Chapter 714 Uneasy
"You have been staying in the cave for the past few years and don't want to go out. Don't you find it boring?" Jiang Fengwu asked with a puzzled look.

"Refining elixirs every day, understanding the rules, and practicing daily, I feel that my life is very fulfilling and full of freshness." Li Zhirui replied slowly.

After several years of meditation, his entire mentality has become much calmer, like a bottle of fine wine that has become more mellow over the years.

"It's completely incomprehensible." Jiang Fengwu shook his head, there was no way she could do it.

Li Zhirui smiled and asked, "Did you encounter anything during this business trip?"

The Li family has developed very rapidly in recent years!
The first is the private transaction with Xuan Bingzhou's casual cultivators. Although Xuan Bing Sect discovered it very early, no evidence has been found.

After all, neither the Li family nor the few casual cultivators wanted this way of making money to be cut off, so they were very cautious in their transactions.

I was almost caught red-handed by the Xuan Bing Sect on several transactions. In the end, I either had a chance to escape, or I was killed and silenced!
Because everyone knows what is going on, this has led to more and more conflicts between the Xuan Bing Sect and the Li family. If it were not for the Taixu Monster Clan in the middle, various conflicts would have broken out long ago.

As for why not just take a detour and attack from the boundless sea?If you really do this, there will be too many disadvantages!Resource supply is difficult, the target is obvious, etc. Is Xuan Bing Sect crazy or stupid, and will take action against the Li family at a huge disadvantage?
Through several casual cultivators, the low-level spiritual objects of the Li family quickly spread throughout the Xuan Bing State due to their low prices. Both the Li family and the casual cultivators made a huge profit, while only the Xuan Bing Sect suffered the losses.

However, in order not to completely anger Xuan Bing Sect, the Li family still had reservations and did not dump low-level spiritual objects in large quantities. Otherwise, only [-] to [-]% of casual cultivators would be able to buy spiritual objects.

The Li family's other business route is also developing quite well, and it does business openly and without so many worries.

At first, the Li family had little reputation in Canghai Prefecture and could only attract casual cultivators through low-level spiritual objects. However, after holding several auctions and taking out precious spiritual objects such as Tianqing Pill and Jinzhidan, the situation slowly opened up. .

Up to now, the Wanxian Pavilion opened by the Li family has opened stores in several Daxian cities in Canghai Prefecture, and the business is doing very well.

Of course, the Li family also encountered a lot of trouble during this process.

Various monks ambushed and robbed, colleagues suppressed, framed and other means, in the first one or two years, it can be said that they came one after another, one after another!
Fortunately, the Li family successfully solved the problem, and by killing the chicken as a warning to the monkey, they slowly gained a foothold.

The strength of the Li family has also improved greatly in the past few years. Although no new Yuanying monks were born, there were more than a dozen golden elixirs.

The number of clan members has increased a lot. After all, until now, the clan rules for encouraging offspring have not been cancelled. The more children you have, the better your spiritual root qualifications, and the more generous rewards you will receive. Naturally, a large number of clan members are full of energy. of giving birth.

With the huge base, there will naturally be more tribesmen with excellent qualifications. During this period, a total of five tribesmen with dual spiritual roots were discovered.

There are also some tribesmen who have three spiritual roots, but one spiritual root is very pure, or they have a certain spiritual body, and their cultivation speed is no worse than those with two spiritual roots.

Among them, the one with the best qualifications is a tribesman named Li Hongxiang. He not only has the dual spiritual roots of fire and earth, but also has a molten fire spirit body.

This is another Nascent Soul seed!
Speaking of which, the Li family has quite a lot of Nascent Soul seeds, including Li Chenghuo, Li Chengsheng, Li Chengshuo, Li Xianxun, and Li Mingyao of Tiantu Linggen.

The reason why Li Chenghua, Li Chengwu and other older generation golden elixirs are not included is not to say that they have no chance to break through the Nascent Soul, but the probability may not be as high as theirs. After all, in the realm below the Nascent Soul, qualifications are still very important!
Unfortunately, the seeds are still just seeds after all and have not grown.

Fortunately, Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu are still young enough and have time to wait for them to grow up.You know, many forces that have just been promoted from Jindan to Nascent Soul will eventually decline because there is no new generation of Nascent Soul!
Even because they offended too many forces, they were jointly besieged and destroyed.


Li Zhirui could meditate in the family for a few years, but Jiang Fengwu and Xiaoqing couldn't sit still, so they took the initiative to join the Canghai Caravan, which not only relaxed their mood, but also served as a kind of experience.

"This time is very boring." Jiang Fengwu curled his lips and said. In the past, there were some monks who were not long-sighted and not afraid of death to block the road and rob, but now they are gone.

Fortunately, before she set off, she was still full of expectations and thought she would have fun again.

"That's right! I saw a large group of monks in black robes in a certain fairy city. They seemed to be migrating."

It was difficult not to notice. There were hundreds of people, uniformly wearing black robes, very conspicuous. Each person had several storage bags, and the leader was a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage.

She just glanced at the crowd and could feel a strong pressure from the other person!

Jiang Fengwu could clearly know that he was no match for him and would even be defeated by him in a short period of time.

"I feel that he is stronger than you."

Li Zhirui raised his brows slightly when he heard this. He was not boasting, but his strength was definitely top-notch among the monks in the late Nascent Soul stage!
If you are stronger than him, then you are the so-called Nascent Soul Consummation, or half-step to becoming a god.

"There shouldn't be such a powerful force nearby, right?" And it can force a force with half-step transformation to migrate, how powerful it is.

For some reason, Li Zhirui suddenly felt a strong premonition that a storm was coming, and said, "I always feel a little uneasy."

"Are you worried that the destination of those black monks is Ten Thousand Immortals Island?"

Jiang Fengwu explained: "They only have that one Nascent Soul. With the help of the power of the formation, we may not be unable to defeat him."

"No! That's not what I'm worried about. That hunch tells me that it's going to be even more terrifying!"

Li Zhirui's expression became extremely solemn unknowingly, and he took out a transmission talisman from the storage ring. This was the first time he met Li Wenli after communicating with him a few years ago!
"What happened?"

Li Wenli, who was dealing with family affairs, couldn't help but feel tense after receiving the transmission talisman. He immediately stood up from his seat and ran towards the cave on the top of the mountain as quickly as possible.

"Ancestor! But what happened?" Li Wenli asked breathlessly.

Li Zhirui did not answer his question and said to him with a serious expression: "I always feel that something big will happen next. You ask the ANBU clansmen to collect more clues and intelligence!"

(End of this chapter)

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