Chapter 7
First he gave a positive look, and then Tian Hao said: "You are already very good at thinking of these things at this age, and it is difficult to compare with you among your peers, but you are still immature and need to learn more.

There is no need to rush, you still have time now, and you can slowly think about and improve the way to govern the country.

What you said before about the need to use force to suppress external affairs is correct, but it is not perfect enough. It is also a headache for all emperors so far.

That is because it is difficult to perfectly control military power, and this is why there will be some cases of supporting the troops to respect themselves, even supporting the troops to be self-reliant, and supporting the troops to rebel.

The main reason for this situation is that soldiers have no faith of their own and only join the army to fight for military pay and a future. Some are even recruited by force. This kind of army can be mobilized with a tiger talisman or even a word from the general. Some methods lead to rebellion only in the blink of an eye.

This is also the reason why the emperors in the past always changed the main general suddenly at critical moments. Zhao Wangdan ordered the replacement of the main general Lian Po in the Battle of Changping, which led to the defeat of the Battle of Changping and the great vitality of Zhao Guo.

King Yan Hui replaced Le Yi, causing the army to be defeated by Qi general Tian Dan with a fire bull formation. So far, the vitality of Yan State was seriously injured and it was on the decline.

There are too many similar examples, even the fall of General Bai Qi, Lord Wu'an of Great Qin, had this factor.

To break this deadlock, the soldiers must have faith, the army must have a military spirit, and know what they are fighting for. This requires opening up the people's wisdom. Otherwise, facing a group of ignorant people, they will easily be encouraged to go astray.

It is difficult to directly open up people's intelligence across the country, but we can first start teaching literacy in the army, giving them the opportunity to further change their lives, and also stimulate the people to actively join the army and improve their fighting spirit.

In addition to violent suppression, other methods can be used to cooperate with the restriction of the restoration of the survivors of the six countries. For example, we will distribute the original land of the rich and powerful of the six countries to the people of the six countries for free, reduce the tax rate, and win the hearts of the people of the six countries.

If the survivors of the Six Nations want to restore their country, they will inevitably seize land and food from the people of the Six Nations. This will create irreconcilable conflicts. "

Tian Hao said a lot in one breath. The understanding of the army, as a time traveler, is naturally based on the standard of the People's Liberation Army in his previous life. Sometimes the guidance of the mind is more important than the physical training, and the potential is also higher.

"Zheng took it down!"

Nodding excitedly, Ying Zheng admired this teacher more and more, worshiped him as his disciple, and made a lot of money!
That kind of admiring look in Tian Hao's eyes was very useful. He did not hide his secrets and continued to lie: "Internally, you only need to understand that the foundation of a true emperor does not lie in the powerful class, but in the common people. The interests and beliefs of a real emperor lie with the common people." People integrate.

As long as you have the support of the people all over the world, even if the entire elite class turns against you, and there are no people to grow food for them, and the army from the people will not obey their orders, then your throne will be as stable as a mountain, and no one can shake it Come on, at least not on the surface.

It's a pity that few people understand this, and they only focus on the powerful. There are countless exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. Most of the food harvested by the people throughout the year is taken away, and they even have to be oppressed. Such a life can't even hope. No.

Therefore, when the country dies and the people suffer, the people also suffer when the country prospers, and the left and right are shrouded in darkness.

As my teacher, I hope you can create a promising future, bring light to the people of the world, and end the sad reincarnation. "

At the end, Tian Hao rubbed Ying Zheng's head. Although he had traveled to this world for 18 years, he was still not used to some of the ideological conditions here.

It's not the heart of the Virgin, but if you continue to play like this, sooner or later, the people's livelihood will be blocked by those greedy people, and then someone will say that no matter how powerful the empire is, it will be overthrown.

In order to have a stable future for myself and my children, I must eliminate these hidden dangers. Anyway, I am not considered a powerful person now, so opening up the people's wisdom will have no negative impact or loss on me.

