Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 420 The Rumored Nine Demon Pavilion

Chapter 420 The Rumored Nine Demon Pavilion

Shrek Academy.

A group of nine members of the Shrek team sat on the grass in Liu Erlong's backyard. They had already attended the group tacit understanding training class for a week.

Today is also a tacit training combat lesson. After more than a week, they are already familiar with it.

Yu Xiaogang came, "Before class today, we must emphasize to everyone. If you get a spirit bone outside the academy, you must not absorb it rashly, otherwise you will be like Tang San, unable to control the spirit bone."

"Also, when encountering this kind of thing, you must not be like Tang San. The first time you get the spirit bone is to hide it, and you can tell someone you absolutely trust, such as you here, you will all be comrades-in-arms from now on. If not At that time, the Soft Bone Douluo of the Nine Demon Pavilion did not use his killing intent, otherwise Tang San, you would not be able to live now!"

Yu Xiaogang was not only talking about Tang San, but also warning everyone about this safety issue.

"By the way, that Soft Bone Douluo is the elder of the Nine Demons Pavilion?" Huang Yuan was confused. He had also heard about Tang San's incident during this time.

"Of course, you don't know the Nine Demon Pavilion?" Dai Mubai said, there should be no one who doesn't know the number one school in this world.

"I know the name Nine Demon Pavilion, but I don't know the details. Do you all know it?" Following Huang Yuan's question, all the former Shrek nodded, and the few people who came in later shook their heads except for Tai Long.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang frowned, "Okay, since everyone has doubts about this, let me tell you about the Nine Demon Pavilion! It can be regarded as letting you understand that they are all your goals for future growth!"

"Nine Demon Pavilion, after the Haotian Sect retired many years ago, it took his place and became the number one sect in the world! The reason why the Nine Demon Pavilion is "Nine" is because there are a total of nine titled fighters in their sect. Luo is in charge!"

What Yu Xiaogang said was half true and half false. Even he didn't know the specific history of the rise and fall of the Nine Demons Pavilion, but looking at Huang Yuan and the other three people who joined later looked at Yu Xiaogang with admiration on their faces, Yu Xiaogang simply continued.

Although some of them are rumored to be false, they are all indistinguishable.

"Nine Demon Pavilions are divided into nine halls. Each hall has a titled Douluo who is responsible for the work of different areas. The most famous hall on the Douluo Continent is undoubtedly the first hall - Ghost Shadow Hall."

"Ghost Shadow Palace! It's the Ghost Shadow Palace known as the 'No. [-] Assassination Organization on the Continent'!" Tai Long exclaimed, he had heard of the name Ghost Shadow Palace.

"Yes, the Ghost Shadow Palace is known as the 'No. 98 Assassination Organization in the Mainland'. This is by no means a false name. They were the ones responsible for the assassinations. No one can escape the assassinations, assassinations, and pursuits of the Ghost Shadow Palace! Like the famous Purple Girl many years ago , Mirror Girl all come from the Ghost Shadow Palace. The master of the Ghost Shadow Palace is the most powerful elder in the Nine Demon Pavilion except the Pavilion Master. Ayan, as far as I know, his soul power is about level 99, which is far from level [-] One step away, Wuhun is a shadow. No one can escape his assassination, and the probability of assassination is [-]%. Even I have never seen his true face."

Everyone sighed endlessly. From this point of view, the strength of the Nine Demon Pavilion really deserves to be number one in the world!

"Secondly, there is Lian Po, who became the Great Elder of the Nine Demon Pavilion on the mainland. The reason why he is the Great Elder is that Shadow Douluo hardly appears in these trivial matters. The Lava Palace is guarded by Lian Po. Lian Po, the soul His strength is between level 97. It is rumored that his martial spirit is strong in combat defense. It is said that it seems to be called Hell Rock Soul. Even I don’t know what this martial spirit is. The title is Lava, and I have seen Lava Douluo many times. The city is very deep .”

"Daji, titled Meihu, her martial spirit is Nine-Tailed Meihu. According to my investigation, one of the control-type soul masters of the Nine Demon Team in this year's Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is the disciple of this Meihu Douluo. Xiaosan, Don’t be careful then.”

