Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 415 Sea God and Shura God

Chapter 415 Sea God and Shura God

That day, Lin Yuan went to the interior of Xingdou Lake to see several fierce beasts, and the Silver Dragon King showed signs of awakening, which was not a good thing.Lin Yuan covered it up with his strong soul power, and these beasts and the Silver Dragon King didn't notice him.

However, when he left the core area, something bad happened.The system that didn't come out for many chapters made a sound.

Said two things.

The first thing is, in order to absorb the original essence of the Time Dragon King, it is necessary to collect all the fragments of the Time Dragon King.But now, Lin Yuan has already collected 8 pieces, and there are still [-] pieces left.And the most critical fragment was in Gu Yuena's body according to the system's prompt just now, but she didn't know it.

The effect of this matter is absolutely explosive, which means that Lin Yuan will definitely have to fight Gu Yuena in the future, and it's either you die or I die, irreconcilable.

The second thing was that the system felt the aura of a god who did not belong to the system's team the moment Lin Yuan left the core area.To put it simply, the gods in the Douluo God Realm have noticed Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan sat on the top floor of the main hall of the pavilion, drinking the coffee he developed, "What should I do now? It's not surprising that the gods of Douluo God Realm noticed me, but why did you Did you just remind me?"

"How would I know, I just felt it."

"Didn't those gods come to check me out before?"

"No, never felt it before."

"Oh, that's really weird!"

Lin Yuan simply didn't think about him. No matter what they planned, they probably wouldn't take action now.Tang San, the son of destiny, has not grown up yet and will not act rashly.


A mysterious secret place far away from the Douluo Continent.The clouds and mist are misty and ever-changing, sometimes like rolling waves, sometimes like a quiet beauty, each change has no rules, but it brings more beauty and shock to people.

The thick energy of heaven and earth lingers in the clouds and mist. If ordinary human beings can come here, even if they only take a breath, they can prolong their lives by ten years.Of course, with an ordinary person's physique, it would definitely not be a good thing if he absorbed too much energy from the heaven and earth.

Because this is divine power.

Can ordinary people come here?The answer, of course, is no.

Because, this is God Realm!
The towering palace shone with a faint golden brilliance under the halo of the God Realm. Here, it was the commanding height of the entire God Realm and the place that controlled everything in the God Realm.

The God Realm Committee has the responsibility of judging the gods, as well as the task of governing the God Realm and maintaining the rules.

The main hall of the palace is presented as an octagon, and every wall around it is undecorated, but there are countless scenes changing and flickering.Each light curtain represents a world and a scene of different planets in the world.This is also where the God Realm Committee monitors the various planets in this star field.

A water-blue hall stands in the God Realm. From a distance, one can fully appreciate the grandeur of this hall. If someone actually floats in front of this hall, they will definitely be shocked more than once.

The Sea God Temple is 200 meters high, and the gate of the main hall is [-] meters high, and the thickness is even more unknown.There is a pattern carved on the two gates. On the gate on the left, there is a statue of Poseidon, a tall Poseidon, holding a Trident of Poseidon, stepping on the waves, and the pattern on the right is Poseidon holding a trident and attacking forward. In front of him was a giant whale rising from the sea.

"Quack quack quack quack..." Accompanied by a series of roaring sounds, the two hundred-meter-high giant doors slowly opened and opened towards the inside of the Sea God Temple.Suddenly, a strong golden light shot out from the Poseidon Temple, and a blue figure flew out of the Poseidon Temple and flew towards another hall in the distance.

Poseidon came to the door of another hall. This hall was completely different from Poseidon. It was blood red and had no other decorations.

The huge palace door slowly opened, and Poseidon turned into energy and rushed in.

Poseidon looks no different from humans in appearance, with a white robe inlaid with gold draped over his body, and a three-pronged ring on his head. In the center of the ring, there is an aqua-blue gemstone inlaid.

Sea God's face is simple, not handsome, but extremely majestic.A pair of calm and slightly stern eyes stared at the man in front, and a faint light flowed in his eyes.

Opposite Poseidon, Poseidon is tall and majestic, but this figure looks a bit slender, but taller. His cold aura is completely condensed from the actual murderous aura.The whole body is wrapped in dark red magic patterns, and dark red light surrounds the body of God Shura. He wears an armor covered with dark red magic patterns and has a pair of blood-red eyes.

Poseidon said without anger: "Sura, let me ask you, what happened to Lin Yuan from the Douluo God Realm? There is no such person in our plan!"

God Shura said, "I said Sea God, what kind of gunpowder did you take today, and you are aggressive here!"

"Hmph! I don't believe you didn't notice this level 99 peerless Douluo named Lin Yuan. Now, what should Tang San do? The opportunity we prepared has been robbed!" Poseidon sat in the Shura God's Hall angrily. On the sofa, I picked up the tea on the table and drank it.

"I don't know how this Lin Yuan appeared. During my rehearsal, Tang San should have been in Shrek Academy step by step. But now, not only has the opportunity been robbed, but it has also arrived earlier than my rehearsal time." Heaven Dou City! Everything is in chaos!" God Shura frowned, everything was in chaos, this is simply not normal.

"Then what should we do now? Why not just kill Lin Yuan!" Poseidon was indignant. Isn't this Shura God the King of Gods?Why can't I understand such a simple thing?

God Shura looked at Seagod with the eyes of a fool. Isn't this Seagod usually very shrewd, so he is worthy of a first-level god?
"You think I don't want to? Every time I want to kill him, a powerful divine force stops me or even threatens me, preventing me from doing it."

Poseidon frowned and was startled, "You mean that Lin Yuan has something to do with gods? Is it the inheritance of gods? But this shouldn't be the case. Who has more powerful divine power than you? Just destroy it."

"No, it's not him. If it's destruction or life, I can clearly identify it, but the divine power is so pure that it makes me fear from the bottom of my heart. I'm afraid that the god who protects Lin Yuan is at least one. God at the level of a god king!"

God Shura's words gave Sea God a stick, and Sea God thought that Lin Yuan was just a cockroach out of practice and could be easily strangled to death.But, I didn't expect that it was not a cockroach, but a colossal, unshakable colossus!
(End of this chapter)

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