If he has any hesitation in doing such a thing that harms others and benefits himself, it will be disrespect for a better life in the future.

Of course, this kind of thing has to be carried out by Brother Zheng, and only others can withstand it. With my small body, I only need to provide brain support in secret.

"Zheng, you've learned a lesson!"

After listening for a long time, Ying Zheng suppressed his excitement and bowed solemnly.

This master is worthy of worship!

"Come here first today, the sky is about to dawn, you go back as soon as possible, so as not to be noticed, I will come here every night at midnight, you can come down to listen to the class.

It's best to find an opportunity to raise a dog. A dog's sense of hearing and smell is much more sensitive than that of a human being. People who are not strong in martial arts will be noticed when they approach, thus providing an early warning. "

Glancing at the crude hourglass beside him, Tian Hao ended his fooling around for the day. After all, Yingzheng, mother and son are still under surveillance, and it's fine at night. It would be very dangerous if they don't see anyone during the day.

"Zheng, congratulations to the teacher!"

Ying Zheng stood up and bowed respectfully, sincerely convinced of this teacher.

Zhao Ji also stood up and bowed briefly, her wonderful eyes never leaving the figure of that person.

Noticing Zhao Ji's eyes with perfect drawing skills, Tian Hao hurriedly turned around and walked into the passage behind him.

Although the big sister Zhao Ji is very attractive, but with the lessons learned from Lao Ai, he will not make mistakes.

Besides, there are so many beauties in the world, why give up the whole forest just for one tree?

Therefore, some shortcuts cannot be taken, and a long-term perspective must be taken.

After turning a few times in the passage, Tian Hao just came to the straight passage. Only by digging in a straight way can he calculate the direction better and avoid digging mistakes.

But in the last section, he could no longer dig straight. He made several turns in more than half a month, so that even if someone came in, they would not be able to tell where the end of the passage was at the first time.

When you have time later, set up some simple mechanisms. Once triggered, this section of the passage will collapse, temporarily blocking pursuit and buying time for you to escape.

He couldn't help being careless, after all, he only had one life, so he couldn't be too cautious.

But that's for later, the most urgent thing now is to go back and find out the power that just entered between the eyebrows, is it really the golden finger?
On the other side, listening to the sound of footsteps disappearing, Ying Zheng fell into silence, and Zhao Ji no longer had the charm as before. It was obvious that the performance just now was just a disguise and a test. The result of the test was that the bad boy seemed to be still a young boy. , it’s a pity that I was scared and confused before, which was embarrassing.

Ying Zheng was silent for a long time before looking at his mother.

"Mom, what should I do, baby?"

He is a little confused now, the main problem is that Lu Buwei may murder Junfu, should he remind Junfu when the time comes?
Zhao Ji held her son in her arms. She knew what his son was going to ask, and she couldn't help recalling the scenes with Lu Buwei and Ying Yiren again in her mind, and finally stopped at the scene of being sent out like goods and being abandoned , the hatred that had been suppressed for several years couldn't help but surfaced in my heart.

"My mother has no feelings for them. One gave me away like a commodity, and the other abandoned us. Even if he wants to welcome us back in the future as he said, it is just for the power in his hands.

How many dangers we have suffered and how many times we have narrowly escaped death in the past few years have always been in my heart. Zheng'er, you must also remember that you are my only support.

In the future, we will definitely encounter more and greater dangers. Only when you become the King of Qin, Zhenger, can our mother and I take control of our own destiny and no longer be bullied and abandoned. "

Zhao Ji has long understood that those men are unreliable, and in the end she and her son have to rely on herself.

"The child understands!"

Nodding seriously, Ying Zheng knew what to choose. His mother was his only relative!
"Let's go see where sir lives."

Zhao Ji suddenly spoke, still a little wary of that person. After all, they only knew one name about his identity. It was the name the other person claimed. They couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

There is a saying that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. It is right to be more prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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