Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 443 Xiao Wu shows off 8 steps of wrestling again

Chapter 443 Xiao Wu shows off another eight-stage wrestling

Xiao Wu rushed directly towards Hu Yanzhen, halfway through the run, kicked her right foot into the air, spun half a circle in the air, and kicked at Hu Yanzhen's chest.

Hu Yanzhen didn't panic, he just accumulated his soul power as a defense, and easily blocked Xiao Wu's attack.Xiao Wu only felt that she was kicking on a large steel plate.

Hu Yanzhen is good at strength and defense. In terms of defense, the diamond mammoth martial soul he possesses is second only to the plate armor giant rhinoceros martial soul that is purely defensive.

When Hu Yanzhen was level 87, he was able to rely on his formidable defense to force out some non-main attacking Title Douluo.Although he has not yet reached the level of Title Douluo, most of the Title Douluo are inferior to him in terms of defense.But now that he has broken through to the Title Douluo level, he is definitely the world's number one defense system soul master!
Xiao Wu's body kept flashing pink light, using teleportation to attack around Huyan Zhen's body, trying to find the weak point of Huyan Zhen's body.However, Hu Yanzhen's body is too strong, unless his attack power is as strong as Sword Douluo's, it will be difficult to break through his defense.

"Wahhahaha, you're courting death! The fifth soul skill, diamond breaking!" Hu Yanzhen's move turned out to be a locked soul skill, and the diamond formed by a huge diamond flew directly towards Xiao Wu. What's even more frightening was that Huyan Taking advantage of Xiao Wu's inattention, Zhen grabbed Xiao Wu's leg, making it impossible for her to break free.

"The sixth soul skill, nothingness!" Xiao Wu instantly entered a state of nothingness, Hu Yanzhen's attack naturally couldn't hit her, seizing the opportunity, Xiao Wu got away directly.

"Second soul skill, Charm!" The moment Xiao Wu escaped, her eyes turned pink, and a ray of pink light shot out directly.

the other side.

Dugu Xin and Wen Ya have been married for many years, and they cooperate naturally and tacitly. Although the two sect masters on the opposite side are both attack-type soul masters, their soul power is not as high as Dugu Xin and Wen Ya's.

Dugu Xin is level 89, Wen Ya is level 88, the suzerain of the Fire Leopard sect is level 85, and the suzerain of the Black Tiger sect is only level 83.The difference in soul power made it impossible for them to gain the upper hand.

"The first soul skill, Huo Xiao!" The head of the Fire Leopard Sect started directly, and the Fire Leopard martial soul raised its head to the sky and roared.Accompanied by the roar of the fire leopard, the master of the Black Tiger Sect rushed out, the fourth soul ring lit up, and attacked Dugu Xin with claws emitting black and silver light.

"The second soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Poisonous Hand!"

"Self-created soul technique, starry night barrier."

Wen Ya held the blue night flower and stepped on the ground with both feet, forming a blue barrier with starlight in front of the two of them, but this barrier is penetrable and not real.This barrier is only to counteract the ability to control the soul, that is, Huo Xiao, the suzerain of the Fire Leopard Sect.

Underground, a huge green poisonous hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed the Black Tiger Sect leader and threw him out.

"The fifth soul skill, Raging Flame Clone!"

"The fourth soul skill, Skyfire Broken Star Fist!"

The leader of the Fire Leopard Sect continued to attack. As he charged forward, he transformed into a clone that circled behind and attacked Wen Ya. The main body came to Dugu Xin, jumped into the air, and fired countless fists with sparks.

Dugu Xin took a step back with his right leg, and the sixth soul skill, Bi Phosphorous Possession, was activated. This soul skill can amplify himself.He placed his fists in front of his body to resist the attack. The effect of the real armor had not disappeared yet, and with the assistance of Wenya Lan Yehua, it was easy to resist this attack.

"The fifth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Poison Flame Break!" During the process of resisting, Dugu Xin directly spit out the strongest single-target attack soul skill among all soul skills, and the poison was released with flames.The leader of the Fire Leopard Sect had no time to react and was directly knocked away.

That avatar was also fighting with Wen Ya, but Dugu Xin was completely assured of his wife's strength. "Starlight Rain." Wen Ya waved her right hand, and the starlight flickered out of thin air, hitting that person continuously, and then a rainstorm of pear blossom needles quickly resolved it.

