Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 585: The power of the deep sea stabs and kills Zi Ji!

Chapter 585: The power of the deep sea stabs and kills Zi Ji!
A ripple passed around the body of the man in front of him and disappeared.An astonishing blood energy shot up from the woman next to her. The blood-colored light, the blood-colored air wave, covered her body, making Zhu Zhuqing feel like an Ashura bathed in blood, filled with an indescribable The terrifying momentum!
Killing God Realm!
Facing demon spirits, Zhu Zhuqing didn't even use the God-killing Domain. She believed that demon spirits could be killed with the power of divine weapons.But facing Zi Ji, I had to go all out.

Wherever the red light passed, there were horrifying cracks in the pitch-black space, and even the surrounding light was distorted, making it hard to see clearly.

The next moment, Lan and Zhu Zhuqing attacked at the same time. In front of Ziji, Zhu Zhuqing's figure was as fast as lightning, and he was already attacking Ziji with the ghost dagger in his hand.

Behind him, Lan held the Deep Sea Mandarin Duck Thorn with both hands, and thrust out forcefully.

Zi Ji didn't panic at all, and saw that she was preparing to dodge with all her leisure time. Her self-confidence came entirely from the layer of purple light on her body, which could help her resist any attack.

The moment the deep-sea mandarin duck thorn and the ghost dagger touched the purple awn, it was like hitting a soft and elastic spring. They only pressed down a part, but they were resisted by a spring force, and they even wanted to bounce it out.

However, Zi Ji underestimated the two of them too much.

Lan snorted coldly in his heart, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his soul power strengthened again.

The deep sea demon god, the power of the deep sea mastered, what is in the deep sea?
Undersea starry sky?

It is endless seabed pressure!

The ripples reappeared, but the rebounding force attached to the purple light had no effect at all.At this time, the dark purple attack of the Netherworld Divine Power has attached itself to himself.

At the same time, under this red light, the purple light on Zi Ji's body became darker and darker, and even its own elasticity was eliminated bit by bit.

It's a long story, but all this happened in the blink of an eye.

It is very uncomfortable to have the power of the Netherworld attached to your body, and it is also extremely difficult to deal with.Zi Ji won't allow you to attack Zhu Zhuqing.

In less than a blink of an eye, Lan's mandarin duck thorn landed ferociously on Ziji's abdomen, her abdomen formed circles of texture, and at the same time her abdomen was obviously sunken, and was pierced by the mandarin duck thorn with a click, her delicate and pretty face was full Pale and colorless, he opened his mouth and sprayed out long blood arrows, his whole body fell from the sky to the ground like a leaky garbage bag.


The sky was filled with blood that was glowing with purple light, Zi Ji's eyes were empty, her face was full of disbelief, and her heart roared again and again.

"Ahem, you guys really make me have to go all out, hahaha! Zi Yan is rekindled!"

As soon as Ziji finished speaking, the wounds on her body were recovering quickly. Zhu Zhuqing and Lan looked at each other, feeling surprised and troubled in each other's eyes.

An invisible pressure also emanated from Zi Ji's body. She took a step forward with her left foot and swung her right hand forward. The purple-black giant dragon suddenly opened its mouth like a terrifying monster that wanted to devour the world. Mouth, bite towards Lan.

In an instant, as the person involved, Tang Hao felt the most clearly, only feeling an unparalleled aura of majesty rushing from behind.

The purple-black dragon's head is extremely huge and ferocious. The head is as big as a rocket head. It has both the ferocious feeling of dark elements and the strange charm of color. The two completely different feelings merge together to form a special and weird feeling. magical feeling.

The strong keel and Senhan's fangs are exposed in the air.

Feeling the unmatched murderous intent from behind, the cold hair on Lan's body stood upside down like his short steel needle-like hair, and goose bumps almost fell all over the ground.

At the same time, Zi Ji's figure had quietly appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing, with a claw down, Zhu Zhuqing's body flew forward and backwards, blood burst out.

"The deep sea is overwhelming!" A jet-black divine power of the deep sea poured out, but was swallowed by the terrifying dragon. Lan held up the mandarin duck thorns in front of him with both hands.

The magic dragon roared and rushed forward, Lan was brought to the ground by this force, the pressure oppressed Lan also spurted out blood, like rose petals staining his clothes red.

"Beasts, let's be arrogant! Danfeng Chaoyang!"

A golden phoenix fire burned the demon dragon to the sound of the piano, leaving not even ashes left.

Both Lan and Zhu Zhuqing were seriously injured, and the resurgence of Ziji's Zi Yan also consumed a lot of her strength.

Cai Wenji's voice came over, "Brother Lan, Zhuqing, don't hold back, gather the power of the three gods and kill Ziji!"

"it is good!"

Zhu Zhuqing used the Nether dagger to chop on his right chest, and immediately blood gushed out and landed on the Nether dagger.

She had consumed too much soul power, and she had to kill Zi Ji with one blow with all her strength, otherwise she would perish here today.

The Netherworld dagger felt the blessing of blood and Netherworld divine power, and the purple light burst out. Divine light burst out from the dagger and shot toward Zi Ji.

"The world is full of darkness and strangeness!"

The same is true for Lan, concentrating all his strength on the deep-sea mandarin duck thorn, and two dark blue rays of light also shot towards Ziji.

"Deep Sea Demon God Town!"

Cai Wenji flicked it lightly, and the sound of Fuxi's piano became even louder.

"Fuxi destroys the world!"

Four rays of divine light shot out at the same time. The panic was visible in Zi Ji's eyes, and purple flame was sprayed out from her mouth, trying to resist the four rays of light.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

The light instantly swallowed up her purple flame and hit her body.


After a while.

The powerful body of the Hell Demon Dragon Clan made Zi Ji still breathing heavily, with a pale look on her face.

The purple-black scale armor that originally covered the whole body was cracked inch by inch, revealing a seductive figure. The long purple-black hair fell behind his head, and he was slumped on the ground, a delicate and charming face, and his eyes recovered. It turned into the original deep purple, but his eyes looked a little empty, obviously unable to accept the fact that he was defeated.

Lan and Zhu Zhuqing then fell to the ground and coughed heavily.

Blood appeared on the ground, and Lan panted slightly, finally calming down a little.

"Brother Lan, I'll leave it to you." Panting heavily, Zhu Zhuqing had no strength to fight anymore, and hurriedly withdrew towards the city wall.

Lan glanced at Ziji, expressionless, both hands clenched the mandarin duck thorn, thrust out like lightning, and hit Ziji with a bang, Ziji's vitality was running out, and Lan took away the soul ring and soul bone as soon as they appeared.

Enduring the severe pain in her body, Lan forced herself back to the city wall.

When he reached the city wall, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, and vomited blood again, leaning against the city wall.

"Finally...killed her...ahem...the others...can only rely on you...ahem!"

Both Lan and Zhu Zhuqing were leaning against the city wall. They had already used all their strength to kill Ziji, and now a random soul beast might kill them.

Ziji's death provoked Ditian's anger even more...

(End of this chapter)

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