Chapter 68
"This is the Taihang Mountains. There are several north-south rivers here. After Dahei's wound heals, we will use these rivers to go north to the northern end of the Taihang Mountains, and then pass through Daidi at night to reach the Yinshan Mountains. From the back of the Yinshan Mountains, we will It reaches the western end of the mountain range in the west, then goes south along the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and finally reaches Longxi, and then goes east through the Wei River and goes straight to Xianyang."

Pointing to the simple topographical map, Tian Hao explained a route back to Qin that he had planned long ago.

Fortunately, the Qin State has not yet occupied all the parts of the Yellow River, and a part of the area is still in the hands of the Da Yueshi.

That section of the Yellow River does not yet belong to the Qin State, and the Chu clan in Qin cannot monitor it, so they can use this section of the Yellow River to flow upstream.

Although it is against the current, it is better than letting the big black snake walk on the ground, not to mention that it consumes energy and leaves traces. It will be much better to walk by water.

"Doesn't this place belong to our Great Qin?"

Ying Zheng looked at that section of the Yellow River and had an idea about it.

From this topographic map, some problems can be clearly seen. Only by controlling all of that area can they build a better defensive front with the help of the Yellow River and the mountain range west of the Yellow River, which is much more stable than the Great Wall defense line.

At the same time, they can also use that section of the Yellow River to build ships and transport troops to support all areas as quickly as possible, and with less troops, they can firmly defend the area and prevent foreigners from invading.

Only when the rear is well guarded can they plan the six kingdoms and unify the world without any worries.

"It's not easy to attack the grassland tribe. They have almost all cavalry, and their mobility is much more advantageous than our infantry-based army in the Central Plains.

We need to form a large-scale cavalry army to occupy this area. "

Tian Hao pointed out the key problem in this area. The construction of the Great Wall of Qin was mainly in the west, and now it is the Dayuezhi and Qiangdi who are guarding against it.

That Da Yuezhi is not simple. It has been fighting against Qin State for these years, and even forced Qin State to build the Great Wall. In the future, it will be defeated by the Huns and move westward to establish the Da Yuezhi Kingdom. Finally, it will go south to Asan to establish The Guishuang Dynasty reached a peak.

It is not easy to snatch this area inside the Yellow River from the hands of the Dayue Clan, and it will take a tough battle.

"Is it a nomadic people with cavalry as their mainstay? Just use the war horses they cultivated to train cavalry for our Great Qin."

Ying Zheng shows a bit of domineering, let's use Dayuezhi as a stepping stone for him to unify the six countries!
"The key point of unifying the six countries is a fast word, defeating the six countries at the fastest speed, simply using infantry is too slow, we need a lot of cavalry, and Da Yueshi is also the number one I set for you three goals.

You don't need to stay in Xianyang Palace during Lu Buwei's power, as long as you succeed to the throne, you can find an opportunity to take charge of an army to fight against the Da Yue clan by yourself, and use the horses of the Da Yue clan to form a large-scale cavalry.

Only by mastering enough military power can you be invincible.

At that time, even if Lu Buwei controls the entire court, he will still be a paper tiger in the face of absolute strength. "

Tian Hao is very satisfied with the arrogance shown by Ying Zheng, and the training of the past few months has not been in vain.

"Lu Buwei has already cooperated with Luo Wang, so it's really not appropriate to fight hard."

Nodding, Ying Zheng didn't think about confronting Lu Buwei too early, and he still needed Lu Buwei to help him become the King of Qin as soon as possible, and then let Lu Buwei go and bite the dog with the courtiers of the Chu family.

"Don't worry, we can lay out the layout first, send people to explore the terrain of this area clearly, and then train enough soldiers as the backbone to build an army loyal to you, and then we can start the war. When the time comes, Nianghui will I'll help you stay in Xianyang and let Lu Buwei fight with those people."

Zhao Ji walked over at some time, looked at the topographic map and said.

She has also learned a lot in the past few months, and has a certain foundation for war and national governance.

And the Da Yue clan can occupy that piece of land for such a long time, and confront the Qin state, their combat power must not be weak, and they need to be fully prepared to fight against it.

"The child thinks the same way."

Nodding in agreement, Ying Zheng thought so too.

It is impossible to develop enough strength to stay under Lu Buwei's nose, and he will be restrained everywhere, so he has to leave Xianyang City.

But before that, it is necessary to accumulate enough strength, especially pro-army soldiers who can serve as the backbone of the army.

"The teacher said before that the area occupied by the Da Yuezhi is only the third target of the government. I wonder who the first and second targets are?"

Suddenly remembering a word in the teacher's previous words, Ying Zheng turned his eyes to the topographic map and thought about the first goal.

Zhao Ji and Yingge also looked over, thinking the same.

Tian Hao didn't say a word. After hearing that Ying Zichu fled back to Qin, he set his sights on Ying Zheng, and then made a lot of preparations, and even went to inspect it himself, and made a complete set of obscene development plans.

Ying Zheng also saw that the teacher was testing himself, so he didn't ask any more questions, but stared at the topographic map, observing the border defense line of the Great Wall in the west of Qin State.

He first looked to the north, but after looking at Zhao Guo's side, he denied it.

Although the Zhao State has weakened a lot since the Changping War, it is still the top power, and it is very dangerous to plan around it.

Moreover, that is the border between Qin and Zhao, and the Qin State will definitely not let themselves struggle there, so they can only look down.

His gaze followed the line of the Great Wall until he saw the southernmost part of Longxi and had an idea.

"The teacher is talking about these two places?"

Pointing to the two open spaces in the northwest and southwest of Lintao, there are two relatively gentle areas, of which the west of Longxi is the largest, and both areas are surrounded by a bend made by the Yellow River. If you occupy it, you can use the Yellow River to resist Qiangdi.

Zhao Ji and Yingge also looked at that place, and upon closer inspection, it was indeed a treasure land that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Tian Hao nodded in relief, then stretched out his hand and said, "The piece to the south is just on the first corner of the Yellow River. We only need to dig through this place so that the water from the upper reaches of the Yellow River can flow down to form a new river channel." , divides this place into two, and finally meets Taohe River.

However, it is not easy to dig it open. It is hundreds of miles away from the Longxi Great Wall.

We need to first send people to secretly cast a temporary dam to raise the water level, and then choose a day of heavy rain. The resulting water flow will be enough to further expand the opening, and then use the momentum to wash out a new river channel.

With enough water flow, we can take advantage of the situation to connect the Tao River and the Wei River to form a complete water vein.

At that time, we only need to lead an army of [-] to defend this place, and then take advantage of the Qiang Di in this area and use their horses to form our first cavalry.

Then use the land to recruit the people inside the Qin State to settle down and open up wasteland. In addition, there is a small open-pit iron mine here, which we can use to make steel. Steel is a stronger material than iron. Weapons and armor will be harder and sharper.

After the development of this territory, we can use the formed cavalry to go north, take down the land above, and further plunder the horses of the Qiangdi there to expand the cavalry army and prepare for the next battle against the Great Yuezhi.

And after taking down the land of the Dayue clan in the inner area of ​​the Yellow River, we can start planning this large area of ​​Qiang land. If we take these few places, the territory of the Qin State can be doubled, and there will be a An extremely stable rear. "

Briefly stating the plan, Tian Hao stayed there for nearly a year to observe and ponder, and finally concluded this set of plans.

Of course, it is just a framework. As for specific tactics, you have to find professionals.


(Kneeling for recommendation support, kneeling for collection!)
(End of this chapter)

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