Xiao Wu turned on the charm, and the red light immediately controlled Huyan Zhen. The fifth soul skill was activated, and the flexibility of the body increased, restraining Huyan Zhen and flying him directly into the air.

In the air, during the restraint process, the long hair wrapped Hu Yanzhen tightly around the neck, and the effect of the soft bone lock was also touched, and Xiao Wu immediately began to blast and kill the eight-stage fall!
"It's Sister Xiaowu's eighth-level throw!" Xie Yue said excitedly.

"This Huyanzhen is so miserable." Dugu Yan said with a smile.

There was a trace of fear in Ma Hongjun's eyes, "The most violent throwing method in Sister Xiaowu's jutsu technique is to throw eight times in a row. As long as the first throw is thrown, there is almost no possibility of resistance. That is Sister Xiaowu's real strength. Let this This old fellow Hu Yanzhen will learn from Miss Wu's lesson!"

Everyone in the Nine Monsters team didn't panic at all. On the contrary, it was worthwhile for them to be able to watch a rare battle of Xiao Wu.Moreover, they believed in the strength of Xiao Wu and Dugu Xin Wenya, and those people were no opponents.What's more, they have already contacted the headquarters of Jiuyao Pavilion, and they will come soon.

At this moment, Hu Yanzhen felt that the sky was spinning for a while, and the next moment, his eyes had turned into a starlight.

Gold stars, silver stars, big and small stars, kept flashing in front of his eyes, and the violent vibration made it impossible for him to concentrate his soul power to release his martial soul.The body doesn't even feel pain, only strong numbness.

Xiao Wu's crystal high-heeled shoes stepped on Hu Yanzhen's back waist, the first soul ring skill waist bow was activated, and the upper body was belted with waist strength, the neck was turned backward, and the feet were sent forward, and Hu Yanzhen's body had already flown into the air.

The long hair came off quietly, Xiao Wu chased Hu Yanzhen's body that was thrown into the air and jumped up.When Hu Yanzhen's body climbed to the highest point, it was also the moment when Xiao Wu caught up. She grabbed her waist with both hands, and the power of the waist bow was activated again. Spinning backwards, at this time Hu Yanzhen is still in the confusion of Xiao Wu's charm skill, he can't do anything except the feeling of spinning around.

Xiao Wu just grabbed the clothes around Huyan Zhen's waist and spun around in mid-air for two full weeks. When she fell to the ground, the rapid rotation under the action of the waist arch brought Huyan Zhen's body into a thrilling roar. It hit the ground with a sound.

Hu Yanzhen finally woke up from Xiao Wu's charm skill.Although it was too late to use the spirit, he managed to spread the spirit power all over his body to protect his body.But at the next moment, the violent shock had already scattered the soul power he had gathered.

Boom——, Hu Yanzhen's body hit the ground heavily. Xiao Wu slapped his body flatly to the ground. It was a complete contact with all five bodies falling to the ground. He didn't even have time to scream, and his nose was bleeding.The whole person was stunned by the fall.However, this is just the beginning.

There was a roaring sound from the entire Soul Arena, and the arena was smashed by Xiao Wu and began to shatter.Everyone gasped, Hu Yanzhen weighed at least two hundred catties, and Xiao Wu fell down so easily!

"I didn't expect Miss Xiao Wu's strength to be so terrifying!" Ning Fengzhi said.

"If she is controlled by Xiao Wu, then the rhythm will be controlled by her, and she will not be able to escape even if she wants to! Although I have never fought with her, I have heard about Xiao Wu's strength." Gu Rong said solemnly. Said.

The most surprising thing was the spectators, this was a Title Douluo level battle!According to the rumors, this Xiao Wu was extremely beautiful, but when I saw her today, she was indeed so.But they never thought that Xiao Wu's strength was so strong!
After Xiao Wu became a titled Douluo, not only did the power of the Eight-dan Falling not weaken, but it actually increased.Each hit is accompanied by a stun effect, so once caught, it is almost impossible to dodge. Moreover, each hit will produce a violent shock, shaking away the opponent's gathered soul power.At the same time, 70.00% of the attack power of the eighth fall is continuously accumulated in the last fall.The first seven throws were just to break the opponent's defense as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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