Bad people in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 673 The Artifact is Completed

Chapter 673 The Artifact is Completed

Tian Hao, who was wearing Kratos's vest, watched the King of Yan Pill being stolen and devoured it with the Infinity Gauntlet. That was a feeling of satisfaction.

The death of Yan Dan is only secondary. The key point is that after refining Yan Dan, the Infinity Gauntlet finally reaches perfection and can begin to transform the divine world and the moon.

Of course, the other three had to follow as soon as possible. After planning for so long, it was time to close the net. The use value of these four people was also over.

Without letting him wait long, Chang Pingjun soon followed in Yan Dan's footsteps and was completely suppressed by Sheng Qi. In the end, the Aspirin Excalibur in his hand was taken away, and he stabbed through the body with a backhand sword.

Compared to Shengqi, who has been fighting all the time, Changping-kun is far behind in combat. Even after obtaining the Aspirin Excalibur, he still uses the power of the Excalibur to fight, and he does not have much ability in close combat.

Now against a melee master like Sheng Qi, defeat is only a matter of time when the power of the divine sword cannot be activated for the time being.

Feeling his own divine power being quickly swallowed up by the Aspirin Divine Sword, as well as the sense of completion of the Divine Sword itself, Changping-kun seemed to understand something. He turned to look at someone who was still attacking the sealing barrier, and suddenly figured everything out.

It turns out that this was a game from beginning to end, and they have never gotten rid of their identity as chess pieces. Now this is the ending that has been set for them long ago.

Although this is just a guess, he is very confident that this guess is true.

Among the four of them, Wang Jian is good at the art of war, Yan Dan is a hypocrite, and the master of the snare is a real villain who does everything possible, but his own plot is the deepest.

When I was in the Central Plains, I took the lead in many things, so I know this aspect best.

At this moment, he felt like he was being plotted, and it was definitely not wrong.

"You won't make it!"

Looking at Shengqi mockingly, Changping-kun erased the memory of the speculation just now.

Although they were being plotted from beginning to end, he hated traitors like Shengqi even more.

Since they already know that this is a trap, they will naturally not let Sheng Qi and others wake up.

"Where is Lian Yi?"

At this time, Ji Bu suddenly flew forward and asked where Lian Yi was.

Although he chose to betray back then, his love for Lian Yi never changed.

This time, he followed Shengqi into the Greek God Realm, but did not find Lian Yi's whereabouts, not even his sister Lian Xin.

"In his little world of gods, if you have the ability, go and find him."

Seeing Ji Bu's anxious look, Mr. Changping felt very happy.

Sure enough, the greatest happiness is the happiness based on the pain of the enemy. These traitors will not die well!

Ji Bu looked in the direction pointed by Changping Jun, and his heart suddenly sank.

Because Lord Changping was referring to Kratos, they were confident of plotting against Lord Changping, but they were unable to plot against that man.

Even the Heavenly Eye can't do anything about it, because that man is a back-up man secretly left behind by the gods in the mythical age. He has erased his past and doesn't know how to deal with it.

After swallowing Lord Changping whole and refining it into the Aspirin Divine Sword, Shengqi comforted Ju Jibu.

"He is very strong, but not invincible. Once we master the four divine realms, we can definitely kill him by joining forces."

Shengqi was full of confidence after getting the Aspirin Sword. Only after actually getting the Sword can he understand the power of this sword.

Even the former Lord Changping was far from able to exert the full power of this sword.

Not to mention that this sword has gone one step further after devouring Lord Changping. As long as it obtains the Greek God Realm, it will definitely be able to release all its power. It is only a matter of time before Kratos is killed.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

After recalling Chang Pingjun's last words and the mocking and sad eyes, Ji Bu felt very uneasy. Maybe there was something they had overlooked.

"As long as you are strong enough, nothing is impossible!"

Shengqi was still full of confidence. After using the Aspirin Sword to open up a space passage directly to the Aspirin Mountain, he stepped in without hesitation.

This supreme artifact can only exert its full power in the Aspirin Mountain. Once it leaves the Aspirin Mountain, its power will be reduced by half. Without the divine blessing provided by the Aspirin Mountain, the power will be sharply reduced again.

