Chapter 89

This kind of spear technique made Xuan Jian's eyes shine, and he became a little more serious, blocking one by one with the white scabbard in one hand.

This kind of spear technique is indeed very novel, but the strength gap between the two sides is too large to allow him to draw his sword.

Tian Hao is like a ruthless output machine, waving his arms and stabbing continuously, his speed has exploded to the current limit, without any reservation.

At the same time, the Lightning Feather Step was launched, and he quickly walked around Xuan Jian to attack, attacking every part of the opponent, but unfortunately he still couldn't move Xuan Jian even a little bit, and he didn't even turn around. Blocked the spear point stabbing from behind.

After continuing to attack like this for a full quarter of an hour, Tian Hao finally stopped the attack, panting slightly.

"Master Xuan Jian's strength is extraordinary, and his subordinates admire him."

"You used the lightning step of the Mo family."

His expression became more stern. Xuan Jian had once fought against the masters of the Mohist school, and had seen the lightning step, so he must not be mistaken.

And Luo Wang and the Mo family are mortal enemies, this kid seems to have some things that he didn't explain.

"My subordinates also have the Hundred Refined Shield Armor from the Pijiamen, the Thunder Breathing Technique from the Mo School, and the two mental techniques of Jianai Feigong."

Tian Hao seemed to be very frank, and these things would be revealed sooner or later, rather than falling into a passive situation at that time, it would be better to confess now.

"Come in!"

Lu Buwei spoke at this time, he didn't really care why the kid was wearing armor and Mohist martial arts, he just cared that he seemed to have something he didn't explain.

"Young Master Zheng, they were once assassinated by the Mo family and Lord Xinling. They escaped through the tunnel dug by his subordinates, but his subordinates took them down silently with the help of a thousand spiders bestowed by Lord Zheri. , and then forced to find out the unique skills they practiced.

It's a pity that there are only the first fifty refinements of the hundred-refined shield armor, and it also lacks the core secret medicine of the armor-piercing sect. "

Tian Hao confessed very honestly, he didn't hide anything, he just made some fakes.

"Is that the time?"

Lu Buwei was thoughtful, he had received information that Zhao Guo's proton mansion was attacked and killed a few months ago, it seems that it was that time.

And this time, Mr. Xinling suddenly went to the capital of Zhao Kingdom, met Zhao Wangdan, and then joined forces to kill Yingzheng. Obviously, he had been staring at him for a long time.

"Go down!"

Losing interest, Lu Buwei signaled the two to leave, while he looked at the topographic map depicted on the desktop and thought.

Although the plan was simple, its implementation was bound to be difficult and required a lot of planning.

However, he and Ying Zichu really needed a military exploit to stabilize their status, and Da Qin also needed a large number of horses to form a cavalry legion.

If this area can be captured, even if Qin Wangzhu is poisoned later, the resistance to Ying Zichu's ascension to the throne will be much smaller.

Even after Ying Zichu is planned out, the resistance to supporting Yingzheng's ascension to the throne will also be reduced a lot. This perfectly fits with what he said about leaving on the same day. Obviously, they have been planning for a long time.

It's just that this is a conspiracy, even if he knows it, he can only follow along, after all, he will also be the beneficiary of the plan.

"Zhiri has trained you well. There are traces of lore swordsmanship in spear skills, and with the thousand spiders devouring dreams, he values ​​you very much."

Walking out of the mansion, Xuan Jian said in a deep voice, his voice was somewhat meaningful.

"It's not the subordinates that Mr. Zangri values, but the tasks performed by the subordinates."

Tian Hao hurriedly expressed his loyalty, saying that he is not familiar with Zhe Ri now, and has no friendship with him. It is purely a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and he will only be Master Xuan Jian's loyal servant in the future.

"You are a smart man, and I like smart people the most."

Xuan Jian was very satisfied with the new boy's answer, he was indeed a smart person, and he lacked such smart people now.

