Chapter 672 Crazy
Faced with the attack of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Li Zhirui naturally did not dare to resist with his own body. Fortunately, the site that was favorable to him had been successfully arranged and he could escape into the vines at will.

Li Zhirui was forced to hide, and Green Man failed to get the jade box.

One of the four people actually practices poison. Although his achievements in this area are not as good as those of Green Poison, in a short period of time, it is not a problem to withstand his poisonous mist.

Therefore, Green Man was interrupted by his sudden attack and had to stop.

"Fellow Taoist, if you and I don't join forces, I'm afraid we will never have anything to do with Liuhua Mushi!"

Although Lu Yu has strong confidence in his own strength, he dare not say that he can defeat four Nascent Soul monks of the same realm with one against four.

Li Zhirui, who was hiding in a certain vine, was not moved at all after hearing this. He even watched his vines being destroyed and destroyed by them without making any move.

He planned to imitate that Earth Escape monk and use vines to get to the jade box!

But unlike that person, as long as Li Zhirui can get it, others will have no chance at all!

If the previous situation hadn't been too chaotic, with all kinds of magical powers and spells flying around, and without a relatively stable environment, he wouldn't have waited until now to take action.

"Hahahaha, it looks like that person has escaped!" one of them laughed.

He was really worried that Li Zhirui and Lu Yu would join forces, which would pose a great threat to them!

Lu Yu frowned. In his heart, he felt that Li Zhirui had not left, but looking at the remains of vines everywhere, he had to accept this 'fact'.

"There are four of you, but there is only one piece of wood. I wonder how you plan to divide it? Will it be divided into four? Or will one of you keep it exclusively?"

But asking him to give up just like that is impossible!
Because he needs this spiritual fruit that can heal hidden wounds and stubborn diseases in his body, otherwise his path will stop here!

Poison cultivation has a lethality that makes all monks awe, but in the process of cultivation, it is necessary to take various poisonous substances and integrate them into one's own magic power.

At the same time, this special magic power will also cause certain damage to oneself.

Over time, you can imagine how serious the injuries will be!
Many poison cultivators did not die at the hands of others, but died suddenly while practicing.

Poison cultivators like Lu Yu, who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, can be said to be rare, like the pride of heaven.

This is also the reason why it is clear that the lethality of poison cultivators is no worse than that of sword cultivators, and is even better in some aspects, but few cultivators are willing to practice related techniques.

Even among the demonic cultivators, it is rare that the demonic cultivator is cruel, but that is what he does to others, while the poisonous cultivator does it to himself.

Unfortunately, Green Man's instigation did not work, and the four people were still working together, determined to drive him away.

"Then let me experience your strength!"

Lu Yu was going to fight tooth and nail. If he couldn't get Liu Hua Mu Shi, his tattered body wouldn't be able to hold on for a few more years.

"Thank you fellow daoists for your help!"

At this moment, Li Zhirui suddenly appeared, seemingly unhurried, and expressed his gratitude to everyone, but within half a breath, he disappeared out of thin air with the jade box!

If they destroy the vine prison, the vines will be scattered everywhere, and many broken branches and vines will fall near the jade box.

With the medium to display his magical power, Li Zhirui naturally would not delay any longer. He immediately seized the opportunity, got the jade box, and escaped into the space.This scene made the remaining five people freeze on the spot, and then they spontaneously burst out with their consciousness, searching in all directions.

Unfortunately, all these efforts are in vain.

"Where is my Liuhua Mushi? Where did he go! Ahhh! Don't let me catch you. If you deny it, I will cut you into thousands of pieces and cut you into pieces!"

Without the living spiritual creature, Lu Yu completely lost his mind. The other four people were not interested in fighting a lunatic, so they immediately scattered and left.


"That Green Man is acting like a lunatic now. He not only goes around killing monks, but also uses a very terrifying toxin on this bamboo sea. I heard that there was already a bamboo forest with a radius of hundreds of miles, and now it has become a dead land. Got it!"

"I heard that he seems to be looking for some monk who took away his opportunity."

"It's not just a matter of chance. For him, the Liuhua Mu is actually a life-saving treasure! No matter how powerful the Poison Cultivator is, so what? They are all people who die young and have a short life span!"

The monk sneered and said: "What he is doing now has definitely aroused public anger, especially the local monks in the Central Region. They will never let it go anymore."

What Green Man is doing is destroying the foundation of the secret realm!

You must know that because of its special nature, the Bamboo Sea Secret Realm grows many unique bamboo spiritual objects. For example, the Yellow Soul Bamboo that Li Zhirui once obtained is one of the good spiritual objects, and its origin is here.

These spiritual objects are mutated from thousands of ordinary spiritual bamboos, and every time the secret realm is opened, brand new spiritual objects may be discovered.

Isn't the Green Man's destructive destruction of Lingzhu just digging the foundation of the secret realm? How can the Central Domain monks tolerate it?

If nothing else, Green Man should be being hunted or hiding somewhere, so he shouldn't have time to trouble him.

Li Zhirui on the side listened silently, smiled bitterly in his heart, and prayed silently.

Since he got Liuhua Mushi, he hid in the space for more than half a month before coming out. After all, the crazy look of the green man was really frightening. He didn't want to provoke such a difficult guy, so he naturally hid when he could. .

Li Zhirui stayed in space for so long not only because he wanted to avoid the limelight, but also because he was poisoned!
When Green Man struck first, there was a lot of poisonous mist near the jade box. At that time, he was so eager to seize the treasure that he had no time to put up much defense, and then he was poisoned.

In order to detoxify, during that period of time, the third-level and fourth-level detoxification pills were eaten as candies, and they gave him a severe meal.

But even so, Li Zhirui still spent half a month detoxifying, which shows how terrifying the green poison is.

For this reason, he deliberately changed his appearance before continuing to search for spiritual objects in the bamboo sea.

Unfortunately, perhaps because his luck was so great in the early days and he obtained several rare treasures, his luck dropped a lot, so that in the next more than a month, he did not find any precious spiritual objects.

In desperation, he rushed towards the territory of those fourth-level spiritual plant monsters in advance.

Although the event of donating spiritual objects has not yet begun, many monks have gathered nearby, and the words just mentioned were those that Li Zhirui heard chatting with two of them.

It was also at this time that he realized how important Liuhua Mushi was to Lu Xin.

But for Daqing, why not?
Although the spiritual plant showed signs of recovery, before it matured, it was the only piece of wood and the only hope for Daqing's evolution.

It's impossible for Li Zhirui to abandon Daqing for a strange monk, right?
(End of this chapter)

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