naturally follow that route.

Therefore, the rules of the God Realm do not allow physical bodies to enter and will be suppressed.

And here is the spirit body, which evolves directly from the soul. After practicing to the extreme, it can also transform from virtuality to reality. For example, the original ghost emperor of the underworld cultivated the spirit body to the extreme and evolved into reality. physical.

Unfortunately, the Ghost Emperor still could not avoid being contaminated by ghost energy, and then the ghost energy was infected by destiny like a plague to other worlds.

It's just that Dixing's side has not been infected, otherwise it would be like Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, and maybe a Chinese Ghost Story would really be staged.

"It's quite similar to the Soul Society setting of the Bleach anime."

After some reflections, Tian Hao felt that this divine world was similar to the Soul Society in the previous Bleach animation. They could only accommodate spiritual bodies to survive, and spiritual bodies had their own systems, and survival in them was not much different from the physical body. The difference, at least that's what it feels like.

However, there is no system like Zanpakutō here, it is just about cultivating the spirit body itself and finally achieving transcendence.

"If you have anything to say, just come over and say it. Your father doesn't have the hesitation like you."

Turning his head to look at the figure hiding behind a tree not far away, Tian Hao said amusedly.

After a while, a figure came out from behind the tree, with his head lowered. It was Jing Tianming.

"Third uncle, do you know what happened between me and Yue'er?"

Jing Tianming moved over and sat next to Tian Hao, hesitating for a while before speaking.

He has been thinking about this matter for many years, but the more he thinks about it, the less he understands it.

"I've heard about it. She's Yan Dan's daughter. She's your cousin."

Tian Hao was not surprised by Jing Tianming's question. Although this boy was not young, his mind had not grown much. It could be said that he had a pure heart.

The only things that young people like this can worry about and worry about are the few things between men and women.

"I don't know!"

Scratching his head, Jing Tianming didn't understand why he and Yue'er had developed to this point.

"There are many reasons, but the biggest factor is that you are too stupid."

After thinking about what happened between this silly boy and Gao Yue, Tian Hao could only sum up the situation with one word: stupid.


Jing Tianming still didn't understand.

"That girl didn't accept your pursuit in the first place, which was a rejection in itself. There are many reasons. The most important thing is that you and her are cousins, blood related, and close relatives.

Close relatives cannot get married, not only due to ethical issues, but also medical issues.

Because children born from consanguineous marriages may be freaks, or have some diseases that are difficult to treat and will be passed on to future generations.

That's why Gao Yue didn't accept your pursuit for the sake of the future.

But there is no way to refuse, because Yan Dan hopes to use Gao Yue to control you, who has the power of Xuanwu, and become a trump card of Yan State.

Yue'er's origin is an established fact that she can't change. There are some things she has to do.

Even if her father is a heinous villain, she will still stand behind her father. That is a matter of position. "

After analyzing and explaining the hidden truth, Tian Hao had no ill feelings towards Jing Tianming, his nephew, and he was just a child himself.

"Just like when Yan Dan designed to lure my father's fiancée to Qin, thereby forcing my father to assassinate Qin?"

After being silent for a while, Jing Tianming figured out the internal joints.

As for the blood relationship between him and Yue'er, he couldn't say it. That was a fact. Shao Yu had persuaded him in this regard before.

"The human heart is the most complex thing in the world, and it is easy to develop the dark side."

After sighing, Tian Hao still had awe and vigilance towards people's hearts.

"Can you tell me about Qin?"

After being silent for a while, Jing Tianming wanted to know more about Qin.

He initially regarded Qin as an enemy. After all, his father died in Qin. When he grew up, he understood some things and his hostility towards Qin diminished a lot, and he only regarded it as an opponent.

But he didn't know what the state of Qin was like. Even after asking his master and uncle, he didn't tell him. He only said that the state of Qin was very powerful.

This third uncle is the strong man who single-handedly guided the rise of Qin and should have the most say.

Rubbing Jing Tianming's short, smooth hair, Tian Hao thought for a moment and said, "To talk about Qin, we have to start from when I was a child. At that time, Qin and Zhao were at war. My father also participated in the war and died in Changping. On the battlefield..."

