"It's not impossible. After all, the Li family's foundation is not strong. They are also worried that their status will be affected."

They didn't know that the Li family, including the spirit beasts, already had nearly ten members with the same combat power as Nascent Soul.

Nowadays, the impression that outside forces have on the Li family is that they have four Nascent Souls, namely Li Zhirui, Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and Xiaoqing.

The first two held a grand ceremony after their breakthrough, so they couldn't hide it. Xiaoqing and Daqing had similar reasons. At that time, the Li family was not as closed as it is now, and the news of overcoming the tribulation was attracting everyone's attention.

When Fengpeng crossed the tribulation, the magic formations were activated in Fangshi on the east and west sides, but the mainland two hundred miles away could not see what was going on on the island, so it was naturally impossible to know.

"But I haven't heard of any family or sect giving birth to the True Lord Nascent Soul."

"Aren't they Shuiling Gate and Wuya Mountain in the south?"

Several people were talking about it, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they became.

"Okay! This is just our speculation. Please don't talk to outsiders. If the Li family investigates it, you and I will not be able to get rid of it." The monk who started the conversation first saw that his purpose was already there. Reaching, seemingly kind-hearted, interrupted everyone.

"Hmph! The Li family is just a Nascent Soul family. If I tell him, what can he do to me?" Sure enough, an impulsive monk immediately fell into the trap.

Within a few days, the rumor spread to everyone.

Some monks were worried that the Li family was excluding dissidents as the rumors said, and immediately arranged for the younger generation to leave to preserve a piece of fire and inheritance for their own family.

The casual cultivators cherished their lives even more. For a time, a large number of casual cultivators fled the Li family's territory, causing the Li family's income to drop sharply.

When Li Zhirui heard the news, he immediately understood that either the forces that attacked Li Chenghao and the two were secretly pushing, or other forces were fishing in troubled waters.

After all, the cheap spiritual items had caused a siphon to the surrounding casual cultivators, resulting in a decrease in the number of casual cultivators in their area, and they had long held a grudge.

"Ancestor, what should we do now?" Li Wenli asked anxiously.

Li Zhirui was very calm and did not take this matter to heart at all. As long as time goes by and the vassals of the Li family do not take action, the casual cultivators will naturally come back. It is not easy for them to earn spiritual stones.

However, we need to be on guard against a certain family or several forces that are lurking in the dark, and we must not let them take action against the vassal forces, otherwise the Li family will really have no idea what to do.

"Just follow the previous plan."

Seeing his calm look, Li Wenli calmed down the anxiety in his heart, cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

"Who moved the hand?"

Li Zhirui's eyes were deep. Judging from who would benefit the most and who was the most suspicious, it should be Shuilingmen and Wuyashan. Most of the casual cultivators moved towards them, and they were closer to the hinterland of the Li family, so they could know the whereabouts of the Li family faster. what happened and respond to it.

After thinking about it, he called Xiao Qing and Feng Peng over. Because the two of them went to the distant sea from time to time to catch sea monsters for food, not only did their cultivation level increase rapidly, but their body size was much larger than that of raptors of the same level.

The boundless sea is boundless, and they are elusive, so they are safe and sound until now.

However, they were not uninjured. They were ambushed two or three times during this period. Fortunately, they reacted quickly enough and did not go too deep. But even so, they only managed to escape with their lives.

However, this did not dissuade the couple from the idea of ​​preying on the sea monster. On the contrary, it intensified their hatred. Originally they only targeted the fourth-order sea monster, but they started to attack the third-order sea monster.

In the end, Li Zhirui saw that the two of them had gone too far. If they invited a certain fifth-level demon, they would die without knowing how, so he detained the two of them in Wanxian Island and did not allow them to go hunting. Kill the Kraken.

After taking the blood and flesh of the big demon for so many years, their cultivation has grown rapidly. Xiao Qing is about to break through. He just happens to stay in the family, practice hard, and polish off the evil aura.Talking skills are back!

"Brother Ninth, you asked us to come over, but do you have something to give us?"

Faced with Xiaoqing's inquiry, Li Zhirui also said directly: "I hope that you will lead the team and be normal on the Li family's territory to prevent the family from being plotted against."

"Brother Ninth, don't worry!"

Xiaoqing, who was restrained on the island, had missed the outside world for a long time, and now he finally had the opportunity. How could he not be happy?

"This matter is very important, don't do it perfunctorily." Li Zhirui emphasized again and again, for fear that Xiaoqing would let herself go as soon as she went out, and she would not remember any tasks.

Fortunately, Feng Peng, who was more stable, was watching, otherwise he wouldn't worry about leaving the matter to Xiao Qing.

"By the way, if you find a sneaky Golden Core cultivator, you can capture him directly and wait for the family to interrogate him."

If they are unjustly accused, the Li family will provide a generous spiritual compensation. If they are not unjustly accused, then their death is coming!


Deep in a barren mountain in the south, more than a dozen monks dressed in black suddenly appeared in this place.

"That man from the Li family has always been smart and meticulous in his actions. If we really want to take action, we might be exposed." A certain monk said worriedly.

"But now is the best time to take action. If we miss it, I don't know how long we will have to wait."

"Yes, the Li family is already stronger than the sect. If we gather so many casual cultivators and earn spiritual stones from them, the sect may not be able to escape destruction in the future."

In fact, even if there are not so many casual cultivators, according to the development speed of the Li family, it is very likely that they will be wiped out. It is just a matter of time.

And they are fishing in troubled waters now, just to delay the arrival of death a little!

"We should be careful. We don't need to eliminate too many vassal forces. As long as there are one or two, the task will be completed. In this way, the Li family will not discover it."

If this is the case and the Li family discovers it, then this is their destiny and cannot be changed without human intervention.

"Then do it!

Be careful not to reveal any traces. When retreating, don't fly directly towards the sect and make more detours. "The leading monk finally decided to take action.

And isn’t there another group of monks?
At the same time, the three monks were there.

"Brother, this place is in chaos now. It's a good time for us to take action."

The man said with great expectation: "If we can capture a few more monks who specialize in fire, we will definitely be rewarded by our ancestors!"

"Yes, brother, we have been here for several days. If we don't take action, I'm afraid it will be too late." It was rare that this man did not object, but agreed.

You know, because Li Chenghao and Li Chenghua were let go, these two people, who were close to each other in the past, became enemies and argued every time.

"Then let's do it. There happens to be another group of monks, and maybe they can help us attract some attention."

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