Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 434: Things will fall into place and they will eventually get married

Chapter 434: Things will fall into place and they will eventually get married

one year later.

There are still two months before the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, and everyone in the Nine Monsters team has returned to the Nine Monsters Pavilion.At this time, after a year of training, the boys have an infinite murderous look and a faint sense of oppression, while the girls have added a lot of heroism.It seems that saving people is like a general born on the battlefield.

"I'm exhausted! This year has been too hard!" Ma Hongjun finally let go of his heavy heart as soon as he entered the Nine Demon Pavilion.

That's right, they have experienced Death Canyon, Land of the Extreme North, Star Dou Forest, Wind Canyon, and Lost Canyon this year, and their hearts have always been tense.

"Okay! Everyone is back, you can relax, but don't relax too much, lest the rebound will be counterproductive. After seven days of rest, you will go to the Nishang Pavilion to learn to restrain the murderous aura and get your own relief. At the same time, in the During this period of time, take care of your trivial matters, and conduct the first phase of training exams one month before the competition, including theoretical written exams and actual combat tests."


"Oscar, come with me." Lin Yuan called Oscar away.

Hu Liena stopped and looked at Oscar's back, a little worried, Xie Yue saw her sister's thoughts, and said: "Well, this kid Oscar has also fulfilled his own wish, and now he is truly capable of fighting. You don't have to worry too much. What's more, aren't you two already together?"

Hu Liena glanced at her good brother, he didn't understand what Hu Liena was worried about, "You should hurry up and see Zhuqing!"

Many things have happened in this year. Everyone in the Nine Monsters team has discovered their hearts. Some are already together, like Lan and Cai Wenji, Zhu Zhuqing and Xie Yue. Some have a clear mind and want to wait for their family members. agree, just like Dugu Yan and Ma Hongjun.As for Hu Liena and Oscar, it was purely because of Oscar's personal reasons.

Oscar is always worried that he doesn't have any real fighting power, and if he encounters any accident, he can't protect Hu Liena at all, so when he was training in the extreme north, Oscar went to Lin Yuan alone and explained the situation, wanting to obtain a soul with fighting power ring.

Lin Yuan nodded. It seems that whether it is Oscar and Ning Rongrong in the original work or Oscar and Hu Liena now, Oscar has always been a lover. Does he think Hu Liena will look down on him because he has no fighting ability?This is simply wrong.

Finally, on the day when Oscar broke through level [-], Lin Yuan hunted him a soul beast called the mirror beast. It was the soul beast in the original work, but it was much older than the one in the original work. Just like the original work, you can obtain a person's blood, and the martial spirit will become that person's martial spirit and have fighting power.

At the same time, he also got a soul bone.

Pavilion main hall.

"Oscar, I won't get too involved in your and Hu Liena's personal affairs, but what I want to tell you is that Nana is Daji's disciple. She treats Nana as her own daughter. If you can't get Daji's support, It’s still very difficult to be with Nana.”

"I see!"

"Okay, I didn't ask you to come here to talk about that. You got that mirrored skull. If you can handle it in the Soul Master Competition, it's best not to use it. You can use it when your life is in danger."

"I see, my lord."

Lin Yuan grabbed it in the air, and a small glass bottle appeared in his hand. The glass bottle was blocked by a cork. It was transparent and contained a drop of colored blood.

Lin Yuan handed him to Oscar, Oscar looked at the glass bottle in doubt, "This is?"

"This is my blood. If you encounter serious things, you can use my blood to make sausages when you can't deal with it. But, it's best not to use it in normal times. It's not good for your body. You use my blood I can also feel that I can quickly come to your side to protect you." Lin Yuan said.

"I... I know! Thank you, Lord!"

"Okay, let's go back."


Dugu Yan took Ma Hongjun's hand and walked towards the Temple of Heavenly Poison. Ma Hongjun was very nervous, "That...Yan'er, I'd better go buy something for Elder Dugu! It's too bad to go empty-handed!"

Dugu Yan glanced at Ma Hongjun with disdain, "Let me tell you, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking? Do you not want to be with me anymore! You don't love me anymore!"

When Ma Hongjun heard this, he panicked immediately, and hurriedly coaxed Dugu Yan, "No, no, how could I not love you."

Dugu Yan sobbed, "Then will you come with me?"

"Go! Of course go!"

The slyness in Dugu Yan's eyes disappeared, and he returned to normal in an instant, "Then let's go! I've prepared everything for you, and it's in your storage soul guide."

Ma Hongjun and Dugu Yan arrived at Tiandu Palace. As soon as they opened the door, Ma Hongjun was stunned, "Teacher, senior sister, senior brother-in-law, why are you here?"

"Hongjun and Yan'er are here, how can we not be present for your lifelong event?" Lian Po laughed.

In the house, Dugu Bo and Dugu Xin were already sitting at the dining table. Lian Po, Huo Qing'er and Feng Qinghua were also here. Ma Hongjun said hello in turn, put the things in the house, and sat down with Dugu Yan.

"Hey, what a handsome man and beautiful girl!" Dugu Bo laughed heartily, seeing Ma Hongjun holding Dugu Yan's hand with jealousy in his eyes, other people also saw it, and smiled without saying a word.

At the dinner table, everyone was chatting about household matters. After the meal, Dugu Bo told Ma Hongjun.

"Ma Hongjun, let me tell you, if Yan'er is handed over to you, if she is harmed in any way, I will blame you! I haven't agreed to the two of you being together. Today... let's treat it as a meeting between parents of both parties! Wait until you complete the task this time. Only after I passed the first stage of the exam and won the championship in the competition did I agree to marry Yan'er to you. Consider this period of time a test for you!" Dugu Bo said arrogantly as he stood with his hands behind his back.

"Thank you... Thank you Elder Dugu! Thank you Uncle Xin, thank you Aunt Wen Ya." Ma Hongjun nodded excitedly.

Wen Ya saw Ma Hongjun's growth, and now his soul power was improving so quickly. She smiled and said, "Why do you call me an elder? I call you Grandpa Dugu, hahahaha!"

"Yes! Thank you...Thank you Grandpa Dugu."

"Okay, okay! Go play with Yan'er! We old guys are chatting." Dugu Bo said.

Ma Hongjun and Duguyan nodded, and left the pavilion main hall.

"Huh~ I'm scared to death!" Ma Hongjun patted his chest, "But it's okay, I'm recognized now!"

"Stop being narcissistic! I'm going to eat, but I'm not full yet!" Dugu Yan waved Ma Hongjun's hand.

"Okay, okay, let's go! I'm starving to death too!" Ma Hongjun waved his hand, and the past became bigger, carrying the two of them towards Sunset City.

"Hey, this kid Ma Hongjun is quite nice! If I hadn't given him a blow, I don't know how proud he would be, hahahaha!" Dugu Bo said with a smile.

"But there is indeed something to be proud of! The youth's vitality is really good!" Dugu Xin said.

"You don't want to see whose apprentice it is!" Lian Po's face was full of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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