Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 561: Harassing Brigitte, special flames!

Chapter 561: Harassing Brigitte, special flames!
Brigitte in the air continued to bloom with emerald green light, Yueguan's sharp eyes turned into golden light and rushed towards Brigitte directly.

If no one restrained her, then there would be no need to fight this war. There were only two fierce beasts on the opposite side, and it was unknown what was hidden behind, so Brigitte had to be dealt with.

A golden petal, like a sharp blade in the air, swept across Brigitte with a strong roar.

Although Yueguan admires Bi Ji, this is a battlefield, and he must be responsible for the people in Monster Slayer City and even Douluo Continent.

Bi Ji's expression became a little more dignified. With her years of training, if she was good at fighting, Yue Guan would definitely not be her opponent.Unfortunately, fighting is not her forte.All her abilities are for group healing and group defense, but her own defense ability is far from enough.

Yueguan's strength is still at level 97, which is quite difficult for Bi Ji, who is only good at healing.

"How dare you!" A low growl sounded high in the sky.Immediately afterwards, a purple light appeared out of the sky like a long whip, just blocking the golden petals released by the moon pass.

When the petals and the purple light collided, they shattered, and the purple light went straight to Yueguan himself.

The moment before the two sides were about to collide, Yue Guan's body twisted suddenly, and then moved sideways forcefully at the fastest speed, barely avoiding the frontal impact of the purple light.

Even so, Yueguan was still rolling in the air for several weeks before stabilizing.

Yue Guan didn't give up harassing Bi Ji, in a blink of an eye, he was on the other side of Bi Ji, the golden core burst into light, and the golden light bloomed in the sky, covering towards Bi Ji like a blanket.

The purple light that came from the sky just now undoubtedly belonged to the beast god Ditian, and only he can make Yueguan, who has a level 97 soul power cultivation, so embarrassed.

Di Tian and Bibi Dong were fighting fiercely in the air, but their physical strength was constantly declining, and neither of them launched a powerful attack. With Lin Yuan on the human side, this was definitely a big worry for Di Tian. !There is the Silver Dragon King and other ferocious beasts on the side of the soul beast who have not shown up. We must not scare the snake now.

Ditian flapped his wings vigorously, turned his huge body, and swung the dragon's tail out horizontally, with a terrifying force of breaking through the air, and directly hit the side of Bibi Dong, who had transformed into the Queen of the Night.

"The eighth soul skill, Devil Spider Soul Devouring Slash!" The scepter in Bibi Dong's hand was like a sharp weapon, she raised the knife and slashed directly on Di Tian's tail with a bang.

"Roar!!!" Ditian roared angrily, and a black dragon flame sprayed out directly. Bibi Dong was burned by the dragon flame, flew out of the air, fell on the city wall and was caught by Lin Yuan.


Bibi Dong was attacked by Di Tian's Long Yan and felt very uncomfortable. Likewise, Di Tian's tail was cut off by Bibi Dong, dripping with blood. Di Tian flew back with huge wings.

Ditian shouted angrily: "Bibi Dong, do you think you can prevent this disaster? You are dreaming! Even if you can hurt me for a while, there will never be a second time. I want to see Look, what power do you have to protect the Douluo Continent! Star Dou belongs, attack, attack me! Destroy the city in front of you, kill!"

Even Bibi Dong, a level 99 peerless Douluo, was no match for the Beast God Ditian, and the other titled Douluo on the city wall had already fallen to the bottom of their hearts.

Ditian's final roar gave the ultimate order to the beast hordes in the Star Dou Great Forest.All of a sudden, all the beasts ran wildly, attacking towards the head of the city.

"Cannon, fire continuously, let go!" Su Futu roared in a low voice.

In the distance, the ghost has replaced Yue Guan. After all, Yue Guan is only good at attacking, while the ghost is good at speed, so it is best for him to harass.

With his speed, Ghost began to harass the Emerald Swan.

