Yuan Zhong was indeed seriously injured, but even so, he was an elite trained by the Wanxiang Sect, and his strength should not be underestimated!
What's more, he comes from a powerful family and has many life-saving spiritual objects in his hands. Every time he encounters a dangerous situation, he can escape and even occasionally strike back.

As for the black-clothed Yuanying, his strength accumulated over the years should not be underestimated, not to mention that he was in perfect condition. No matter how various Yuanzhong's methods were used, he always had the upper hand.

He knew that he couldn't rush. As long as he played steadily, he would definitely be the winner in the end. But the longer the time dragged on, the higher the probability of an accident, so he was unwilling to wait any longer.

His moves became more and more sharp, and he no longer hid his identity, displaying all his special skills.

"Bai Haoyuan! You are so brave!" Yuan Zhong evaded becoming more and more embarrassed, his bun was messy, and his Taoist robes began to show signs of damage.

At the same time, he also recognized the black monk in front of him!
He comes from a vassal family of the Wanxiang Sect. There are three Nascent Souls in the family, and they are of extraordinary strength, but they are all very old.

"As a vassal, you must also know that there is Ji Feng in the sect, so you are not afraid of liquidation afterwards! It will affect the entire Bai family!" Yuan Zhong shouted loudly.

"Hahahaha, if Laoshizi Tianji Peak is really as powerful as you say, how could you end up in such a situation?" Bai Haoyuan, whose identity was revealed, still did not reveal his appearance, but the moves in his hands became more and more cruel. , Zhao Zhao kills him.

Under Bai Haoyuan's life-threatening tactics, within half a quarter of an hour, Yuan Zhong's aura began to decay and languish, like a candle in the wind, its vitality would soon dissipate.

"Want me to die? I will never make it easy for you!" Yuan Zhong, who was on the verge of death, lost his mind before the great terror. All he could think about was dragging Bai Haoyuan down!
Desperately swallowing a lot of magic pills to restore his mana, the huge spiritual energy clashed in his body, like insects, scurrying around in his body, and his whole person was deformed.

But Yuan Zhong, who has lost his mind and is like a madman, is the most terrifying!

Bai Haoyuan had to retreat, not daring to confront him head-on. While consuming his mana, he waited for the last madness to pass.

His idea was good, but he was accidentally injured by Yuan Zhong. Fortunately, the final fruit of victory still fell into his hands.

Looking at the almost unrecognizable corpse, Bai Haoyuan did not step forward immediately. He stood quietly a hundred feet away, as if waiting for something.

Within a few dozen breaths, a ray of white light emerged from the brow of Yuan Zhong's corpse, but his fuzzy facial features could clearly feel his sky-high resentment and anger.

Unfortunately, the soul of the Nascent Soul cultivator could not leave the body. A gust of breeze blew it away, turning it into little spiritual lights and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Seeing this scene, Bai Haoyuan stepped forward after shouting that he was lucky.

Coming from a vassal force of the Wanxiang Sect, he was quite familiar with its secret method and the Nascent Soul that often appeared. He had heard of a secret method of soul marking.

Out of caution, he didn't get close to Yuan Zhong's body immediately, but he didn't expect that he actually learned this secret technique and luckily escaped this disaster.

Bai Haoyuan used his spiritual consciousness to carefully search every corner of the corpse, and found a total of four storage instruments!
Except for Yuan Zhong's own storage ring, the remaining three magical artifacts are all spiritual stones and spiritual objects prepared by the Wanxiang Sect to participate in this auction. Among them are many rare fourth-level spiritual objects, but the most precious ones are Yes, it must be the fifth-level soul-protecting orb!

This is a special spiritual object. Although it will dissipate after being used once, it is sought after by all monks because it can resist the erosion of inner demons!

And unlike the soul-protecting fruit, the soul-protecting orb will not take effect until the last moment. In this way, the previous infection from the inner demons has become the nourishment for the growth of Taoist heart.

"As expected of the Wanxiang Sect, they are willing to put out such treasures for auction." Bai Haoyuan was filled with emotion, but soon he felt a surge of joy, because these treasures were his!
"Cough cough!"

In his excitement, he accidentally touched the wound. He calmed down and knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. He immediately carefully cleaned the battlefield to ensure that he would not leave any clues about himself, and then flew away. ——

"It seems that those spiritual creatures really have no connection with me."

Li Zhirui, who restrained his breath and ran in the wilderness, couldn't find the Wanxiang Sect monk for a long time and couldn't help but sigh.

Such a long time has passed, and they either returned to the mountain gate safely, or were found by other monks, experienced a fight, and finally fell into a corner of the world.

After all, Li Zhirui was in Xuanfa Prefecture, but he saw with his own eyes that the leader of the Nascent Soul was seriously injured. If he really encountered the Nascent Soul cultivator, the chance of survival was really very small.

"I'm lucky to get it, but I'm going to lose my life. That's it. That's it."

If you want to say that you are not willing to give in, then you definitely still have it, but what can you do?He doesn't know magic powers and secret techniques such as tracking and divine deduction, so he can only try his luck.

Just when Li Zhirui identified the direction of Ten Thousand Immortals Island and was about to return to his family, he suddenly saw an injured Nascent Soul monk flying past not far from him.

"Is it possible that that person is the target of my heart?"

But then I thought about it and felt something was wrong, because the direction he was flying was not where the Wanxiang Sect's mountain gate was.

"No matter what! You can't run around for so long and get nothing, go home empty-handed!"

Xuanfazhou and his party had frightened him for a long time, and they also used a Melting Breath Grass and a fourth-level invisibility charm. If there was no gain, it would be a huge loss!

Many thoughts, all in one breath.

Looking at the direction in which the man was leaving, Li Zhirui immediately chased after him. Using his full force of wood escape, he quickly caught up with him.

Bai Haoyuan looked at Li Zhirui who suddenly appeared in front of him. His breathing slowed down for a moment, but he immediately calmed down and asked, "I don't know why my friend stopped me?"

"Fellow Taoist, I seem a little nervous. I'm not a vicious person."

But the conversation changed and Li Zhirui said: "It's just that I ran back and forth too many times. Although I was unwilling to get nothing, I had no choice but at this moment, fellow Taoist appeared!"

"So, please, fellow Taoist, please obediently hand over the storage magic weapon you are carrying."

Bai Haoyuan's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Does Fellow Taoist think that he is sure to defeat me just because he saw me injured?"

"of course not."

Li Zhirui shook his head and chuckled: "Because even if you are not injured, you cannot be my opponent!"

A mid-stage Nascent Soul monk who was injured and had consumed a lot of mana, what did he have to be afraid of? (End of chapter)

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