Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 460 9 Demon Team VS Shrek Team (3)

Chapter 460 Nine Demon Team VS Shrek Team ([-])
"You... take your life, ahhhhh!"

At this time, the blue silver grass that Tang San tied around the waists of others on the field was cut off by Xie Yue's moon blade, and the opportunity to rescue them at any time was lost.

"Deal with them immediately!" Dugu Yan shouted, and the others quickly made moves and rushed towards Shrek's people. Without Tang San's rescue, if they were defeated, the Shrek Academy team would be easily destroyed.

Tang San's face was ferocious. Without any warning, more than a hundred jet-black bluesilver grass suddenly surged out from under the ground, turning into seven hard cages, trapping all seven members of the Nine Demons Team inside.

Crowd control soul skill!The attacking spirit masters from the Nine Demons team collided directly with the hard blue silver cage, and were knocked to pieces. It was impossible to break through the blue silver cage relying solely on the momentum of their bodies.

"Withdraw!" Tang San ordered, Dai Mubai and others quickly withdrew and gathered together.As Tang San expected, just as Dai Mubai and the others withdrew back, the blue silver cage that trapped Xie Yue and the others shattered, and the seven of them broke through Tang San's controlling spirit skills so quickly, including Cai Wenji and Oscar.

"Nine Demon Team, you should pay the price for your actions!" Tang San gritted his teeth.

"So much nonsense! The third soul skill, Jade Phosphor Halo!"

Dugu Yan is also a control system soul master, how could she not know the reason why Tang San let them get together.A ray of emerald green whirlwind exploded in the center of the Shrek team, it was launched without any warning, and her movements were also very simple.The eye-catching ring attack exploded in an instant, spreading to where it was most needed.

In just a split second, the originally assembled formation was disrupted again, and Tang San was completely exposed.The cooperation of the Nine Monsters team was extremely tacit, and when Dugu Yan made a move, the others had already rushed forward.

"Second Soul Skill, Parasite!"

A thick blue silver grass suddenly appeared on the few people who rushed forward to restrain them, but don't forget, Tang San's first soul ring wrapped by the blue silver grass is only a hundred years old, Xie Yue and the others can break it easily.

"The fourth soul skill, divide it!" Xie Yue's moon blade split into multiples, spinning in the air and coming in front of everyone, breaking the blue silver grass on their bodies.

Zhu Zhuqing and Lan also arrived in front of their chosen opponents at this time. Lan's target was the loser Tai Long. His speed was not as fast as Zhu Zhuqing's, but on the contrary, his attack power was very strong.But as an agility attack type soul master, his speed is already quite astonishing.

When he came to Tai Long, he had already directly activated his first soul skill, hunting.Then, the second, third, and fourth soul skills were released one after another.

"Giant strength! Rock!" Tailong, as an offensive soul master, continues the tradition of the force clan. He has well-developed limbs and a simple mind. Lan faced him as if he was playing with a child.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed is much faster than that of Jing Ling, who is also an agility and attack spirit master. The skeleton martial spirit is the same as the Nine Demons' Dark Book of the First Generation Nine Demons Team. When he was in the Nine Demon Pavilion, Zhu Zhuqing and This is not the first time we have compared books.Of course, you lose every time.

Even so, she still knows a lot about the skeleton martial spirit.No matter how strong Jing Ling is, he will definitely not be as strong as Shu, and Zhu Zhuqing can definitely win.

"Hundred Claws of the Netherworld! Slashing the Netherworld!"

"Fighting wildly! Skeletons wailing!"

The two fought back and forth, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Jing Ling had always been on the weaker side, and it was only a matter of time before Zhu Zhuqing defeated him.

Xie Yue collided with Dai Mubai again, while Dugu Yan confronted Tang San, both of them looking for an opportunity to make a move.

On this side, Yu Longtian and Ma Hongjun were competing in the air.

"Flying Dragon Beast! The third soul ability, Long Yan!" Flying Dragon Beast has wings to fly on its back, and Yulongtian also has a pair of wings on its back. This is his second soul ability, which can help him fly.

Dragon flames came out from the mouth of the flying dragon beast. Ma Hongjun did not panic in the air, and the Phoenix Fire Line was launched immediately.The dragon flames and the phoenix fire lines collided in the air. No one would let the other go. Now it was a competition of soul power.

"The fourth soul skill, Dragon Body! The fifth soul skill, Dragon Soul Break!" Yulongtian amplified himself and released the single-target attack soul skill Dragon Soul Break to lock Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun activated the Phoenix in Fire, and the sixth soul skill that had never been used finally came out, "The sixth soul skill, Phoenix Fire Ring!"

Although the name of his sixth soul ability is similar to that of Dugu Yan and Huo Wu, the effect is not the same.I saw that the phoenix flame escaped from the wings behind Ma Hongjun, like swimming fish, quickly came to Yulongtian's side, turned into a huge ring of fire to restrain Yulongtian, and all the soul skills he had released before disappeared. .

"what's the situation?!"

Ma Hongjun's sixth soul skill, Phoenix Fire Ring, is a locking and instantaneous control soul skill. The flames condensed into a fire ring can lock and restrain enemies, and can control two people at most.After restraining the enemy, the enemy's soul power is imprisoned, all the skills released in the previous 1 minute are invalid, and the phoenix flame continues to burn.

"The fifth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower!" The flaming meteor shower fell from the sky. The bound Yu Longtian couldn't avoid it and was hit by the meteor shower. He was knocked down with a bang and hit the edge of the ring.

"Poof!" The donated blood spurted out, and he fainted and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Dai Mubai, block Ma Hongjun!" Tang San said, he was already fighting with Dugu Yan, Tang San did not expect that Dugu Yan's melee combat ability is also very strong, it is not an ordinary control system at all Soul masters can have it.

"It's better to take care of yourself first! Jade Phosphorus Poison!"

Dai Mubai had no choice but to listen to Tang San's words, who made him a control system soul master.

"The fifth soul skill, White Tiger Demon God Transformation!" Dai Mubai activated the most powerful amplified soul skill. Faced with Xie Yue's gradual retreat, Ma Hongjun quickly flew over to help Xie Yue after finishing dealing with Yu Longtian.

"The fifth soul skill, kill! The third soul skill, break!" What a tacit understanding between the Nine Demons team. If Yu Longtian is defeated, then Ma Hongjun will definitely come to help him deal with Dai Mubai, and they can do the rest of them. To deal with it, as long as this strongest attack system is solved, then the Shrek team will be a hollow bread!
"Boom—" Even if Dai Mubai activates the strongest boosted soul ability, it's useless, Xie Yue's Moon Blade and combat experience are much richer than him, the super attack power of Moon Blade instantly broke Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai retreated step by step, blood streaming from the corner of his mouth. "Phoenix Fire!" Ma Hongjun landed in front of him and spit out Phoenix Fire. Dai Mubai saw something was wrong and ran away.Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line is a straight-line attack. As long as his speed is faster than Ma Hongjun's change of direction, he can dodge Ma Hongjun's attack.

But, is the reality really what he expected?

Of course not!
Just when Dai Mubai turned around and ran, a black high-heeled shoe kicked him from the side, and the high-heeled shoe kicked him heavily in the face, with such force that Dai Mubai was directly kicked out, and just returned to the original position .

The Phoenix Fire Line instantly hit Dai Mubai's big face without any change.

(End of this chapter)

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