Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 369 Diao Chan!A Midsummer Night's Dream!

Chapter 369 Diao Chan!A Midsummer Night's Dream!


Elder Zi Yi lowered his knuckle fingers to his lips, and said in a seductive voice: "Everything, don't say too much!"


In the next second, Elder Ziyi had already arrived at the door of the main hall of the pavilion, "Diao Chan, you came very early too!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty." Diao Chan smiled slightly and sat in her seat.

【Hero: Diao Chan】

[Current skin: A Midsummer Night's Dream]

[Skin Status: Permanent]

[Martial Spirit: Iris Purple Butterfly]

[Soul Power: Level 85]

[Soul ring: yellow yellow purple purple black black black black]

[Soul Skill: The first soul skill-Yu Hua Yin.When Diao Chan's skill hits, it will superimpose the iris mark on the enemy for 8 seconds. After the superposition reaches 4 layers, the mark will trigger and restore 30% of its soul power. At the same time, it will cause real damage to surrounding enemies and reduce their movement speed by 50% for 1 second. .

The second soul skill - Falling Red Rain.Swing the purple butterfly in the designated direction, the purple butterfly will return to Diaochan's hand after flying out for a while, and the swing and return will cause damage to the enemies on the path.

The third soul skill - Yuanxinknot.Diao Chan displays a purple butterfly, disappears instantly, and immediately appears at the designated location. At the same time, it will emit 3 iris flowers to attack nearby enemies. Each flower will cause damage to the enemy. If the iris flower hits the enemy, it will also reduce the 4 seconds of Yuanxinkou. Cooling time.

The fourth soul skill - Blooming Elegance.Diao Chan blooms and forms a purple garden array on the spot. When the array is generated and disappears, it will cause damage to the enemy. When Diao Chan is within the range of the array, Luohongyu and Yuanxinknot will receive additional cooldown reduction.

Fifth Soul Skill - Butterfly Fluttering Wings.Zidie vibrates its wings, instantly removing all negative effects and statuses of Diao Chan, and is immune to all controlling soul skills within five seconds.Speed ​​increased by 50.00%.

The sixth soul skill - Night Dream.Diao Chan opens a midsummer dream, and the dream instantly envelopes the enemy, making it impossible for them to escape.During this period, Diao Chan's all attributes are increased by 40.00%, and all enemies' attributes are weakened by 60.00%. Dreamland will definitely kill soul masters with low mental power in an instant.

The eighth soul skill - Phantom Dance.All of Diao Chan's attributes increase by [-]%, summoning countless purple phantoms. The phantoms will follow Diao Chan's steps and dance, and explode when touching the enemy. They will also explode two seconds later.The dance is indistinguishable and gradually charms the enemy to death. 】

[Self-created soul skill: Butterfly Swing.The white jade swing appeared, Diao Chan rested, and butterflies danced gracefully. Five seconds later, Diao Chan teleported to the main hall of the Nine Demon Pavilion. 】

A few years ago, Lin Yuan obtained the hero card of Diao Chan and the legendary skin card of A Midsummer Night's Dream, thus creating the feared purple girl on the continent.

Diao Chan's Wuhun also changed from a flower to an iris butterfly, a qualitative change has taken place.At the same time, it comes with the wood attribute and the dark attribute of the purple butterfly. In the vegetation zone and in the dark, the combat power will be increased.

"Can you solve the one a few days ago?" Lin Yuan asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Time cannot take away the wonderful youth, it is treasured in the poems of Midsummer Night." Diao Chan said with a smile, "Naturally."

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded, he naturally understood the meaning of Diao Chan's words.

Ah Yan also closed his eyes and meditated in his seat, and everyone arrived one after another.

"The new one is finally coming!" Dugu Bo walked in with Daoist Taiyi, stretching his waist.

"Alas, the back wave pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach, we are all old!" Master Taiyi said helplessly, waving his hands.

"Hahaha, Elder Taiyi is not old!" Qin Ming walked over and said.

"Xiao Ming, don't make fun of my old bones!" Taiyi Daoist gave Qin Ming a gouged look, and even he was shocked that Qin Ming grew up so fast.

Mi Yue snickered aside, and the elders of the older generation were all lamenting.Who let us improve too fast.

Qin Ming and Mi Yue sat next to each other, and they sat down one by one, waiting for the arrival of others.

Daji, Ah Yin, and Shangguan Wan'er arrived soon, "This old rhinoceros isn't here yet, let's drink again!"

"Hahahaha, I remember that the old rhino owed me a drink!" Shangguan Wan'er said while sitting in her seat, playing with the brush in her hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll buy that drink!" Niu Gao, Yang Wudi, and Bai He also arrived.

"Oh, the old rhinoceros doesn't admit it!" Diao Chan laughed.

"Is my old rhinoceros that kind of person? I owe you all, please!"

Everyone was chatting and laughing, the old god Baihe was sitting in the seat, and Yang Wudi was interrupting with Dugu Bo and real Taiyi.

Dugu Xin and Wen Ya also arrived soon. Wen Ya sat next to A Yin and Mi Yue and said, "Yue Yue, I heard that you got a good thing recently."

Ah Yin was also attracted, "Oh? What kind of fun is it?"

"It's nothing, it's a colorful firefly!"

"Colorful fireflies? That's really rare." Daji interjected.

"Yes, I will take you to see it after the meeting."

Jin Chan happened to meet Han Xin on the way, and the two walked towards the main hall of the pavilion together, "The research on the main body martial soul will be popularized to the soul masters in the academy in due course, which will also help everyone understand the new Knowledge…"

"Elder Jin Chan is here."

"Amitabha, long time no see, everyone." Jin Chan and Han Xin each sat in their own seats. Although everyone rushed there at the first time, the distance was different, and everyone walked slowly.

He Zhi came together with Li Panglong. Li Panglong was the canteen manager and he was also required to attend some meetings. He had the right to sit with these elders for meetings.

The joint banner is an honorary elder, so they are naturally qualified to hold meetings together.

The two came to the main hall of the pavilion to say hello to everyone, and then Hezhi joined Miyue and their group of women, chatting gossip together.Now that the meeting has not officially started, we can chat.

Li Panglong chatted with Niu Gao and the others. Although Li Panglong was a food system soul master and soul sage, Niu Gao and the others would not treat him differently.Because, Li Panglong has captured their hearts... Bah!Caught their stomachs!

Every night when drinking, Li Panglong must cook a few dishes, even if it is just a plate of fried peanuts.At the beginning, Niu Gao and the others thought so too, so what's the point of saying that it's just a plate of fried peanuts that is just an ordinary appetizer.

As a result, Li Panglong spent a lot of time bringing out a plate of fried peanuts. Don't tell me, the taste is really amazing! ! !

A must for appetizers.

Li Panglong believes that deep-fried peanuts can best reflect the chef's culinary skills. It seems simple, but in fact it contains mysteries.

Since then, Li Panglong's craftsmanship has completely conquered Niu Gao and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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