Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 458 9 Demon Team VS Shrek Team (1)

Chapter 458 Nine Demons Team VS Shrek Team ([-])

Not only the audience saw the four elders coming to the Nine Demon Pavilion, but also everyone in the VIP seat was surprised. What is the reason for such a battle between the Nine Demon Academy and the Shrek Academy?Could it be that the Shrek Academy team is so worthy of their attention?
On Shrek Academy's side, all the gold and iron triangles of Duke Long and Snake have arrived, and the Nine Demon Pavilion has sent a big battle. Naturally, they can't be left behind, just in case the Nine Demon Pavilion suddenly attacks them. There is a golden iron triangle to resist it.

"Little San, whoever you plan to send against the Nine Demon Academy, they are not easy to deal with, otherwise...let's admit defeat!" Liu Erlong said like this, everyone knows the strength of the Nine Demon Academy, Shrek may not be their opponent .

"No, Teacher Erlong, if we abstain from the Nine Monsters team, then everyone's fighting spirit will disappear, and we may not be able to rank well in the promotion competition." Tang San said.

"Xiao San is right, how can he back down in the face of the enemy, today is the end of his Nine Monsters team's winning streak! Xiao San, you can arrange it!" Yu Xiaogang said, staring at the direction of the Nine Monsters team with burning eyes .

Seeing that Liu Erlong couldn't be persuaded, he had no choice but to give up, since they wanted to fight, let them fight.

"This time we are still hiding Ning Rongrong, Huang Yuan can't come up, and everyone else is normal. Let's do this first on the field..." Tang San simulated the plan in his mind, guessing who the Nine Demons Team would send.

"Tang San, I want to play too! Since the start of the competition, I haven't played yet, it's not fair." Ning Rongrong said suddenly, from the beginning of the preliminaries, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's plan was to hide Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures The Liuli Pagoda Martial Soul showed off its style in the finals, but now the protagonist Ning Rongrong actually disagrees.

"Ning Rongrong, you also know the identity of your own martial soul. It is enough for Jiangzhu to appear in the preliminary round. You don't need to appear, just listen to me." Tang San said.

Yu Xiaogang also said: "Ning Rongrong, what Xiao San said is right. You still have to shine in the finals. You don't need to play now, you can just watch Xiao San and them bring you back this victory."

Ning Rongrong looked at Tang San's master and apprentice, shut up and remained silent.

In the join Shrek Academy, right?still wrong?
"The first round, the central arena, Shrek Academy vs. Nine Demon Academy." The host loudly announced the list of players entering the arena.Players from both sides walked into the field with their heads held high.

In an instant, a turbulent sea was set off in the entire stands, cheers came and went, some supported the Nine Demon Academy, and some supported the Shrek Academy.

Xie Yue and Ma Hongjun were walking in the front, Zhu Zhuqing and Lan were on both sides of the crowd, followed by Oscar and Cai Wenji. Walking in the center of the team was not Hu Liena as Tang San had guessed, but Dugu Yan, the Poison of the Nine Demons!
They even sent Dugu Yan, heh!What an arrogant guy, poisonous, he is very familiar to the disciples of the Tang Sect, Nine Demon Pavilion, your winning streak is about to end Jie Jie Jie.

Tang San thought.If it was Hu Liena, he might not be able to deal with it, but it's Dugu Yan. No one knows poison better than Tang San, not to mention that in Tang San's impression, jade phosphorus snake venom is just one of the five poisons. , not intense enough.

Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing on the side at a glance, with murderous intent in his eyes. Zhu Zhuqing, this stinky cousin, actually betrayed him and went to the Nine Demon Pavilion!
Xie Yue quickly noticed Dai Mubai's gaze, walked to Zhu Zhuqing's side and raised her hand to declare her sovereignty.

"Damn, bitches!" Dai Mubai gritted his teeth, and wait to see how I teach this adulterer and adulterer a lesson!

Dai Mubai still walked in the front, beside him were Tai Long and Yu Longtian, behind them was Tang San, next to Tang San stood Meng Yiran and Jing Ling.

Jiang Zhu was still standing in the last position she was familiar with.

The green team uniforms are no longer just the original healthier ads, but also have more icons.Perhaps because of the extraordinary advertising effect, Flender has found more than a dozen advertising sponsors for the team uniforms.The uniforms look more fancy and funny, but Shrek Academy's profits have also become greater.

Faint light flickered, Tang San's eyes showed a icy cold light, his hands were folded in front of his chest, quietly observing the opponent who walked slowly into the ring like them.

Ma Hongjun sneered and gestured downward with his thumb, his sarcastic gesture was full!Dai Mubai showed no sign of weakness and made a gesture with his right hand across his neck.

Xie Yue saw the inconspicuous man next to Dai Mubai - Yu Longtian.Yu Longtian has an ordinary appearance, with a somewhat shoehorned face, blue hair, and no other features.

Although this person is neither the captain nor the vice-captain, his strength is not bad. The martial soul is a strange mutant martial soul, a flying dragon beast.Soul power has reached level 62.

Shrek Academy is also the only team in the Tiandou competition area that has more than two soul emperors besides the Nine Demon Academy team.

On the field, although the battle has not yet started, the smell of gunpowder from the players on both sides has already filled the entire field of fighting spirits.

The referee walked to the center, "Both sides line up and salute."

A total of fourteen players from both sides stood in two rows, each saluting to the other.Dai Mubai's eyes met Xie Yue, and Tang San's eyes inevitably met Dugu Yan.

The corners of Dugu Yan's lips were disdainful, she has been here since the establishment of the sect of Jiuyao Pavilion, and she was born in Jiuyao Pavilion, of course Tang San is in her memory, but he stole the skills and defected from the sect, It's time to kill!Dugu Yan rolled his eyes.

The members of both sides were all provoking each other. Jing Ling and Jiangzhu, who were later on, were not sure about their grudges and did not join in the provocation.And Tai Lung was a loyal bitch. Whatever Tang San did, he would follow suit.

"What is the connection between Nine Demon Academy and Shrek Academy?"

"They knew each other before?"

"I feel like I should be my opponent!"

"I heard that someone robbed the other team's girlfriend, and that's how they got revenge!"

Looking at the provocation of the two teams in the fighting spirit field, there are different opinions.

Dai Mubai stared at Xie Yue, their eyes collided fiercely, and he said in a deep voice: "Today is the moment when your winning streak ends."

"Huh~" Ma Hongjun suddenly said, everyone looked at him, thinking that something happened to him.

"What's wrong? Fatty?" Oscar hurried over, observed Ma Hongjun carefully, and asked pretending to be concerned.

"Eh~Oscar, do you smell a bad smell? It seems like it's been like this since someone came on stage. This is a competition arena, why are there dogs barking here? I don't understand, it stinks!" As soon as the two guys sang together, everyone in the fighting spirit field heard it, and laughed out loud.

"You TM..."

"In terms of strength, what qualifications does a captain of a soul king have to be equal to me?" Xie Yue disdainfully.

Dugu Yan's eyes aimed at Dai Mubai from top to bottom, making Dai Mubai tremble all over, Dugu Yan said contemptuously: "Hey, you captain looks very empty! You won't put all your energy in Let’s open a room, right? That way we won’t be able to play the game~”

"Okay! You can release your martial spirits now." The referee's voice finally sounded, stopping the farce.In an instant, the main ring in the center reappeared with light.

(End of this chapter)

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