Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 452 Tang 3 still has fire immunity? !

Chapter 452 Tang San Still Has Huo Mian? !
"Wushuang, Huo Wu, we will avenge you in a few days." When the entire group of Blazing Academy was extremely depressed, a somewhat deep voice sounded.Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a group of participating players in blue team uniforms walking towards them.

The cyan team uniform is decorated with silver silk embroidery, which complements the Blazing Academy's team uniform.It is the Kamikaze Academy, which is also the Five Elements Academy.

The one who spoke was the captain of Kamikaze Academy, and at the same time the soul of their team.

Next to Feng Xiaotian were Huo Qinger and Feng Qinghua, while Shui Yuechen was looking after the Nine Monsters.

"Who are these people?" Huo Wu had never seen these people before.

"These are senior Feng Qinghua, the captain of the Kamikaze Academy team who competed with the first-generation Nine Monsters team, senior Huo Qing'er, the captain of the Blazing Academy team, and senior Huo Xuanlie."

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang understood, and nodded quickly, "It turns out that you are seniors and sisters. I have heard of your names for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you today."

"Girl, do you know? I was stronger than you back then, and that unyielding energy has not faded even now. What I want to say is that failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that you cannot continue Move forward. How can we, the students of Chihuo Academy, stop moving forward?" Huo Qing'er said with a smile.

"I see, senior."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the dean for a long time. Sister, let's go back and have a look some other time." Huo Xuanlie looked at the new generation and sighed with emotion, feeling unspeakable in his heart.

"I'm not surprised that you lost to the Nine Demons. Ma Hongjun's strength is obvious to all, and you all have seen it." Huo Qing'er said.

"But senior sister...if she is not the Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit, I can definitely do it too!"

"Do you know why I say that?"

Huo Wu shook her head, Huo Qing'er looked at her and turned her head to look at Ma Hongjun with a playful smile over there, Huo Qing'er said: "Back then, our Blazing Academy team also lost to the Nine Monsters team, the captain Qin Ming was me I have always looked up to the existence. Back then, I was the same as you are now, unwilling and extremely proud. But in the process of constantly fighting Qin Ming, I discovered why he is stronger than me? The most important reason lies in my character . Later, I joined the Nine Demon Pavilion together with Xuan Lie, Qinghua and Shui Yuechen, the captain of the Tianshui Academy team."

"You actually joined the Nine Demons Pavilion. I see. No wonder I haven't seen my seniors in the academy all these years." Huo Wushuang nodded.

"Do you know? The Nine Demon Pavilion is more powerful than we imagined. They are training hard every day, everyone is like this. My martial spirit is also a fire phoenix, but my strength is not comparable to that of my junior brother Ma Hongjun. Now I am about to break through to Contra, but do you know? Captain Qin Ming has already reached Contra for many years, and the eighth soul ring is 10 years old. They grow much faster than you, and their energy is It can be done, but it can’t be too much.”

Huo Qing'er and Feng Qinghua and Huo Xuanlie left, leaving behind the lost Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang.

Afterwards, Huo Wu and the others did understand a lot after hearing Huo Qing'er's words, but this did not hinder her progress, and she would eventually grow into a world fire attribute female soul master even more powerful than Huo Qing'er.

"Oh, they are me from many years ago. If I can't wake them up, I can't wake up myself. People really can't have youth and the feeling of youth at the same time." Huo Qing'er sighed.

Feng Qinghua said: "I don't agree with this sentence. Adolescence and enlightenment coexist. Adolescence has adolescent insights. We only see the path we have taken as people who have been through it. It is clear and tortuous. But for For them, the road ahead is new and vague. There are thousands of roads that need to be explored by oneself, and not everyone will follow our old path.

We can only remind them of possible difficulties and guide them in the direction, but we cannot help them avoid difficulties and decide the direction for them.

Only through experience can we grow. Because we have no experience, we do not understand. If adolescence understands in advance the principles that can only be understood by youth or even middle age, can it still be called youth? "


After that, the Blazing Academy team and the Shrek Academy team met. Tang San had the Shura God and the Poseidon to cheat him. Although he lost his original fairy grass, he still had all the attributes he should have.

For example, fire avoidance!
Everyone was shocked by Tang San's strength, he was probably the strongest in the entire competition after the Nine Monsters.

Lin Yuan didn't understand, how many tricks did God Shura open?
The match between the Blazing Academy team and the Shrek Academy team was still exciting. One was a veteran team and the other was a rising star dark horse. Even the Nine Demons team watched the match in the central arena with gusto.

When the plot of the original work was played out one by one, Tang San emerged from the blue silver grass again, "Do you really think that I don't use soul skills because I am afraid of your flames?... By now, your soul power has already It consumes too much. I can tell you a fact. My Bluesilver Grass, Huo Mian."


"Let me go, this Tang San is too good at pretending!" Ma Hongjun said disdainfully.

Oscar was disgusted, "What does Meng Yiran see in Tang San? He's ugly, he's a playboy, and he likes to pretend. I'm really speechless."

"Oh, with that shameless captain leading them, who in their team is pure?" Zhu Zhuqing stared at Dai Mubai with a cold face.

Everyone knows the grievances between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, they don't treat the Shrek team well, it's best not to let them touch these pests.

"That little girl from the assistant department looks a little out of place." Bai Chenxiang said.

Losing to the Nine Demons team, they are so strong that Huo Wu also recognizes them.However, they lost to the Shrek team.

Huo Wu didn't have the thoughts in the original work. She only treated Tang San with disgust and dislike. This man was really ugly, self-righteous and would only hit the wall.She now has stronger goals ahead of her that require her efforts.

"Feng Xiaotian, if you can defeat the Shrek team, I will date you!" Huo Wu got angry and found Feng Xiaotian and said immediately.

Feng Xiaotian's pursuit finally got a positive response, he didn't believe that he and Tang San were not much different in strength, and couldn't beat them.

The uncontrollable excitement began to ignite in his body, it is not a day or two for him to like Fire Dance.Shenfeng Academy and Blazing Academy are very close, and they often communicate with each other. When he saw Huowu for the first time six years ago, he fell in love with this beautiful and talented girl.

In order to pursue Huo Wu, he even put down his dignity to be friends with Huo Wushuang.And in the sparring with these two brothers and sisters, they have never won.But even so, Huo Wu has always been lukewarm towards him.The opportunity finally came, at this time Feng Xiaotian's heart was burning with the power of love, it was really great, the opportunity finally came.

Huo Wu, just wait, I will use my strength to prove to you that I am the most suitable man for you.

(End of this chapter)

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