Play Honor of Kings in Douluo Continent

Chapter 653: Extra Year One Year

Chapter 653
A huge nine-color cloud in the distance of Douluo Continent looks so dazzling.

The internal clouds and mist are ever-changing, sometimes like rolling waves, sometimes like a quiet beauty. Each change has no rules, but it brings more beauty and shock to people.

Thick heaven and earth energy lingered in the clouds and mist, and the commanding heights of the God Realm had towering palaces, shining with a faint golden brilliance under the light of the God Realm's halo.

This is the Chinese God Realm, the only God Realm directly under the Douluo Continent.

Ten years ago, a battle broke out between Lin Yuan and the gods. He killed God Shura with one move, shattered the center of the Douluo God Realm, and caused it to flow into the Milky Way without knowing where it went.

Since then, the Douluo Continent has become peaceful, and everyone is working hard to break through the final shackles, praying to become a god.

Yes, since ten years ago, all the soul masters on the Douluo Continent knew that Lin Yuan from the Nine Demon Pavilion became a god and founded the God Realm, and the end of their soul masters was the god level.

Everyone started working towards that goal.

In ten years, not much has changed.

There is only one empire on the Douluo Continent—the Wuhun Empire. Under the governance of the former Empress Bibi Dong, the Wuhun Empire is moving in a good direction.

Ten years ago, Bibi Dong resigned and handed over the throne of emperor to Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian was considered an empress in history, and it was very easy to govern a country.

In order to cooperate with Wu Zetian in governing the Wuhun Empire, the Five Tiger Generals were also handed over to Wu Zetian to assist her in governing the country.

Wu Zetian, Wuhun Minghuiyi, a level 99 peerless Douluo.Now the only 99-level peerless Douluo on the Douluo Continent!
The skin used is the artifact-Minghuiyi!
Although the five tiger generals have excellent talents, they have not taken the step of becoming gods after all.

All five of them are above level 95, and Guan Yu has reached level 98.

He can reach level 98, and has almost exhausted all the talents in his body. In the future, it is as difficult as going to the sky to break through level [-] and become a god.

The strength comparable to the Wuhun Empire is still the Nine Monsters Pavilion. The Nine Monsters Pavilion now seems to be a small principality, but it can be controlled and still maintains the situation of the sect.

It looks a bit like Shrek Academy ten thousand years later in the original book.

Ten years ago, as Lin Yuan and others entered the God Realm, the position of the Pavilion Master of the Nine Demons Pavilion was also handed over to the Lei Gong and Dian Mu couple.

Lei Lizhou and Luo Xiaofeng, as the two masters of the Nine Demon Pavilion, are not weak. Lei Lizhou is level 99 and Luo Xiaofeng is level 98.

The Jiuyao Pavilion still maintains the original system, and the pattern of the Nine Great Halls has not been disrupted.

A new generation replaces the old ones, looking at the old ones from a distance, leaving sorrow and hatred.

The new Hall Master of Ghost Shadow Hall: Mirror, the mirror-breaking blade of Wuhun, a level 98 peak Douluo.Deputy Palace Master: Sima Yi, the heart of the shadow of the martial soul, a 97-level peak Douluo.

The new master of Lava Temple: Lu Piao, Martial Soul Scarlet Blood Demon Leopard, Level 98 Peak Douluo.Deputy Palace Master: Du Ze, Martial Soul Cang Yuejian, Level 98 Peak Douluo.

Everyone has different aspirations, just like Du Ze and Lu Piao, the two of them are not inferior to Ma Hongjun and others in strength, and they also made Ma Hongjun quite difficult in the battle back then.

Now, being able to grow to this point is definitely worthy of the word "gifted".However, they were different from others in that they did not want to become gods, so Lin Yuan did not give them the inheritance of gods.

Or maybe it's because they haven't reached Peerless Douluo yet, so they can't become gods.

The new head of the Charm Fox Hall: Xi Shi, Wuhun Phantom Dragon Ball, 97-level peak Douluo.Deputy Palace Master: Zhen Ji, Wuhun Water Element, 96-level peak Douluo.

The new master of the Holy Law Hall: Yi Xing, Wuhun Chaos Chess, 97-level peak Douluo.Vice-Hall Master: Angela, Martial Soul Magic Book, Level 95 Titled Douluo.

Yixing has a culture that is not inferior to that of Jin Chan. Lin Yuan once summoned Yixing back then, but it was just an experience card.After defeating the gods of the Douluo Realm and completing the system's final mission, the system gave him many hero cards and skin cards before leaving, and he arrived at Yixing.

As for Angela, she was in charge of the library cabinet before.Today, Angela is still competent as the deputy head of the Holy Law Hall.

The new Hall Master of Tian Poison Hall: Bian Que, Wuhun Poison Bottle, Level 96 Peak Douluo.

The new head of the Jindan Hall: Liu Yanbin, Wuhun Samadhi True Fire, 95th-level title Douluo.

As for the new master of the Golden Alchemy Hall, he was a child who practiced alchemy with Daoist Taiyi back then, and now he has reached level 95.

The new head of the Hall of Life: Cailian, Wuhun Xianledi, 95th-level Titled Douluo.Deputy Palace Master: Ming Shiyin, Martial Soul Hexagram Seal, Level 95 Titled Douluo.

