The tribesmen patrolling over Ten Thousand Immortals Island were startled by the speeding blue light and hurriedly blew their police whistles.

The next moment, a spiritual light shot up into the sky, shouting loudly: "This is the land of the Ten Thousand Immortals Li Clan, stop whoever comes!"

"You brat! Don't you even recognize the ancestor?" Xiao Qing also knew that he was a little too impulsive, but he would not admit his mistake, pretending to be angry, and asked in turn.

"Ah! It turns out to be Ancestor Qingpeng! Hehe, it was the ancestor who was so powerful that the younger generation took his eyes off him." The Jin Dan was not afraid of Xiao Qing's anger and explained with a smile.

Speaking of which, before Xiaoqing broke through to the fourth level, he got into a group with some naughty members of the family. They often played together and had a very close relationship. After breaking through, he did not put on any airs and still maintained the same attitude as before with them. Relationship.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and take a rest first, and then I'll come and play with you when I have time."

With that said, he took out an identity jade token and entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Island directly.

"Ancestor Qingpeng is back? Ancestor Rui should be right behind."

Sure enough, after a while, a spiritual ship with the Li family emblem appeared in front of everyone.

"Juniors pay their respects to Ancestor Rui!"

Li Zhirui nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, no hard work, this is what we should do."

Compared with Xiao Qing, who was approachable and could play with them, Li Zhirui was regarded with awe and fear in the eyes of these tribesmen.

Especially those tribesmen who were taught by him in the past, now their hearts trembled involuntarily when they saw Li Zhirui.

Because his teaching methods are very strict, even harsh!
But Li Zhirui did this for their own good. After all, no matter whether he was refining the elixir or practicing, there was no room for mistakes!

It could be that the elixir is destroyed and the furnace explodes, or the foundation is damaged. If we are not strict, there may be many problems.

But maybe it was because of his good teaching method that it later became popular among the whole family and made the younger generation frightened.

As the 'initiator', Li Zhirui is naturally revered by his clan members, not to mention that he is still the oldest and highest-cultivated member of the Li family.

"Okay, go back and rest."

After speaking to the two of them, Li Zhirui went straight to the family hall and handed over all the spiritual objects that Li Chengsheng and the others had obtained from the trial, as well as the spiritual objects he bought in the Central Territory, to the clan leader Li Darong.

"Thank you for your hard work, ancestor." Li Darong said feebly as he raised his head from the papers that were piled on the long table.

Li Zhirui raised his eyebrows. Although the position of the clan leader was busy, it was not like him. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that Li Wenli, who had been following him all the time, was missing.

"Where did Wenli go?"

"That kid went into seclusion a few days ago to break through the golden elixir."

Speaking of this, Li Darong still took pleasure in the pain and said: "When he breaks through the golden elixir, I will have nothing to do."

The family allows clan members in the later stages of foundation building to redeem Tianqing Pill and Jinzhi Pill if their contribution value is insufficient, as long as they return it in the future.

For a patriarch candidate like Li Wenli, if he is successfully elected in the future, he does not need to repay it, which is regarded as a reward. After all, taking the position of patriarch means giving up the path to a certain extent.

As for the tribesmen who failed to overcome the tribulation and died directly, how to repay it?
In this matter, the Li family seems to be extraordinarily humane, and that is to write it off!

Unlike many other forces, even if you die, the account will be settled on your immediate family members.

However, the Li family has extremely high requirements for members of the tribe who want to redeem their overdrafts. They will conduct a comprehensive and careful investigation in terms of their character, foundation, level of mana solidification, etc. It does not mean that just anyone who applies will be accepted.From this aspect, it is equivalent to conducting a round of review and judgment on them before they redeem the spiritual items, and how likely they are to achieve a successful breakthrough.

Only clan members whose comprehensive judgment result exceeds [-]% will receive the elixir.

Don't think that [-]% is very low. In fact, this success rate is already very good. You must know that the probability of ordinary foundation-building monks breaking through is less than [-]%!


Li Zhirui burst out laughing when he heard Li Darong's words. He knew that Li Darong was lazy and had no ambitions. He wanted to be like ordinary rich people, eating, drinking, having fun every day, and going out for fun whenever he wanted.

Moreover, when Li Darong came to power, it was emergency and transitional. It is also a good thing that he is now willing to resign early.

"By the way, I also got an unexpected gain from this trip."

With that said, Li Zhirui released the Jade Dew Grass Demon.

Li Darong's brows twitched and he said: "Ancestor, this big demon..."

"It is a demon made from jade dew grass. It is most suitable to be a spiritual cultivator, so I brought it back."

Seeing that he was still worried, he comforted him and said, "Don't worry, its life depends on my thoughts. It will not be in danger."

As for it itself, it already knew something about what it was going to do next on the road, and it also learned some knowledge about Ling Zhifu.

However, Li Zhirui didn't know much about this aspect, so he still had to arrange for it to learn in the family for a period of time. This was why he told Li Darong that the clan leader needed to apply for a new identity jade card.

In this way, it can not only identify its identity to other tribesmen, but also make it easier for it to travel to various spiritual fields when the elixir is planted on the island in the future.

After receiving repeated assurances, Li Darong nodded in agreement, "I will have someone make the identity jade plaque as soon as possible."

"The jade bottle contains the blood of jade dew."

This is the most critical material for making identity jade tokens. Without it, the jade tokens cannot correspond to people. If they are lost and obtained by outsiders, they cannot be used.

"Then you are busy, I won't bother you."

After saying that, Li Zhirui took back the jade dew and turned around to leave.


While Li Zhirui entered the family hall, Li Chengsheng first reported to Jiang Fengwu that he was safe.

"Why are you the only one back? Where is Shuo'er?"

"Mom, Shuo'er wants to stay in the Central Region to experience and look for opportunities for breakthroughs and spiritual beasts to evolve."

Jiang Fengwu suddenly frowned and said: "The Central Region is such a dangerous place, how can Shuoer be allowed to stay? If you want to experience it, shouldn't the Eastern Region be good? What did your father think!"

Li Chengcheng didn't dare to speak, especially the last sentence. As a son of man, how could he dare to discuss it?
After talking for a while, Jiang Fengwu stopped, looked at his eldest son standing in front of him, and said, "You have been working hard on your journey during this period, so go back and rest first."

Li Chengsheng felt like he was being pardoned and said: "Mother, I'll leave first."

After speaking, he left as if fleeing.

When Li Zhirui came back, he saw Jiang Fengwu with a stern face, "What? Sheng'er made you unhappy? (End of Chapter)

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