Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 645 Zhuqing crushes Dai Mubai’s throne!

Chapter 645 Zhuqing crushes Dai Mubai’s throne!
"Cunning boy, take the trick!"

Bibi Dong's Death Spider Emperor's spirit bones in both arms burst into light, and each hand swung a sickle-shaped attack. The purple attack flew towards Tang San, and exploded the moment it approached Tang San.

Tang San's body flew upside down in the air. The explosions of Bibi Dong's two scythe attacks caused considerable damage, and Tang San was also knocked away far away.

Tang San's eight wings behind him slapped hard, and he completed a huge turn in the air. Using the momentum brought by Bibi Dong's attack, he accelerated with all his strength and flew back.

At this time, Qian Renxue's body had just been controlled in the air, her face turned purple, and her gorgeous angel costume was flashing with purple light.It can be said that Bibi Dong hated Tang San with all her heart. The first blow she had unleashed all the power she had accumulated for a long time. Even a god-level powerhouse like Qian Renxue could not survive the blow without being injured.

Fortunately, her angelic domain is pure light attribute and has strong resistance to the dark attribute of the Dark Goddess. But even so, her face is extremely ugly and she is somewhat injured.

Before Qian Renxue could recover, seeing the golden figure rapidly zooming in before her eyes, Qian Renxue couldn't help feeling bitter, Tang San, oh Tang San, you really treat me like a persimmon no?A golden light flashed in her eyes, under such circumstances, Qian Renxue made a decision that Tang San never expected.

She bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on her angel holy sword. Her whole body seemed to surge a bit, and with a loud bang, at this moment, the angel divine costume on her body instantly Broken, it turned into a huge round of flames and swept out. The power of the sun's true fire formed by the broken angel's divine armor condensed into a huge angel image in the air. The terrifying energy made the surrounding space turn into black.

"Sun Angel!"

Even if Qian Renxue hesitated a little, the situation wouldn't be so bad. At least Tang San would still have a chance to react. However, when Qian Renxue released the Sun Angel, he was already that subtle 20 seconds away from Qian Renxue. rice.

The energy of the Sun Angel was really terrifying, relying on Qian Renxue's instantaneous burst of divine power, she completely locked onto Tang San.The divine thoughts erupted by the sun angel turned into the purest pressure.The golden red light immediately enveloped it.The six huge wings of the Sun Angel closed instantly.

Seeing Qian Renxue's reaction, Bibi Dong was also surprised, but how could she let go of such a good opportunity?The dazzling purple light burst out instantly, and the dark scepter displayed several rays of sickle light, heading straight for Tang San's back to slash.

Boom——, desperate, is not Qian Renxue's patent, facing the unfavorable situation that is close to extinction, Tang San broke out.

Tang San actually used the explosive ring. He actually fused the explosive ring with his own divine ring, causing all ten divine rings around him to explode. The power caused by the shattering of the divine rings was absolutely terrifying!

The attacks unleashed by the three god-level experts were so powerful that they all flew upside down at the same time. Tang San lost control of his body and rolled down from the air to the ground.

He had just landed on the ground, and Meng Yiran in the distance was like a derailed train, rolling uncontrollably from a distance, colliding with Tang San's back.


Tang San was originally shocked by the attacks of the two god-level experts and suffered some internal injuries, but now he was hit from behind by Meng Yiran, and both of them spurted out a mouthful of blood almost at the same time.

"Tang San...don't...don't fight anymore, you don't fight anymore, you can't beat, you can't beat! Hurry up and go..."

Meng Yiran panted and said, she was completely dilapidated, she was hit too much by Huo Qing'er's Fengqi Wutong seal, her body was full of deep pits, and she was covered in blood.

Tang San was shaken away by the attacks of Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong. He was suffering from internal injuries and blood stasis, and was already a little depressed. But when he heard what Meng Yiran said, he became even more angry.


With a snap, Tang San raised his hand and slapped Meng Yiran on the face, "Madeh, am I spoiling you too much by riding a horse? Do you think it will be useful if you escape? What nonsense are you talking about now? Even if you can’t beat me, you have to beat me!”

Meng Yiran was a little confused by Tang San's slap. She originally came here to persuade Tang San to give up the fight because she couldn't beat Feng Qinghua and Huo Qing'er, but she was slapped by Tang San. Originally, the two were in the same position. During the Cold War, this slap completely became the last straw for Meng Yiran.


Tang San opened the sea god's eight wings and flew towards the air again, Meng still got up with difficulty, she had inherited the Rakshasa God, her heart had already been infected by the Rakshasa God at this time, and she hated Tang San even more.

Tang San, you waited for me, you caused my grandparents to die and you had an affair with another woman, and now you dare to hit me!
Meng Yiran didn't say a word, and flew towards Feng Qinghua and Huo Qing'er again. Tang San was right. They really couldn't evacuate now, and they didn't have the ability to evacuate at all.


Just after Meng Yiran and Tang San withdrew to fight their opponents, their original position was once again occupied by a man.

To be precise, this man was kicked away by someone else again.


Dai Mubai was bleeding from seven orifices, his face and body were covered with circular scars, ordinary people may not be able to comprehend what the injuries were when they first saw them, but Dai Mubai knew clearly that this was Zhu Zhuqing The high heels of high-heeled shoes caused wounds on them.

His body was covered with such collapsed wounds, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. It turned out to be Zhu Zhuqing's high heels, which had once again stepped on his base.

For some reason, although this blow was a little painful, it made Dai Mubai feel extremely happy.

That expression appeared on his face involuntarily. Zhu Zhuqing naturally saw it and cursed in his heart, this Dai Mubai really deserves to die!
Dai Mubai should probably thank Zhu Zhuqing. If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't kicked his eggs to pieces, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to live freely as a woman for so many years, let alone experience the pleasure that other men couldn't experience.

It's a pity that all this will be ended soon!

Zhu Zhuqing's body erupted with an even more powerful Netherworld divine power, and the dark purple divine power rushed towards Dai Mubai like crazy. Dai Mubai's body was already covered with various bleeding wounds, and now he was even more painful by the Netherworld's divine power.

"How does life feel better than death?" He Qi flew over.

In the previous battle between them and Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing kept crushing Dai Mubai, He Zhi kept healing Dai Mubai's injuries, and then Zhu Zhuqing attacked wildly again.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Dai Mubai rolled on the ground and roared.

"Kill you? How could it be so simple!" He Zhi's life staff struck the center of Dai Mubai's body.


Dai Mubai's blood kept spurting out, and with a click, He Zhi's blow actually caused Dai Mubai's divine throne to shatter.

"No!!! My god!"

(End of this chapter)

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