The best way is to fuse the Aspirin Excalibur with the Aspirin Excalibur Mountain, and fuse and seal the entire Greek divine world into the Aspirin Excalibur. This way, it can unleash the most powerful power anywhere and at any time. It works.

This is what gives him the confidence to defeat Kratos.

Lord Changping was defeated here, and soon Wang Jian was pierced by Han Xin's hidden dragon sword, and the mother box was also captured.

Han Xin did not give Wang Jian a chance to resist, and used the mother box to forcibly refine Wang Jian's magical power, or even all of it.

This time, the Eye of Heaven gave them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to master these four supreme artifacts, so naturally they couldn't miss it.

With the blessing of this mother box, his strength will definitely increase several times.

If the divine world can be smelted into the mother box according to what the Sky Eye said, its power can be completely released.

"You will end up being killed by that kid Liu Ji. I'm waiting for that day."

Wang Jian, who knew he was doomed, roared loudly, causing Liu Ji, who was fighting with the master of the net, to look at him with murderous intent.

Han Xin was stunned and turned to look at Liu Ji. He happened to meet Liu Ji's murderous eyes and immediately understood that what Wang Jian said was true.

At least that would be his destiny.

"But you won't see that day."

After a moment of silence, Han Xin used the power of cause and effect given by the Sky Eye to urge the mother box to speed up and devour Wang Jian.

This power of cause and effect is magical. Although the time is limited, it is enough for him to seize control of the Mother Box.

As long as Wang Jian is completely killed, he can become the true owner of the Mother Box.

This was the cause and effect between him and Wang Jian, a cause and effect that had been planted long ago.

Wang Jian was quickly devoured, and the three originally separate mother boxes gradually came closer to merging, and finally merged into one mother box, with its power becoming more concentrated and powerful.

In other words, the Mother Box, the supreme artifact, reached perfection after swallowing Wang Jian.

Liu Ji on the other side also accelerated his offensive, and finally used the Suzaku Sword to cut off the head of the Lord of the Snare, and even burned the soul inside.

Without any nonsense, he inserted his palm into the heart of the Lord of the Snare, grasped the heart of the universe and merged it with the heart, and used the power of cause and effect given by the eyes of the sky to activate the heart of the universe. Follow the example of the other three and devour everything the old man has, further promoting the evolution of the Heart of the Universe.

The Heart of the Universe was indeed transformed and completed, and was pressed into Liu Ji's heart to fuse.

Taking a final look at Han Xin, Liu Ji quickly opened the space channel and headed to the God Realm. He wanted to refine the God Realm into the heart of the universe as quickly as possible. Only such a heart of the universe is truly perfect, and he can do it at any time. The strongest power can be unleashed anywhere.

They can also have a divine realm that truly belongs to them. This is a path of improvement opened up for them by the Eye of Heaven.

However, when the four of them came to the four divine realms again and prepared to activate the four supreme artifacts to refine the divine realm, a force suddenly erupted in the divine realm and forcibly imprisoned the four supreme artifacts, breaking away from the causal power of the Sky Eye. , become independent.

The first is the Odin God Realm. Yan Dan's soul flies out of the Infinity Glove, controls the Infinity Glove to smash the arm of the Thief, recaptures the Infinity Glove, and then activates the Infinity Glove to attack.

"How is it possible that you are still alive?"

Looking at the manifested Yan Dan soul, Thief Zhi was in disbelief. He had crushed the Yan Dan soul with his own hands before. How could the other party be resurrected like this?

"How can a traitor like you understand the power of the Infinity Gauntlet?"

Yan Dan enjoyed the expression on Thief Zhi's face. At the same time, he kept making killing moves. With a snap of his fingers, the power of the entire God Realm was mobilized to obliterate Thief Zhi's existence. From his body to his strength to his soul consciousness, all aspects were covered. obliterate.

Once successful, Robber Zhi will be completely wiped out from the world without leaving any traces. Even if the Sky Eye wants to resurrect it, it will be impossible.

However, the Heavenly Eye would not watch Thief Zhi die like this. In the end, he could only use his strength to turn it away.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the other three divine realms. The souls of Wang Jian and the others were reshaped by the supreme artifact and killed Han Xin and others.

