Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 441 Playing with the Elephant Academy Team

Chapter 441 Playing with the Elephant Academy Team

This time the Nine Demons Team faced off against the Elephant Armor Team. Mei and Huo were not as good as the others.

Xie Yue stood at the front and saluted the opponent's captain. The difference in soul power made the Elephant Armor Sect shudder.

Following the referee's order, everyone's weapon souls were summoned and possessed by martial arts souls.

At Xiangjia Academy, except for the captain Hu Yanli, who is a level 53 Soul King, there is only one newly promoted Soul King among the others, and the rest are all Soul Sects.

Under the effect of the first soul ring, the original dark yellow horniness on the seven meat mountains became a layer of crystal color, and each of them seemed to be covered with a layer of enamel.

Seven people pressed forward from the center, occupying almost half of the diameter of the entire circular playing field.Although their pace is slow, as they move forward, their momentum will increase a bit with every step they take.

"Act on the original plan!" Xie Yue ordered, and the others, including Cai Wenji and Oscar, all moved, except Dugu Yan who did not move.

They are too small compared to the soul masters of the Elephant Armor Sect.Hu Yanli's idea was to use the Xiangjia Sect's huge body to occupy the entire arena, thereby forcing them off the arena and preventing them from releasing their soul skills.

However, what he thought was too simple!

Hu Yanli saw that the rest of the people started to move, and the lingbo microsteps under their feet actually passed between the bodies of these big men, as if they were playing hide-and-seek, and these big men reacted and wanted to go Grabbing or attacking but being dodged, the next second, they appeared on the other side, constantly attacking them.

"The third soul skill, green phosphorus halo!"

The emerald green toxin halo exploded among the seven people, and in an instant, their formation was disrupted!

"Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!" Zhu Zhuqing seized the opportunity and kept sliding between these big men, attacking them with his claws every time he slid over.

"Break out!"

"Wind Blade Slash!"

Among the three agility and attack type soul masters, Bai Chenxiang is the most difficult to deal with. These big guys can't catch her at all. She can fly, which gives her a certain advantage.

The whole scene looked like they were playing with the Elephant Academy team. The scene in the ring was really funny.Except for Xie Yue who was fighting Hu Yanli and Dugu Yan who couldn't move, the others were running back and forth, and the big men couldn't hit them at all!
Especially Cai Wenji, the soul master of the auxiliary department, compared to Xie Yue and the others, her figure is more dexterous, and the Elephant Armor Academy team they play around in circles!
"Damn it!" Hu Yanzhen stood up angrily, muttering something at the corner of his mouth.

"Master Huyan, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" Ning Fengzhi didn't need to hear what he said at all, because Huyanzhen used the ability to compose sounds into lines to guide his grandson.

"I don't understand what Sect Master Ning means. What did I do?" Hu Yanzhen snorted and sat down again.

"Ha! The soul power is quite high, but the mind is full of water!" Xiao Wu said.

"What did you say?!" Hu Yanzhen said angrily.

"Master Huyan, please don't take your seat. Did I mention you? Did I mention your name or surname?"


At this time, the field

"The fourth soul skill, mammoth roar!" Under the leadership of Hu Yanli, all seven people released the fourth soul skill. This mammoth roar has a dizzying effect, and the diamond mammoth's roar is everywhere in the arena.

"Wen Ji, tell them to shut up!" Dugu Yan said.

I saw Cai Wenji slipping under the body of a big man, releasing her third soul skill, and a beam of sound waves popped out directly, and then continued to bounce back and forth between the seven of them, making them unable to attack.

"The second soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Binding!" A Jade Phosphorus Dragon sprang out directly, entangled the feet of the two big men, and bit them in one bite.

"Jade Phosphorus Poison!"

Following the bite of the Biphosphorous Jiao, a huge amount of paralyzing toxin was directly injected into their bodies, causing them to temporarily lose their combat effectiveness, and they were knocked off the ring by Lan and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Attack! The fourth soul skill, Jade Phosphorous Poison Flame Strike!"

