Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 413 Training Begins

Chapter 413 Training Begins

On the way back, Tang San demonstrated the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow just like in the original work, and reached a deal with Ning Rongrong.

I just hope that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has finally connected with Tang San and the plot is progressing in an orderly manner.

Flanders and the others arranged a very good-looking room for the Dragon Lord and the Snake Woman, which was also the best in the village, allowing the two of them to live here temporarily.

Zhao Wuji, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were discussing in the same room. Zhao Wuji told Yu Xiaogang in detail about his trip to the Star Forest.

"What? Nine Demons Pavilion! You actually encountered Nine Demons Pavilion. Who did they send?" Yu Xiaogang's eyes grew cold.

"It's the mysterious Flex Bone Douluo - Xiao Wu. Moreover, next to him is the captain of the first generation Nine Demons team, the Yan of the Nine Demons Qin Ming. Behind him should be the new generation of Nine Demons they are participating in the competition this time. Team."

"I didn't expect that it was her who was sent! If Xiao San and Long Tian weren't safe, otherwise I would definitely make Jiu Demon Pavilion pay the price!" Yu Xiaogang was indignant.

Zhao Wuji disdains it, are you the only one?A great soul master?I'm afraid even a slap can't stop it.

Naturally, he couldn't say this. After all, he was Flanders's brother, so he had to give him face. He just smiled and said nothing.

"Have you found out how strong their team is?" Yu Xiaogang said rapidly, as if he always did this every time he mentioned the Nine Demons Pavilion.

"Not at all. At that time, the sense of oppression brought by the Bone Douluo was too strong, even Duke Long couldn't stop it, so how could I have the opportunity to investigate. What's more, the pavilion master Lin Yuan is also nearby!"

"What?! Lin Yuan is actually with them, then this team will probably be very strong! Xiaogang, the next competition will be..."

Yu Xiaogang knew what Flanders wanted to say, and he also understood that it was for the good of everyone in Shrek, but he was unwilling to accept it, "No! The mistress is here, and if I guessed correctly, what he got should be the possessed soul." Bone! You must participate in this competition!"

Yu Xiaogang's attitude was tough, and thinking of the attitude of the Unrivaled Dragon and Snake couple, they definitely wanted Meng Yiran to participate, so they had to give up, "In this case, Xiaogang, we are training for a few weeks, and then we will go to Erlong Bar."

Yu Xiaogang hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay."

After that, everyone left.

The next day, Yu Xiaogang personally saw Tang San's Eight Spider Soul Bones and told him some relevant knowledge about the soul bones.

Afterwards, he and Tang San went to have breakfast. After the master improved, the nutritious breakfast he and Shao Xin created together was extremely rich.

At first, Flanders was reluctant, after all, it would require a lot of money.However, the dragon and the snake are all here, so how can we not eat something good?What's more, Shrek Academy will be moving soon, so this little money will be of little use.

After breakfast, the bell rang on time, summoning all the students to the playground of the college.

It was very lively today, not only Flender and Zhao Wuji, the principal and deputy principals, but also the master and several other teachers of the academy also came to the playground, including the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple.

They have just started school for less than three weeks, so they are naturally not familiar with these teachers.

In addition to the two deans, the college originally had three teachers.That is, the three who are in charge of the first three levels during the entrance examination.Tang San only saw one of them, the old man who scared away many people with his stick spirit.It was also the soul emperor who beat Yulongtian's ass to bloom.

"Okay, everyone is here. I have a few things to announce next." Flender walked up to the seven students, and his gaze swept over them seriously.

"First of all, let me introduce the teachers of the academy to the new students." With that, Flender took the lead in introducing the guests of the academy, the matchless Dragon Snake couple.

"These two are the guests of our Shrek Academy, the Unrivaled Dragon and Snake couple. The Dragon Lord Meng Shu is a Contra-level powerhouse. The Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang is also a powerful Soul Emperor. The two of them With martial soul fusion skills, they are powerful. They are also grandparents who are still classmates."

Afterwards, Flender pointed to the old man Tang San had seen with a long stick.

"This is Teacher Li Yusong, Wuhun Longwen Stick, level 63 Soul Emperor."

Although there is only one word difference between the Dragon Pattern Stick and the Panlong Stick enshrined in Wuhun Hall, they are worlds apart.

Pointing to the second older man, who seemed to be in his seventies, he said, "This is Lu Qibin, Teacher Lu, a martial soul star, a level 66 soul emperor."

"This is Teacher Shao Xin Shao, Martial Soul Jelly Bean, a level 71 soul sage. Food-type soul master. Teacher Shao is absolutely among the top five food-type soul masters I know."

If the first two teachers weren't shocking enough, then the appearance of a level 71 food-type soul sage shocked the newcomers to the academy at the same time.Even the unrivaled dragon and snake couple.

Small eyes, big nose, unattractive appearance, but who would have thought that he was such a high-level food-type soul master? A level 71 food-type soul sage, whether it is placed in the Wuhun Temple or in any soul master family, is definitely at the level of worship.

Finally, Flanders walked up to the master, put his arms around his shoulders, and said, "I want to introduce you to the last one in detail. He relied on his own research to figure out the top ten competitive martial arts spirits. He is known as the most competitive martial spirit." The strongest person in soul theory, the wisest soul master, and also the father of Yu Longtian and the teacher of Tang San. Mr. Yu Xiaogang. Of course, he is also my old brother. We have known each other for decades. Maybe mention You don’t know his name very well, but I think you should all have heard of his title. From now on, you can just call him a master.”

Some people are full of disdain. In the world of soul masters, the master's previous theory was criticized by the Holy Law Douluo of the Nine Demon Pavilion, so they don't trust him too much.

Flanders said: "From today on, the master will be solely responsible for your teaching, and we will all cooperate with the master. You just came back yesterday, and I think everyone is relatively tired. I will give you a day off today. Classes will resume tomorrow. .Master, do you have anything else to say?" The last sentence was a question to the master.

The master nodded, looked at the five students in front of him, and said calmly: "There are only five of you in the academy. In my opinion, you are also a whole. I have read your resumes, and I will work out some Targeted teaching methods, apart from cooperation, I don't want to hear any different voices. No matter who they are, I will treat them equally. Since you are students of the Monster Academy, you will be more strange than ordinary soul masters. Let everyone mention it in the future. You can only think of the word monster. From now on, the seven of you will no longer be divided into two parts, the initial and the advanced, as before, and will completely conduct unified teaching. We will teach for about two weeks, and then we will move."


Flender said: "That's right, this is exactly the third thing I want to say. In a few weeks, Shrek Academy will be relocated to Heaven Dou City, and we will all go together at that time, everyone can get ready. Now It can be disbanded!"


Everyone dispersed one after another.There were only two girls in the college, and they quickly became familiar with each other.Especially when the Unparalleled Dragon Snake couple found out that Ning Rongrong was a direct disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect, they treated Ning Rongrong as if they were their own daughter.

Ning Rongrong and Meng Yiran soon became best friends, and they went to Soto City together.Chao Tianxiang was afraid of an accident and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Long Gong Meng Shu.

Meng Shu meant that there was no need to follow him. Since Ning Rongrong was a direct disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect and had no fighting ability, he must be protected by a soul master.What's more, there aren't any powerful soul masters in this small place.

(End of this chapter)

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