Tian Hao spoke in great detail, telling the story of the Qin State and the world of that era from his own perspective.

As a time traveler, his perspective is relatively objective and he has a deep understanding of the essence of many things.

This is one of the advantages of being a time traveler.

Precisely because he understood the nature of the world and society, he did not choose to take the path of fighting for power and gain, but took the risk to get close to Ying Zheng and guide Ying Zheng to shape a brand new chess game, completely smashing and replacing the original chess game of the world, and shaping A whole new world comes out.

Of course, the more important thing about making that choice is the awakening of his golden finger, which gives him the opportunity to become a strong man, or even an immortal god.

After understanding this, his goal changed and he has been pursuing the peak of power.

As the great man said, political power comes from the barrel of a gun, and many things need to be developed based on strength.

As long as you have absolute strength, you can make many things evolve according to your own wishes.

Therefore, since the internal framework of Qin State was established, he has not paid much attention to it, and there has never been any bloody incident that upset him.

Tian Hao spoke in detail, and Jing Tianming listened carefully, and would ask questions from time to time.

But at some point, Xiang Shaoyu's figure appeared on the other side of Tian Hao. He didn't disturb him and listened quietly.

He was also very curious about Qin and wanted to know more about it.

In the past, his parents and grandfather only told him that Qin was their enemy and that Qin was very powerful, but the specific internal situation of Qin was also unclear.

As a descendant of a military strategist, it is very dangerous to not know the enemy's situation.

Although he is no longer qualified to be the enemy of the Qin State, he is still curious and wants to know about the Qin State and the era before he was born.

After talking like this for an unknown amount of time, Tian Hao explained clearly the development of the Qin State, while hiding some things, such as his vests.

"Isn't it tiring to maintain such perfect order?"

Xiang Shaoyu sighed with emotion. He saw the hardships of this man fighting for Qin. Not only did he have to fight against foreign enemies at all times, but he also had to beware of the dark side of people's hearts within the country.

He has seen too much of this dark side, conspiracy, frame-up, betrayal, etc., too many.

The order of Qin State is perfect, and almost all the dark sides have been eliminated. It is simply a miracle.

"It's quite tiring, but the rewards are wonderful."

Tian Hao and Xiang Shaoyu agreed with this statement. The last time I went to see my uncle Han Fei, I found that his hairline had moved a lot, almost catching up with Teacher Xunzi's.

Li Si's is similar, which shows how much effort they put into it.

But the rewards are wonderful, allowing the entire Qin State to maintain a healthy and positive mentality, with a 100% happiness index.

"It's a pity that I was not born in Qin!"

Xiang Shaoyu regretted it and longed for such a perfect order.

It's a pity that I was not born in Qin.

Looking back, the Xiang clan did make many wrong choices and things. Not to mention the Battle of Baiyue, which was an internal war in the Central Plains, but the Battle of Longxi was an absolute mistake and cannot be refuted.

"Many problems stem from their respective positions. To put it more deeply, it is interests, selfishness, and the dark side of people's hearts.

That's why our Qin State spends so much effort to suppress and eliminate the dark side of people's hearts and guide them towards the positive side.

Moreover, this is a world with a cultivation civilization, and many things can be solved through the power of cultivation, so that impossible miracle can become a reality. "

Tian Hao smiled, the essence of the world, the essence of society, and the essence of human beings all come from the heart.

As long as you control this, many things will be much easier to do.

Most of the so-called saints' words are just talking about people's hearts, trying to control people's hearts.

It is a pity that they lacked ability and ultimately failed. Even Confucianism has evolved into a tool of the rulers in history, and even itself has evolved into a part of the rulers.

"My father had selfish motives when he assassinated Qin. Was it the Mo family's mistake from the beginning?"

Jing Tianming understood many things, and also understood all the factors that led to his father's assassination of Qin. In the final analysis, it was selfishness.