On the side of the Star Forest, huge figures have rushed into the sky to protect the Emerald Swan.The high-end combat capabilities of both sides collided from the very beginning.

The soul beasts have learned the previous lesson, and they will no longer be so passively beaten.Some soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years saw the artillery shells fired from the top of the city, and immediately displayed their innate soul skills to attack the artillery shells.

Many artillery shells exploded in the air, but did not fall into the army of spirit beasts.However, Su Futu's attack this time was really ruthless. The artillery fired three consecutive rounds, and the attack strength was three times that of the previous attack. Caught off guard, the spirit beast army still suffered a big loss.

Nearly two-thirds of the artillery shells still fell into the group of spirit beasts, and the violent explosion made the entire Monster Slayer City seem to be buzzing and moaning.

The terrible explosion made the earth tremble.The army of soul beasts flew in blood and flesh again.

Seeing this scene, the pretty face of the Emerald Swan Brigitte was covered with a layer of frost. Regardless of the harassment of the ghost, she just exerted a group healing ability, and a large swath of green light covered the center of the explosion.

However, how strong is the ghost?He was also at level 97, and without Ditian's threat, he took advantage of Bi Ji's mass healing to attack.When the black light flickered, there was a wound on Brigitte's right arm.

The four 10-year-old soul beasts guarding Brigitte roared at the same time, and their high-intensity attacks crazily covered the ghost.

However, the ghost's speed is really terrifying.In the air, only black light could be seen flashing, but all the strong soul beasts couldn't even see his figure clearly, so they could only let him harass them.

Brigitte's treatment was timely and saved the lives of many soul beasts. However, the concentrated bombardment of so many artillery shells evaporated the lives of countless soul beasts in an instant.

A large deep crater was left on the ground, which temporarily blocked the army of soul beasts behind.

Regardless of the obstruction, the ferocious soul beast had arrived at the Demon Slayer City and immediately relied on its physical advantage to climb directly towards the top of the city.

The soul beasts have strong bodies, and those artillery shells have no effect on the soul beasts at close range. Moreover, they are not soul guides after all. Ordinary combat weapons are limited in various aspects.

The bow and crossbow army immediately started shooting, but the leather armor of these spirit beasts was too thick, and ordinary crossbow arrows couldn't shoot through them.

As the leader of the Five Tigers, Guan Yu stood on the city wall with the Qinglong Yanyue Dao in his hand, and looked at the spirit beast climbing below with a blank expression.

A team of special soul masters holding red iron buckets started to move immediately, and balls of fire were quickly thrown from the hands of the soul masters.These are not ordinary fireballs. Some medicines are mixed with special formulas, all of which enhance the burning effect.

This is a high-temperature burning flame specially made by Jiuyao Pavilion, which can only be used to defend the city.The most important thing is that it only needs to be ignited before use. After collision, it will explode, turning a certain area into a sea of ​​​​fire, and it can continue to burn for a long time.

Most soul beasts are still afraid of fire.Even if the flames couldn't burn them to death, the instinctive fear would make them panic.

All of a sudden, hundreds of barrels of flames were thrown down the city, and a sea of ​​flames suddenly ignited.

The spirit beasts gathered below roared crazily, struggling in the sea of ​​fire, not even caring about hurting other spirit beasts.The soul beasts that rushed up from behind could not help but flinch in the face of the intense heat.

When the flames fell, the ghost's attack strength suddenly increased by a level in the distant sky. Under the siege of many 10-year-old soul beasts, the emerald swan Brigitte couldn't use the large-scale healing soul skills because of the harassment.

The Demon Slaying City is still preparing for the attack.The immediate advantage does not mean anything.The tide of beasts still seems endless, and in the Star Dou Forest, the real strong ones have not yet gone out to fight.

The spirit beasts charged wildly, the city defense army's defense was impregnable, and the battle between the two sides completely entered a stalemate.

For the soul beasts, they are using their lives to consume the reserves of Monster Slayer City.

As time goes by, the ghost gradually can no longer hold on!

(End of this chapter)

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