After that, without further words, Xuan Jian led Tian Hao to a hidden private house, then activated the mechanism, and a secret passage slanted downward appeared.

Seeing Xuan Jian walking into the secret passage, Tian Hao also followed, and after several turns, he came to an underground secret room. There were many weapons hanging on the wall, most of which were long swords.

"These are my collections before I entered the trap. You can choose a handful."

Sitting on a chair, Xuan Jian gestured.

Since he is a newly recruited pony, he naturally has to be rewarded, otherwise why should he follow him to work hard?

Tian Hao would not be polite, he stepped forward to fumble for those long swords, and finally took a soft sword as thin as a cicada's wing.

There are no famous swords here, but they are all top-notch swords. This soft sword is quite good. Although it does not have the straight and smooth characteristics of the Gongbu sword, its sharpness is not bad, and it just fits the one I am creating. Gate fencing.

"What other plans do you have for hiding the sun?"

After Tian Hao chose the sword, Xuan Jian asked.

One of the reasons why he accepted this boy was that the other party was indeed very capable, and the other reason was that the other party was a confidant of the sun, who knew many of the plans of the sun. The plan of the veteran Tianzi-level killer.

"Lu Buwei is not the ultimate goal of Mr. Yanri."

After a moment of silence, Tian Hao said a word.

"It's not Lu Buwei, is it Prince Qin Chu?"

Xuan Jian thought of Prince Qin Chu, could that be the target of the trap?

"No, he is even ahead of Lu Buwei, only behind Qin Wangzhu."

Tian Hao, who had already thought about it for a while, resolutely poured dirty water on Luo Wang, and took the opportunity to see if he could fool Xuan Jian into his own.

Xuan Jian is not a pure killer, he also has feelings, as long as he can channel out that part of his feelings, he will get out of the trap voluntarily, or become a pawn they planted in the net.

"What do you mean?"

Frowning tightly, Xuan Jian could hear the meaning in the words, but he couldn't guess the real meaning for a while. After all, he joined Luo Wang for too short a time, so he didn't understand many things, especially Luo Wang's plan.

"Qin Wangji, Qin Wangzhu, and Qin Wangchu are all pawns and stumbling blocks in the net, Lu Buwei is just a slightly bigger pawn, Qin Gongzizheng is the biggest pawn.

Qin Wangji has been removed, and Qin Wangzhu is next. After Lu Buwei takes a firm stand in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, Qin Wangchu can be removed, and under the pretext of Yingzheng's young age, he will support Lu Buwei to pour his power into the court.

Then secretly assisted Yingzheng to go out of Lubuwei and start a unified plan.

As for whether there is a follow-up, the subordinates do not know. "

Tian Hao pretended to be serious, his expression was very respectful, and he showed some ambition just right.

It is not easy to instigate this person, you have to carry out deep-seated deception, and it will be a long-term project. Just use the frequent replacement of the throne in the future to make the other party believe in your words more, and then you can find opportunities to make him develop feelings. It's enough to subdue it naturally, and Ying Zheng can come forward when necessary.

With such a master in hand, many things will be much more convenient to do.

As expected, Xuan Jian was deeply shocked. In the past, he only knew that there was no one who dared not kill in Luo Wang. Unexpectedly, Luo Wang would be so crazy that he would destroy the three generations of kings of Daqin in one breath.

Can it only be said that it is worthy of being a trap?
"How do you know this? Why are you telling me? It's dangerous for you."

Turning his eyes to the new horse boy, Xuan Jian became more and more curious about it.

He has seen the ambition that he deliberately concealed, which proves that this person is a person who is unwilling to be lonely and must have plans.

He is not afraid that the other party has a plan, but he is afraid that there is no plan, or that the direction of the plan makes him dislike it.


(This is a very tense shootout, please don't get it wrong, please recommend and support, please collect!)
(End of this chapter)

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