The new Hall Master of Soft Bone Hall: Nie Xiaoxue, Wuhun Snow Rabbit, Level 95 Title Douluo.Deputy Palace Master: Yun Zhongjun, Wuhun Yunying, level 95 titled Douluo.

Nie Xiaoxue, the master of the Soft Bone Palace, was also the most talented among Lu Piao and the others back then, and had once fought against Zhu Zhuqing.

The new master of Shenhong Palace: Gongsun Li, the martial spirit Maple Leaf Paper Umbrella, a level 95 titled Douluo.Deputy Hall Master: Ma Yushu, Wuhun Bee, Level 95 Titled Douluo.

After discussion between Lei Lizhou and Luo Xiaofeng, it was decided not to change the name of the hall, but to still use this, which is also a commemoration of the first generation of nine hall masters.

At the same time, statues of the first-generation temple masters were also built near each major hall.

As for the statues of Lin Yuan and the Nine Demons, they can be seen as soon as they enter the Nine Demons Pavilion, and those of Feng Qinghua and others can also be found in the Nine Demons Pavilion.

Due to the expansion of the Nine Demon Pavilion, these statues are nothing at all and do not take up any space at all.

Nine Demon Academy has also become a first-class institution of higher education in the Wuhun Empire, which is on a par with Wuhun Academy, somewhat similar to the modern Qinghua Beida.

The dean of Nine Demon Academy is Wang Quan, who is also a level 99 peerless Douluo.

The vice presidents Li He and Zhu Qing are second only to the president Wang Quan in strength.

The old master and Jiang Ziya were approaching their end. They had long since stopped taking over the various affairs of the Nine Demons Academy and had retreated into the mountains behind the Nine Demons Pavilion, not knowing their whereabouts.

The new education committee is composed of Zhang Liang, Su Ruoqing, and Liu Qingqing, and is very powerful.

Although the Nine Demons Academy is powerful, the Nine Demons Academy has always been with the Nine Demons Pavilion, and they will never and cannot be separated.

The current 99 Peerless Douluo are: Lei Lizhou, the master of the Nine Demon Pavilion, Wu Zetian, the empress of the Wuhun Empire, and Wang Quan, the president of the Nine Demon Academy.

A new building was also built in the Jiuyao Pavilion, which is located directly behind the main hall of the pavilion. Ordinary soul masters cannot enter. Generally, only those with major achievements or the rank of elders are eligible to enter.

The building is circular, and when you enter it, there are jade barriers that are close to the wall, and there are small and exquisite statues on it. There is a wooden sign under the statue, and something is written on it.

The statue in the middle is nine points taller than the others, and it is Lin Yuan's statue.

Impressively, this building is filled with statues and plaques of figures who have made great contributions to the Nine Demon Pavilion.

The two generations of Nine Monsters, Feng Qinghua and others, Li Bai, Luna, Lian Po, A Yin, Han Xin, etc. are all impressively listed.

This building is called the Temple of God's Power!

China God Realm.

Lin Yuan was lying on the grass, taking a nap with his eyes closed. After killing Shura God and others, they came to the China God Realm, and their lives were very enjoyable.

The Chinese God Realm is directly connected to Douluo Continent without any restrictions. Lin Yuan can go down to check the situation of Douluo Continent at any time, and so can others.

But Lin Yuan needs to be watched over to prevent them from interfering in human affairs.

Lin Yuan put his hands under his head. Hearing the approaching voice, Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

"You still have time to sleep here? Get up quickly, Wutong is crying, when will the awakening of Wuhun begin?" Bibidong kicked Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan got up with a smile, took Bibi Dong's hand, walked towards the distance, and came to a large hall, before he entered, he heard crying.

Lin Yuan raised his forehead and said, "It's difficult!"

Pushing the door and entering, there were many people in the room. The one who was crying was the little girl in the center of the room. There were other children of similar age around the girl, a total of seven children.

Lin Yuan said: "Oh, who made my little Wutong angry, don't cry, don't cry."

As soon as Lin Yuan picked up the little girl, she stopped crying immediately, and she didn't look as aggrieved as before.

"Hmph, it's all my father's fault. I promised to awaken my martial spirit today, but you didn't come after waiting for you for a long time, and sister Wutong cried!" said one of the little boys. Purple eyes.

Lin Yuan naturally knew how shrewd the little girl he was holding in his arms was, she was wronged, she clearly wanted to trick him over.

Lin Yuan stroked the boy's hair, and then scratched the little girl's nose, "If Dad doesn't come, you won't be obedient! Moms are all here, why don't you listen to them."

The little girl was exposed, and she buried her head in Lin Yuan's arms in embarrassment.

Another short-haired little girl grabbed Lin Yuan's arm and said, "Dad, let's get started, I can't wait to see what my Wuhun is!"

Although the little girl with short hair is still young, her appearance is full of perfection, and she will definitely be a beauty when she grows up.

"Okay! Let's start then."

Those who talked to Lin Yuan were all his children.

This matter has to start six years ago...


I will post an extra chapter for everyone to take a look at first. Many of the plots in the finale chapter have been modified and cannot be posted.
(End of this chapter)

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