Li Zhirui returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island to wait for a reply from Xuanfa Pavilion. At this time, inside Xuanfa Pavilion, there was a quarrel over the possessed monks of Qingxuan Sect!
Because of the existence of the secret method of transforming tribulations, the value of demon-possessed monks has become extremely high. Not only can a Nascent Soul completely offset the cause and effect and karma of transforming gods, but it can at least resolve it by more than [-]%!

And this is enough to make the ancestors of the gods go crazy.

Except for Yunyu and the monks who have not yet come out of seclusion, everyone else is competing for the allocated amount of the possessed monks.

In the eyes of outsiders, the ancestors of the Transformation Gods were so arrogant that they might have started fighting if there hadn't been too much noise.

Some use their own strength as an excuse to ask for more possessed monks to be allocated; others form cliques and fight together first, and then allocate them.

It was originally a spiritual realm where all the transformed gods could quietly cultivate, but now it is no different from a mortal market, noisy, noisy, and quite chaotic.

"Brothers, why don't you just listen to me?"

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked, a certain Avatar stood up to take charge of the situation and said: "If we continue fighting like this, there will be no results at all in a short time. Instead, it will hurt everyone's friendship."

I don't know which sentence touched their minds, and the hall quickly became quiet.

"I wonder what brother Ning Dao has to say?"

"There are 16 people present, and according to the Chamber of Commerce information, there are at least twenty Nascent Souls in the Qingxuan Sect."

On the surface, the Qingxuan Sect only has eighteen Nascent Souls, but according to the analysis of various fourth-level spiritual objects they purchased in Xuanfa Pavilion, they secretly hide several.

Dao Brother Na Ning said calmly: "So, everyone here can get at least one Demonic Nascent Soul. As for the extra ones, you might as well follow the rules of the Chamber of Commerce and the one with the highest price will get it!"

Everyone looked at each other, didn't anyone among them think of this method?How can it be!It’s nothing more than unwillingness to pay the price.

As for why Brother Ning Dao stood up and pointed out this matter, either he was unwilling to fight for it and even wanted to sell the Demonic Yuan Ying in his hand, or he was confident that he could get more Demonic Yuan Ying in this method. infant.

"This is a good idea!" The weaker Avatars all agreed. After all, by doing this, they would at least get one.

Those who are less powerful are naturally reluctant, but they cannot speak out because they will offend a group of people.

So, in the end, either actively or passively, I accepted this plan.

"Then now, let's take action against the Qingxuan Sect!"

Brother Ning Dao suggested again: "In order to prevent anyone from escaping, it is better for everyone to go together and fight quickly to avoid long nights and dreams."

"it is good!"

Smart people can understand the implication of the words, but they are worried that if only a few people are sent there, they will reach an agreement in private and secretly hide a few possessed souls.

Because I don’t know if I will be chosen, so why not just go there together and watch in person!

"Let's go then."

Everyone rushed to Qingxuan Sect impatiently.

At this time, the Qingxuan Sect had no idea that a disaster was coming. The mountain gate was peaceful, and there was no clue that this land of immortality was actually harboring filth and had become a land of demonic cultivators.

About half a day later.

The sixteen god-forming ancestors of Xuanfa Pavilion stood in the air, looking down at the Qingxuan Sect below.

"Please set up a formation with your Taoist brother to seal off this area!" "A quarter of an hour!" A male cultivator with a stern face stood up and threw down a huge formation disk in his hand. He did not see him using the formation flag, and the empty formation patterns were not seen. Appearing out of thin air, they continued to extend outwards, eventually covering the huge Qingxuan Sect's mountain gate.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared, and a huge formation suddenly formed!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Seeing that the sky had changed color, the disciples of the Qingxuan Sect reacted, activated the warning weapon, and shouted urgently.

"Where are Xuan Jing and others from Qing Xuan Sect!" The god-like voice of Hong Zhong Da Lu came from the sky and echoed in the mountains.

The head of the Qingxuan Sect turned extremely pale, and ran staggeringly towards the spiritual realm in the back mountain. He had already guessed the reason why these god-transformation monks suddenly came to the door.

I feel extremely sad inside. Who would have thought that the Qingxuan Sect, which has been passed down for thousands of years, would fall to the point of destruction!And it's not because of foreign enemies, but because of internal thieves.

"Masters and uncles, a god-transforming cultivator is coming to the door and asking you by name to let you out." The headmaster lowered his head, with strong hatred hidden in his eyes.

If it weren't for them, how could the Qingxuan Sect be in such a situation!

It's a pity that he is just an ordinary Nascent Soul. He has been involved in worldly affairs for many years, and his strength has declined too much. He was unable to stop it at the time. In order to survive, he had to surrender.

Thinking of this, the leader couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating sneer. He was not also planted into the Demon Sect, so what qualifications did he have to blame others?


"How is this possible! We are so meticulous in our actions, how did they find out?"

The demons were horrified. The Qingxuan Sect had been inherited for thousands of years, so they naturally knew how valuable the possessed monks were. Those transformed gods would never let them go!
Thinking of this, many people were completely disheartened, and some of them with poor character simply collapsed on the ground.

"If you don't take action yet, are you planning to sit back and wait to die?"

There was also a person who refused to accept his fate and shouted in a cold voice: "Rather than just sit and wait for death, it is better to fight to the death. Even if you fail, you will only die, but if you succeed, you may not be able to get revenge in the future!"

"You're right! Since we're all going to die, why not find a way out!"

"The pain of resolving the secret method may not be fully described in words, but it is definitely more terrifying than death! Rather than being sacrificed, it is better to die directly!"

Many people were encouraged, and more than a dozen demonic Nascent Souls rushed out of the spiritual realm.

But the first time they appeared, they were spotted by many gods in the sky. In an instant, more than a dozen light beams fell down, and the Qingxuan Sect's fourth-level mountain-protecting formation was like tissue paper, being directly poked into pieces!
Immediately following, there was a golden spiritual light that directly bound these exposed Nascent Souls. Various restrictions emerged in the spiritual light, binding their Dantian, Consciousness Sea, physical body, etc. all.

The gap between Huashen and Nascent Soul is so huge!

Several Nascent Souls were powerless to fight back in front of a transformed god, let alone sixteen of them present!

"One, two... 19 people. It seems that there are still a few people hiding in the spiritual realm." After counting the number of people, a certain transformed spirit chuckled, looking particularly relaxed and comfortable, not caring about the remaining people at all. Take it seriously.

"I don't know how many of those low-level monks have fallen into the devil's path. Their effects may not be as good as others, but with more numbers, they can make up for the difference."

"Well, we must take a good inventory at that time! You must not miss a demon cultivator to avoid harming others."

While a few people were talking and laughing, the lives of thousands of monks were decided. (End of chapter)

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