Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 365 Changes in the past five years

Chapter 365 Changes in Six Years
Jin Chan, the lord of the Holy Law Hall, the pinnacle Douluo of the control system at level 96, the Battle of the Nine Rings of Wuhun, title: Holy Law.

Jin Chan's strength has always been stable. Over the years, many academic theories he and Shengfa Temple have studied have become widely popular on the mainland and caused a craze. Many people have greatly changed their previous theories on martial arts.

In addition to studying these theories that are widely popular in the mainland, the Holy Law Palace is also responsible for the teaching work of the Nine Demon Academy.The team of the Holy Law Hall can be said to be the largest.

Jin Chan is the honorary dean of the Nine Demon Academy, and Han Xin, who was promoted to Contra just a few months ago, is the chief deputy dean of the Nine Demon Academy.

Wang Quan, whose soul power has reached level 79, serves as the second vice president. He is powerful, and the general affairs are handled by Wang Quan.

In addition to these two vice presidents, Nine Demon Academy has added an education committee.

The chief of the education committee, the old master, is a level 78 attack weapon soul saint.

The second member of the Education Committee, Jiang Ziya, is a soul sage of level 78 control equipment.

The third member of the Education Committee, Li He, is a 77-level Control Department War Soul Sage.

These three directors of the Education Committee are well-known on the mainland. Except for major events that King Quan will handle personally, the Education Committee can handle minor matters. Moreover, they are mainly responsible for the teaching management of Jiuyao Academy.

In addition to these, the Nine Demon Academy has selected excellent teachers in recent years, and many excellent and powerful teachers have indeed emerged in these years.

Lei Gong Lei Lizhou, one of the Thunder Gods and Lightning Mothers, is undoubtedly the number one. His strength has reached level 76, and his martial spirit is the Crazy Thunder Hammer.

Afterwards, there was Zhu Qing, the only owner of the main body martial soul in the sect, a 76th-level control system battle soul saint, with excellent teaching ability!
A female teacher newly joined the Nine Monsters Academy, she is powerful and dances beautifully, Wuhun is a paper umbrella, and her strength has reached level 76.

Luo Xiaofeng, this powerful and pungent electric mother, has reached level 75 soul power.

Joining the Nine Monsters Academy with that female teacher is a male teacher, Wuhun is a book, specializing in control, wearing glasses, and the same soul power as Luo Xiaofeng.

A few days ago, there was a report about a new teacher, a woman, with a water-attribute martial spirit. It is said that her martial spirit has reached a level of purity, but this female teacher always laments that she is wearing a blue skirt that covers her hips.

Liu Qingqing and Su Ruoqing were on par in strength. Following the appearance of the ever-accurate archer from the Lava Temple, Su Ruoqing's martial spirit Bai Yuebow was similar to his martial spirit, and she also studied with him for a period of time, and her strength improved a lot; Qingqing is as usual, needless to say her offensive ability, she is also considered to be the best among teachers.

Ma Yushu and the two new teachers Xiao Ning and Ye Yunlan all have about the same amount of soul power.

Xiao Ning's martial soul is a sparrow that combines the three attributes of wind, thunder and lightning. It is powerful and explosive; Ye Yunlan's martial soul is Queen Fengxue, which can be regarded as the top of the ice attribute martial soul.

If the martial arts were not advanced, Lin Yuan would not have been able to invite them in.

There is also a new addition, who is responsible for the registration and guardianship of the Book Pavilion, a girl with twin ponytails, and the spirit of martial arts seems to be a book that can release flames.

The teaching team of Jiuyao Academy is very large. I believe that the teaching of Jiuyao Pavilion will reach a new level in the future!
Dugu Bo, the master of the Tiandu Hall, a 95-level control system title Douluo, Wuhun Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, title: Poison!

Title Douluo with a single title is rare, and they usually specialize in this aspect or their strength in this aspect has reached a place that no one can match.Just like Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo, Shadow Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo!

And Dugu Bo is also well-known here. After his family's problems are solved by Lin Yuan, his strength is not only to control soul masters with poison, but also his combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. The titled Douluo's strength unit.

Now that he has grown to level 95, his strength has not improved a little bit. A few days ago, he fought against Ju Douluo, but naturally he couldn't beat Ju Douluo, and was laughed at by Yueguan.

The Sky Poison Hall is still cooperating with the Golden Alchemy Hall to refine the elixir. Besides, it is also responsible for all the work of the Jiuyao Pavilion's poison. The Sky Poison Hall is also the last thing those soul masters outside want to meet, because you don't know when you will be poisoned and died.

Dugu Bo is also the only elder among the nine elders who has a 10-year soul ring. Except for Ah Yan's last soul ring, which is 10 years old, so is Dugu Bo's ninth soul ring!
Everyone in the Dugu family is not bad in strength, especially Dugu Xin, Dugu Bo's son and Dugu Yan's father. He is the strongest among the Soul Douluo elders. He is only one step away from becoming a titled Douluo. His soul power is 89 levels.

However, if Dugu Xin wants to break through to Title Douluo, it won't take a year or so. It depends on the opportunity. Many soul masters are stuck in this bottleneck.

Although his martial spirit has not reached the level of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, it is not bad, and he is also the Jade Phosphorus Snake King below the Jade Phosphorus Snake King.It may be that his father has reached the level of the Snake Emperor, with the suppression of blood, and Dugu Xin has not broken through the Title Douluo, so it will take a long time to reach the level of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor.

There are relatively few soul masters in the Tianpo Temple, and there are not many soul masters.

In the past six years, only one more soul master has been added. It is said that this soul master is a healer who is good at using poison. His body has turned into that abnormal green color, and he often carries a package on his back. It's a poison bottle.

His joining helped the Tiandu Temple to share a lot of work. Originally, the work of the Tiandu Temple was relatively easy. In fact, after this soul master came, it was still very easy.

The master of the Jindan Palace, Taiyi Zhenren, a 95-level defense system titled Douluo, Wuhun Alchemy Furnace, title: Furnace!
One of Dugu Bo's good friends, although Taiyi's soul power is relatively slow to cultivate, his main abilities are defense, assistance and refining elixirs, which have doubled in recent years.

The sales of elixirs are also very good. The name of Taiyi Zhenren is well-known both inside and outside the mainland, whether he is a soul master or not. Everyone knows that the elixir refined by Elder Taiyi Zhenren of Furnace Douluo of Nine Demons Pavilion is a miraculous thing!
Yang Wudi, the deputy head of the Jindan Palace, has now reached level 86, and his soul power is even higher than the soul power five years later in the original book!

Since joining the Nine Demon Pavilion, Yang Wudi has been like a fish in water. He really likes poisons and elixirs so much. Some of the elixirs sold are mainly in charge of Yang Wudi!

The soul masters under the Golden Pill Palace are all Yang Wudi's original Po Zhi clan. Each of them likes to make alchemy, so after coming to the Golden Pill Palace, their enthusiasm and interest are coupled with their professional counterparts. The Golden Pill Palace's elixir refining The effect is quite remarkable.

Although no other soul masters have been added in the past few years, these soul masters in Jindan Temple are enough. Daoist Taiyi is sometimes surprised, they refine all day long, aren't they tired?You are not tired, I am tired! ! !


Can you guess these new soul masters?I have seen the answers yesterday, and it seems that everyone's guesses are very accurate (how could anyone guess for nothing!!), please comment on the answers!

(End of this chapter)

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