Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 456 Copying the Mirror Intestine

Chapter 456 Copying the Mirror Intestine

Boom——, Dapeng's ice powder was flying in all directions.At this time, you can see who is stronger.On the side of the Nine Demons team, Xie Yue and Hu Liena were the first to break through the ice, and the solid ice that trapped them had turned into ice powder.

"Fifth soul ability, group weakness! Second soul ability, fox charm!" Hu Liena didn't wait any longer, and if she continued to wait, she would only fall into a passive state.Immediately, he released his two soul skills, and the Tianshui Academy team couldn't dodge them no matter what!
In an instant, the seven of them were charmed, followed by group weakness controlled by the body.

"Netherworld Thrust, Netherworld Slash!" After Zhu Zhuqing broke free from the ice, he immediately rushed towards the opposite side. Hu Liena had won such a good opportunity for them and they must not miss it.

Lan, Bai Chenxiang and Xie Yue all rushed out immediately. Several rays of light fell on them. It was Cai Wenji's amplifying effect, and their body speed increased again.

Oscar took advantage of this spare opportunity to ask Hu Liena for a drop of blood, and began to make his mirror mirror sausage.

Lan and Zhu Zhuqing were very fast, and quickly eliminated their two agility attack system soul masters, including Shui Yue'er.

Hu Liena's charm control is undoubtedly extremely strong. Once controlled, it will be difficult to break free.

"The third soul skill, resist light!" Shui Bing'er took the lead to release the control, and when Xie Yue's moon blade was about to touch the attack-type soul master, a blue light bloomed between the two of them. Shui Bing'er's resistance to light is similar to Huo Wu's resistance to fire ring and Dugu Yan's green phosphor ring!

Not only Xie Yue, but also everyone else was repelled by the light. Shui Bing'er glanced at Xue Wu dancing behind him from the corner of his eye, and firmly believed that although his side had eliminated two people, as long as the martial soul fusion skill was completed, Then the Nine Demons team will definitely lose!
Facing his opponent, a tall female soul master, Xie Yue waved her big hand, and the moon blade directly slashed at the opponent.After all, the opponent was a girl, so he was too embarrassed to hit hard.Even though he thought so, there was still a ghost of the Nine Demons on the field, so it was difficult for him to do anything.

With his own strength bursting out, he believed that no soul master of the same level could compare with him in strength.What's more, the difference is more than one level.

The female soul master he was facing also raised her hand without dodging, the blue light on her body was shining, the first soul ring was shining, the scales that originally only appeared on one cheek spread to every part of her body in an instant, at the same time, The second soul ring also lit up, and a huge blue light rose from her chest, hitting Xie Yue's chest straight.

"Second soul skill, Yu!" Facing the opponent's attack, Xie Yue's two moon blades were combined to block and rotate in front of her body, all attacks could be rebounded, and Xie Yue's own defense power also increased a lot.

The attack rebounded, Xie Yue used her strength to retreat, the female soul master snorted, and fell back a few steps, half of her body was already paralyzed.

Zhu Zhuqing and Lan were also fighting against the other two attack-type spirit masters from the Tianshui Academy team. Zhu Zhuqing felt very uncomfortable facing this water-attribute spirit master, and his claws were ineffective on the solid ice.

Bai Chenxiang flew in the air, her wings became wet, she immediately noticed Xue Wu at the end.

Her black hair fluttered, and she danced lightly. The four soul rings on her body shone alternately, and circles of blue halo spread out as she danced.As she danced, a dark cloud unexpectedly appeared right above the central main ring, which happened to completely cover the range of the ring.Immediately afterwards, bean-sized raindrops began to fall from the sky.It turned into a large water curtain pouring down.

These water droplets will not fall on the girls of Tianshui Academy. They will slip quietly when they get close to their bodies. However, it is not that simple to fall on the members of the Nine Demon Academy team.Just for a moment, everyone.They have all turned into drowned rats.

"Xiao Ao, are you okay?" Hu Liena turned around and said, while always paying attention to Shui Bing'er opposite. If she made any move, Hu Liena would control her without hesitation!

The raindrops falling from the dark clouds were getting colder and colder.

At this time, the match between Kamikaze Academy and Blazing Academy has ended.The explosive power of the two teams is too strong, and their opponents have already lost without much resistance.

They were not in a hurry to get out of the ring, but were watching the game from their respective rings.

Huo Wu said to Huo Wushuang: "They actually gave up on Ma Hongjun of the Fire Phoenix martial spirit. If he was present, Shui Bing'er's ice wouldn't have any effect at all!"

Huo Wushuang nodded, and said: "Your ability to resist the ring of fire can force you to restrain Shui Bing'er. This year's Tianshui Academy is indeed very strong. What is the plan of the Nine Monsters team to abandon Ma Hongjun?"

On the side of Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian watched the battlefield here carefully, "If the Nine Demons Team doesn't make any moves, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu's martial soul fusion skills will be formed! At the beginning, I reluctantly used the wind to They blow it down..."

On the battlefield, the dark clouds continued to fall, and Shui Binger continued to release the Frozen Soul Skill to freeze Hu Liena, while she retreated and ran towards Xue Wu.

Shui Bing'er's movements were indeed swift, and Hu Liena was frozen by the instant soul skill, but she was not the only control system soul master on the field!

"The fifth soul skill, the group is weak!" Shui Binger, who was retreating, and Xue Wu, who was advancing, staggered at the same time, and all their states were declining rapidly.

Shui Bing'er turned her head in disbelief, she had already sealed Hu Liena in ice, it was impossible for her to break out of the ice so quickly!
When Shui Bing'er turned her head, Oscar with the phantom shadow of the demon fox spirit behind her immediately caught her eyes.

"The sixth soul skill, copy mirror sausage!"

It was Oscar who used the mirror intestine to copy Hu Liena's martial spirit.

Oscar blinked his peach blossom eyes, and activated his second soul skill, Fox Charm, and the entire audience was controlled again!

"Boom—" Hu Liena also broke out of the ice. Bai Chenxiang saw that everyone was frozen, and the last soul ring on her body lit up. At the same time, the rest of the people saw Bai Chenxiang's movement, and immediately retreated and gathered together.

Cai Wenji's increase did not stop, but all the increase was added to Bai Chenxiang.

"The sixth soul skill, Dunhuang Spectrum!" Increased all attributes!
"The fifth soul skill, Pipa Xing!" Increases strength and speed.

"The fourth soul skill, Wangyou Song!" Healing injuries and recovering soul power.

Not only the Tianshui Academy team, but everyone in the spirit fighting arena was shocked. Hu Liena was frozen. Could it be that the food-type soul master had twin martial souls?

"This... the food-type soul master of your clan, could it be that he has twin martial souls?" Emperor Xue Ye couldn't believe it, and asked.

"Your Majesty, no. It's just that Oscar's soul skill is very special. His sixth soul skill can make sausages from other people's blood. After taking it, you can use the other person's martial spirit." Daji said.

"It really opened my eyes to have such a soul skill." Emperor Xue Ye said.

"Yes, every child in the Nine Demons Team is very strong. I didn't expect that this food-type soul master would have such abilities!" Ning Fengzhi was full of praise.

Daji smiled and did not continue talking.

"The sixth soul skill, Ice and Snow Slashing Formation!"

(End of this chapter)

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