Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 393 Bloodline Evolution!Biphosphorus dragon!

Chapter 393 Bloodline Evolution!Biphosphorus dragon!
Everyone chatted and laughed while waiting for others to absorb it.

At this time, Lan was already wrapped in a huge bubble. Cai Wenji looked at the strange bubble curiously, "What a weird bubble, just like a bubble of bubbles."

Cai Wenji touched it gently, and suddenly, the bubble burst. The water element in the bubble instantly found an outlet and swarmed up, as if to submerge Cai Wenji with powerful soul power.

At this moment, Lan seemed to feel something, noticed the little ghost sitting next to him, and immediately took back the soul power and water elements to prevent them from hurting Cai Wenji.

"Kid, don't be playful." Lan stood up and said, touching Cai Wenji's head.

Cai Wenji smiled, took out a small flower and stuck it on Lan's head, "Look, how beautiful it is!"

"How many times have I told you not to put flowers on the killer's head." Although Lan said this, he did not take off the flowers, but put them on his head. He stepped forward and said: "My lord, I have finished absorbing it. "

"How about improving your strength?"

"The soul power has been raised by five levels, reaching level 58, the speed has become faster, and the affinity for water attributes has also increased. Bubble has undergone a qualitative change, and its strength has improved a lot." Lan said clearly.

"Very good!" As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, a strong wind blew in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

"This...isn't this in a valley? How come there is such a strong wind?"

"It's Xiangxiang!"

Only then did everyone turn their attention to Bai Chenxiang. At this time, the strong wind was dancing around Bai Chenxiang. If it weren't for the protection of Lin Yuan's soul power, the strong wind would have destroyed all the immortal grass in the Ice and Fire Eyes.

"Chirp!!!" The sharp-tailed swift's cry sounded in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, and Bai Chenxiang also recovered her figure in the strong wind and landed on the ground.

"Xiangxiang feels a lot changed!" Xiao Wu said.

That's right, the current Bai Chenxiang looks much more agile, has become more mature, and is calm and majestic in the wind.

"Oh my god! My soul power has been raised by four levels! I have reached level fifty! I feel that my soul power will be improved after absorbing the fifth soul ring. This... is simply unbelievable!" Bai Chenxiang stared at Tongue-stopping, this is so surprising.

"So are we!" Zhu Zhuqing smiled, walked over and hugged Bai Chenxiang's arm.

The kamikaze has not changed much, it is still the same, and the changes in the pet beast cannot be seen from the surface.

Everyone waited for a long time, and now only Dugu Yan and Ma Hongjun hadn't completed their training. One of them was transforming their martial soul, and the other was refining flames.

"When will they wake up after taking the exam? Both of them have changed so much!" Hu Liena said.

"Yan'er should be fast. Her Jade Phosphorous Snake has already metamorphosed to the final stage, and Fatty is also fast. Fatty will no longer be Fatty after practicing this time, hahaha." Qin Ming said.

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, a voice came from Dugu Yan's place, and everyone stared directly at the spikes on the side of the Jade Phosphorus Snake's head.

Almost visible to the naked eye, several of the spikes are constantly growing and stretching, while the other spikes are surging and spreading apart as if being pushed apart by a huge force.

Immediately, a layer of something like a water film adhered the spikes, and the color gradually became darker.

"Is this turning into a fin?" As everyone guessed, another change occurred.
Student, "Hey! The upper body seems to be shrinking."

"No! It's not changing its fins, but it's changing in the direction of the dragon!" Lin Yuan said.

Not long after, all the poisonous mist around Dugu Yan was absorbed by the martial spirit, and the martial spirit was completely evolved. The green phosphorus dragon raised its head to the sky and roared, as if it was reborn from nirvana.

"Phew! It feels so comfortable!" Dugu Yan stood up, stretched and said.

"Yan'er, take a look at your martial spirit. Has there been any change?" Lin Yuan was impatient.

Dugu Yan hurriedly summoned the martial spirit. At this time, the martial spirit no longer looked like a jade phosphorus snake. It had greenish-green scales, a slender body, legs and limbs, claws divided into four fingers, and fins between the fingers.

There are neatly arranged spikes on the back of the arms, which are also connected to light blue fins, including the back, tail, and horns on both sides of the head.

Two huge spear-like long horns protrude from the back of the blue vertical pupil, the tip is golden, sharp and glaring.

"The Jade Phosphor Snake has really changed!"

"Is this a dragon?"

"But there are fins!"

"Here, should I call it a sea dragon or a flood dragon? I have to say, these fins are really beautiful." Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"The neck has shrunk a lot. It looks very thin from a distance, but it's all muscle when you look closely. This scale armor looks like it has high defense. With such long claws, its attack power should not be bad." Qin Ming said with a smile.

"Oh my god! My martial spirit has evolved, and now it is a dragon! A dragon!" Dugu Yan burst into tears. What her father and grandfather failed to do, she did!

"Your martial soul has now completed the evolution. Although it is not a real dragon, it has also realized the evolution of blood. The Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Soul has evolved into a Jade Phosphorus Dragon. I believe that while the toxin is strong and preserved, the attack power, defense power and defense breaking ability will be improved. The strength will be doubled!" Lin Yuan said.

"That's true. My soul power has also increased by five levels, reaching level 58. The attack power has also been improved, and the second soul skill, Bi Phosphorus Binding, has also become a Biphosphorous Jiao. Xiao Jiu has also changed!" Dugu Yan was really happy.

A small and exquisite turquoise dragon flew out from behind Dugu Yan. It was the former Xiao Jiu - Jiu Jie Jade. Now, as the master Dugu Yan's martial soul bloodline evolved, Xiao Jiu's bloodline also evolved.

Now, Xiaojiu has completely transformed into a nine-section emerald dragon, a real dragon!
Dugu Yan has also undergone great changes, and the person is more beautiful.The place that should be fat becomes fat, and the place that should be thin becomes thin.

"Fatty isn't over yet?" After Dugu Yan was happy, he sat down with everyone and waited for Ma Hongjun.

Lin Yuan told everyone about Fatty's refining of the Ten-Headed Fierce Sun Serpent's inner elixir flame, and also explained it in detail. They learned a lot and benefited a lot.

Looking at Ma Hongjun in his cultivation state, the one who was most shocked was Dugu Yan.Most of the day had passed, and the fat man's appearance seemed to have changed.All the fat on his body has disappeared, and his solid muscles can be vaguely felt under the loose clothes.

With the fat on his face gone, his closed eyes didn't seem so small anymore, and everything looked a lot more coordinated.Although it is impossible for him to compare with Xie Yue, Oscar, and Lan in terms of appearance, but at this moment, his average appearance and the special temperament bestowed by the Phoenix Martial Soul make him very attractive.

Moreover, Ma Hongjun's appearance is constantly changing, as if undergoing a transformation operation, everything is so consistent.

As night fell, just as everyone was preparing to eat Oscar's big sausage, suddenly, a strange feeling appeared in the hearts of everyone present at the same time.Everyone's eyes focused on Ma Hongjun almost instantly.

The orange-red flame that had disappeared on the surface of Fatty's skin reappeared, sparkling with some red blood streaks in the crystal, Fatty's whole body trembled slightly, and the next moment, his whole body was completely enveloped by the flame.The phoenix flames soaring into the sky had densely covered the sky in the blink of an eye.Huge flames soared into the sky, and the loud and clear phoenix cry also erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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