The previous power of cause and effect has been used up. It would be fine if Wang Jian and the other three were killed and no one would compete with them to snatch the supreme artifact. But now that the souls of the three people have reappeared, they are the masters of the supreme artifact. They cannot compete with them and compete for it. Control of the supreme artifact.

These three people were also transferred away by the Eye of Heaven in time. This was his last trump card for combat power, and it was also the key to his destiny. Once he died here, his destiny would definitely collapse, and the consequences would not be acceptable to him.

"You won!"

Chang Pingjun's soul looked at the entire Aspirin Mountain, and finally his eyes fell on the Aspirin Sword, and he understood everything again. It turns out that everything was a plan of the five major gods in ancient mythology, and the four of them were just pawns. From beginning to end, they were guided by the plans left by each other to accomplish everything today.

But now that their mission has been completed, they have no use value. Instead, they have become an unstable factor and will naturally be erased.

This is a big situation. He has been planning from the age of mythology to the present day. Although he has inherited the power of the gods, it is only power and he has not inherited the wisdom of the ancient gods.

Power without wisdom is tragic, so today's outcome is already doomed.

"At least Lian Yi and Lian Xin are still alive, so our lineage is not severed.

Take care of them, they are innocent and have not participated in those things. "

Leaving behind the last words, Lord Changping's soul suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

Their souls were indeed completely destroyed. They were transferred from the past time with the help of the power of the supreme artifact and did not exist at this point in time.

This is the use of the power of time. It is very miraculous, but they cannot understand it and cannot continue to maintain it. They can only be erased by the power of time.

Yan Dan on the other side also said the same words, explaining the funeral to the Infinity Gauntlet and entrusting her daughter Gao Yue to that man.

He hadn't figured it out when he was killed by the Stolen Plantar. Now that the Infinity Gauntlet reversed time and temporarily reappeared, he guessed everything and understood that it was all a trap.

This is not over yet, there is still a terrible will in the soul controlling their thinking, making them do fixed things, like puppets on strings.

To put it simply, he is an actor, acting for his daughter Gao Yue.

In comparison, the Lord of the Net and Wang Jian were much more straightforward. Wang Jian did not have a daughter for Tian Hao, so there was no need to act.

Da Siming, the daughter of the Lord of Luowang, has long been Tian Hao's woman, both physically and mentally, and has given birth to several children.

We are an old married couple, and there is no need to go to the theater, so we decisively send the old man, the master of the net, away, so that no scum will be left.

This is not over yet. The perfect artifact is integrated with the divine world, driving the divine realm forward in the void, heading towards the void area where the moon is, preparing to start shaping the outer shell of the divine realm so that the divine realm can have a carrier in real space.

The void and the space of the main world are one and the same. Just like the Yin and Yang theory, the two are each other's exterior and interior.

Therefore, you only need to open the God Realm to the void area where the moon is located, and you can affect the moon itself, and then divide it to create the God Realm carrier.

However, it is not easy to move quickly in the void in the God Realm. The main thing is to have a force to push and pull.

Tian Hao, wearing Kratos's vest, served as an anchor point, using the four major artifacts to pull and contact the four major divine realms, using the entire Hades realm as the coordinates in the void.

The void is a place where there is nothing, and there is no so-called resistance. The four major divine realms will advance there at an exaggerated speed. They drove the divine realm to the void area of ​​the moon on the same day.

This made Tianyan extremely nervous, fearing that the four great divine realms would directly collide and destroy the last piece of territory.

If that were to happen, he would have nowhere to change his destiny.

The destiny set by the body is bound to the earth star, and cannot leave the earth star. The moon is already the limit. Any further away will be disconnected from the earth star, and the evolution of the destiny will lose its meaning.

Therefore, nothing must happen to this God Realm now, otherwise it will be too late.

The four divine realms gathered together and were separated from the Hades Realm in the five directions of the moon. Tian Hao also used the power of the four divine realms to break through the shackles of the Hades Realm and rush out and land on the moon.

"Short-sighted, integrating the divine world into the supreme artifact can enhance the divine power of the supreme artifact, but it will reduce the ultimate explosion of the divine realm. Making a war fortress like the king of artifacts is the most perfect way."

Feeling the state of the four divine realms, Tian Hao despised the Sky Eye.