"We can't blame the Mohists entirely. It was a problem of the general environment of the entire era. In that era, if the Mohists wanted to survive and develop, they could only make such changes. The same was true for hundreds of other schools of thought.

Without the ability to change the entire era, we can only change ourselves to adapt. This cannot be judged by right or wrong. "

Tian Hao now sees the Mohist issues more objectively, and everything is just the general trend.

He has no way or qualifications to accuse the Mohist family of taking that path, but since the Mohist family has embarked on that path and benefited from it, they must pay a price for it, and the price is the Mohist family's disasters. In the end, The entire Mohist government city was gone.

"We overestimated our capabilities." Xiang Shaoyu smiled to himself, thinking back on the history of his Xiang clan, he only felt ridiculous, that was a joke.

"Third uncle, if you kill me, will you be able to stop the destiny?"

Jing Tianming suddenly said, feeling enlightened in his heart.

Qin's world is very beautiful, and he doesn't want such a perfect world to be destroyed.


Xiang Shaoyu was shocked, he didn't want Tianming to do something stupid.

"It's too late. Your death can't stop the transformation of destiny. You are just the carriers for destiny to manifest. The real core is destiny. Even if you commit suicide, destiny can use its power to evolve a new Jing Tianming. Come."

After knocking on Jing Tianming's forehead, Tian Hao recognized and was pleased with his nephew's awakening. Although he was a bit stupid, he still had his own merits.

"Can't you stop it?"

Jing Tianming was very disappointed and didn't know what to do.

"Uncle, what can we do to fight against destiny?"

Xiang Shaoyu then spoke. He also wanted to take part in this kind of war for the entire human race, and also to atone for the past sins of his Xiang clan.

"Defeat Han Xin and Liu Ji and break your fate."

With a serious look on his face, Tian Hao really needs Xiang Shaoyu's help in this regard. As long as he can defeat Han Xin and Liu Ji and further mess up his fate, it will be the greatest help to him.

He couldn't let Tianming complete the perfect transformation, otherwise there would really be no chance of winning.

In the end, he could only escape from this world with the help of Golden Finger, and then grow up in the next world, and then fight back when he became stronger.

If you can get the ability to reverse the flow of time, you can also resurrect people from the past, which is not bad.

But as a last resort, he didn't want to become a lost dog and run away.

Tianming must be killed at all costs, otherwise Tianming will be in trouble if he puts a hat on himself.

No man can tolerate this kind of thing, and naturally he, Tian Hao, can't tolerate it either.

"You have your things to do, and we also have ours to do. We have to do what we can, and forcing ourselves too much will only lead to tragedy."

Seeing that Xiang Shaoyu still wanted to speak, Tian Hao persuaded him.

It's good for Xiang Shaoyu to have this realization. It proves that his deception was not in vain. He doesn't need to do more, as long as he does this well, it is enough.

"Uncle, I want to visit Qin State."

After a moment of silence, Xiang Shaoyu made a request. He wanted to see that perfect world with his own eyes.

"Of course, I can be your tour guide."

Tian Hao smiled and didn't mind Xiang Shaoyu going to Qin for a walk.

Today's Qin State has to keep secrets except the inner earth world and Shushan Mountain. It can look at other places at will, and even the eyes of the sky can monitor those places.

It's nothing in itself.

Without saying anything else, Xiang Shaoyu cut off an arm with his fingers like a knife, and then evolved a clone based on that arm, and the severed arm quickly regenerated.

He had to sit here and couldn't leave, so he could only send a clone to take a look.

Jing Tianming also followed suit, cutting off an arm and evolving a clone to go there in his place.

Although he really wanted to visit the Qin Kingdom in person, he needed to help Shao Yu stay here and not be attacked by those despicable people.

"Xiao Zhuang, why don't you go see your senior brother and master? They have been talking about you."

Tian Hao looked in one direction and had long sensed that Wei Zhuang was eavesdropping there.

"Send my regards to Master and Senior Brother for me."

Wei Zhuang over there also cut off an arm and evolved into a clone. After giving a warning, he ducked away. Before leaving, he gave the ring that represented the leader of the Guigu Sect to the clone to take back.

