Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 563: Fighting hard in the dark night, Di Tian was injured!

Chapter 563: Fighting hard in the dark night, Di Tian was injured!
The faces of Subudu and others were very solemn.

It is a good thing for them to be safe for the time being, but what about the beast tide afterward?
Although the loss in the first battle just now was not large, the consumption was not small.The soul power consumed by the soul masters is huge, even if they continue to recover now, it is impossible to recover to a perfect state in the next beast tide.Only less worn ones recover, but less worn ones recover less.

And those artillery shells and flames that are consumed at one time cannot be fully replenished.

The arrival of the second round of beast hordes was later than expected.The soul beast seemed to be tired too, and had rested for more than two hours.When it was getting late and the sun was setting to the west, there was a shrill roar of beasts, and a large number of soul beasts appeared on the other side of the plain again.

Not all soul beasts are fools, those top powerhouses have human-level wisdom.Fighting at night is much more unfavorable to humans than during the day.Because human beings are nocturnal creatures, their spirits will be much better during the day.Also, for most people, vision at night is much worse.

But soul beasts are different, many soul beasts are nocturnal.They are better at fighting at night.

Not only that, the nights in the far north are colder than the days, which gives the spirit beasts an opportunity to take advantage.

After discussion, the beasts in the Star Dou Forest decided to use the power of the night to launch a second wave of offensive.

The endless tide of beasts came rushing towards the reef-like city of Yao Zhan once again.This time, they were more turbulent.

The roar of the artillery sounded again, and the ghost once again flew above the battlefield.With his restraint, the auxiliary ability of Emerald Swan Brigitte was greatly weakened.The two sides collided fiercely, and soon entered a white-hot state.

"General, no good, General!" Suddenly, a voice sounded on the city wall, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Su Futu frowned tightly, "What's wrong?"

"The reserve of artillery ammunition is running out, there are less than a hundred left!" said the soldier.

"What?" Su Futu's eyes were full of shock, he never expected that the artillery ammunition was used up so quickly, if there were no artillery ammunition in this case, then the soul master could only do it himself.

However, in this way, the soul power consumed by the soul masters is undoubtedly huge...

Subudu finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind to take countermeasures as soon as possible at this time. Even if the soul masters consumed a huge amount of soul power, there was nothing they could do.

With the number of Titled Douluo coming from the current several sects, it should be enough to compete with high-end combat power.

"All soul masters below the soul saint level and above the soul master who are good at fighting at night, all enter the battle! Release range attacks as much as possible, solve them quickly, and save soul power!"

Many soul masters all jumped off the city wall and fought with the soul beasts. Most of them have agility attack type, dark attribute or martial souls who are good at fighting in the dark.

With the joining of soul masters, the charge of the soul beasts was hindered.

The two sides collided fiercely, and soon entered a white-hot stage.

The soul masters fought bravely, and the soul beasts charged wildly.Under the Demon Slayer City, like a meat grinder, it was constantly devouring the lives of the soul beasts.

However, the attack of the soul beasts has improved significantly compared to the first time.The soul beasts that are good at long-range attacks are clearly separated from those that are good at melee combat. The melee ones rush to the front, and the long-range ones support behind, suppressing the city.

The soul master also made a quick judgment and took action immediately.Although they are soul masters from all parties, they are well-trained. They have started collective training a few weeks ago in order to prevent such a situation from happening.

The strong attack system was in the front, and the long-range system was in the back, forming a similar formation to the soul beasts.

The battlefield looked even more dazzling at night, with soul skills of various colors flickering and erupting in the air.If you look down from the sky, it looks like a bunch of dazzling fireworks.Every firework that explodes represents the end of life.Fireworks will eventually bring blood.

War is cruel, the war between humans is like this, and the war between humans and spirit beasts is also like this.

Compared with the first wave of beast horde, the intensity of this battle has more than doubled.When the beast tide finally receded slowly again, it was already dawn.This battle went on all night.

The city was no longer peaceful, and moaning sounded one after another.The long-range attacks of some spirit beasts can injure ordinary soldiers on the city wall, not only that, many soul masters under the city wall were also injured, and a few were even killed by the spirit beasts.

The number of casualties has exceeded [-]. Although the wounded are mainly injured, more than [-] soldiers have been killed.

Every loss of a soul master has a huge impact on the situation on the human side. The soul beasts can afford it, but the soul masters can't afford it.

The auxiliary soul masters quickly devoted themselves to treatment and healed the soul masters' injuries. The injured soul masters and the soul masters who had lost their soul power had been transferred to the hiding cave below.They were replaced by another group of soul masters.

Lin Yuan had been standing on the city wall since the beginning of the battle, without saying a word, silently looking at the soul beast battlefield below.

Su Futu walked up to Lin Yuan, clasped his fists and said, "Pavilion Master Lin, we have been fighting for a day, but why hasn't the beast god Ditian appeared yet?"

"General Su is worried that Emperor Tian will reappear, is he afraid that we can't resist him?" Lin Yuan glanced at Subudu, who suddenly felt chills all over his body, and immediately said, "I don't dare, it's just a little strange, and, high-end Naturally, our combat power cannot be used at will, but since we have used the soul masters to take action, if we cannot protect the beast god Emperor Tianhui from suddenly appearing and severely damaging the soul masters, the losses will be huge!"

Lin Yuan shook his head, "Don't worry, the reason why Di Tian didn't show up is because he was injured."

Su Futu was puzzled, but Xie Yue and others beside him were thinking carefully. Lin Yuan continued: "Before, Dong'er's blow cut off his tail, but it was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface. Not only did he use the Goddess of Darkness to The unique dark divine power also exploded with the power of the divine weapon in her hand. Even if Di Tian abandons his severed tail, he will definitely not be Dong'er's opponent after returning, and by then, he will definitely lose!"

Hu Liena was stunned, "So, Ditian will definitely find Bi Ji for treatment now, and restore his tail as soon as possible, so that when he fights against the Pope, he won't be too far behind!"

"Although Bi Ji is the strongest healing soul beast in the world, Dong'er's move will take three days to completely heal her!"

"Three days?!" Subudur frowned. Three days was still a bit stressful for them.

"Three days! Could it be that it will take three days for Dong'er to recover?" Daji came over and said, she just went down to the cave to see Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong has been there since the battle with Ditian recovery.

Although she cut off Di Tian's tail, Di Tian also severely injured Bibi Dong in the end, and it took time for both of them to recover.

"With Dong'er here, Ditian won't get a chance to show off. What I'm waiting for is Gu Yuena!"

"Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena!"

(End of this chapter)

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