Chapter 93
"You have some brains, but you are only clever."

Gui Guzi said it tactfully, indicating that you are not qualified, not to mention that this kid is still a trap killer.

If the world knew that Gui Guzi had accepted a snare killer as his disciple, he would be laughed to death.

"Why does the master think that the disciple does not have great wisdom? The point just now is not enough to show the disciple's wisdom."

Tian Hao shows one part stubbornness and one part pride in his sincerity. The more he has, the better.

Now such a golden thigh is in front of you, if you don't weld it quickly, it will be struck by lightning.

Moreover, he is also very coveted for the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship of the Guigu sect. Whether it is the Hundred-step Flying Sword or the cross-direction sword, it is quite awesome, especially the Hundred-step Flying Sword.

Must learn hands!
"Have I underestimated you?"

Guiguzi smiled, and asked with great interest: "Since you are so confident, the old man will test you, what do you think of the current world situation?"

He was quite satisfied with the previous exchange and owed a favor. He didn't mind giving it a chance, but it was just an opportunity. Whether he could seize it or not was up to him.

Seeing that Guiguzi didn't directly refuse, Tian Hao knew that it was half done, and after organizing his words, he said flickeringly: "The world will be divided if it is united for a long time, and it will be united if it is divided for a long time.

The world has been divided for a long time, and it will inevitably reunite, and Qin is the most likely to unify the world. There is no doubt that the six kingdoms have been rotten to the root. Even if they join forces to attack Qin again, they will not be able to defeat Qin. It's just a matter of survival, reunification is only a matter of time.

However, the Qin State will definitely not repeat the mistakes of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It will definitely abandon the enfeoffment system and switch to the prefecture and county system that is now beginning to take shape.

It's just that although it is easy to unify the six countries, the survivors of the six countries will definitely not give up. Moreover, after the unification war, those moths in the six countries will definitely be cleaned up, and those who survive are elites.

If these elites join forces and find an opportunity, they are very likely to rebel and restore the country, and wars will inevitably continue in the future.

If the Qin State can survive, it can take the opportunity to completely eliminate the remnants of the six countries and stabilize itself. If it cannot survive, it will inevitably be a chaotic world of mutual attacks. However, with the example of Qin's unification of the world in front of us, whether it is in Ambition, or driven by ambition, those who are determined will surely unify the world again and end the war.

But by that time, I am afraid that China will be destitute of ten houses and nine empty houses. The Erhu Xiongnu in the north and the Dayue clan and Qiang people in the west will definitely take the opportunity to invade. If we are not careful, we will be wiped out..."

The more Gui Guzi listened, the more serious his expression became, and he was also secretly deducing in his mind. It turned out that this kid's analysis was very reasonable and very likely.

"Then how do you, as a member of the Qin State, avoid that kind of ending? In the unification war, you killed all the dignitaries of the six countries, including the old and young, women and children?"

After someone finished speaking, Guiguzi asked, his expression more serious, even cold.

But this questioning gesture did not confuse Tian Hao. Through the Qin Shi series, he had already known what kind of person this old guy was. Human life was nothing in his eyes. This was obviously an inductive test.

"Any choice will inevitably have a result. It doesn't matter what the result is. What matters is whether the person who makes the choice has the psychological preparation and ability to withstand the consequences. If he can withstand the consequences, then his choice is correct. If he can't bear the consequences live, that's wrong.

Moreover, there is no concept of right or wrong in that kind of struggle. Almost everyone is fighting for their own ambitions, and no one is innocent. The same is true for the rich and powerful.

Nowadays, the powerful in various countries are themselves evil. With the help of their own power and the country's tendentious laws, they have squeezed too many benefits from the people. Their wealth, their power, and their happy life are all used. It was built with the blood and sweat of countless people.

This sin has been with them since they were born. Even if they are killed, they are not innocent.

I can roughly guess the future development process, but I don't like the ending, so I want to create a new future for the world. "

While talking, he looked at Guiguzi without any sign of weakness, quite a tit-for-tat tendency.

One of the main points of flickering is to talk about people when you see people, and talk about ghosts when you see ghosts. Since you are facing Guiguzi, you have to refer to the dialogue between Guiguzi and Gai Nieweizhuang in the Qin Shi series.

And this targeted deception really suited Guiguzi's taste, and he recognized it more and more.

"The old man underestimated you before, but it's a pity that I met you a little late. The old man has already inherited the vertical sword lineage, and the horizontal sword lineage can't be passed on to you, otherwise the vertical and horizontal line will be out of balance, which violates the rules of Ghost Valley."

Shaking his head regretfully, Guiguzi is very satisfied with this young man, but unfortunately he already has a disciple, according to the rules of Guigu Sect, he must find someone of the same age to inherit Hengjian's lineage, and form an opposing trend, so Only then can the real strongest be selected and become the next generation Guiguzi.

But he won't be stingy. Since he owes a favor and the other party has performed so well, it doesn't make sense not to give him some reward.

"Although Gui Valley has rules, the rules are dead, and people are alive and cannot be restricted by rules. Moreover, the rules of Gui Valley have been passed down for a long time, and they have both advantages and disadvantages. To this day, Gui Valley is still just a dispute between vertical and horizontal lines. Doesn't Master want to break the rules set by the ancestors and open a new path in Ghost Valley?

There will only be three results of one win, one loss and two defeats, but three parties can produce countless results.

The Guigu Sect has been creating new answers for the world. Why doesn’t Master create a new answer for the Guigu Sect? "

Tian Hao hurriedly deceived him. Rather than giving Guiguzi some other benefits, it would be better to become his disciple, so that he would have the right to inherit. When Guiguzi died in the future, he could go to Guigu to inherit the inheritance.

Of course, the premise is that the old guy can be amputated at a high position, otherwise it will be difficult.

"Break the rules!"

While chanting those words, Guiguzi fell into deep thought.

The dogma of Guigu itself is to break the rules and create new answers for the world, but he is obeying the rules of Guigu himself, which is a restriction in itself.

If you can break the rules set by the ancestors, maybe there will be new results.

Tian Hao was also meditating, but what he was thinking about was that if Gui Guzi still couldn't be fooled, he would have to come up with more powerful lines to fool him.

There is only one chance, once Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang leave, there will be no chance.

"Although you are trying to be clever, there is some truth in it. I am looking forward to what kind of answer you can create."

While Tian Hao was thinking about the new lines, Gui Guzi suddenly spoke and made a decision.

"Disciple will not let Master down!"

After reacting, Tian Hao hurriedly bowed and saluted, responded with confidence, and his heart was filled with joy and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the fool was lame, otherwise it would be difficult for him to write the next lines.

And from now on, someone from Tian Tian is a new successor of Guigu Sect, the one who is qualified to inherit the inheritance.

"Don't be too happy too early. Your existence is to create new answers for Guigu. Therefore, my teacher will not pass on the essence of your vertical and horizontal veins. You need to understand the new path on your own."

Guiguzi said that since you want to open a new path in Guiguzi, I will satisfy you as a teacher.

He will pass down the basics of vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, but don't even think about the essence of ultimate moves, he wants to see if this kid can bring surprises.


(Fennenmeng begging for recommendation and support, begging for collection!)
(End of this chapter)

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