Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 450: Phoenix Fire and Fire Dance Shining in the Sun

Chapter 450: Phoenix Fire and Fire Dance Shining in the Sun
A total of fourteen players from both sides stood in two rows, each saluting the other.Xie Yue's eyes met Huo Wushuang, and Dugu Yan's eyes inevitably met Huo Wu's.The game hasn't even started yet, but the smell of gunpowder is already filling the eyes between each other.

Although Huo Wu was proud in her heart, she also knew the gap between herself and the opponent.I am level 56, while Xie Yue on the opposite side is level 68, and the lowest soul power is also level 65. This battle is very tricky.Especially the fire phoenix soul master on the opposite side!

"The game begins." With the order of the referee.The players on both sides moved at the same time at the same time.

Xie Yue summoned the moon blade and rushed forward without hesitation.Lan and Zhu Zhuqing turned into shadows at the same time and went around from both sides.At the same time, two pink rays of light fell on them, which was Cai Wenji's agility increase and attack increase.

Boom——At this moment, Lie Yan (raging flames) rose instantly in the enemy formation.The fiery red light filled half of the arena with a fiery atmosphere.

Almost at the same moment, the flames of the seven members of the Blazing Academy rose into the sky, and the first soul rings on each of them released dazzling brilliance.

Sparks radiated from the bodies of their two auxiliary system soul masters, and countless small red light spots in the air quickly condensed towards those sparks. As the red light spots condensed, the sparks quickly became larger and appeared on top of the heads of the seven people. Hover above.

Huo Wushuang and another attack-type soul master brazenly greeted him.A loud dragon chant erupted from his mouth, and the flames rising from his whole body vaguely took on the shape of a dragon behind him. The martial spirit possessed him, making his whole body swell up, and a layer of fiery flames was attached to the surface of his skin. Dark red scales.

The two power attack types quickly fought with Xie Yue, and Xie Yue fought against the two without any effort at all.

The two soul masters of the agility department, Huo Yun and Huo Yu, circled out at the same time. They each released a pair of dazzling wings from behind. Although they didn't fly high, they also glided around in a strange arc. come over.Collided with Zhu Zhuqinglan.

Smart attack vs. quick attack, strong attack vs. strong attack.Dazzling sparks are quickly injected into other people's bodies. Each spark injected will make the flames on the students of Blazing Academy even more intense.

"唳!!!" The loud cry of the phoenix resounded throughout the entire soul fighting arena, and the fire phoenix soared into the sky, burning with fierce flames.Since Ma Hongjun summoned the martial spirit, the two agility attack spirit masters of the Blazing Academy team were instantly unstable and sluggish. The Fire Phoenix Spirit was a king-level existence compared to their bird martial spirits.

Everyone else in the Blazing Academy felt the same way. The suppression of the top-level fire-attributed martial spirit made them unable to exert [-]% combat power at all, and the boost of auxiliary-type soul masters instantly became useless.

"It turned out to be a top fire attribute martial soul, Fire Phoenix! Presumably Elder Lian Po values ​​this child very much." Ning Fengzhi said.

"Hahaha, this little fat guy is my second apprentice. His fire attributes and attacks are inherited from me, so his strength is not bad." Lian Po laughed.

"Fat guy? This figure is very well-proportioned, why is he fat?" Salas was puzzled, Ma Hongjun was clearly very thin, and he could clearly see the abdominal muscles under the clothes.

"That's because, he used to be a little fat man, but now he's become thinner, and he can't change his words for a while!"

In the arena, Dugu Yan moved, and the first soul ring lit up, "The first soul skill, Biphospoison Seed!" The Biphosphorus poison was released from Duguyan's mouth, and the two balls of poison rushed to the two soul masters of the agility department .

The toxin was invisibly absorbed by Huo Yun Huo Yu, who was already suppressed by the Fire Phoenix, but now that he had absorbed the toxin, his speed of action was no match for Zhu Zhuqing and Lan.

"The Nether Spike! The Nether Hundred Claws!"

