Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 385 Bai Chenxiang VS Nie Xiaoxue

Chapter 385 Bai Chenxiang VS Nie Xiaoxue

After the Star Group's competition, the next one is the Diamond Group's competition. The Diamond Group's competition goes very quickly. This last group of combat-type soul masters are all about the same strength, and can often decide the outcome with one move.

"The third match of the diamond group, Liu Yusheng!"


"Diamond Group fifth match, Qingpu wins!"


"In the eighth round of the diamond group, Koenigsegg wins!"


"The ninth match of the diamond group, Bai Chenxiang versus Nie Xiaoxue. Please both parties step onto the soul fighting platform!"

Bai Chenxiang's opponent is Nie Xiaoxue, who is no stranger to them. Nie Xiaoxue is the same as Lu Piao and Du Ze. She is also Lu Piao's lover or fiancée. They have already met each other's parents.

Although Nie Xiaoxue's strength is not as good as Lu Piao Du Ze's, her strength is still good.

Nie Xiaoxue herself has a shy, gentle and ladylike personality, and her personality is still very good. When she was with Lu Piao at that time, everyone was surprised. It is really that the two are really not very suitable.

Nie Xiaoxue's martial spirit is Snow Rabbit, a martial spirit with both control and attack systems, and no matter which aspect of this martial spirit, Bai Chenxiang is restrained to death!

"Xiangxiang, speed is the key to victory!" Zhu Zhuqing patted Bai Chenxiang on the shoulder and told her patiently.

"I see, Sister Zhuqing. I'm going!" Bai Chenxiang lightly landed on the fighting spirit platform.

Nie Xiaoxue wore a ponytail, a short white skirt, and slim trousers, neat and tidy.

"Bai Chenxiang, Martial Soul Sharp-tailed Swift, Level 46 Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Sect."

"Nie Xiaoxue, Martial Soul Snow Rabbit, Level 46 Assault Department Battle Soul Sect."

The two have equal soul power and the same soul ring.Nie Xiaoxue's martial spirit is a snow rabbit as white as snow, an ice attribute martial spirit, possessing the speed and flexibility of a rabbit at the same time, so she can be a control-type, agility-type, or assault-type soul master!

"The third soul skill, flying!" Bai Chenxiang spread her wings, her speed was extremely fast, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Nie Xiaoxue was calm and the first soul ring on her body lit up, "The first soul skill, freeze!"

Nie Xiaoxue's frozen soul skill is different from Shui Bing'er's soul skill in the original work. Not only is it not an instant soul skill, it also has a limited range.

Only when a soul master appears around Nie Xiaoxue's body will the enemy be frozen. Moreover, it is not an instant soul skill. It has great limitations and can easily be escaped.

Around Nie Xiaoxue's body, an ice block suddenly formed in front of her, and an invisible shadow escaped just as the ice was about to form.

There is no doubt that Bai Chenxiang wanted to attack Nie Xiaoxue, but was solved by her freezing move, Bai Chenxiang had to retreat, otherwise he would be frozen.

Nie Xiaoxue had nothing to do with Bai Chenxiang. He couldn't fly and couldn't fight her continuously in the air. On the ground, he was always at a disadvantage.

A few wind blades hit from a distance at some unknown time, with the sound of piercing wind, Nie Xiaoxue quickly squatted down with splits, then grabbed the ground with her right hand, turned her head over, and knocked two legs away with her soul power. Dao Fengblade, and dodged the other Windblades.

After Nie Xiaoxue stood, the third purple soul ring skill was activated. Nie Xiaoxue condensed a snowball in each hand and attacked Bai Chenxiang who appeared in front of him. After the snowball was sent out, two more snowballs were sent out, and then another. yes……

Nie Xiaoxue's third soul skill could actually condense the snowball infinitely, and the snowball attacked Bai Chenxiang. Bai Chenxiang flapped his wings and released the wind blade to advance and retreat.

After Bai Chenxiang released the wind blade, it turned into a ray of breeze and rushed towards Nie Xiaoxue. No one could see Bai Chenxiang's movements clearly.At this time, Bai Chenxiang condensed several wind blades in his hand, and suddenly shot them out from his hand.

Nie Xiaoxue never released her second soul ability, that's because she had already used her second soul ability when she came on stage.There is only one effect, which is to increase oneself and increase one's own flexibility.

This allowed Nie Xiaoxue to easily dodge these wind blade attacks in the battle with Bai Chenxiang, somersaults and splits were completely out of the question.

Just like this, facing Bai Chenxiang's wind blade attack at this time, Nie Xiaoxue still relied on her own flexibility to dodge the attack again and again.

"No, we can't continue to stalemate with her!" Nie Xiaoxue came to the other side of the ring, and continued to throw snowballs in her hands. In the spare time, she was also brewing her fourth soul skill.

Soon, the fourth soul skill was formed, Nie Xiaoxue held her hand in the air, and a powerful blizzard had formed, covering the entire soul fighting arena. No matter how fast Bai Chenxiang was, she had to be within the range of the ring, and as long as it was the ring guilt, then she must withstand the attack of the blizzard.

Bai Chenxiang didn't panic, and released the fourth soul skill, the violent wind and tornado, using the violent wind and tornado to resist or attack the blizzard. Bai Chenxiang activated his defense and came to the eye of the violent wind and tornado, where Nie Xiaoxue could fight. It's absolutely safe here without her.

Ice and snow!The wind!Double collision!

And because of Nie Xiaoxue's release of the fourth soul ability, the blizzard that was originally not that large covered the entire arena. Even if she had practiced the Beiming Divine Art, how could she absorb the soul power if she didn't come into contact with Bai Chenxiang?

Wind scattered!stop snowing!All is at peace.

Bai Chenxiang flapped her wings and landed in the center of the Soul Fighting Platform, while Nie Xiaoxue had fainted on the Soul Fighting Platform due to overdraft of soul power.

"The ninth round of the diamond group, Bai Chenxiang wins!"

After the results of the competition were announced, the soul masters from the Life Palace lifted Nie Xiaoxue down to restore her soul power. Bai Chenxiang won!


Subsequently, there were competitions between the platinum group and the gold group. Their battle was faster, and the results soon came out.

"The fifth round of the platinum group, the old love wins!"


"Xu Tianyue wins the sixth round of the platinum group!"


"The eighth round of the platinum group, Oscar wins!"

Then came the results of the gold group's auxiliary system soul master's team.

"In the first game of the gold group, Capela wins!"


"In the third round of the gold group, Pei Sisi won!"


"The seventh match of the gold group, Cai Wenji wins!"


In this way, the final candidates for the new generation of Nine Demons Team are basically revealed. Next, it depends on who has the highest written test scores. The top nine with the highest written test scores are the new generation of Nine Demons Team!
"All the seven teams of this actual combat competition have completed the competition. We will announce the results of the written test at [-] o'clock tomorrow. The final candidates for the Nine Monsters team will also meet with you tomorrow, and at the same time, the title of Nine Monsters will be awarded to the new generation of Nine Monsters team!" Xiao Wu came to the center of the Soul Fighting Stage, and the host said.

Everyone is also leaving the stage one after another. Tomorrow, the re-selection competition for the Nine Demons Team will end. They are also looking forward to who will become the candidate for the new generation of the Nine Demons Team!

Let us stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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