Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 629 Fierce battle!Crush Snow Star to death!

Chapter 629 Fierce battle!Crush Snow Star to death!

"No! Second brother!"

"Second Elder!"

The death of the second elder completely enraged the elders of the Clear Sky School. Up to now, these elders have suffered a great loss, they have already lost two people.

But even if they are angry, so what?Niu Gao and the others in front of him are not ordinary people, with Wen Ya's support, it is a breeze to deal with them.

"Bibi Dong, I will definitely make you pay the price!" As he said that, Tang San released the blue silver grass and wrapped it around Bibi Dong's whole body. Facing the blue silver grass that entangled her, Bibi Dong did not underestimate it. , holding the dark scepter and constantly cutting.

And Tang San also took this opportunity to release a red light in his hand again, and it was another Buddha's Wrath Tang Lian.

"not good!"

Bibi Dong secretly said, it was Buddha's Wrath Tanglian again, this time the target of Buddha's Wrath Tanglian was all the soul master legions who were fighting underneath.

What is Tang San trying to do?The ones fighting below are not only from the Spirit Empire, but also from the Heaven Dou Empire. Does he want the soul masters of the Heaven Dou Empire to sacrifice too?

Son of man in vain!

But now Bibi Dong had no time to stop the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus from blooming, and Tang San in front of her was entangled with her like a death.

Bibi Dong could only shout again: "Stop the Buddha's Fury Tang Lian!"

The red light of Buddha's Furious Tanglian drew an arc in the air and was already reaching the top of the soul master's legion.

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei looked at each other, if they didn't do it now, when would they wait?
"Martial soul fusion technique, two poles static domain!"

The figures of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo met in the air, their hands overlapped, and an invisible spatial fluctuation spread across the entire battlefield in an instant.

The entire battlefield stopped in an instant, the red light stopped in the air, and the release area of ​​the static domain of the two poles was the red light in the air, the soul master army on the ground, and the few people fighting in the air.

As for the others, they are not affected by the field of bipolar quiescence.

Qin Ming looked up, he knew that the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian must not be released, if the Buddha's Wrath Tanglian was released, the soul master army on the ground would definitely suffer great damage.

The Shenmu Lihuo gun in Qin Ming's right hand flew out with a swish, and with a bang, it crushed the Buddha's Fury Tang Lian, and the red light disappeared.

Just after he shattered it, Yueguan and Ghost's spirit fusion skills were also released, Tang San's blow was considered a miss.

Tang San cast a gloomy glance at Bibi Dong, and then at the battlefield. On the battlefield right now, since all the titled Douluo from the Spirit Empire had joined, almost all the soul masters of the Heaven Dou Empire had been lost, so he couldn't drag on any longer. up!

Tang San's speed could not be called unpleasant, but at the same time he released a entanglement ability, Bibi Dong not only blocked his attack, but also counterattacked.

A total of eight green crescent-shaped light blades flew out from the emerald light curtain, targeting Tang San directly, and the location of the attack was even more tricky, except for the three crescent-shaped light blades on the front, the other five light blades were all Cut to the empty space, but blocked all the routes Tang San could dodge.

Use your own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.Even when the eight crescent blades were about to reach in front of Tang San, they suddenly paused and changed direction instantly. The eight crescent blades actually attacked Tang San from different directions.This change in direction undoubtedly made it much more difficult for Tang San to resist.

Don't underestimate these crescent blades, this is Bibi Dong's first soul ability, half moon, and it is also a soul ability equivalent to 5 years.Sending out eight paths at once, it can be seen how strong Bibi Dong's own soul power is.

Facing Bibi Dong's attack, Tang San didn't panic, put the Seagod Trident in his hand on the ground, he jumped up, his left leg kicked out like a whirlwind, in an instant, a dense red light shot from Tang San exploded from his left leg.

The red light blade collided with the moon blades emitted by Bibi Dong, making a loud noise.

"Tang San, you don't have to drag it out any longer, the Tiandou Empire has been defeated! The ninth soul skill, the hatred of all hells!"

Two colors of soul power, black and green, continuously surged out of Bibi Dong's body. The two colors of soul power instantly gathered together and turned into a terrifying beam of light that rushed towards Tang San.

"Never return!"

At a critical moment, Tang Sanli swung the Seagod Trident to emit several golden lights, attacking the terrifying beam of light coming towards him, but he could clearly feel the danger from the beam of light.


Another roar.

At the same time, the underground soul masters of the Wuhun Empire launched the final charge.

Ma Hongjun fluttered his wings and flew away, he had locked onto his target, which was Tai Long who kept fleeing towards Qingfeng Gorge.

"Hey, kid, why are you running away? Why don't you go to hell and be with your grandpas?"

Tailong froze when he heard this, and turned back to look at Ma Hongjun fiercely, "You killed my father and my grandfather!"

Ma Hongjun laughed loudly, "That's right, it's me, come and kill me if you have the ability!"

"I want to avenge my father and grandpa! The seventh soul skill, Spirit Avatar..."

"Go!" Ma Hongjun didn't look back and waited for him to activate his spirit avatar to fight him. The Vulcan sword came out of his hand and cut his neck with a click, separating his head.

"Now, your Power Clan can be reunited!"

Zhu Zhuqing's figure flickered, and the next moment he came behind Zhao Wuji holding the Nether Dagger.

"Who is it? The eighth soul skill, Powerful King Kong..."

"It's boring!" Zhu Zhuqing said calmly, reaching forward with the Netherworld dagger in his hand, cutting off Zhao Wuji's neck in an instant, causing blood to spurt out, killing him with one blow.

Oscar was flying in the air, killing a few soul masters just now, he was so boring, this kind of easy killing of enemies is really cool.

While flying, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure hiding inside the guard wall of Qingfeng Gorge Pass in the distance.

"That's... Xue Xing?"

Oscar came to Xue Xing's side the next moment. Xue Xing was still peeking at this moment, and suddenly saw a figure coming towards him. He was panicked and frightened.

"Prince Snow Star, oh no, I should call you... um, um, never mind, Snow Star, what's the use of hiding here?"

Xuexing swallowed, quickly stood up and ran back. Oscar shook his head speechlessly and made no move.

Xuexing, who ran far away, looked back at Oscar, who had not caught up, and laughed, thinking that he might have a way out.

Just as he was laughing, with a plop, a huge figure came from nowhere and landed on him. With a puff, Xue Xing was directly crushed to death by that figure.

"Oh, what a pity, Xiaobai. I was still thinking of catching him back, but now I'm going to let you sit to death!" The one who crushed Xuexing to death was Oscar's pet beast, Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai laughed, and Oscar said: "Forget it, this battle is coming to an end soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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