"Duan Kong! Execution! Po Lang!"

Lan pushed Huo Yu towards Huo Yun with three consecutive attacks, and the two collided with each other with a bang. Zhu Zhuqing, Lan, and Ma Hongjun looked at each other and rushed towards the twin brothers from three directions, hoping to kill them two first.

At the moment when the three-party encirclement was about to be completed, suddenly, a red whirlwind burst out from the field.

Huo Wu activated without any warning, and her movements were very simple, but what lit up was the third spirit ring on her body.The dazzling purple light merged with the golden-red halo erupting from her body, and the eye-catching ring-shaped flame burst out instantly and spread to the place where it was most needed.

"The third soul skill, resist the ring of fire!"

The ring of fire knocked five people away, and three of them were knocked back to their original formation. Fire Cloud and Fire Rain took advantage of the momentum to return to their own team.

On the other hand, Xie Yue was like a fish in water against these two people, and they didn't get any chance at all.

"The third soul skill, Explosive Dragon Claw!" Huo Wushuang's sharp claws appeared between his hands, and his body swelled again. Golden-red light erupted on his scales, and his whole body was burning with blazing flames.Strengthen your own amplification skills.

With a "click", Huo Wushuang's claws were actually blocked by Xie Yue's moon blade, and the moon blade spun around, knocking him back as if alive.

"Yanzi!" The nine demon team's cooperation was so tacit. As soon as Xie Yue finished speaking, a green phosphorus dragon suddenly appeared next to Huo Wushuang, restraining him tightly.

The moon blade quickly retracted, "The first soul skill, cut! The third soul skill, break! The fifth soul skill, kill!" The three boosting soul skills were released at once, and the first soul skill chop only enhanced part of the attack power of the moon blade. , can release a crescent-like attack; the third soul skill breaking instantly increases the explosive power of the moon blade, which can break all physical defense soul skills; the fifth soul skill killing strengthens Xie Yue itself and the moon blade, increasing all attributes by 70.00%.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Fire Leopard Scale Armor!"

Xie Yue Yue Ren retaliated and turned around to attack the Fire Leopard Spirit Master. The Fire Leopard Spirit Master's physical defensive soul skills could not withstand the Moon Blade's offensive and broke through it instantly.

"No, resist the fire..." Just as Huo Wu was about to release the resist fire ring to help the Fire Leopard Spirit Master, he was stunned by a sound wave from Cai Wenji with butterfly wings. The next second, Cai Wenji returned to her original position.

The butterfly wings on the back are naturally Oscar’s flying mushroom sausages!
"Boom!!!" Xie Yue's double-handled moon blades spun, and for a moment, the soul master lost his fighting power and was kicked off the ring.

On the field, the Blazing Academy team had fallen into a downwind, and Huo Wushuang broke through the poisonous dragon and returned to the formation.

"Xiao Wu, it's time, Huoyun and Huoyu and I will cover you and give you time to support!" Huo Wushuang said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, brother!" Huo Wu agreed, "The fifth soul skill, Flame Meteor!"

Huo Wu quickly condensed several flame meteors and flew towards the enemy. Each flame meteor contained extremely strong explosive power. Relying on the cover of the flame meteors, Huo Wu quickly retreated and stood with the two auxiliary soul masters. start preparing.

Huo Wushuang, Huo Yun and Huo Yu looked at each other, opened their martial souls and rushed towards the Nine Monsters team again.Facing Huowu's flaming meteor, the Nine Monsters team didn't panic. Ma Hongjun landed on the ground, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, and released an extremely thick flame in the air to meet the attack of the flaming meteor.

"This girl Huo Wu has a rather arrogant personality and cannot accept defeat. From now on, it can be seen that the Nine Demons Team is bound to win. Not to mention the huge gap in soul power, even Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Spirit is not that easy to deal with. After that, you can enlighten her properly." Feng Qinghua said with his hands behind his back. Next to him was a man wearing a black mask and dressed in Tsing Yi.

"I know the senior."

(End of this chapter)

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