Chapter 376 Hu Liena Lan

"The second match of the peak group, Hu Liena versus Yew!"

Hu Liena appeared on the stage, with short golden hair and an almost perfect figure. Her appearance was somewhat similar to that of Xieyue, giving people the impression of a wolf ready to attack.This girl doesn't look very pretty at first glance, but if you look closely, you can feel a strange charm from her.

Hu Liena's voice sounded a little hoarse, but it was in that hoarse voice.But with a special charm.Dressed in gold, pink and silver three-color clothes.After the spirit was released, a big fluffy tail grew from Hu Liena's back, and she also became beautiful.

"Hu Liena, Wuhun Yaohu, level 55 control system battle spirit king."

Hu Liena also reached the soul king level, and her strength improved as quickly as her brother Xie Yue's.As the first sister in the control department of Nine Demons Academy, everyone knows Hu Liena's reputation.

"Yew, Martial Soul Red Rose, level 46 control system Battle Soul Sect."

Game start!
Everyone knows that Hu Liena's tricks are charm and control!Yew closed her eyes and covered her ears at the beginning of the scene, using her mental power to identify Hu Liena's position, and then attacked.

Lightly moving the lotus steps, Hu Liena seemed to have come to the front just by turning around.A faint smile appeared on her face, "Will it work if you cover your eyes and ears? Everyone calls me Tianhu! The second soul skill, Humei!"

The second yellow soul ring among the five soul rings arranged on Hu Liena's body shone, and a dazzling light enveloped the whole place. The yew soul master was directly controlled.

This is the power of Hu Liena’s charm!
"Nana's strength has improved very quickly!" Ayan said.

"Her charm is not limited to sight and hearing, as long as one of the six senses is not blocked, she can be charmed." Daji said with a smile.

"Elder Daji taught me better, hahaha!" Niu Gaohao laughed heartily.

Over the years, Daji has also accepted Hu Liena as her disciple.Both are fox spirits, but they are also control type and specialize in charm. Daji is like an enlarged version of Hu Liena.

All these years of teaching have not been in vain.

While they were talking, Hu Liena had already won the match!After bewitching the yew, the first soul skill, countless foxfires, was released from herself, defeating her opponent and advancing to the semi-finals.

The speed of the battle between these two brothers and sisters was really too fast. From Xie Yue's appearance to Hu Liena's exit, in less than 5 minutes, two of them entered the semi-finals.

"Nana, that's amazing! Congratulations!" Oscar said in the rest area looking at Hu Liena who came back.They all know Oscar's feelings, and it is obvious that Oscar likes Hu Liena. This is something everyone knows.

However, Hu Liena didn't plan to be with him too soon, or she wouldn't cherish it.He said to Oscar, it is still an ambiguous stage, when you get my approval I will agree to be with you.

Even Xie Yue, who is controlled by her sister, can't help it. Whoever makes her sister also likes her, she can't interfere too much.

Another reason is that he also has someone he likes!

"Oh, it's really boring. Let's go. Let's go back and rest. It will take some time for the peak group to finish the competition." Hu Liena took Oscar's hand and walked out. Oscar was shocked and blushed, so he quickly followed.

Ma Hongjun and Dugu Yan looked at me and I looked at you, and laughed, "Hahahahahaha, this little Aohahahaha!"

"Let's go, don't laugh at Fatty!" Xie Yue patted Fatty on the shoulder and walked outside.The six people behind also hurriedly followed.


Time flies so fast, two days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the peak group competition is finally over.In fact, the competition in each group is very fast, but the peak group is still relatively slow.

"The first match of the Glory group will be held in 5 minutes. Please get ready, the match will start immediately!"

Lan was sitting in the rest area to rest. It was him in the first game, so he had to recharge his batteries. The opponent in the first game was not so easy to deal with.

"What are you thinking?" A pair of small hands stretched out from behind Lan's head, covering his eyes.

Lan smiled and said, "Kid!", grabbed Cai Wenji's hand with both hands, turned around and held Cai Wenji in his arms.

"Bad guy! The game is about to start!" Cai Wenji buried her head in Lan's chest, "Be careful."

"Yes, I know." Lan gently touched Cai Wenji's hair.

Lan is now 18 years old, his soul power has reached level 53, and his strength is strong.As early as a few years ago, Lan had established a relationship with Cai Wenji. Since then, Lan is no longer that ice guy, but a warm guy.

Cai Wenji is much younger than Lan, but no one cares about the age difference in Douluo Dalu.

He has medium-length and short brown hair, wears a scarf with strange blue and white patterns, wears armor on the front of his arms, exposing the upper half of his arms, with obvious tendons, and wears brown clothes.

"Please Lan and Napajia enter the Soul Fighting Stage to participate in the competition!"

Xiao Wu's voice sounded in the venue, Cai Wenji raised her head, "It's your turn, be careful."


After the two kissed each other goodbye, Lan stood up and walked towards the Soul Fighting Stage. Her eyes changed from the gentleness before to extremely cold and chilling.

"The first match of the Glory group, Lan vs. Napaja, the match begins!"

"Lan, the martial soul Night Demon Shark, the level 53 agility attack type battle soul king."

"Napajia, martial spirit coyote, level 43 agility attack type fighting spirit sect."

"The first soul skill, hunting."

Lan locked on to the target, stabbed at the opponent's side in an instant, and fell with one claw.

The soul master on the opposite side retreated quickly, keeping distance from Lan.

"Distance? It's never been a problem for me. The fourth soul skill, execution!"

A water ball suddenly shot out from Lan's hand, and the soul master on the opposite side was hit directly and was stunned.Lan's eyes were cold and stern, and the shadow of the Night Demon Shark appeared behind him. The next moment, he pounced on the opposite soul master, dragged the man to the finish line, and kicked him off the soul fighting platform.

"The first match of the Glory group, Lan wins! Advance to the semi-finals!"

"It seems that the three members of the new generation Nine Monsters team have basically come to light!" Yang Wudi said, no one would doubt the authenticity of his words, after all, these three are considered the most powerful in the new generation.

"Then, the fourth one is coming out too." Diao Chan said.

"Oh? Where did this come from?" Yang Wudi was confused.

"You'll know who's next." Diao Chan said.Yang Wudi focused his attention on the area where the soul masters were preparing for the battle under the soul fighting stage, and a slim figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Hahahaha, this little guy is a bit slow in cultivation!" Master Taiyi laughed.

"Now, no one can control her. Only the Lord can control her!" Wen Ya shook her head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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