Tianyan wants to integrate the four divine realms into the four supreme artifacts to enhance the power of the supreme artifacts, but this is tantamount to killing the goose that takes the egg, killing the potential and limits of the divine realm.

"Let me teach you how to develop the divine world!"

Whispering in his heart, Tian Hao used the Storm Ax as the core and the four supreme artifacts as nodes, bursting out all the power of the four divine realms and turning it into a gravitational force acting on the moon.

The entire moon was shaken, and then the strata above it shattered, and huge boulders flew towards the four divine realms.

The four great gods used their own power to disintegrate the moon bit by bit, quickly absorb and gather the materials on it, and shape the carrier form that had been deduced for a long time.

Xiang Shaoyu was not idle here either. He used the Divine Punishment Sword to guide the Hades Realm to explode with power, pulling the material of the moon to shape itself into the carrier of the main world space.

In this regard, the Divine Eye does not hinder, and even provides convenience.

There is no way, just by looking at this battle, you know that Yue Yue is going to die, and even if you explode with all your strength, you can't stop it.

In this case, it is better to collect some of the remains of the moon as the carrier of the Hades world, continue to stabilize near the earth star, and let the destiny evolve.

As the actual carrier continues to be completed, the degree of resonance with the divine world is also continuously strengthened. The divine realm hidden in the void is slowly pulled out and integrated with the carrier.

"Are they really planning to escape?"

Observing the evolution of the four divine realms, Tianyan thought about this issue again.

He didn't know what secret plans the five major gods had made at the end of the Age of Mythology, and he probably didn't know either.

The main reason is that those ancient gods are too thieves. Erasing memory and modifying memory are only the most rudimentary means. All kinds of tricks are emerging in an endless stream, just to deal with deceiving the main body and them.

So after Kratos and the supreme artifact appeared, he was not surprised at all.

It's just that he's not sure about the intentions of the ancient gods. Even though Kratos has been talking about the idea of ​​​​running away, he can't really believe it and has to be skeptical.

But the four divine realm carriers created by Kratos now seem to be used for interstellar travel.

Because there is nothing in the void, not even coordinates, let alone energy and matter, it is impossible to maintain the operation of the God Realm and has to rely on the main world.

Therefore, there is no way to conduct interstellar navigation in the void. You have to enter the space of the main world.

However, it is difficult for the existence of the God Realm to be stable in the main world. It can only exist in the void, and then establish a channel to connect with the space of the main world.

But now Kratos directly disintegrated the moon, shaped it into a carrier, pulled the four major divine realms out of the void, and stabilized it on those four huge carriers.

This is indeed like running a long distance. Was it because I was too worried before?

The Eye of the Sky is wondering here, and everyone in the Hades Realm is also watching the changes in the outside world, especially the appearance of the four major divine realms.

"I understand, this is a game that the ancient gods have arranged a long time ago. All of us are pawns in this game, including King Yan, they are just pawns, even nourishment.

We are all being plotted! "

Zhang Liang, who had been thinking, realized that it was once again difficult to maintain his usual calmness.

The blow was really too great. He thought he had planned a lot. Who wants to keep jumping around in other people's chess games without ever jumping out, let alone becoming a chess player.

All my previous plans were just a joke, how ridiculous!

"Are those ancient gods really dead?"

Liu Ji was also shocked, and immediately connected to the Sky Eye to ask.

Tianyan did not respond to this question because he did not know.

Although the main body apparently killed the ancient gods, when its strength reached that level, the concept of death was already different from that of ordinary creatures.

In a sense, leaving behind a trace of remnant soul is not considered death, and one can make a comeback.

Even the remaining divine power may be the introduction to the resurrection of the ancient gods. Who knows how many back-ups those ancient gods left behind.

It is even possible that he has quietly resurrected and is watching everything in secret.

"Perhaps the divine power inheritance of those divine systems that I was led to lead is also part of the calculations of those ancient gods."

Thinking of this, Tianyan felt powerless.

There are simply too many enemies for him to handle alone.

All of them are old silver coins, and they are very clever. Who knows what they have left behind secretly. I am afraid that even the main body cannot know them all.

He wouldn't be surprised if the ancient gods pretended to be dead and resurrected in the future. How could it be so simple for the ancient gods to be plotted to death only once for many years by the main body?

(End of this chapter)

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