Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 599: Brigitte sacrifices and meets the Evil Emperor for the first time!

Chapter 599: Brigitte sacrifices and meets the Evil Emperor for the first time!
"Is this the little girl I'm going to sacrifice to?" Brigitte asked.

Lin Yuan didn't see a trace of fear in Bi Ji's emerald green eyes, instead they were as calm as a clear spring, calm and without any waves.


"Although I am not qualified to bargain, I still want to ask this little girl what qualifications she has? It is worthy of you to sacrifice my rare spirit ring on her body." Brigitte still couldn't stop her curiosity , asked.

"Perhaps you have heard of the musical score of a musical instrument soul master?"

Brigitte has heard about it, but she doesn't know much, "I have indeed heard of it, can you tell me more about it?"

"Soul beasts all have a second awakening of their martial souls, and musical instrument soul masters are no exception..."

Lin Yuan talked eloquently and told Bi Ji about the talent score.

After Bi Ji heard this, she was shocked, she didn't expect the girl in front of her to have such talent, "Can you show me your martial soul?"

Cai Wenji didn't say anything and directly summoned her Hu Jia Qin.

Now, Cai Wenji has cultivated her own talent sheet music to the fourth form. The hujiaqin is shining with divine light. After Cai Wenji summoned the Hujiaqin, she herself is like a fairy descending from the earth, with a faintly divine aura on her body.

Brigitte's feelings are even more different. Brigitte is good at healing, so she feels the breath of life more accurately, "What a surging breath of life! Looking at it this way, you are indeed qualified to absorb my soul ring. Jade The Swan clan is good at healing, and I hope you can do the same in the future and bring the healing effect to the entire continent!"

"I remember it, and I will definitely follow my senior's instructions!"

Brigitte listened and suddenly laughed, "Okay!"

After Brigitte finished speaking, her body burst into a strong emerald green light, and her human body disappeared instantly, turning into an emerald-like swan. The emerald-like swan didn't last long, and the change disappeared into a little bit of starlight.

A red soul ring appeared in the main hall of the pavilion. The red soul ring had five golden patterns on it, and it landed on Cai Wenji's body from the air.

Cai Wenji quickly adjusted her breathing, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb this 40-year-old ferocious beast spirit ring.

At the same time, the Nine Demon Squadron and others also began to absorb the beast's soul ring and soul bone on the first floor of the pavilion main hall.

In the evening of the next day, everyone completed the absorption, but Cai Wenji completed it earlier than them.

"It's so comfortable! As expected of a ferocious beast soul ring, the soul skills it gives are powerful!" Oscar's voice came from the Pavilion Master's Hall, and his voice could be clearly heard even outside the Pavilion Master's Hall.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Yuan took Hu Liena and left the sect. He wanted to take Hu Liena to get a soul ring that belonged to her.

Lin Yuan was very fast, and he used the power of space. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at another continent.

"This...why is there another continent here?" Hu Liena was surprised, she felt as if her worldview had been shattered.

"This continent is called the Sun and Moon Continent. It specializes in the research of soul guides. Soon, this continent will collide with the Douluo Continent."

"Colliding with... and Douluo Continent?!"

"That's right, but you don't have to worry too much. It will take at least 1 years to hit it. Let's go, this continent is not worth being too surprised. The soul ring I want to take you is on this continent! "

The next moment, Lin Yuan took Hu Liena to the Demonic Forest.

"This is the Demon Forest, and there lives a spiritual beast with a cultivation base of nearly 80 years. He is the most suitable for you!"

Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the entire space of the evil forest seemed to shake violently, and a terrifying spiritual force like a mountain descended from the sky.

A deep, majestic, and cold voice echoed in the air.

"Who dares to disturb this deity's deep sleep?" Accompanied by that deep voice, the sky began to distort and then turned into darkness.

The pitch-black clouds slowly split to the sides, as if the entire sky was torn apart, and a huge eye appeared in the midair, pointing at exactly where Lin Yuan and Hu Liena were.

"The eye you see is the Lord of the Evil Eye Tyrant, also known as the Evil Emperor. It is a huge eye pupil over 300 meters in size, with huge tentacles. There are ninety-nine 81 tentacles. The length is more than 500 meters!" Lin Yuan ignored the evil-eyed tyrant.

"Including the seven beasts from the Star Dou Great Forest, the two beasts from the Extreme North, and the evil emperor, they are called the top ten beasts of the Douluo Continent. And the evil emperor is among the top ten beasts. Ranked second!"

"So that's the case." Hu Liena nodded.

Seeing Lin Yuan and Hu Liena talking to themselves, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord became angry!

"Humans, you must pay the price for offending the majesty of the deity." The evil-eyed tyrant's dominant voice sounded.Immediately afterwards, a strong dark red light with a diameter of more than one hundred feet suddenly fell from the sky, covering Lin Yuan and Hu Liena.

In the dark red light falling from the sky, Hu Liena's eyes were burning. The huge demon fox behind her suddenly lit up, and a rose-pink purple light shone instantly.

"Martial Soul Real Body!"

"The eighth soul skill, spiritual beam!"

Compared with the dark red light falling from the sky, the pink-purple light emitted by Hu Liena was obviously much weaker.However, when the two rays of light collided in the air, the dark clouds rolled violently, and the huge dark red light was actually blocked.

"Huh?" The evil-eyed tyrant ruler snorted in surprise, and the dark red light suddenly converged inward.Immediately afterwards, a terrifying mental storm erupted in midair.

The sky instantly turned red, like a sea of ​​blood.The violent mental fluctuations made all the soul beasts in the entire evil forest prostrate on the ground, not daring to move at all.They felt the wrath of the evil-eyed tyrant master.And here, the evil-eyed tyrant ruler is the ruler of all things.

After only one fight, blood oozed from Hu Liena's mouth and nose.

"Take it." Lin Yuan took out two elixir and gave it to Hu Liena.

The moment the two sides' mental powers collided, Hu Liena felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

The evil-eyed tyrant master has completely integrated the powerful spiritual power and the power of space.Hu Liena's spiritual power is fused with extreme charm, but the spiritual power of the evil-eyed tyrant is full of spatial storms.That terrifying spatial idea almost tore through Hu Liena's spiritual origin.

"Fly up first!" Lin Yuan took Hu Liena into the air. The huge pressure in the sky before had disappeared under the ravages of the terrifying spiritual storm.

When Hu Liena was led through the storm by Lin Yuan, she finally saw the terrifying existence that ranked second among the top ten ferocious beasts in the mainland, second only to the beast god Di Tian.

"This... this is the Evil Emperor!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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