Chapter 422
The carriage moved very fast, but the people in the carriage did not feel much vibration.

Soon, the carriage stopped at the gate of Jiuyao Pavilion.

Ning Fengzhi and others got off the car one after another, and Lian Po, Daji, and Jin Chan were here to greet them.Lian Po watched everyone get out of the car and hurriedly walked forward, "It's been a long time coming, everyone, I really didn't treat you well!"

"The great elder was joking, it's our honor to visit your sect!" Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

Lin Yuan and Ah Yan are not here, so Lian Po is naturally the Great Elder.

Daji welcomed Yu Yuanzhen, and Jin Chan greeted the people of the lower four sects. The three of them discovered together how come Hu Yanzhen's soul power is so abundant now, and there are signs of breaking through to the title Douluo!
They looked at each other and smiled, everyone knew what was going on.

"You all come from afar, please follow me to my humble house!" Jin Chan said, and the three of them led everyone into the Nine Demon Pavilion.

"Xi Shi, you can go back and rest, you have worked hard." Daji stayed behind and said to Xi Shi.

"Then I'm leaving, Sister Daji!" Xi Shi laughed and walked away bouncing.

Everyone came to a huge private room on the top floor of the cafeteria. Jin Chan left midway. The food contained his taboos, so Dugu Bo took his place and had lunch with everyone.

For lunch, Li Panglong cooked a large table of dishes, which were delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

"It smells so good!" Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help saying.

"Old dragon, drink something?" Dugu Bo laughed with his hands behind his back.

"Then you must drink some! Anyway, we will discuss matters the day after tomorrow, so don't delay! Old poison, take out your good wine today!"

"Sure! Everyone, come and taste my good wine!" Dugu Bo laughed, and took out a jug of wine. When he opened it, the whole room was filled with the smell of wine.

"This wine tastes good!" Hu Yanzhen patted his chest and said.

"That Elder Dugu gave up his money! Hahahaha!" the Patriarch of the White Tiger Sect laughed.

"What's this? It's our honor for you to come to the Nine Demon Pavilion once. You should have some wine!" Dugu Bo laughed.

Lian Po and Da Ji looked at each other, and it was right to call this old poisonous creature. He had to take care of things at the wine table, "You all, come to our Nine Demon Pavilion and make our Nine Demon Pavilion shine! Pavilion Master Let me apologize to everyone on his behalf, I will come on his behalf today, and you will not go home until you are drunk!"

With that said, Lian Po took Dugu Bo's wine jar and filled his glass with wine, clean it in one gulp!

"Elder Lian Po is so impressive!" Feng Bailong, the leader of Fengjian Sect, couldn't help but praise him.

"Since Elder Lian Po opened, I have to keep up, right?" Daji poured a glass of wine and drank it up after finishing speaking.

The corner of Dugu Bo's mouth twitched a little. This bottle of wine was his treasure. How could these two just drink it away?
Dugu Bo's appearance was impermanent, and he followed the two men's actions and drank.

Afterwards, everyone toasted to each other and then sat down to eat.

There are hot and cold dishes on the table, all kinds of specialties, it looks delicious.Everyone moved their chopsticks one after another, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't wait anymore, and added a mouthful of Kung Pao Chicken to his mouth.

In the mouth, the chicken is soft and the potatoes are soft, so delicious!

Then, he picked up another chopstick of choy sum, "What kind of choy sum is this!"

Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help but put down his chopsticks and screamed. Everyone was wondering, is there something wrong with Jiu Yao Pavilion's food?The people of the lower four sects are still waiting to see the joke of Jiumon Pavilion. Even Lian Po, Dugu Bo and the three of them can't figure out what Yu Yuanzhen is doing.

"What kind of choy sum is this! It's so delicious! Five horses and one!" Yu Yuanzhen was still savoring the deliciousness of choy sum.

"Hahahahaha, old dragon, eat more if it tastes good! This ant-eating cabbage heart in boiling water is top grade!" Dugu Bo laughed.The faces of the next four sects froze, what the hell is this Yu Yuanzhen doing!

Yu Yuanzhen tasted other dishes one after another.

“This braised carp is simply amazing!”

"Delicious! Delicious! So delicious!"

Everyone in the room praised it constantly, because this dish is really delicious.Even Ning Fengzhi repeatedly praised that the dishes of the Nine Demon Pavilion were even more delicious than the chefs of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"I wonder, can I meet this chef?" Ning Fengzhi said. He wanted to see who the chef could make such delicious dishes.

Daji smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call right away."

Daji left the room, went to the back kitchen and called Li Panglong over. Li Panglong followed Daji's footsteps and walked towards the private room on the top floor.

"This lion head is really amazing!"

"Egg custard is also delicious, smooth!"

“This is the best dish I have ever eaten!”

"This hug fish is so tender that it melts in your mouth!"

Under the leadership of Daji, Li Panglong slowly pushed open the door of the room, "Everyone, today's dishes are all made by our canteen manager Li Panglong himself! Panglong, tell the suzerains."

"These dishes are actually made by Manager Pang Long. They really deserve their reputation. In the early years, I heard that Pang Long used to work in a restaurant. Seeing him now, it's really extraordinary!" Ning Fengzhi said.

"Oh! Lao Li, come and tell me how you make this dish? I learned it, so I can tell those self-esteemed guys in our sect and let them see the master's craftsmanship!" Yu Yuan Zhen simply didn't care about the name, and he didn't have any airs about being a title Douluo.

"It's my honor. The braised lion's head in front of you has delicate meat. It is taken from a piece of meat in the middle of the head of a 2-year-old iron-clad lion.

"This plate of fish is made from ice flying fish from the far north coast. Each piece of meat needs to be gradually sliced ​​out by chefs with skillful knife skills over three days, and then made. The texture melts in your mouth and tastes like jelly. Same."

"This custard..."

"This ice sea lobster..."


Li Panglong has a lot of research on dishes, and his status is no less than that of Jin Chan in terms of theoretical knowledge. He told them the six suzerains who don't know the dishes clearly!Dugubo and the other three were smiling from behind. It was really that Yu Yuanzhen was too unusual today.

This is no exception. Yu Yuanzhen usually likes to drink wine and order wine and food when he is in the sect. Naturally, he is more strict about the food.But when I tasted it today, the dishes from Jiuyao Pavilion turned out to be so delicious.

There are no words to describe it, one word, five horses and one!

After that, Li Panglong left, and Dugu Bo started drinking with them. Li Panglong specially served several dishes to go with the wine, such as fried peanuts, exquisite dried tofu, etc.

Everyone drank until midnight. If it wasn't for the meeting time the next day, they wouldn't be able to get up.Even the master of Fengjian Sect, who is not good at drinking, drank at least ten cups, and the others didn't know how much.Especially Ning Fengzhi's drinking capacity, people should not be judged by their appearance, it is really "massive"!Maybe Ning Rongrong inherited his father Ning Fengzhi's drinking capacity.

In the end, everyone really "doesn't go home without being drunk", so Li Panglong specially made hangover soup for everyone to drink, which was considered better.However, it was still noon the next day before waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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