He had no face to see his master and senior brother, and he had indeed lost. All his previous efforts had become a joke.

Wei Zhuang's clone was speechless and came here, waiting to go to Qin.

After being away for so many years, it’s time to go back and take a look.


Xiang Shaoyu contacted his grandfather and asked if he wanted to go back and have a look.

"I can't. There are too many mistakes on my part. I'm not as brave as Mr. Wei Zhuang."

Xiang Yan, who had also been paying attention to this place, shook his head and refused. Although he wanted to go back to the Central Plains and see his hometown, he had no face to go back.

It was his sad place, where too many people and too many mistakes were buried, and he didn't have the courage to go back and face it.

Xiang Shaoyu did not persuade him, and swung the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Knife to create a spatial passage leading directly to the outside world.

After taking charge of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Knife, the highest artifact in the God Realm, he has this ability.

Tian Hao didn't say anything else. He was the first to step into the space channel and reach the moon. The clones of Xiang Shaoyu and the other three followed closely behind, and then the space channel closed.

"How to go back?"

Flying to the side of the moon, looking at the Earth Star in the distance, Xiang Shaoyu's clone felt helpless and powerless.

Too far!

"Wait a minute, I'll contact them over there!"

After saying this, Tian Hao contacted the Jiuzhou Cauldron Formation on the other side of the Earth Star and quickly made contact. Then a gravitational beam was projected over, forming a gravitational channel that led the four of them to fly towards the Earth Star quickly, with increasing speed. quick.

It only took a day to fly from the moon to the atmosphere of the earth star, then slow down in the atmosphere, and finally fall into a huge world tripod.

"It is indeed the most powerful artifact in the world!"

Looking at the World Cauldron below, Xiang Shaoyu sighed.

This world cauldron is not only large in size, but its power is also quite terrifying. He can sense that the world cauldron below is deeply integrated with the laws of heaven and earth, almost becoming a node of the laws.

This is the real world artifact, far beyond what the supreme artifact in the divine world can match.

The supreme artifact can only control the power of the laws of the entire divine world, but this world cauldron controls the power of the entire heaven and earth. The two are not on the same level.

"Where do you want to go first?"

Tian Hao acted as a tour guide, but he had to look at these three people wherever he wanted to go.

"First go to the Ghost Valley where Master used to live."

Jing Tianming was silent, while Xiang Shaoyu looked at his master Wei Zhuang.

They want to know about Master's past.

"There's nothing interesting to see in Guigu Valley. If you go to Xinzheng, Xinzheng City should still be there."

Wei Zhuang objected and proposed to go to Xinzheng.

His life in Guigu is very monotonous, he is just practicing. His real home is in Xinzheng, in that cold palace, which is also his starting point.

"Of course Xinzheng is still here, but the changes are a bit big."

Tian Hao would not refuse, and used the power of the World Cauldron to build a space passage leading directly to Xinzheng.

The four of them stepped out in one step and came to a strange place, which even Wei Zhuang felt strange.

"The changes are quite big."

Looking at the new city where no trace of the past could be seen, Wei Zhuang sighed with emotion.

At this time, a burly figure suddenly flew up.

"Haha... I knew Brother Wei Zhuang would come to Xinzheng City first, so I waited for you here for an hour in vain."

Han Fei smiled and said that after he got the news that Brother Wei Zhuang was back, he came here to wait, and sure enough he was there.

"You've become stronger!"

Feeling the faint sense of oppression coming from Han Fei, Wei Zhuang's expression suddenly turned cold.

Han Fei's cultivation level back then was inferior to his own, but now he has surpassed him.

Although he is only a clone created from the original body, he was created from part of the spiritual body and soul, and his cultivation level is no worse than that of the original body.

But now he felt a sense of oppression on Han Fei, which made him very unhappy.

I have sacrificed so much and even stood on the opposite side of the human race, but in the end I was surpassed by these people.

Even Han Fei surpassed himself, let alone his senior brother.

Do you still have the qualifications to draw a sword against your senior brother?

(End of this chapter)

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