Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 380 The Speedy Bai Chenxiang

Chapter 380 The Speedy Bai Chenxiang

The Xingyao group's competition passed by in a flash, and the next day ushered in the last group competition of the fighting type soul masters.

"The last one, sister, you have to work hard." Oscar leaned against the corner, looking at the girl with twin ponytails.

"Oh, Oscar!" The girl with twin ponytails grabbed Oscar angrily!
"Xiangxiang, I took a look at your opponent. It's not a problem for you to beat her. Come on!" Xie Yue said as the eldest brother here.

Dugu Yan hugged Bai Chenxiang, "Come on, Xiangxiang, I believe you can do it!"

"Thank you!" Bai Chenxiang was moved to tears.

Bai Chenxiang is about to reach 12 years old now, she is the weakest among them.Bai Chenxiang is tall and well-proportioned, with extremely beautiful appearance, although she is a little thinner, but her appearance is only half inferior to Zhu Zhuqing and the others.There is a little pride in the eyes, and the beautiful eyes look forward.But in front of everyone, the arrogance in his eyes has long since disappeared.

Dressed in light purple, with double ponytails, she has that kind of incomparable vitality and full of girlish aura.The dovetail skirt perfectly matches the characteristics of his spirit.As a pure speed type martial soul, Bai Chenxiang gives people the impression that he is extremely clean and neat.Even the embellishment on the clothing is very simple.A pair of boots looks tall and slim.

As the granddaughter of Elder Bai He, Bai Chenxiang has been doted on by Bai He since she was born. Although he loves his granddaughter, he is not doting on Dugu Yan like Dugu Bo.Bai Chenxiang's father had been killed before entering the sect, and his mother was also killed on a mission many years ago. For this reason, Lin Yuan personally took revenge.

As an elder, Bai He will naturally receive many rewards. Among them, there will be some herbs that are not as good as the fairy grass, but are comparable to the fairy grass. Bai He will treasure these and leave them to Bai Chenxiang.

In this way, Bai Chenxiang's spirit power is quite high at such an age, and she is the only one among the people with her who has eaten fairy grass, so it is understandable that her spirit power has improved so quickly.

With the advantage of age, and the fact that Grandpa can obtain some fairy herbs, Bai Chenxiang's strength naturally improved very quickly.

The soul masters of the Yuanmin family in Shenhong Palace, after studying and discussing with Jin Chan and Lin Yuan, formulated a series of soul ring hunting plans for them, which can keep the speed of their swift-tailed swift martial souls unchanged. There are means of attack to enhance the attack power.

"The ninth round of the diamond group, Bai Chenxiang will face off against Zhao Kunkun."

Bai Chenxiang's figure was extremely coordinated. She jumped up lightly from the stage, tapped her toes on the ground, and the next moment she was on the soul fighting stage.

Opposite him, Zhao Kunkun was a burly man with a fierce look.

"Bai Chenxiang, Martial Soul Sharp-tailed Swift, Level 46 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Sect."

"Zhao Kunkun, Martial Soul Boulder Bear, Level 44 Assault Department Battle Soul Sect."

"Game start!"

Two yellow, two purple, four soul rings appeared around her graceful body, less than 12 years old, the strength of a soul sect above level [-] is quite impressive.And it's also the best spirit ring ratio.Although this girl is young, she is Bai He's pride.Bai He firmly believes that his granddaughter has the opportunity to hit the Title Douluo level in the future.

As soon as the martial soul was cast, Bai Chenxiang's body bounced up like lightning, his legs were close together, as if sticking together, and the arms spread out on both sides of his body turned into wings, swaying, accompanied by the The third spirit ring was shining, and it was already flying out of thin air. With the sudden increase in speed, Void rushed towards Zhao Kunkun.

Just blink of an eye!in a blink!He had already arrived in front of Zhao Kunkun, his own first soul ring was shining, and several wind blades were pressed against Zhao Kunkun's face and released.

Zhao Kunkun reacted quickly, and the defensive soul skill was attached to himself, blocking the attacks of those wind blades.

When he looked up, Bai Chenxiang had disappeared!

too fast!It is too fast!Like a ray of wind, she couldn't catch her figure at all.

"Where are the people! Come out! The fourth soul skill, Stone Bear Roar!" Zhao Kunkun activated the fourth soul skill, and the roar could be heard thousands of miles away.

After releasing the soul skill, he still couldn't catch Bai Chenxiang's figure.Sometimes Bai Chenxiang would be on his left, but when he was about to catch that figure, he missed.It appeared on the right again in the next second, and then it was still the same as last time.

The next moment, Bai Chenxiang came to Zhao Kunkun's back, and kicked out heavily with concentrated soul power in both legs. With a bang, Zhao Kunkun was kicked and staggered a few steps.

"Damn it! The third soul skill, flying sand and gravel!" Countless sand and stones blasted towards Bai Chenxiang like a storm. Bai Chenxiang could have driven more with her speed, but this time she didn't walk away and stood still on the spot.

Looking at Zhao Kunkun in front of her with playfulness in her eyes, the fourth soul ring around her body is shining, the wings of the purple sharp-tailed swift behind her are constantly flapping, and the wind elements are constantly condensing around her body.

Just as those sandstones were flying towards her, the effect of Bai Chenxiang's fourth soul skill had already formed, and the huge wind tornado formed by the wind element flew towards the sandstones in front of her with majestic momentum. past.

"The fourth soul skill, violent wind and tornado!"

The wind tornado collided with the sand and rocks, and they were evenly matched.And Bai Chenxiang, who finished using the fourth soul skill, has disappeared, her speed is extremely fast, her speed is incomparable to Zhu Zhuqing and Lan, only Shu Ai and San Shun are faster than Bai Chenxiang, but the difference in soul power is huge is a chasm.

The next moment, with a flash of light, Bai Chenxiang appeared behind Zhao Kunkun's back, his legs clamped directly around Zhao Kunkun's neck, all his soul power was concentrated on his legs, and with a strong shake, Zhao Kunkun was thrown out directly.

At this time, the wind tornado had already blown up the sand and rocks, and it was only one step away from Zhao Kunkun. Zhao Kunkun would definitely not be able to break free within such a short distance, so he could only use defensive soul skills to resist.

However, the power of the wind tornado is not something he can resist with his defensive soul skills, and he also understands it, so he directly admits defeat.

"I admit defeat! Quick! Quick!"

The wind tornado was caught by Xiao Wu, so Bai Chenxiang won this game!
"The ninth round of the diamond group, Bai Chenxiang wins!"

"Old Bainiao, with this granddaughter, what more bicycle do you want hahahaha!" Niu Gao laughed.

"Everyone has witnessed Xiangxiang's achievements. Her strength and talent are by no means inferior to those of Hongjun and the others. It is a certainty that she will become a titled Douluo in the future," Diao Chan said.

"Hahahaha thank you everyone." Bai He was very happy and extremely proud. Having such a granddaughter is really the result of three lifetimes of blessings.I also have the hope of becoming a Titled Douluo, and my granddaughter will definitely become a Titled Douluo. This all started after joining the Nine Demon Pavilion.

Bai He looked at Lin Yuan in front of him, his eyes were full of awe and loyalty.

(End of this chapter)

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