"Netherworld Slash!"

"Break the waves! Break the sky!"

"Wind Blade Slash!"

Various soul skills that shine dazzlingly are locked on Hu Yanli and released. As long as this captain is solved, all problems can be solved easily.

"Huh? You want to get rid of me first? It's a beautiful idea!" Without any warning, Hu Yanli suddenly had a helmet on his head. That's right, it was a helmet. The khaki helmet looked neither conspicuous nor dazzling. But it was such a helmet covering the entire head that forcibly withstood the joint blow of everyone.


Platinum bishop Salas glanced at Hu Yanzhen beside him in surprise, a gleam of jealousy flashed in his eyes.And Ning Fengzhi said with a smile: "Congratulations to Sect Master Huyan, it's really gratifying to make Sun Xiaoxiao already have a head spirit bone. However, Sect Master Huyan should also be careful, and don't be fooled by it." Someone with a heart has figured it out."

Hu Yan's face sank like water.Although Hu Yanli had resolved the crisis, he didn't feel any joy.It is definitely not a good thing for the soul bone to be exposed in such a public situation.He snorted coldly, "I'm a disciple of the Xiangjia Sect, so I don't need to worry about Sect Master Ning."

Hu Yanli broke free from the restraints on his body, but his eyes almost burst out with fire.Although he blocked four attacks with his soul bones.But he was also shocked and felt dizzy for a while.The bones all over his body crackled, and a pair of big hands grabbed the nearest Zhu Zhuqing.

How could Zhu Zhuqing let him succeed? His speed increased and he dodged in a flash!
"You're going too far! The fifth soul skill, spiral mammoth cannon!"

The remaining soul masters of the Elephant Armor Team also quickly formed a formation, covering the entire arena.

"Lift off!" Following Dugu Yan's order, everyone drank Oscar's mushroom intestines, wings sprouted from their backs, and they all flew into the air!

And the timing was just right, Huyanli's spiral mammoth cannon was dodged by them just in time, this fifth soul skill can consume a lot of Huyanli's soul power, and they were easily dodged by them just like that, who wouldn't let it go gas.

Now Hu Yanli was furious. At first, he was fooled around like monkeys by the Nine Demons and others, and his attacks did not hit them at all. Now, the fifth soul skill shell that he spent a lot of soul power to condense was easily dodged by them. up!
"You bastards, what are you doing! Hurry up!" Hu Yanli was desperate and ordered the other team members to attack.

Dugu Yan raised his mouth in the air, and exchanged a glance with Xie Yue, "Since you're done fighting, it's up to us! Hu Yanli, and everyone from the Elephant Armor Academy team, you must be clear that the difference in spirit power between the tenth level is not just You can make up for it with your broken soul bones! Move!"

From the beginning, the Nine Demons team did not attack with all their strength, otherwise the Elephant Academy team could easily defeat them.As for why they are still engaging in this drama, of course they want revenge!
Not only everyone in the VIP seats, but also the audience could see what the Nine Demons team was thinking, which was to play tricks on the Elephant Academy team!
Following Dugu Yan's order, everyone's soul rings shone one after another, Lan and Zhu Zhuqing turned into black shadows and jumped out directly, Xie Yue's fourth soul skill was activated, points!

The two moon blades turned into four, six, eight... Sixteen moon blades, according to Xie Yue's control, instantly enveloped the whole place and attacked them continuously.

Bai Chenxiang shot into the sky, and a tornado of wind swept through the entire arena, mixed with Xie Yue's moon blade, and enveloped everyone in the Elephant Academy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Outside the violent tornado, only the painful screams of the soul masters of the Elephant Academy team could be heard.

"Lili! Do you Nine Demon Pavilion really want to break up with us?!" Hu Yanzhen looked at Xiao Wu angrily at the VIP table. Xiao Wu closed her eyes and rested without looking at him at all.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Hu Yanzhen said, and disappeared from the VIP table...

"Hu Yanzhen! What are you going to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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