Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 406 New Course!Become a god?

Chapter 406 New Course!Become a god?

"The so-called mainland situation, we look at these major forces on the mainland. In today's world, the largest forces are nothing more than the Nine Demon Pavilion, the Wuhun Palace, and other sects and imperial royal families. Our Nine Demon Pavilion and Wuhun Palace Everyone knows about the relationship between the temple, but the mainland doesn't know about it.

The Heaven Dou Empire has hidden Titled Douluo to enshrine, and the Star Luo Empire has one or two titled Douluo on the surface, and they also have the powerful martial soul fusion skills of the White Tiger and the Nether Civet.

The confrontation between the two empires for many years is also a well-known fact on the mainland.Among them, Wuhundian exists as a neutral force, and these years have also reduced the firepower of the two empires and attracted the attention of the two empires.

Among the seven major sects, although our Nine Demon Pavilion was established in the Tiandou Empire, we only maintain a good relationship with the Heaven Dou Imperial Family. dare not.Once any dispute arises, the Nine Demon Pavilion can quickly escape and turn back to fight.

The Haotian Sect, formerly the first sect in the mainland, has now closed its sect and shrunk, and has been secretly accumulating strength.

The Qibao Glazed Sect has always supported the Tiandou Empire and has frequent economic and trade relations with the Tiandou Empire. The sect leader Ning Fengzhi even gained a foothold in the Tiandou royal family as a guest minister.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect moved into the Star Luo Empire many years ago, and thus supported the Star Luo Empire. His strength is not weak, especially the sudden outbreak of Yu Yuanzhen, which is difficult to deal with.

This meant that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had two Titled Douluo sitting in command, and the Heaven Dou Imperial Family had a hidden offering that never showed up, which led to Xingluo Emperor Dai Qingfeng not taking action directly.Otherwise, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect would have done it when it moved into the Star Luo Empire.

Next, let’s talk about Wuhun Palace.Wuhun Palace is divided into two major factions.The Pope Hall faction is headed by Bibi Dong and supported by Jugui Douluo; the Enshrinement Hall faction is headed by Qian Daoliu and supported by the six major worshipers.

Now, because of me, the two factions in the Wuhun Palace are at odds with each other, and now there are even more secret disputes.The lower four sects originally supported the Wuhun Palace, but in recent years, with the emergence of Level 99 Angel Douluo and the Great Enshrinement Hall’s Qiandao Outflow Horse, the lower four sects have gradually become more supportive and begun to support the Enshrinement Hall.

But in the eyes of outsiders, they still support Wuhundian. "

"This is the first half of today's course. If you still have questions, you can ask them." Lin Yuan said.

Zhu Zhuqing raised his hand, "Zhuqing, tell me."

"Since the Pope's Palace and the Enshrined Palace are already at odds, why not announce it to the public? Mainland soul masters still believe that the lower four sects support the Spirit Palace."

"Actually, from their point of view, Bibi Dong's rectification is correct, but they have different positions and different ways of looking at the problem. Qian Daoliu doesn't have a better candidate to replace the pope, not to mention, both of them are 99 years old. Level, and my existence, Qian Daoliu will not easily make a move to move the position of Pope."

Zhu Zhuqing sat down, no one asked questions, Lin Yuan continued to explain the second half, "Next, let's get to know famous people on the mainland."

"Let's start with the Tiandou Empire first." As he said that, a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone, with a picture of a person on it, it was Xue Ye.

"This is the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire——Xue Ye, there is nothing to say, I am old and should retire."

Next, there are some character introductions to the Star Luo Empire, the Seven Sects, and the Spirit Hall. They are so detailed that they themselves may not believe it here.

It's time for the second day.

This day is the day that everyone is most looking forward to, it is called "The Top of the Soul Master Realm".

They came to the classroom early, and what everyone didn't expect was that the elders of Jiuyao Pavilion also came, sitting behind them and waiting for Lin Yuan's arrival.

This battle convinced everyone of the mystery and importance of this course.

"I'll go. Look, the elders are all here. This class seems to be very important. What is the top of the soul master realm?" Ma Hongjun whispered to each other.

"It's definitely not a Titled Douluo, that's...can't be...God?" San Shun couldn't believe it.

"You're the one making trouble! Just wait quietly." Lian Po slapped Ma Hongjun from behind. Ma Hongjun no longer dared to act impudently and sat down honestly.

Soon, Lin Yuan came, walked to the podium, checked the number of people, and found that they were all present.Even Yang Yuhuan from Nishang Pavilion and Diao Chan who went to assassinate were called back, and everyone could not be absent from this class.

"Welcome everyone to the course "The Top of the Soul Master's Realm". Before the class, everyone must have guessed what the top of the soul master's realm is? Did someone say it was Titled Douluo? Are all the Contra elders here? Some people say it is a god? I will tell you the answer now, the top of the soul master realm is the god level! It is also the subject of the course we are going to talk about!"

"Wow!" Everyone in the classroom exchanged words. This was something that no one could believe, let alone soul masters like them who were Soul Kings and Soul Emperors. Even the elders of Titled Douluo were astonished. The level is their unshakable existence, and even now they don't understand it.

"God level! We soul masters have reached level 90, which is the level of Titled Douluo. Many people think that our highest level is level 99, but that is not the case. After level 99, there is still level [-], which means becoming a god at level [-]."

"But becoming a god at level [-] is more than easy. Their level of difficulty cannot be accomplished by ordinary soul masters. After becoming a god, it is also divided into levels. From low to high, they are priests, third-level gods, second-level gods, first-level gods, God King. There are two ways to become a god. The first is to reach level [-] soul power and absorb faith to become a god, but it is also the most difficult. The second is relatively simple, that is, the inheritance of gods. You can become a god by completing the test of gods. god."

"Then you will definitely ask, where is there a place where gods can inherit on this continent? Or is this godhood true or false? Of course it is true. In today's Douluo Continent, there are a total of two positions with Inheritance of gods. The first one is the Angel God enshrined in the Wuhun Temple, a first-level deity. But only the soul master who awakened the seraph Wuhun can inherit it. The second is the killing capital, where there is the Shura God Inheritance is at the level of a god-king. Tang Chen, the old patriarch of the Clear Sky School, was inherited by God Shura, but he was harassed by a soul beast, which made him unable to escape and regain consciousness, and was imprisoned in the capital of killing .”

"There is another place for the inheritance of gods, which is Poseidon Island outside the mainland. Poseidon Island is the inheritance of Poseidon, a first-level god."

"You will definitely be very excited and want to go to these places to obtain inheritance and become gods. But don't be excited yet. Do you still remember the four stages of training I told the new generation of Nine Demon Team? The last one is the inheritance of gods!"


"I'm funny!"

"Becoming a god? We can become gods? This... I can't believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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