"I see, teacher."

Yu Xiaogang continued: "It is rumored that Charming Fox Douluo is the wife of the Master of the Nine Demons Pavilion. He has amazing control ability and can be controlled by Daji without realizing it. She is also the most feared one. Charming Fox Douluo is responsible for diplomacy. I have seen her many times. If it is as rumored, she has an attractive figure and a beautiful appearance."

"The Holy Law Douluo of the Nine Demon Pavilion, Jin Chan, is the guy with the number one theoretical theory in the mainland. But I don't agree with his position. He is just talking nonsense with his higher soul power and far-sightedness." Yu Xiaogang said .

Everyone only had the answer in their minds, and looked at Yu Xiaogang with disdain in their eyes.

He is a titled Douluo, and you are just a great soul master. If the people in Jiuyao Pavilion heard this, it would be strange if you didn't go to jail.

"Sacred Law Douluo is a monk who is also good at controlling. Wuhun is a scepter-like weapon. I don't know much about him. It's just that he is taciturn, good at studying academics, and can't bear to kill, but if If you provoke him, you will definitely usher in a strong storm-like attack."

"Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was originally the patriarch of the Jade Phosphorus Snake family, and later joined the Nine Demon Pavilion. Including his son and daughter-in-law, their soul power has reached the Contra level, and they are the elders in the Nine Demon Pavilion. This competition Another control-type soul master is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo!"

Tang San said secretly, Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Soul, Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom?Oh, relying on this control, just wait for failure!
"Poison Douluo is both good and evil. He is loyal to the Nine Demon Pavilion and is good at using poison. Once he is offended, he will turn into pus and die in an instant. He is the most insidious, cunning, and terrifying person in the Nine Demon Pavilion!"

"Lord Luo Douluo Taiyi is responsible for the alchemy of the Nine Demons Pavilion. He is responsible for refining all the elixirs sold by the Nine Demons Pavilion. The martial spirit is a mutated martial spirit. I haven't met him a few times, so I don't know much about it. There are rumors. There is no detailed description, just that he appeared once when the first-generation Nine Demons team participated in the promotion competition, with a dark complexion and excellent recovery ability!"

"A Yin, the Blue Silver Douluo, is said to be Lin Yuan's wife. The martial spirit is the Blue Silver Emperor!"

Dai Mubai frowned, "Blue Silver Emperor... and Xiaosan's..."

"That's right, according to Blue Silver Douluo, the Blue Silver Emperor's spirit is the king of Blue Silver Grass and the emperor of Blue Silver Grass! Blue Silver Douluo is harmonious, easy to get along with, kind and gentle. This has always been the Blue Silver Douluo. The legend of Douluo.”

"Soft Bone Douluo Xiao Wu, her martial spirit is Soft Bone Rabbit, a martial spirit that is not too rare, but she can cultivate to a titled Douluo, which is enough to show how powerful she is. She is the one you met in the Star Dou Forest . It is rumored that compared to other female titled Douluo, her appearance is no less beautiful and charming, but her personality is cold and aloof. She will never show mercy to even the emperors of the two empires. She doesn’t often attend any meetings. I still Haven’t seen it yet.”

"The last one is Shangguan Wan'er, the Magic Brush Douluo. She is also a female titled Douluo. Her martial soul is a writing brush, her body skills are elegant, her personality is indifferent, and her face is stern. It is said that this woman has a poem in her belly and her temperament is amazing. The appearance is equally beautiful.”

"The last thing I want to talk about is Lin Yuan, the owner of the Nine Demon Pavilion, one of the four great Douluo in the world. His martial soul is a unicorn, and he is good at elemental attacks. He is arrogant and arrogant, and he is not easy to get along with."

"This is the information about the Nine Demon Pavilion, the first sect in the mainland."

Jing Ling still didn't realize it, these nine... oh no, ten Titled Douluo, it's really amazing.

Seeing everyone's confusion, Yu Xiaogang coughed lightly and said, "Okay, this is not something you can touch yet. Cultivate hard and try to reach Title Douluo as soon as possible!"


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(End of this chapter)

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