Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 398 Tang San Gets Slapped in the Face!

Chapter 398 Tang San Gets Slapped in the Face!
At the same time as the pair of fists came out, Dai Mubai's right leg instantly bounced, and in such a close range, it actually kicked Tang San's chin directly, which shows how good his flexibility is.Whether it's his fists or his right leg, if any attack hits, with his attack power surpassing Tang San's, it will immediately make Tang San lose his fighting power.

But, can Tang San make him fulfill his wish?Don't forget, this is Tang San's main attack.

The palms pressing on Dai Mubai's shoulders lost their target as the opponent's shoulders receded, but Tang San's hands did not withdraw, but wiped downwards at the same time, with one stroke, the flexible potential that Dai Mubai felt before reappeared , his pair of big arms were suddenly driven to the side, and the fists that blasted also passed by Tang San's arms, but failed to hit the target.

At the same time as his hands were wiped out, Tang San's left foot stepped forward instantly, one side of his body, his shoulder went straight to hit Dai Mubai's chest, his side also timely passed the kick kicked by Dai Mubai Feet, everything seems to be calculated.

With a muffled bang, Tang San's shoulder suddenly hit Dai Mubai's chest. Amidst the exclamations of the twin girls watching the battle, Dai Mubai's body instantly flew backwards, his upper back leaned back, and made a backflip With such an action, he flew a full five meters before falling down.

Dai Mubai raised his evil eyes, "Very good, you can force me to use my soul power, I have already lost this competition. However, if I don't have a good fight with you, how can I be reconciled? No matter what happens next What is the result of the competition, I will give up this room to you today."

What Dai Mubai's evil eyes reveal is not anger and hatred, but a special kind of radiance, if it has to be explained with words, perhaps the word "Jie Xinxi" is the most appropriate.His eyes at this moment seemed to be looking at a stunning beauty, his shoulders trembled slightly, and his arms were raised.

"White Tiger, Possession." A layer of intense pale light suddenly erupted from his body, Dai Mubai stretched his arms to both sides at the same time, his chest puffed up, his bones all over his body cracked, his muscles suddenly swelled, pulling the clothes on his body hold up.Every muscle became extremely obvious under the clothes, and even the air around him seemed to have become manic.

The full head of blond hair instantly turned into black and white, with white accounting for most of it, but a few strands of black hair were particularly obvious.There are four faint lines on the forehead, three horizontal and one vertical, just forming a king character.

His hands have changed the most, they are twice as big as before. White hair covers the entire palm. With the flick of his ten fingers, dagger-like sharp claws are constantly protruding and retracting from the palm.Each of the sharp claws was like a blade, eight inches long.It shone with a gloomy cold light.

Dai Mubai's upper body slowly leaned forward, his eyes and four pupils all turned a deep blue, giving people the impression that he was like a killing machine.

Under his feet, three shining halos rose one after another, rising quietly, two yellow and one purple, as the soul rings circulated, surging soul power formed waves of pressure rushing toward his face.

"Thousand-year soul ring." Tang San exclaimed.

In the soul ring, white represents ten years, yellow represents a hundred years, and purple represents a thousand years.The young man in front of him, called Dai Shao, already possessed three soul rings, and one of them was a thousand years old.You know, on the surface, he is only three or four years older than Tang San.

The three soul rings mean that Dai Shao's level has exceeded thirty at least, that is to say, he is a soul master, or a battle soul master with a powerful beast spirit.

"Dai Mubai, Martial Spirit: White Tiger, Level 37 Battle Spirit Exalted. Please advise." Amidst Wei Leng's arrogance, Dai Mubai announced his Martial Spirit and level, which meant a formal challenge.

Facing the huge pressure, Tang San also began to become different, the violent impulse hidden in his heart gradually emerged, his eyes were covered with a layer of faint purple, and he slowly raised his right hand.

The dark blue light suddenly surged, and a cluster of dark blue grass suddenly grew out of his palm. Each blade of grass looked very slender, but it was covered with snake patterns, and the blade of grass was no longer flat as before. , but turned into a cylinder. If you look closely, you can clearly see that these grass blades are covered with fine and small thorns.

Milky white light gushed out from Tang San's body, and the dark blue blade of grass suddenly enlarged as if it had been stimulated by something, and in the blink of an eye it had become as thick as a human arm, like a vine.The black snake pattern shone with a faint light, hovering around Tang San's body nimbly like dozens of big snakes.

Two circles of yellow spirit rings rose from under Tang San's feet at the same time, hovering over his body.

"Tang San, Martial Soul, Blue Silver Grass, Level 29 Tool Soul Master. Please advise."

Dai Mubai's eyebrows, which were as white as his hair, twitched, "Your spirit is just blue silver grass?"

Tang San said the master's original words: "There are no waste spirits, only waste soul masters."

Dai Mubai suddenly laughed, "Hahahahahaha, you are not talking about the person who was completely removed from the mainland and criticized by Elder Jin Chan! Tang San, I advise you to learn something useful. Come on, don’t learn these crooked ways.”

Tang San's veins bulged, "I won't allow you to insult my teacher!"

"Hahahahaha Teacher! Teacher? Hahahahaha, forget it, I'm blind with your common sense, and I'll give you this room." Dai Mubai lost interest, and the ugly man in front of him is a fool.

"I will never allow you to insult my teacher." Tang San rushed towards Dai Mubai angrily, under anger, he didn't even use his soul power.

Dai Mubai's eyes widened, he turned around and slapped Tang San directly in the face, knocking Tang San to the ground with a snap.Dai Mubai's move contained soul power, and Tang San was hit so hard that the corners of his mouth bled.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha!" The one who burst into this laughter was not the attacking Dai Mubai, nor those shop assistants, managers, and twins who were eating melons, but Yu Longtian who was sitting by and watching.

Tell you to pretend, yes, you can really be frightened, why are you so frightened.

Xie Mou returned to normal, Dai Mubai looked contemptuously at Tang San who fell on the ground vomiting blood, "I think we will meet again soon. Go to Shrek Academy, if anyone troubles you, report me Xie Mou Baihu Dai Mubai's name."

After finishing speaking, he waved to the twin beauties, and walked out of the hotel first.

Tang San stood up angrily, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Let's go, it's not ashamed." Yu Longtian walked over, took the key from the manager's hand, and went upstairs.

Tang San looked at Yu Longtian's back, you have a way to die, he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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