Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 395 Classic 1 Room: 2 Men?

Chapter 395 Classic One Room: Two Men?
Heaven Dou City.

Since Tang San and Yu Xiaogang became apprentices that day, Tang San, Yu Xiaogang and Yu Longtian came to Tiandou City and lived in Liu Erlong's Lanba Academy.

Liu Erlong was lukewarm towards Yu Xiaogang's new apprentice, perhaps because of his love for the house, and he didn't dislike Tang San either.

Tang San was arranged by Liu Erlong to study basic knowledge in a soul master academy very close to Lanba Academy. Now that he had graduated from the intermediate academy, he needed to study in an advanced academy.

At this time, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang happened to have a quarrel, which was so dark that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. The specific reason for the quarrel was still the same: the child's martial arts spirit and appearance were not similar to Yu Xiaogang's.

Yu Xiaogang has always been brooding, as Yu Longtian continues to grow up and his martial spirit has not changed, Yu Xiaogang can't help but have some doubts.Although the two had a few intercourse activities, Yu Xiaogang is well known to everyone. It has been said since Chapter 7, the master is false!
And it just so happened that Liu Erlong was a strong star and had a kinky nature, so naturally Yu Xiaogang couldn't satisfy Liu Erlong's needs.

After accumulating all these aspects, a quarrel between the two was naturally unavoidable.

The angry Yu Xiaogang directly took Yu Longtian and Tang San into the carriage and planned to live with his good friends for a while. It happened that Flender's academy was called the Monster Academy, and he took two little monsters to Flender for sure. Will thank myself.

One of the boys was plainly dressed and looked like he was twelve or thirteen years old. He was about 1.7 meters tall and was wearing a light blue dress, looking very neat.Around his waist is a belt inlaid with 24 jade stones, and his black half-length hair barely hangs down to his shoulders. Although his appearance is not handsome, it gives people a feeling that he is easy to get close to.There is always a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

This boy is Tang San, 12 years old, his spirit power is still the same as in the original book, level 29, not much changed.

The other man was older than Tang San, with a strange face, a bit like a shoe sole, and a hooked nose. His purple half-long hair hung down to his shoulders, and his appearance was ordinary.

Now Yu Longtian is 17 years old, but his soul power has reached level 42, this level can definitely be called an extraordinary talent.In Yu Xiaogang's eyes, Yu Xiaogang raised these two children as heirs.

Six years of teaching, Tang San already respected the master like a father, not to mention he knew that what the master asked him to do must be for his own good.So, when the master took the two of them away, Tang San agreed without hesitation.

In the carriage, the three of them were bored. Speaking of which, Yu Xiaogang hadn't seen Flender for six years, and he missed him a little.

It will take a long time for the carriage to reach Soto City. Yu Xiaogang's letter has been sent out earlier, and there is no way to be disturbed by the sudden arrival.

"Teacher, what is the academy we went to?" Tang San asked curiously.

"The name of this academy is Shrek Academy. It is a monster academy." Yu Xiaogang said.

"Monster Academy?"

"Shrek is also an uncommon monster among spirit beasts, so they call themselves the Monster Academy and they only recruit monsters. They are under 12 years old and have a soul power of level [-] or above. This is their recruitment criteria. The dean who runs the academy It is the Flying Horn that is known as one of the Golden Iron Triangle along with me and your wife."

"Flying horn? Is this uncle martial spirit a flying type martial spirit?" Tang San guessed something.

"Indeed, it is currently at the level of Soul Sage. The teaching in their academy is strict, and they are all just monster students. You will definitely get a better education there, and you will have the motivation to keep practicing." Yu Xiaogang continued to draw a big picture for Tang San. cake.

But Yu Longtian had already fallen asleep at this time, and he was not interested in these things.He lay on a seat that could accommodate two people, with his legs crossed, a dog's tail grass in his mouth, his hands under his head, and his eyes closed to rest.

Yu Xiaogang looked over at Yu Longtian, who was fooling around, and then at Tang San, who was listening carefully. Yu Xiaogang was so angry that he didn't say anything, but he treated his "natural son" like Yu Xiaogang. Xiao Gang gradually changed towards him and towards Tang San.

It took more than a week for the carriage to arrive at Soto City. When they arrived in Soto City, they found a random hotel to live in. "Let's find a hotel first. Shrek Academy will be recruiting students early tomorrow morning! If this old man Flender doesn't come to receive me, I will definitely kill him."

After receiving the letter, Flanders quickly replied to Yu Xiaogang, asking him to find a hotel to rest first, saying that he was going to prepare for the enrollment the next day.But Yu Xiaogang, as his good friend for many years, how could he not know what Flender was doing, nothing more than wanting to eat some abalone or something.

The three of them ate something briefly first, and then looked for a place to live. After a short time, the three of them found a very unique hotel.

The hotel is three stories high. Although it doesn't look too big, the exterior decoration is completely rose red. The architectural style of the whole hotel is also like a huge rose, which can easily give people a glimpse. Bright feeling.

Tang San said abruptly: "Rose Hotel? Teacher, senior brother, let's stay here."

Yu Xiaogang has been in the soul master world for so many years, and he can tell at a glance that something is wrong with this hotel. The passers-by who come in and out all have ruddy faces and unsteady steps. Yu Xiaogang naturally knows what kind of hotel this is.

"You and your senior brother go to open a room first, I'll go around and see what old Flender is doing. You go first." Yu Xiaogang dropped a bag of money and slipped away.

"Then let's go in, senior brother." Tang San greeted Yulong Tiandao.

Both of them were inexperienced, and said, "Okay."

When you walk into the Rose Hotel, the first thing you will feel is the tangy rose fragrance. The refreshing fragrance has a somewhat ambiguous feeling, which makes you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The interior decoration of the hotel has only three colors, white, silver and rose red, warm and unique, and the elegant environment is easy to give people a good impression.

Tang San walked to the counter, "Please open two rooms for us."

The waiter behind the counter hurriedly stood up, looked at Tang San, and then at Yu Longtian, the light in his eyes was constantly changing, first he was puzzled, then surprised, then surprised, and finally got that kind of understanding look, "Mr. , are you really sure you want to open two rooms?"

Tang San nodded, "Is there something wrong?"

The waiter winked at Tang San and Yu Longtian behind him, his eyes were somewhat ambiguous, as if saying that I understand everything!Love, I understand! "Sorry, we only have one room left here."


The waiter emphasized: "Yes, there is only one room. But don't worry, our rooms are big and well-equipped, more than enough for two people." He also handed out a room that he could only understand to Tang San. An indescribable look.Of course, Tang San couldn't understand it.

"Then one room is fine." Yu Longtian said, he didn't like the waiter's gaze, he wanted to open the room as soon as possible and go back to rest.

"I said, this room should be mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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